New guide for private boats visiting Mexico is very helpful.
Knowing entry and exit requirements for the countries you plan to visit will make the impending procedure so much easier.ย  Quick internet searches will often guide you right to the government website that will lay out requirements which include paperwork and fees.ย  Many countries have been upgrading and modernizing their systems. Mexicoโ€™s system has been changing over the last few years and unfortunately made many waves forcing some cruisers to abandon their cruising plans or turn their bow a completely different direction last year.ย  Mexico now has many of their entry and exit procedures available online.ย  The online resources do not eliminate the need to visit government offices upon entry or exit; rather, they hasten the process of getting information into the ‘system’ that ultimately keeps track of who and what is coming and going across their boarders.ย  Knowing the recent pitfalls and the newest procedures available will save a lot of time and avoid potential mishaps.
The VISITING MEXICO BY PRIVATE BOAT Quick Guide put out by the tourism board is a succinct introduction to private vessel and crew entry requirements.ย  The guide has detailed and simplified Mexican check in procedures. The key take away is that there are two main requirements foreign flagged vessels and crew must fulfill in order to properly clear into Mexico. The wonderful news is that both procedures can be started online now.
  1. Paperwork and fees for the people (and animals) onboard the vessel.
    • This involves getting tourist visas through Immigration and going through customs.ย  Visitors need to provide their passport, crew list, and vessel documentation.
  2. Paperwork and fees for the Vessel to obtain a TIP.
    • TIPโ€™s are temporary Import Permits that boat owners apply for and pay for upon entry into Mexico. Captains present vessel and ownership documentation for permit.ย  The TIP is on the vessel and the ownership of the vessel is unimportant. The fee is less than $100 and yet the paperwork associated with it is the vesselโ€™s Golden ticket into Mexico.ย  TIPโ€™s for foreign flagged vessels are valid for ten years in Mexican waters. Foreign vessels are meant to cancel their TIP upon exiting Mexican waters.

When a vessel leaves Mexico without cancelling their TIP and this same vessel tries to enter Mexico complications arise.ย  In recent years, one of the biggest challenges cruisers entering Mexico have faced is discovering that their vessel has an uncanceled TIP.ย  If a vessel is found in Mexico without their โ€˜Golden Ticketโ€™. The vessel can be impounded immediately.ย  Only fees, paperwork and stress build in this scenario.

The Mexican Government has been upgrading and computerizing their TIP database that catalogs what vessels have TIPS.ย  There are a variety of complications that have arisen from computerizing TIPs.ย  In the process of creating a formal and universal database some vessels came up as having more than one TIP issued to it.ย  Some vessels that had a TIP and left did so without cancelling their TIP.ย  Most recently new complications have arisen for TIPs issued before 2005 through the Mexican government agency called Aduana. This branch of the government has since been disbanded in the past few years and so all TIPS issued and uncanceled through Aduana are presently completely frozen. These TIPs cannot be cancelled or re-issued. These are the vessels who are being forced to completely change their plans.
On the flip side, there are vessels with TIP issues that are complicated AND solvable.ย  Like most places sometimes a little more paperwork and fees goes a long way!ย  Fortunately, there are people and companies that specialize in assisting people with their TIPs. That said, If a boat owner choses to use a representative to help obtain or cancel a TIP it is very important to be certain that others before you have used their services successfully.ย  Last year there was an issue in Mexico’s Northwesternmost port, Ensenada, whereby someone was accepting money for the service of obtaining TIPs for vessels. These vessels cruised Mexico only to discover upon exiting the country that their TIPs were not valid. In fact, they were fake and had never been properly issued. This created huge problems. The Ocean Posse has a vetted company that helps with TIP challenges.ย  As noted some issues can be resolved while others, at this point are frozen.
NOTE: The majority of boats do not have TIP issues but those that do have long convoluted yarns.ย ย 
For all vessels and crew entering and exiting Mexico from the north or the south know that the system of entry and exit is improving and one can get the process rolling on the new online system available.ย  The online system has not replaced office visits, inspections, or the issueance of offical papers with even more official stamps.ย  Be very sure to keep all stamped paperwork and receipts from the Entry and Exit Processes.ย  Entry Papers are required upon exiting Mexico and, most of the time, the subsequent country of entry requires the exit papers from the last country visited.