MUST SEE: ๐ฉ๐ฒ Morne Trois Pitons National Park,
Dominica ๐ฉ๐ฒ

Morne Trois Pitons National Park is on the Island of Dominica in the southeastern Caribbean Sea.ย The volcanic island is quite heavily forested and mountainous, rich in water and fertile soil, and still has a number of (rarely) active volcanoes, volcanic vents, bubbling mud ponds, and hot springs.ย The National Park was established by the Dominican government in 1975 and made a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997 for its uniquely stunning geologic (volcanic) formations, its biodiversity, and its huge stores of water.ย Nearly all the headwaters of the streams and rivers that hydrate and power the southern half of the Island begin in Morne Trois Pitons National Park.

The National Park encompasses a lake called Boiling Lake, so named for the gasses that bubble from beneath it and keep the water temperature to over 95 degrees Celsius.ย ย The mountainous landscape is punctuated by three main peaks (hence Trois Pitons) that are steep and rugged with waterfalls, freshwater lakes, and a huge variety of flaura and fauna, several endemic to Dominica.

Preserving Wildlife is important to this Island nation that considers nature prime importance to their survival and food security.ย In addition to abundant fruit, The Mountain Chicken frog was once considered the nation’s unofficial national dish.ย A decline in their numbers led to conservation efforts including hunting season regulations and scientific attention.ย However, no amount of regulations can hold back mother nature and both a soil borne fungus and a volcanic eruption resulted in significant reduction in many amphibious animals including the Mountain Chicken.ย Therefore, in spite of conservation efforts, their species numbers have continued to decline and they are on the brink of extinction.ย As of November 2023 scientists believe there were 30 known Mountain Chicken Frogs left.
There is hope in that Dominica has actually made tremendous strides that offer hope to the survival of the species identifying genes of resiliency that can be treated to eliminate the fungus illness in the frogs.ย Time will tell.