- FOUL GROUND @ Zihuatanejo, MX
- REPORT Acapulco, MX
- COUNTER POSSE PARTY – Sat Jan 25th, 2020 @ VISTA MAR MARINA, Panama
- GOOD NAUTICAL is free & mobile friendly
- .mbtiles which work deliciously with OpenCPN 5.0
- REMINDER A strong dinghy lock and thick long cable
- LINE.me communicate with the fleet
- Submit Your Fleet Updates
- Opt-Out
The Fleet is on the move and this the season for a lot of movement and of course adventure
Taliesin Rose at Playa Venao with Blue Oasis and Rocinante. A Posse Trifecta!

Rowan, Victoria & Crew
2) A big thank you to all the SPONSORS of the Panama Posse which
is now at 150 vessels and growing and
A big thank you to all of our sponsors – !
- Marina Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta – Mexico
- Marina Puerto de La Navidad – Barra de Navidad – Mexico
- Marina Ixtapa, Ixtapa – Mexico
- La Marina Acapulco, Acapulco – Mexico
- Marina Chiapas – Mexico
- Marina Bahia del Sol – El Salvador
- La Palma Moorings – Bahia del Sol, El Salvador
- Marina Puesta del Sol – Nicaragua
- Marina Papagayo – Costa Rica
- Marina Pez Vela – Costa Rica
- Banana Bay Marina – Costa Rica
- Golfito Marina Village – Costa Rica
- Vista Mar Marina – Panama
- Shelter Bay Marina – Panama
- Red Frog Marina – Panama
Official Panama Posse Sponsors
Official Panama Canal Agent
Official Panama Posse Ambassadors
- Jaime Figueroa Navarro – Panama
- Bill & Jean – El Salvador Rally, El Salvador
- Ralph Hewitt – Nicaragua
Panama Posse Partners
- Vicente’s Moorings – Acapulco – Mexico
- Discover Tours Chiapas – Mexico
- Park Avenue Villas – San Juan del Sur – Nicaragua
- Coconutz – Annual Papagayo Victory Party – Playa Cocos – Costa Rica
- Abernathy – Chandlery – Panama
- Advertising Partners – Las Vegas
- Safe-Esteem.com – Delaware

3) Foul ground and lot’s of noise in Zihuatanejo, MX

Brian & Elizabeth
4) Wreck Alert outside Marina Chahue, MX
Apparently a month ago a sailboat out of LA area sank attempting to come in to marina Chahue in bad weather, T Peck.
The two people on board were not hurt and are apparently back home. They struck the islet at the entrance to the bay at 3am.
The wreck is said to be visible in 20 feet of water

Dennis & MargaretCHIMERA
5) Vista Mar Fuel Price, PANAMA
We fueled up at Vista Mar a week ago and the price for Diesel was 2.83$ per Gallon. Gas for the dinghy was 3.20$.
Lots of room for your boat.
Hope that helps.
We cleared out of Vista Mar and have spent the last week getting to Costa Rica. No problems with that other than getting to Flamenco Marina to do the Paperwork. Unless you want to use an agent.
Cab ride From Vista Mar to Coronado is 6$. Plus Bus ride of 1.5-2.0 hrs to Allbrook Mall then 10 min 5$ cab ride to Flamenco Marina.
Cheers from

Carl & Cynthia
NESHUMA in Bahía Drake
note: we need yoru headhshots please
6) Punta Mala, Panama
Sailed from the Perlas around Punta Mala last night and this morning to Punta Venau. Forecast was for about 17-20 from the north with seas to 4 ft on about 6 second periods. Forecast was about right, but we saw winds to 25 and max seas to maybe 8 ft (forecasts are for average seas I think). Anchored now in Punta Venau—very pleasant with a wind from shore at 15-20, not at all rolling. Sharing this info for others who might be on the reverse posse. These conditions would be terrible for heading to the canal, but for the other direction the conditions were close to ideal. Did I mention the clear skies and a moon that didn’t set until 4 AM?

Bill & Lisanne
7) Acapulco, MX
Hi Posse! It’s been a slow start to 2020 for Gargoyle and her crew as we’re in Acapulco getting a few issues we’ve put off taken care of before heading south. Our deep freeze has been giving us problems all last year before it died all together in November. Also, we noticed that the engine was running warm under load and diagnosed a raw water pump issue as well as heat exchanger in need of service. Luckily we’ve located both a great mechanic as well as refrigeration team here through Luis at La Marina Acapulco.

Diesel mechanic – Oscar from Nautical Boat shop 714 182 6205 Refrigeration – Contact Ramon 744 587 8575. He’s more the catch-all guy that helps source services and is also fluent in English. Language is worth mentioning as you won’t find English as readily spoken here as in other places so get your Google Translate app ready. We’ve also used Vincente, mentioned in many posts and found him to provide great service for fuel, laundry and random tasks such as locating an odd sized battery for our voltmeter.
We’ve passed the time exploring this city and meeting some great people. Highlights have been the cliff divers viewed at night from La Perla restaurant and the museum at Fort San Diego.

One note for anyone planning to use La Marina Acapulco. They tend to put transients on the outside face docks and when the overnight winds shift to the north you can really get tossed around. We’ve seen a number of boats tossed hard against the dock as the waves are breaking over the docks. Recommend spring lines and plenty of well placed large fenders! That said, the amazing swimming pool here helps offset the few rough evenings we’ve had and the grocery store right across the street is a joy. Especially the fresh sushi in the fish department which is a welcome treat. Taxis are easily flagged outside the main gate. Recommend the old VW Beetles for a real throwback treat. Finally, if anyone has pets in need of vaccinations, we found a fantastic vet that makes boat calls to the marina. Yes, they actually came to us and updated Sam and Dean’s rabies vaccinations. Now that’s great service!

Vet – Clinica Veterinaria Bichos Acapulco – you can find them on Facebook and they use Whatsapp to communicate. All in all we’ve really enjoyed the big city life of Acapulco and highly recommend a visit.

Kevin & Carla


Andrei Barrantes
Banana Bay Marina
Cel: (506) 85764664
Office: (506) 2775-0255| (506) 2775-0003

We are planning the Counter Panama Posse gathering on Saturday January 25th for all those in Panama
at marina Vista Mar
– please resvp for the party if you plan to attend ( registration@panamaposse.com )

SV Blessed Life is underway. Leaving San Diego! Whew

Bob and MargieBLESSED LIFE
note: It’s amazing how quickly one could go from the straggler award to Speedy Gonzalez Award

11) DOC TALK !
Here in Panama there are a lot of vessels prepping for the Puddle Jump to the Marquesas and
luckily one of the vessels is skippered by a doctor who speaks on all sorts of medical topics on the local morning net at Vista Mar Marina.
He recently shared with us details about Antibiotics which he keeps on board and when he would use them.
Boat stores:40 tablets 500 mg
Infections of the skin and periphery-infected cuts, stabs, thorns, legs and arms.
Dosing: 1 pill every 6 hours till redness gone plus one day then stop. Also let’s say a penetrating wound or open wound.
This is the antibiotic to use for prophylaxis.

Boat stores:250mg. 20 tabs 2nd line but powerful.
Reason: can be associated with tendon tears, peripheral nerve and central nerve issues later on.
Pneumonia, severe uti, urogenital infection, kidneys, anthrax, plague, severe stomach infections, chronic bronchitis
Dosing: for pneumonia or severe infection:750mg once a day. For Uro 250mg once a day for 3 days. GI issue: 500mg x 3-5 days.

Boat stores: 250mg 20 tabs
Acute sinusitis, pneumonia, respiratory infections but also gonorrhea, chlamydia Lyme disease
Dosing: Always taken same way: 500mg first day, then 250 each day after. Usually for 5 days

Bactrim DS
Boat stores: 850mg. 40 tabs
Urinary tract infection, meningitis, salmonella

Penicillin V
Boat stores:500mg. 50 tabs
Pneumonia, strep throat, some skin infections
Dosing: Adults 250-500mg every 6 hrs for 5 days
Kids age 6-teens 250mg every 6 hrs for 5 days
Kids 2-6 125mg every 6 hrs for 5 days
Boat stores: 500mg 40 tabs
Amoebic disease, Acute appendicitis, guardia,
Boat stores: 100mg 40 tabs
Pneumonia, respiratory and tick borne diseases
Dosing:1 pill q12 hours 10-14 days and malaria prophylaxis one pill once a day start one day prior to entering endemic areas and continue for 4 full weeks afterwards
Boat stores: amoxicillin/clavulanate 500mg/125mg 40 tabs
Sore throats, strep, sinusitis and pneumonia
Dosing: 500mg every 12 or 250mg every 8 hrs
Acute Appendicitis.
Combine the Metronidazole and Levoflaxacin for 10 days using the standard dosing regime of each respective medic
From a fellow cruising DOCTOR
12) GOODNAUTICAL is now mobile friendly
and free for all particpants to use
All of the nautical knowledge from the last few years resides within GoodNautical.org
With your paid registration you will have received your login credentials
– please login and check out your route and pints of interest.
it’s now mobile friendly

13) .mbtiles which work deliciously with OpenCPN 5.0
Thanks to the incredible work by Rob from Avant we now have 20+Gig of mbtile satellite charts for the entire coastal route available –
Download the whole chart enchilada from http://route.panamaposse.com/charts/mbtiles_central_america/
If you are lucky to see Rob or Debra – buy ’em a beer / ice cream sundae – they deserve it having spend weeks compiling this info !

Rob & Debra
14) REMINDER A strong dinghy lock and thick long cable !!!
Season One of the Panama Posse took the brunt and we have identified areas which are prone to dinghy and outboard theft-

but as always bring your dingy and outboard up at night and lock it with a hard lock !
ABUS 92/65 Mono-block Brass Padlock

15) LINE.me –
Panama Posse Warm up @ Monday’s 15:45 UTC
Panama Posse Line Calls @ Monday’s 16:00 UTC
Counter Panama Posse Line Calls @ Monday’s 16:30 UTC
– go to https://line.me download the app for iOS or Android
– use your vessel name as your account name / display name
– search for dietmarpetutschnig ( carinthia ) and send a message with your vessel name
– you’ll get an invite to join the PanamaPosse line group
– mute your mike ( green line through ) when you join the group call

16) Please reply to this email with any updates – your vessel location –
contenders for picture of the week – your favorite song for our list –
and we’ll include it in the next Fleet Update
The Panama Posse transfer of knowledge and learning process operates under the gestalt theory
We will not tell you what to do, when or how – we want you to to figure that out. YOUR VESSEL YOUR CREW YOUR RESPONSIBILITY

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

17) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with “REMOVE“
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