After clearing into Mexico in Ensenada, we raised our courtesy flag and continued south.

The Ocean Posse highly recommends checking into Mexico in Ensenada as opposed to Isla Cedros. ย Mainly, if you are looking for a more efficient check-in, Ensenada has localized, reliable office hours and staffing in comparison to Isla Cedros. ย Either way, once your vessel and crew are cleared in you are free to begin voyaging the Mexican coast at your leisure. ย While making your way to the Season 8 Kick Off Party in Barra De Navidad, Mexico there are many incredible destinations along the way. ย 3 destinations are highlighted below: Islas San Benito del Oeste, Man of War Cove (or Puerto Magdalena in Bahia Magdalena), and Isla Isabela.

Each incredible. ย Each unique. ย Each only accessible by boat.

DESTINATION 1: Islas San Benito del Oeste,ย ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝย Mexico ย 

Latitude: 28ยฐ18.11N ย Longitude: 115ยฐ 34.66

isla san benito
View of Isla San Benito del Oeste, MX from the southern anchorage.

The Islas San Benito is a group of three small islets that lie in the Pacific Ocean off the west coast of the Baja Peninsula, about 225nm SE of Ensenada and 55nm NW of Bahia Turtugas. ย The islands are surrounded by rocks and patches of algae so careful watch is required. Many birds and marine mammals are on, along, and surrounding these shores. ย There is a small community on the island; the 2001 census recorded a population of two people in Benito del Oeste The other islands are not inhabited. ย There is a cooperative abalone aquafarm there worked by people from nearby islands. ย If you are lucky enough to have the weather window to drop your hook, do not miss the chance.

Neighboring Isla Cedros at Sunrise.

DESTINATION 2: Man of War Cove (or Puerto Magdalena in Bahia Magdalena)ย ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝย 

Latitude: 24ยฐ38.918’N ย Longitude: 112ยฐ08.013W

Man of War Cove (or Puerto Magdalena) is merely the beginning of the wonder that is Bahia Magdalena.ย  After spending time on the ocean along the pacific side of the Baja, turning into the expansive and protective bay of Bahia Magdalena is quite a sight.ย  Bahia Magdalena is all but cut off from the ocean by a varied stretch of long, narrow, tall barrier islands. ย Inside the 325 square mile bay there are expansive estuaries, sand dunes, and mangroves that a wide variety of wildlife call home.ย  Northern Grey Whales migrate there annually from January to April to breed and have their calves. ย Bahia Magdalena is their sanctuary and it is a truly special place to enter into. ย In the small village of Puerto Magdalena one may find a small tienda with light provisions.ย  There are multiple options in the larger town of San Carlos further east into the bay.

man of war cove mexico
Big boats are safely anchored off the village of Puerto Magdalena in the background as we dinghy tour up the nearby estuary.
The sand dunes in Magdalena Bay are great for running off your sea legs.

DESTINATION 3: Isla Isabel ย ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝย Mexico

21ยฐ 50.4960′ N, 105ยฐ 52.9730′ W

isla isabella
Blue footed boobies court, mate, and nest on Isla Isabella.

Crossing ESE from the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula, Isla Isabella is a small island found 15nm off mainland Mexico south of Mazatlan. ย This island is a bird sanctuary that some people refer to as the Galapagos of Mexico. ย The island is teaming with blue footed boobies, frigate birds, and iguanas. ย The near shore waters are frequented by humpback whales and dolphins and home to a myriad of small fish. ย The island can be explored on foot on multiple trails, in the water with a snorkel mask, or along the tide line at low tide. ย There are three main anchorages each providing protection from a different wind and sea states and yet the island is a small isolated offshore island so getting a weather window to stop and enjoy Isla Isabella is an opportunity to be thankful for. ย It is definitely unforgettable.

isla isabella
Frigate birds overlooking tide pools and the southern anchorage on Isla Isabella.
Ilsa Isabella is in Good Nautical
Isla Isabella is on Good Nautical.