- Leaving the vessel in Nicaragua
- Uninvited Visitors of the Week
- Picture of the Week
- Biggest fish Caught Contest
- Culinary delights by Debra on Avant
- Save the Date Panama Posse Awards Finale
- Country Updates
- Vessel Locations
- Calling on all West Coast Yacht Clubs
- Sign up for the next season
- Panama Posse Swag – please do a name check !
- Reply to this email
- Opt Out
1) THISLDU’s checklist for leaving the vessel in Nicaragua at Marina Puesta del Sol

-Check Dock lines for damage
-Check for mold
-Check for/remove insects, bees, etc.
-Check for/remove birds & bird nests
-Look for tares in the rain cover, make sure it is still secure
-Take and send photo to Garrett
As needed
-Have bottom, propeller, and shaft cleaned once a month or as needed
-Please check zincs and replace as needed
-Check for mold
-Look for signs of water leaks, or damage
-Make sure fans are running
-Make sure dehumidifiers are running and empty water
-Check bilge for water
-Take and send photo to Garrett
-Run every 2 weeks
-Check engine and transmission oil once a month
Garrett & Audrey
2) Uninvited Visitors of the Week

Blessed Life’s battle with Termites

Making the Paste

Poison Cookie Baking
Bob and Margie

3) Picture of the Week

Steve & Chelsea

4) Entry in the Biggest fish Caught Contest

Paul & Hazel
5) Culinary delights by Debra on Avant

Winner of the most persistent connoisseur of Ice Cream Sundae’s

why it’s called a Sundae ?
A local belief is that a Plainfield druggist named Mr. Sonntag created the dish “after the urging of patrons to serve something different.” He named it the “sonntag” after himself, and since Sonntag means Sunday in German, the name was translated to Sunday, and later was spelled sundae

Saturday May 30th, 2020
is the end of season Panama Posse Awards Finale
LINE CALL at 23:00 UTC

Among other things we announce the following awards
– please join and give us a few words of wisdom
🥥 Picture of the Year
🥥 Biggest Fish aught
🥥 Highest wind recorded
🥥 Biggest Mishap
🥥 Most un-welcomed visitor onboard
🥥 Speedy Gonzales award
🥥 Panama Posse YODA OF THE YEAR
7) Country Updates C19 Extraordinary Line Call

As of today here is where each country stands
Mexico 47,144 47,144†
– border closings between USA and Mexico but commercial entry permitted
On April 21, the Mexican government announced the start of Phase 3 of the pandemic, meaning widespread community transmission, thousands of cases of infection, and increased numbers of patients requiring hospitalization.
Schools are closed until May 30 in most municipalities.
Non-essential activities have been suspended. Essential activities include medical services and supplies, public safety, fundamental economic functions, government social programs, and critical infrastructure.
Meetings of 100 participants or greater have been suspended.
Individuals should practice good hygiene such as frequent hand washing and social distancing.
Those not involved in essential activities should self-isolate at home.
People over age 60 or with high risk medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, compromised immune system, pregnant, or post-partum should self-isolate at home.
States and municipalities may implement additional closings and restrictions on public gatherings, transportation, business operations, and government operations.
Wearing Masks is now mandatory in most states
Guatemala 1,763 33†
– full lock down – no entry permitted – Curfew extended to May 18th
- upon entry you are subject to 15 day quarantine
Event: The United States Embassy in Guatemala City advises U.S. citizens that United Airlines has opened multiple flights from Guatemala City to the United States throughout the month of May, including the following flights through Friday, May 8:
Sunday, May 3 – 12:00 departure (Flight 3011) from Guatemala City to Houston, TX.
Tuesday, May 5 –12:00 departure (Flight 3016) from Guatemala City to Houston, TX.
Friday, May 8 –12:00 departure (Flight 3017) from Guatemala City to Houston, TX.
As of Monday 18, May the mobility for individuals will only be from 5 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon, and only in cases of need.
Only pedestrian circulation will be allowed, not in vehicles or motorcycles, to neighborhood stores and grocery stores, and only from 8 to 11 hours, and wearing a mask and respecting social distance.
Municipal markets: they can only operate on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 6 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon.
Supermarkets and convenience stores will operate only Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (that is, they will not be open this weekend).
The home service of supermarkets can work in the coming days.
Pharmacies may operate without restriction and food delivery services, without time restrictions.
Giammattei reported that an area of Roosevelt Hospital was closed and the staff, patients and visitors who arrived will be quarantined.
No new patients will be accepted and the health system will be in charge of deferring them to other centers in the capital and the department of Guatemala.
El Salvador 1,338 27†
– full lock down – no entry permitted
The Government of El Salvador has declared that the country is in a state of national quarantine. There are no commercial flights entering or departing El Salvador at this time. To date, the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador has assisted over 5,500 U.S. citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents to return to the United States through repatriation flights. As it is impossible to predict how long these repatriation flights will continue, if you are interested in repatriating we encourage you to visit our repatriation flight booking page and confirm a departure reservation as soon as possible. https://sv.usembassy.gov/repatriation-flights-booking-information
Starting May 7, the Government of El Salvador implemented additional movement restrictions based on the last digit of an individual’s Salvadoran identification document (DUI) or — for U.S. citizens and other foreigners — it will be based on the last digit in an individual’s passport or residency card (carné de residencia). Only one individual per household will be permitted to leave the home, hotel or residence to purchase basic necessities or to access banking services. Please also note that public commercial transportation services are currently restricted. Movement will be restricted to the days designated by the Government of El Salvador, which appear on the following table:
Honduras 2,565 138†
– full lock down – no entry permitted
The Honduran government announced all borders (air, land, and sea) would be closed as of Sunday, March 15, 2020, until further notice.
Additional Flight Opportunities
The U.S. Embassy has worked with United Airlines and the Government of Honduras to secure the following commercial flights.
Departing from San Pedro Sula to Houston, Texas:
Friday, May 8 Thursday, May 14
Saturday, May 9 Saturday, May 16
Departing from Tegucigalpa to Houston, Texas:
Friday, May 15 Sunday, May 24
Sunday, May 17 Tuesday, May 26
Tuesday, May 19 Thursday, May 28
Thursday, May 21 Saturday, May 30
Saturday, May 23 Sunday, May 31
You should contact United Airlines directly at www.united.com to take advantage of these flights.
Entry and Exit Requirements
- The Honduran government announced all borders (air, land, and sea) would be closed as of Sunday, March 15, 2020, until further notice. Travelers should communicate directly with individual air carriers to confirm flight options.
- On April 26, 2020, the Government of Honduras announced the extension of a total curfew through Sunday, May 3, 2020 for the entire country. Aware of the need to obtain food, medical, fuel and hardware supplies and to access banking services, a system has been set for orderly circulation.
- The population will be segmented and allowed to circulate according to the ending number of their national ID, passport, or resident ID, like this:
– Monday – those whose ID, passport, or resident ID end in 1 or 2.
– Tuesday – those whose ID, passport, or resident ID end in 3 or 4.
– Wednesday – those whose ID, passport, or resident ID end in 5 or 6.
– Thursday – those whose ID, passport, or resident ID end in 7 or 8.
– Friday – those whose ID, passport, or resident ID end in 9 or 0. - As of April 16, the Government of Honduras authorized the opening of hardware stores. They will open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and will serve customers according to the ending number of their national ID, passport, or resident ID.
- Supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, and gas stations will open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- From 7:00 to 9:00 a.m., the supermarkets and pharmacies will serve only customers over 60, pregnant women and persons with disabilities, Monday through Friday and according to the end number of the ID.
- From 9:00 to 10:00 a.m., banks will serve only customers over 60, pregnant women and persons with disabilities, Monday through Friday and according to the end number of the ID.
- As of Tuesday, April 7, it is MANDATORY to wear protective mask outside of home and inside all establishments.
- Pharmacies and supermarkets are allowed to make home deliveries everyday between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- No circulation is allowed Saturday and Sunday, other than the exemptions established in Executive Order PCM-021-2020 and showing letter of safe passage if required by authorities.
- Only 2 persons per vehicle are allowed and only one of those persons is allowed in the establishments. Non-compliance with this measure is subject to the confiscation of the vehicle for the duration of this emergency, as well as the detention of the persons on board for up to 24 hours, as established by law.
- From Thursday, April 30, at 5:00 p.m. through Wednesday, May 6, at 11:00 p.m., all municipalities in the department of Cortés, the municipality of El Progreso, Yoro and the municipality of Las Vegas, Santa Bárbara are under an absolute curfew with no measures to leave home. For these municipalities, pulperías are allowed to open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., observing biosecurity measures. Pharmacies and supermarkets are allowed to make home deliveries between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All other businesses will remain closed until further notice. In these municipalities, the Honduran National Police and Armed Forces are instructed to keep accesses closed and to strictly enforce the absolute curfew.
- All municipalities in the department of Colón will complete their circulation cycle on Friday, May 1, for those whose IDs end in 0. From then on, they are under an absolute curfew awaiting further dispositions.
- From April 22 through May 1, all municipalities in the department of Cortés, all municipalities in the department of Colón, and the municipality of El Progreso, Yoro are under an absolute curfew.
- Use of protective mask is MANDATORY outside the home.
- Puerto Cortés is authorized for import and export operations.
- Transit of cargo is allowed in this area of the country.
- Exemptions established in Executive Order PCM-021-2020 also remain in place in this area of the country.
Nicaragua 25 8†
Nicaragua – closed as of 2 weeks ago
Independent health organizations estimate the number of cases to be much higher, with one civil society group estimating over 1000 suspected cases.
Several airlines have extended their suspension of regular service between Nicaragua and the United States. The following dates for resumption of service are current as of April 28, 2020 but could change:
* Aeromexico service suspended until June 01, 2020
* United Airlines service suspended until June 04, 2020
* Avianca Airlines service suspended until June 04, 2020
* Delta Airlines service suspended until June 13, 2020
* American Airlines service suspended until June 04, 2020
* Copa Airlines service suspended until June 01, 2020
* Spirit Airlines service suspended until July 05, 2020
everything is closing –
Costa Rica 853 10†
Costa Rica – Extended their lock-down
Costa Rica has announced it has closed it borders (land, air, and sea)
- Until June 15, only Costa Rican citizens, Costa Rican residents who departed Costa Rica PRIOR to March 24, those whose residency is in process who departed Costa Rica PRIOR to March 24, minor children of Costa Rican citizens, and foreign diplomats will be able to enter Costa Rica. This restriction applies to land, sea, and air arrivals. Air crews will not be subject to this restriction.
- Any foreigners resident in Costa Rica who left Costa Rica on March 24 or later – or who will leave shortly – automatically lose their status as legal residents and thus are unable to re-enter under the current restrictions, but they will not have to begin the residency process again.
- Tourist stays in Costa Rica are normally limited to 90 days, but under the current COVID border restrictions, any foreigner who entered Costa Rica after December 17, 2019 for tourism purposes has been granted an extension of stay until July 17, 2020.
- Driving privileges for tourists who entered Costa Rica after December 17 have also been extended until July 17.
- Management of both airports that receive international flights (San Jose and Liberia) have protocols in place in order to deal with suspected COVID-19 cases.
- Puerto Caldera, the main commercial port on the Pacific side of Costa Rica, has also established o protocol for suspected COVID-19 cases
Panama 9.449 269†
– no entry permitted 14 day quarantine has been obtained by some in internal movements
On May 11, the Government of Panama announced a gradual plan to reopen the economy beginning May 13.
For details, see the infographic in this tweet from MINSA. Movement restrictions remain in place and the date for opening additional business blocks remains unknown. Updates in English will be posted to the Embassy’s COVID-19 information page (see link below).
All international and domestic commercial passenger flights are suspended. There are exceptions for cargo, humanitarian, medical supplies,medical evacuation, and government aircraft flights. Any U.S. Citizens remaining in Panama should be prepared to remain indefinitely. On May 15, the Government of Panama extended the suspension of international commercial passenger flights for an additional 30 days until June 22.
The previous exceptions for cargo, humanitarian, medical supplies, medical evacuation, and vaccines remain in place.
A presidential decree ordered the closure of non-essential businesses. Only markets, supermarkets, drug stores, gas stations, among other exceptions, will be able to operate.
Sales of alcohol to start up again in Panama!
8) Known Vessel Locations
1 | BAJA FOG | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
John & Monique | |||
3 | TALIESIN ROSE | Northbound from Isla Ixtapa | |
Victoria & Rowan | |||
4 | THISLDU | Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua | |
Garrett & Audrey | |||
5 | LUNA | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Bob & Kris | |||
9 | CARINTHIA | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Dietmar & Suzanne | |||
10 | SEAGLUB | San Jose de Cabo | |
Chris | |||
12 | JEAN ANNE | Barra de Navidad, MX, Lagoon | |
Steve & Chelsea | |||
13 | SINGULARITY | Vista Mar, Panama | |
Robert & Carol | |||
19 © | KNOT RIGHT | Vista Mar Marina, Panama | I’m flying repatriation flight – heading to virginia – till june 22 airport is closed |
Walt & Jeariene | |||
22 | DUE WEST | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Kirk & Heidi | |||
23 | TOP CIDER | Chiapas, MX | |
Chuck & Sharon | |||
24 | RAIREVA | on dry land in arizona in mazatlan on the hard | |
Marek | |||
25 | HALF MOON | Nicaragua | |
Brain & Elizabeth | |||
26 | MADELEINE | Vessel in El Salvador | |
Huibert & Maaike | |||
27 | ANGELIQUE | Telemar Bay Marina, Florida | |
Dan & Angela | |||
28 | JO | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Phillip Jay & Kelley | |||
29 | DELTA SWIZZLER | Barra de Navidad, MX | insurance – agent with jackline is a resident in boca del toro, |
Mark & Cindy | |||
30 | FIREFLY | Tenecatita, MX | |
Brenda & Ted | |||
31 © | EL GATO | Norhtbound MX | |
Eric & Annie | |||
40 | AVANT | Shelter Bay, Panama | canada is nice – meet with friends – all is well – slowly returning back to normal |
Rob & Debra | |||
51 | GREEN FLASH | boat is in vista mar – we are in california – hoping to get to panama in june – ultimatly to get to shelter bay | |
Bob & Joan | |||
52 | BONZAI | South beach miami – restrictions arebeing lifted on Monday – anchorage at Belle Isle | tracking 7 vessels that are leaving honduras on route to the keys – anchored behind the tropical storm – – |
Don | |||
54 | STAND DOWN | Vista Mar Marina, Panama | |
Richard & Nancy | |||
55 | SONAMARA | bocas del toro – all is well – easing of restrictions – red frog | leave boat here will try to get to US issue without local flights – need to take a car 12 hour drive – copa airlines on july 3rd – local airport |
Louis & Patrice | |||
56 | NAMAHANA | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Curtis & Jill | |||
58 | KATHLEEN | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Robert & Karen | |||
59 | RAVEN | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Neil, Tammy, & Jan | |||
60 | BLUE OASIS | Blue Oasis – St Petersburg Fl on the hard- waiting next cruising season | |
Barry & Kathy | |||
64 | SECRET WATER | en route north to Puerto Penasco | |
Annie & Chris & Crew | |||
67 | CHIMERA | Costa Rica | |
Dennis & Margaret | |||
69 | ALIZANN | approaching the yucatan channel – their plan is to go to deltaville virgina – put boat hard | |
Martin & Suzanne | |||
70 | FLOATING STONES | Currenty in brunswick georgia – made a decision – hoping to get cruising again – midst of boat cleaning | |
Bryan & Cheryl | |||
71 | MOONRISE | Marina Chahue, MX | |
Stephen & Ana Veronica | |||
74 | MAISON DE SANTE | we are barra all well indefinatly | |
Keenan & Nicole | |||
75 | BELLA SIRENA | Puerto Vallarta Marina Vallarta | |
Bryon | |||
82 | BULA | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Kenny & Cari | |||
85 | FOLLOW YOU FOLLOW ME | San Diego, CA | |
Allan & Rina | |||
88 © | SEA LARKS | Banana Bay Marina, CR | |
Jeffrey & Paula | |||
92 | BAIT ‘N SWITCH III | still in la – vessel is in Marina Papagayo – slice of good news – start to do the 2 year importation and a guy got the tip extended with a power – thank | |
John & Laurie | |||
94 © | MARIAH | En Route to Florida | |
Trish & John | |||
95 | WAVE DANCER | everything the same in florida in isolation – boat is well preserved in golfity | |
Vladimir & Galinda | |||
96 | MALOLO | Northbound from Barra | |
Matt & Britt | |||
99 | HO’OKIPA | Barra de Navidad, MX | next foreseabel future |
Lisa & Lucky | |||
100 | VOLARE | Barra de Navidad, MX, Lagoon | |
Jessica & Adam | |||
109 | JOY | vessel is in Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Jeff & Roxanne | |||
110 | KARVI | Barra de Navidad, MX | |
Dan & Nancy | |||
117 | PILIALOHA | we are in hawaii – lockdown has been extended to june 30th in hawaii | few cases vessel is in chahue |
Rick & Maria | |||
119 © | TRANCE | Marina Bay Yacht Harbor, Richmond, CA | |
Dan & Marlene | |||
124 © | INDEPENDENCE | in jupiter florida – after leaving roatan – is opening to all people on the island – made it to a restaurant – heading back to Bay | |
Larry & Jamie | |||
125 | LILY ROWAN | Marina Chahue, MX | |
Jim & Zyanya | |||
129 © | NESHUMA | on the hard at Mazatlan Marina | |
Carl & Cynthia | |||
131 | MAR Y SOL | Marina Vallarta, MX | |
Bob & Marisol | |||
138 | BLESSED LIFE | Bahia Herradura, CR | |
Bob and Margie | |||
143 © | SEA GLASS | Panama | |
Chris | |||
152 © | SUSIMI | La Paz | |
Paul & Hazel | |||
161 © | SPREZZATURA | Panama, Bocas del Toro | |
Eric | |||
171 | GenM | still in la paz – working away on the boat – in the heat – swapping vessel to cooling | stay at home to june 15th orders in la paz |
Marvin and Laurie | |||
173 © | BISOU | Dolphin Bay Panama | |
Robin and Tad | |||
176 | REEF DANCER | both all are staying put in barra until – bored to death – | |
Jerry & Debra | |||
9) Calling on all West Coast Yacht Clubs
If you are a member or have good relations with any West Coast Yacht Club please let us know we’d love to create a bigger liaison
with the Panama Posse and work on a graduation plan to get your Yacht Clubs Vessel to participate and plan for future Panama Posse Rally’s.
From a long term planning standpoint you now have 8 -12 weeks before the beginning of the North Pacific Hurricane season
– which typically does not have mayor storms starting until the end of July – and runs through early November.
What’s your plan ?
The Marina in Barra de Navidad, MX has long term discounts available to all vessels seeking shelter
and typically has greatly discounted summer rates around 11 USD x foot for the Panama Posse
contact Secundino harbormaster@islaresort.com.mx Harbormaster Secundino Alvarez

11) Sign up for the next season of the Panama Posse
– simply reply with “sign me up again”
Registration fees will stay at $100 for those who “re-posse” before July 31st, 2020
It all starts Dec 3rd 2020 at Barra de Navidad, MX
50 vessels are already signed up and for our kick of week schedule visit

12) Panama Posse Swag !
Is your vessels name on the back of the 2019-2020 T Shirt ?
We will open our T-shirt hats and Visor Swag upon completion of this season
– please confirm that your vessels name is on this list above
T Shirts, V-Shirts, Visors, Caps etc will be priced ~ 20 $ plus S/H
Stay tuned for our pre-order payment and fullfillment process via squareup.
– basically we’ll need your sizes quantities and ship to address
13) Please reply to this email with
– your updates
– contenders for picture of the week – links to your favorite SONGS
– relevant blog posts – and of course your valuable suggestions
and we’ll include it in the next FLEET UPDATE – Keep em ‘coming
The Panama Posse philosophy is to pass on nautical knowledge via the gestalt theory…
Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia
14) Opt-out from Fleet Updates simply reply with “REMOVE“
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