- Picture of the Week
- Safe-esteem app for iOS
- OpenCPN
- Tours and info from Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua
- The 5 most significant cultural celebrations in Panama
- Costa Rica, Rental Car Theft Incident
- Time to decorate your vessels and share your pictures !
- Reply with updates please
- Opt-out

and we’re off – thank you all for coming to the kick off seminars !

2) Safe Esteem – personal risk app free for download
Free to try for 6 months for all Panama Posse participants – safe esteem is a barometer for personal risk and thanks to
Van – COO of safe-esteem who gave a very insightful travel risk presentation during the safety seminars
– you can use it for free to see how your risk scores change along the route.
To download go to https://www.safe-esteem.com/ scroll down and use the invite code “PP1920“
This is a private beta release and currently only works on iphones.

“Safe-esteem is the map & compass to navigate risks in our life’s journey and provides a life risk barometer”
3) OpenCPN
Get satellite chartlets from www.panamaposse.com/open-cpn/
Make chartlets https://panamaposse.com/opencpn-5-0-mbtiles/

The Seminars at Barra de Navidad

4) Tours and info from Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua

Tours from Marina Puesta del Sol
We took the advice from Vikki of Taliesin Rose and contacted a local surfing guide for the possibility of a non-surfing tour of Nicaragua. Chinto and his Bostonian fiance Drew customized a three-night, four-day outing that included:
León, Granada, Masaya, Catarina, the beautiful Laguna de Apoyo and the live Volcán Masaya. They found great accommodations with A/C for us at prices ranging from $45 to $60. We took their recommendations and we’re certainly happy with them. They knew we weren’t interested in “exciting” adventures but preferred slow and relaxing days but if you want a more active tour, Chinto can certainly provide it.
Here’s a link to his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LocalSurfAdventuresNorthNica/
Chinto’s phone/whatsapp – +505-7727-1305
Chinto’s place is a short distance from the marina, next to the Badaboom hostel/restaurant. Drew also provides yoga, fitness, and nutritional training at that location.
It was a huge bonus…

Update on our previous entry for Marina Puesta del Sol. I wish we could edit our entries for corrections and updates.
Electricity is NOT included in the slip fee and is a bit on the spendy side in Puesta del Sol. When we were there 22Nov19-03Dec19, electric was provided from a generator 0700-1300 and 1700-2200 at a cost of $0.45/kwh compared to $0.24/kwh at Marina Papagayo. We ran our “window” style 110v aircon for about 8 days out of the 12 we were there and we used 88kwh at a cost of about $40.
Water is also metered at about $0.04/liter. Since we only used our tanks for drinking and cooking, we used dock water to rinse the boat and shower with. Total used for 8 days was about 226liters for $9.00.
The washing machines & dryers are in poor shape. Only one washer and one dryer were functioning (for each, the “good” one was on the left). $2 per load each in quarters obtained from Juanita. We would recommend waiting for the next port for your laundry. The laundry room is locked when not in use, so arrange for it to be open before Juanita leaves for the day. Keep in mind the hours that electricity is on.
Juanita is a gem and did all that she could to ensure our stay was pleasant. Her Whatsapp #+505-8880-0013, but she may not be available after hours.
The pool is very nice and one of the few we’ve used with convenient shade.
Currently, the restaurant/bar at the marina is only open Fri-Sun. Reasonable prices – dinner for one & two beers $18.
Wi-Fi is available at the pool and on the dock, but they’re using an older style transmitter and more modern extenders may or may not be able to connect to it.
All-in-all, Marina Puesta del Sol was a very quiet, tranquil and pleasant stop.
Bob & Carol

5) The 5 most significant cultural celebrations in Panama
Carnaval de Las Tablas Feb 22, 2020 – Feb 25, 2020 @ 07°46’10.1″N 80°16’17.7″W

Held over four days prior to Ash Wednesday.
You’ll see floats and musicians and fireworks at night.
The queens appear on Saturday night and their coronation is on Sunday.
Monday is masquerade day and
Tuesday townswomen wear polleras.
Festival de la Mejorana en Guararé September 2020 @ 07°48’57.6″N 80°16’42.5″W –

Dance groups from all over Panama – and even from other Latin American countries – attend this important annual event in late September. Festivities include a colorful procession in which decorated floats parade through the streets in oxcarts.
– Fiestas Patrias – Expect heavy traffic.

- Nov 03, 1903 Separation of Panamá from Colombia.
- Nov 04: Flag Day
- Nov 05 Separation Movement in Colón
- Nov 10 1821 “El Grito” of Independence” in Villa de Los Santos 07°56’25.0″N 80°23’54.9″W
- Nov 28 1821 Declaration of Independence from Spain ( 320 years of colonialism)
– Panama Jazz Festival – https://panamajazzfestival.com/ Jan 13-18, 2020

– Festival de Cristo Negro de Portobelo – October 21st 2020 @ 09°33’15.0″N 79°39’16.6″W

Cristo Negro is a wooden statue of Jesus Christ in Iglesia de San Felipe, a Roman Catholic parish church located in Portobelo, Panama. The statue was found on the shores of the town’s harbour. Life size, it is adorned with a robe that is changed twice a year, once during the Festival of the Black Christ and during Holy Week.
6) Costa Rica, Rental Car Theft Incident
Since we covered the Security subject today I wanted to share my recent experience in Costa Rica. In our time on the water and in anchorages and marinas we have felt very safe and have had great experiences, taking the normal precautions. My wife and I also rented a car and did a fantastic tour of northern Costa Rica without incident. Most of the driving was very rural, as were the hotels/motels and it was very safe. However Liberia are taught us some lessons about rental car shortcomings. My wife had to fly to New York to deal with a family emergency so my friend flew down from Mexico to join me on the trip from Marina Papagayo to Quepos. I picked him up and dropped my wife off at San Jose airport. My friend Zolly and I stopped at Walmart in Quepos for provisioning on the way back to marina Papagayo. The security at the Walmart parking lot is very good, but we believe we were identified as a potential theft target there due to all of our luggage in the car. On our way to the marina we stopped at the Do-It Center for Coffee and Gas, as it is the only place to get coffee on the way back to the marina. We only know this after a detailed review of security footage, but to make a long story short, a guy arrived 1 minute before we did with a key fob jammer. We parked, and he prevented may car from locking with the jammer in his hand after I pushed the lock function on the electronic key. In less than a minute he took our luggage out of the car and left the center before we exited the coffee shop. Passports, clothes, cell phone, etc…..all gone. It is important for people to know to physically check to see that their doors are locked and that they not just push the lock button and walk away. The good news is that the US Embassy in San Jose is VERY efficient and we walked out of there with new 1 year temporary passports in 2 hours without any appointment and my wife arrived a few days ago from New York with a new cell for me. As we have learned, much of the crime in Costa Rica is petty theft from rental cars, so always be aware of surroundings, check your lock, and if possible do not leave anything in the car, and this will eliminate most of the theft risk. Again, we have had a great time here and it seems that most of the sharks are on land in the bigger cities, not on the water!!
Kudos to Marina Papagayo for all of the support they provided after this incident and for helping me access the security videos, from Duit Center so I knew what happened. Thank you Dan!!
Bob and Joan

DAN Boater (boating accident) (take from ship to nearest hospital/medical facility; limitation on amount but might get you all the way home). This is an annual membership fee service.
Emergency +1-919-667-9111
Information +1-919-490-2011
MEDJET Expat 180 Family Membership (any medical condition)(take from hospital/medical facility in foreign country to your home in U.S.). This is an annual membership fee service.
+1 205-595-6626
There are a number of Medical repatriation companies. Check your boat insurance, policy carefully as some policies do not contain any or sufficient medical repatriation expense.
Medjet and DAN Boater provide emergency information. There are a number of companies on the internet that are pay as you go and do not require that you purchase a membership that provide emergency information.
MHZ UTC time
4.125 2300-11
6.125 24 hr.
8.290 24 hr.
12.290 1100-2300
001 310 732 2046
World wide emergency Ham net: 14.313 24 hr.
Central America Ham net: 7.083 UTC time 1300
Rescue Coordination Center: (510) 437-3701. This is the number for group receiving EPIRB emergency beacon distress signals. They will coordinate with local country Coast Guards if boater is outside of the U.S. and they have translators, as the numbers at the local country Coast Guards in Central America will speak Spanish. They said it would be ok to call them in emergency.
These numbers were given to me by the U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center. The individuals from these local Coast Guards will speak Spanish when you call them. If you cannot communicate with them, the Rescue Coordination Center can call them, but that will take more time.
El Salvadore Coast Guard: (505) 22500210, Extension 5103
Nicaragua Coast Guard: (504)22342507
Costa Rica Coast Guard: (506) 22314924
Panama Coast Guard: (507) 60451197
CALIFORNIA COAST GUARD OFFICES WHO COULD BE called if you cannot reach rescue coordination center, however the local coast guards will likely just go through the Rescue Center:
Coast Guard Sector LA/Long Beach: 310 521-3815
Channel Islands office: 805 985-9822
World wide emergency Ham net: 14.313 24 hr.
Pacific Seafares Net 14300 @ 0300 UTC
Central America Ham net: 7.083 @ 1300 UTC
CENTRAL AMERICA EMBASSY CONTACT INFORMATION. Go to www.usembassy.gov/ for further information. For Central America embassies, emergency number is +1-202-501-4444, and press “0”, from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST. When dialing embassy numbers below probably start with “ +” depending on phone service.
+52 55 5080-2000
Paseo de la Reforma 305, Colonia Cuauhtenoc, 06500 Mexico, DF
+502 2326 4000
Avenida Reforma 7-01, Zona 10, Guatemala Cuidad, Guatemala
+503 2501 2999
Final Blvd. Santa Elena, Antiguo Cuseatlan, La Libertad, San Salvador
+504 2238 5114 (after hours X4100)
+504 2236 9320 (per embassy website, but not communications received: 011-504 2236 9320)
Avenida La Paz, Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras
+505 2252-7100
Kilometer 5.5 Carreter Sur, Managua, Nicagagua
+506 2519 2000
Calle 98 Via 104, Pavas, San Jose, Costa Rico
+507 317 5000
Bldg 783, Demetrio Basilio Lakas Ave, Clayton, Panama
GLOBAL MARINE DISTRESS SAFETY SYSTEM: 1-888-407-4747, press “0” for overseas citizen emergency services.
They provide information on piracy and safety and security, and you can sign up for alerts by going online.
Emergency: 1-202-501-4444 (8-8 EST, M-F)

Stan & Diane
8) Download the official Barra de Navidad, Mexico

Thanks to Tally, Neil, Jan and of course Otter –
this is the best resource guide to date on Barra de Navidad
and we wholeheartedly thank Tally and SV Raven for creating such a detailed guide !
Follow this link and download this 36 page guide !

Neil, Tammy, Jan & Otter
9) Time to decorate your vessels and share your pictures !

10) Please reply to this email with
– your updates
– contenders for picture of the week – links to your favorite SONGS
– relevant blog posts – and of course your valuable suggestions
and we’ll include it in the next FLEET UPDATE – Keep em ‘coming

The Panama Posse philosophy is to pass on nautical knowledge via the gestalt theory…
Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia
11) Opt-out from Fleet Updates simply reply with “REMOVE“

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