FLEET UPDATE 2019-01-14

1) Paradisea Anchorage, Marina Chahue, MX PANAMA POSSE NAMING RIGHTS !!! Thanks to Bob from Paradisea we have the location for a new anchorage outside the Marina Chahue and we have aptly named it
the Paradisea Anchorage - so as you need to wait for your weather window to jot across the Tehuantepc to Chiapas - here is the link

(note A big thank you fromย  all of those who will follow in your wake)

The Marina Chahue is closed to new sailboats because of flooding.
But,ย  harbormaster Ezekiel is helpful.ย  We dinghy into the marina to dump trash, park dinghy to eat in town. Local worker Tito brought out diesel and LP gas, cleaned bottoms, laundry.ย  Anchorage remains rolly & windy afternoons.ย  No other anchorage with marina access & internet connection ( via Skyroam).ย  Day trips waiting for WX window...limited. Bob

Bob & Maureen


2) Tangolunda Bay - Toccata Anchorage, MX PANAMA POSSE NAMING RIGHTS !!!

And not to be outdone around the corner is the newly named Tangolunda Bay - Toccata Anchorage

So depending on your needs / wind and swell conditions you now have 2 choices !

Tangolunda Bay - Toccata Anchorage

(note A big thank you from all of those who will follow in your wake !)

"we anchored in Tongalunda, the bay east of the marina lined with high end resorts. We never went ashore, we did however notice buses and shuttles headed that direction when we were in the marina. The area on the west sideย  was sheltered from the swell when we were there."

Steven & Marilyn

TOCCATA3) Bahia Samara, Costa Ricaย 

Happy Dance is currently anchored in Bahia Samara, and will be sailing to Bahia Ballena in the morning (Sunday the 13th).ย  We are happy, HAPPY to be past the papagayos and enjoying some calm anchorages.ย  After checking in to Costa Rica in Playas del Coco (which was not an easy process for us due to closures), we spent a few days having some boat work done while anchored on the north end of the gusty bay.ย  After finally getting our papers stamped we enjoyed a few peaceful nights anchored off of Playa Iguanita listening to the howler monkeys and the birds.ย  Then we went a few miles south to Playa Guacamaya and really enjoyed it there, walking the long beach, snorkeling, and playing in the water. It felt like we were finally back into cruise mode after fighting winds and gusty anchorages for so long.ย  For those of you heading south, we recommend Guacamaya!

Here's a photo our friends took of Happy Dance in the sunset next to Isla Chora.

Sue & Marty


4) Punta Cabeza, MX - Acapulco, MX
Punta Cabeza Negra South โ€“ 18 35.352 N ย  103 41.892 W โ€“ 35 feet in sand/mud. This anchorage doesnโ€™t offer much other than turning the trip to Z-Wat into a few day trips versus an overnight. Again, great weather conditions but very rolly and I didnโ€™t want to deploy a stern anchor or flopper stoppers in the event we needed to make a quick exit if the weather changed on us because the anchorage was fairly small. Both C-Map and Navionics charts were not accurate at this location.

  • Caleta de Campos โ€“ 18 04.337 N ย  102 44.905 W โ€“ 35โ€™ in sand. This was a very nice anchorage, both scenic and interesting. We had one other boat with us and this spot could have probably fit another 2 or 3. We didnโ€™t go ashore but there is a small, very active beach town, with what appeared to primarily consist of locals. It would be a great beach to stretch the legs on and probably a pretty easy landing with the dinghy to the north.
  • Zihuatenejo โ€“ no need to provided anchorage info as it is well covered. This was our first time visiting and we liked the town a lot. Local info can be found on facebook and www.porlosninos.com . We ate at a place called Tentaciones which has fantastic views of the bay and first class food. Set menu and a little pricey but well worth the cost. Probably in the top three restaurants Iโ€™ve been to in all of Mexico. ย 
  • Playa Escondido โ€“ 17 16.073 N ย  101 03 .357 W โ€“ 35 feet in sand. We tried anchoring in the town to the north (2 times / Bahia Papanoa) and in each case we couldnโ€™t get the anchor to set in what appeared to be a rock shelf without anything to catch the hook on so we went around the corner to the southern anchorage and the anchor set hard and fast. This was a great anchorage although a little rolly. We could have deployed a stern anchor or flopper stopper to mitigate this but it was fine enough conditions for the people we had on board. Decided to stay and extra day here as it was a great bay to boogie board, kayak and walk the beach. A number of palapa restaurants, ate at one, nothing to write home about but the setting was fantastic and the beer was cold. Bonus, we had the entire anchorage to ourselves. ย 
  • Acapulco โ€“ Acapulco Yacht Club docks โ€“ this was a very difficult marina to get a hold of prior to arrival and nobody we have met on site speaks any English, so with our limited Spanish it makes it even more difficult to communicate other than face to face with Google Translate. We decided to just show up and if they didnโ€™t have room weโ€™d drop the hook or see if Vincent had a ball that could accommodate our size. I was able to hail them on 16 but due to my limited Spanish, all we understood was gas dock so we went and docked there. It is about 120โ€™ long, and is a fixed concrete dock. The office gal Mary was out of the office so we arranged to stay on the gas dock for the evening without power. The next morning we talked with Mary, checked in (Mary takes care of signing you in and out of the Port also) and moved to a side tie floating dock at a rate of 1.50 per ft plus power and water. Fantastic facility with all the normal yacht club amenities eg restaurant, pool, locker room with showers, spa, tennis court, gift shop and small tienda with a few grocery stores within a couple of miles. Weโ€™ve been here a couple of days, saw the divers which was worth the effort to get there, went to Puerto Marques by cab to check out the marina but the office was closed and no one was available to answer any question on rate or availability for transients. Our take away is that this is a great stop over for transiting north or south but we wouldnโ€™t consider it a destination stop.

Our plan is to stay at the YC until tomorrow, move to the Puerto Marques anchorage, then head south to the Huatulco area on Monday via overnight trip in order to catch a T-Pec window currently forecast for this coming Friday/Saturday. FYI โ€“ the zip line in Puerto Marques is so high there is zero chance that even the largest sailboat would have to worry about striking it and we hope to see a few people cross when we are over there because none of us are brave enough to try it ourselves! ย 



Bryan & Cheryl

(note - Bryan's excellent reports have been added to Good Nautical and are now geo referenced accordingly)



5) Near Acapulco, MX

"Schooner Winds of the Worldย  finally escaped from Barra de Navidad!! Crew members Mike Talotta and Curtis Davies are a great help.Had good sailing conditions to
Ixtapa with the typical light winds at night and in the morning; a bit blistery during afternoon and evening. We plan to continue on the 17th to Huatulco, with a brief afternoon stopover in Puerto Marques (Acapulco)"
Dan, Mike & Curtis



YOSHAN has their burgee !!!

BANDIT has their burgee

Image 224

7) Pie del Gigante, Nicaragua

Safely anchored in Pie de Gigante. We got up at 4:30. It was blowing about 10 knots. No real gusts.
We were up anchor and going by 5. Out of the bay and down the coast 10 miles. We saw some gusts but short lived.

We have observed itโ€™s often calmest from about 4 am to 8:30 am.
That is our best window for this windy windy Place !

Also often calm around sunset
Jim & Suzy


8) Puerto Quetzal -GUATEMALA - UPDATEย 
ย Has any one have comments on Puerto Quetzal- Guatemala ?
(note from Carinthia
~ 500 usd + to clear in and only stop in Guatemala so most of us have cruised on by or
visited Mayan sites from Chiapas Mx. If you do go we'd love a detailed report .
Marina Pez Vela email is edonis02@gmail.com vhf 71 to clear in and out)

(note from RAVEN
You can get a Anclaje Permiso for around $100, but no shore landings are permitted. Really only worth it in cases of fatigue or emergency)

Argan & Gloria


as of Mon Jan 14th 2019 from our weekly LINE call at 16:00 UTC

CHARLY -ย  anchored at La Cruz, MX

SLOW DANCER - Tenecatita, MX SINGLE D - Barra de Navidad, MX
FIGMENT - Barra de Navidad, MX
...when you've a chance would really like to know your routing. Bahia del Sol to Gulf of Fonseca then SE or direct or ???
Answer by Sprezzatura
From Bahia Del Sol went straight across to Puesta del Sol. Pretty rough out from Fonseca. Took a ($$ costly) one day break in Puesta del Sol and would only stop if you need the break or want to stay for some time to explore NIC or leave boat for some time.
Then did a foot on the beach to B Santa Elena. Mostly pretty easy but last 8 hours pretty tough again. Santa Elena , Costa Rica was a fantastic anchorage.

FIREFLY - Barra de Navidad, MX
LIQUID - Barra de Navidad, MX
SEA GLUB - Barra de Navidad, MXย  but heading to the anchorages nearby tomorrow for a few weeks

DESTINATION - departing - Barra de Navidad, MX fro Ixtapa

JASINA - Zihuatanejo, MX

NILAYA - Zihuatanejo, MX
MAI TAI - 4 hours before arriving at Acapulco, club de Yates - I am heading to Huatulco Sunday for the crossing, what was the date of your pin drop I assume is the bay where the marina is? In navigating the tpeck what was your guidance on distance from shore, like did you stay 3 mi off or 1 mi off or always in 10โ€™ of water or 100โ€™ of water and how close did you get to Salina Cruz and what obstacles should I be aware of

(note check Carinthia's 2018 route in Good Nautical
double click anywhere to get LAT & LONG for WAYPOINTS

Image 229

FLOATING STONES - en route to Huatulco, MX
MADELEINE - back in marina Chiapas, MX after a fantastisch 5 day tour with Luis to Palenque and San Cristobal
AVANT - Bahia del Sol, El Salvador
RAVEN - Bahia del Sol, El Salvador

TOCCATA - Bahia del Sol, El Salvador
FREE SPIRIT - San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

SPREZZATURA - Playa de Cocos, Costa Rica

HAPPY DANCE - Bahia Ballena, Costa Rica

CARINTHIA - Vista Mar Marina, Panama
SEA GLASSย  - Vista Mar Marina, Panama
KNOT RIGHTย  - Vista Mar Marina, Panama
DAD'S DREAM - Vista Mar Marina, Panama

10) The Panama Posse is now 83 vessels strong and growing
and on the move with 7 flag states flying the Panama Posse burgee !


we had 83 last year by MAY so we are well on our way to our goal of 100

We have over 57+ vessels in LINE and the calls are great and very efficient and the Chatroom is open 24/7
It's a new way of doing things - please download and install LINEย  https://line.me/en-US/ย 
Works on Android / ios / Windows / MAC OS

How to use it ....

- Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME ieย ย ย  SV SEAGLUB
Search for panamaposse or SV Carinthia or Seaglub and befriend us -
- wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE GROUP INVITE
- join the group chat - it's awesome !

12) Please reply to this email with ... anything really

- your updates
contenders for picture of the week - links to your favorite SONGS
- relevant blog posts - and of course your valuable suggestions

and we'll include it in the next FLEET UPDATE

13) Keep em 'coming

- we are currently dog sitting OPAL from Secret Water - T minus 3 days for generator FIX
Dietmar & Suzanne


14) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2019-01-06

1) Costalegre, MX

Chamela, December 23, 2018. Anchored at 19 35. 081 N & 105 07. 885 W in twenty feet. A small amount or roll during a S. W. swell.
December 26, 2018. Anchored at 19 18. 072 N & 104 50. 086 W. in twenty five feet. Good holding, slightly rolly. About 26 boats there but a large anchorage with much room.
Santiago, December 29, 2018. Anchored at 19 06. 597 N & 104 23. 673 W. This was just West of the wreck noted in the cruising guide. There is a 2nd wreck marked by buoys just South and East of the listed wreck. A large well protected anchorage, good holding, very little swell but would not recommend entering this anchorage in bad visibility conditions. A large amount of tourists in a variety of Personal Water Crafts.
Manzanillo, December 30, 2018, Anchored at Las Hadas anchorage, 19 06. 131 N & 104 20. 695W in 15 feet. Good holding, very little swell. The cruising Guide advised we could dinghy into the marina and tie up at the dinghy dock. We did so but the charge to do this is 250 pesos. We went ashore one night using a mix of bus and taxi. Both very affordable. On page 166 of the crushing guide they have a photo of the Bar Social which looked interesting. After a long search we found it had closed up about four years ago. There are many small boats here pulling water skiers along with a lot of tourists on jet skis making the anchorage a little rough and loud. That's all we have for now.

Jim & Laura


2) Tehuantepec, MX

We had a very good trip crossing the Gulf of Tehuantepec. In the last night, 1/1, we anchored out just along the shore. It was a beautiful evening, quiet weather. We enjoyed it very much. We did not want to enter Chiapas in the dark. Anchored at 14 59.97 N 92 47.82 W in 8.1 m depth, good holding in sand. Near La Encrucyado. Next morning fishermen came to check if we had problems! Very attentive.

As soon as Rolf from the marina heard us calling the port captain on the VHF to ask permission to enter the harbor, he called us on the VHF and said he had a slip waiting for us and men on the dock to take our lines. The day before we had sent Memo an email to tell him we were on our way to his marina. We felt very welcome! Same night we met Luis and today we did the Chocolate tour with him. We like him and he is very enthusiastic. So we arranged the 5day Palenque tour with him for next week, very much looking forward to that! We are enjoying Mexico very much and the Posse really ads to it, because of all the information and the back up.
Thanks for that! Kind regards,

Huib & Maaike


3) LINE updates & Check ins !
Weekly PanamaPosse group call on Mondays at 16:00 UTC and the chatroom is open 24/7

Sirena - Tenecatita, MX

Mai Tai - Barra de Navidad, MX

Sea Glub -ย  Barra de Navidad, MX

Sans Cles - Zihuatanejo, MX

Wine n Downย  - Chiapas, MX

Madeleine - Chiapas, MX

Coquette - Bahia Del Sol, El Salvador
Sprezzatura - Bahia Del Sol, El Salvador

Xenia - Las Perlas, El Salvador

Carinthia - Vista Mar Marina, Panama

Knot Right - Vista Mar Marina, Panama

4) Medical / Vaccinations
Jan & I met with an infectious disease specialist in early Dec at the Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans to address vaccination needs related to our travels. Bottom line โ€“ no Yellow Fever in the parts of Panama and CR that we plan to visit -coastal areas and San Blas. The guidance document provided for Panama Yellow Fever says: Vaccination โ€œrecommended for travelers aged >= 9 months; all mainland areas east of the Canal Zone. Transmission does not occur on the San Blas Islands, but it is necessary to transit areas with known transmission risk en route to the islands. Daytime insect precautions are essential for unvaccinated travelers.โ€ I take that to presume travel by land to San Blas. The document further says, โ€œNot recommended: itineraries limited to Panama City, the Canal Zone, areas west of the Canal Zone (see map) or the Pearl Islands.โ€ I presume (with all associated risks) that YF west of the Canal Zone would likely extend into CR.
For what it is worth โ€“ we were advised to use anti-Malarial meds during our planned visit to San Blas Islands. I can provide the document citations if anyone is interested.

Don & Jan

(note:ย  each country's requirement and relevant statistics has been diligently compiled for review on the official Panama Posse website by Tammy from SV RAVEN )ย 


5) Oaxaca, MXย 

Music festivalsย  in Guerrero, Oaxaca - source mexiconewsdaily.com

Tequila Blues Explosion is in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo and Blues on the Beach is in Huatulco It will soon be festival time in two Pacific coast resort destinations, both of which will celebrate blues and other music.

The second annual Tequila Blues Explosion Festival returns to Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo after a successful start in January last year.

The festivalโ€™s purpose is to build community and provide a world-class experience for tourists, visitors and locals alike.
This year, the festival will be a fundraising event for the Talita Cumi orphanage near Zihuatanejo by helping to give them better facilities to enable them to serve more children.

A lineup of performers from Canada, the United States and Mexico, including two local bands, will present blues, blues-rock, jazz and reggae at the three-day festival, which kicks off January 10 with concertsย at the Ixtapa Event Center.
A Blues Brothers Tribute Show kicks things off on the first day, bringing two hours of soul, rhythm and blues and blues music and comedy all based on the 1980 cult status movie The Blues Brothers.

To close off the weekend, the festival will present the Blues Kruise 4Kids Blues At Sea fundraising cruise on the catamaran Picanteย on Sunday, with festival performers entertaining on board and all-inclusive food and beverages.

Farther south, Blues On The Beach returns to Huatulco, Oaxaca, for its ninth year with concerts on January 17 and February 14.
Dawn Tyler Watson, dubbed Montrealโ€™s โ€œQueen of the Blues,โ€ and Toronto harmonica player David Rotundo are the headliners at the January show; Rotundo will return with harmonica legend Lee Oskar for the second event.

Like last year, both shows will be held at Chahue beach but at a new, larger venue called the Sea Soul beach club.

The festival is a fundraiser for Un Nuevo Amanecer (UNA), a charity that helps disabled children.

The organization receives little government funding and most families of the 100 children who benefit can ill afford to pay for the help they receive.

Rob & Debra


6)ย  Electricity - tech request - please reply

Here in Mexico we often see wide differences in voltage when in the marinas.

Currently the marina we're in regularly has voltage in the range of 135-138.

What are some ways we can protect the boat from this ?

Are there devices we can buy to diffuse the voltage somewhat before entering the boat ?

SEAGLUB Chris, Monica & Penny

( note: http://www.electrical-installation.org/enwiki/Connection_of_Surge_Protection_Device )

7) Acapulco, MX A large fire at the yacht club in Acapulco, Mexico broke out on Saturday (Dec 29, 2018) morning, injuring two men with second- and third-degree burns.
Authorities say that both men, who were also bruised in the incident, are being treated at a local hospital.

A statement from the Secretary of Civil Protection for Guerrero revealed that the fire, which started at 8 a.m. local time was caused whenย fuel sparked after one of the boats refueled without turning on their blowers - ย  The fire then spread to a neighboring boat and a fuel pump.

(note - Diesel pump was not affected and things a are cleaned up as ofย  Jan 3rd, 2019 )

8) Herradura Bay, Costa Rica

- Marine Electronics - propane infoย  from last season

Carinthia met with CR Marine Supplyย  - nice chandlery walk-able from the bus stop
Kensy Chaves +506 2637 7419 Ocean Plaza 50m North of los Suenosย  kensey.chaves@grupomontecristo.com

International Marine Electronics - Kerry Monteleone can get parts from Florida - +506 6011 - 2300 email: international.me.cr@gmail.com

. Bus stop atย  09 38.873 Nย  084 39.3760 Wย  where you will hang out for bus to Jaco ( 240 colones )ย 
- or up the street to the auto supermercado and Laundry lady
- visit the local bar with a new Jersey bartender

and get propane picked upย  and delivered by this guy !
Jaco Gas and he will meet you at the Bus off the main beach
stop and fill your tanks ( takes ~ 3 days ) call +506 2637 6161
2 tanks for 8000 Colones

note - USE A STERN ANCHOR in HERRADURA BAY - point the bow of your vessel SW - SSW - lot's of swell here.

Rick & Brenda


9) Additional long term planning dates

Mayan Adventures & Pot Lucks ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย  Marina Chiapasย  MX (Dec-Apr)
Bar Crossing Celebrations ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย  Bahia del Sol, El Salvador (Dec-Apr)
Flor de Caรฑa Rum Tours ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  ย ย  Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua - (Dec-Apr)
Papagayo Survivors Party ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย ย ย ย  Coconutz , Playa Cocos, CR (Early Febโ€™19)
Golfito Marina Village an IGY Destinationย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Golfito, Costa Rica May 1st โ€™19)
Rally Completion Award Eventย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  ย ย ย  Vista Mar Panama (mid Mayโ€™19)

Suzanne toasting @ Golfito Marina Village an IGY Destination โ€“ Costa Rica


All of last season's knowledge and fleet updates have been compiled into
Good Nautical the official 501(c)3 non-profit umbrella organization.

All Fleet Update contributors will of courseย  have access to all the shared data from Mexico through Panama.
Fuel docks, Anchorages, Marinas, National Parks, Routes, a.m.o.
Please email us to get your free login credentials and tutorial.

11) PANAMA POSSE HOWLER MONKEY MARKETING and PROMOTIONPlease help us promote the Panama Posse with sailors, marinas, yachtclubs and chandleries
- if you are currently near a marinaย  please print out this PDF in color and post it on the wall.
For extra fun (we did this last year) print it out and take a selfie with it on your vessel !


The Official Panama Posse Press Release - please forward it to your contacts and friends in the mediaย 


12) Please reply to this email with any updates - your vessel location -
contenders for picture of the week - your favorite song for our list -
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Update

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

13) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2019-01-01

1) Puerto Pedregral, Panama
We entered Panama in Puerto Pedregal. We crossed the bar at high tide Friday morning 28-Dec at Boca de San Pedro. Using the Navionics charts in my e95 Raymarine, we slowly maneuvered the winding river for almost 2 hours. Not something that I enjoyed. When we located the Port Captain, he was very helpful. But without someone who speaks more than passable Spanish, I would be here for another 5 days. First and foremost he indicated we did not notify him of our arrival 48 hours in advance, we can be fined $1,000 each. But he would not do that to us this time. He gave us his email to send that information retroactively, so he would have it in case someone else asked him for it (hmm). moises.rios@amp.gob.pa The customs office is one block away, the agent there was in the US for many years. He doesnโ€™t have much to do there, so he was very helpful and talkative. We needed to get a Sim card, and he drove us to the Mercado. Immigration came (probably from the airport in David) and his process was extremely easy, he meet us in the Customs office. Also the Health department meet us there. It was just myself and Geri, my Spanish speaking crew member. All of this great service was because of the Port Captain making some phone calls. We showed up in the morning and wanted to leave by high tide that night. He did roll his eyes when we mentioned two dogs. The greased wheels came to a halt when we needed to get the cruising permit. It was now noon, we were told to come back at 2 because the gentlemen was not there, when we returned, there was a line waiting for him and he still wasnโ€™t there. It was 3:30 before we were done. Total fees for Health, Immigration, customs and cruising permit for the 4 of us was $307 ($185 for the annual permit). All in all, this was better than expected for the last business day of the year. Since we did not want to traverse that river again and the bar crossing at night, we are staying overnight until the morning tide. Wish us luck. BTW, for the dogs, we had a copy of the Panamian request for home quarantine, and an email to the appropriate Panaimaian department three days earlier of the same document. We also had an international health certificate from the States, their rabies certifications, and more Vet certifications from Mexico and El Salvador. They took a copy of each and did not give us anything in return. When asked, they said, you have all of the proper documentation you need for them. ---
Walt & Jeariene


(note - please always save your tracks in and out and share them in any format-ย  for future review with dietmar@goodnautical.com )

2)ย  Barra de Navidad, MX
Schooner Winds of the Worlds may be leaving Barre de Navidad, January 5th to head for Acapulco, from there continue around January 16 to Puerto Escondidoย  and Chiapas at the end of the month.This is all assuming that crews show up and stay the course; that has been a struggle.Are you familiar with Marina Cabo Marques in Acapulco?
Thanks, Happy New Year.

WINDS OF THE WORLD3) Panama Posse Christmas, Holiday and New Years

Norwegian New Year's eve preparation
Finn & May Linn

4) Bahia del Sol, El Salvador

Wine n Down heading in over the Bar to enter the El Salvador Rally party grounds. It's like hotel California in there and very hard to leave ...

Steve & Keri


5) Below are some of the more intriguing New Years eve rituals from PANAMA

Eat 12 grapes at midnight as you eat each one, make a wish. ย 12 wishes for the New Year.

They also say that the grapes will predict how your year will be.ย 
For instance, if your 2nd grape is sour, then February will be a bad month.
But if you get a sweet grape, that month will be a sweet experience. Spit out the grape seeds and count the number of seeds.
You use the number of discarded seeds to determine your lucky lottery numbers.
The lottery is very popular in Panama.

Burn a โ€œstuffed manโ€ in effigy at midnight the traditions is that of the Muรฑecos.
These life sized effigies are an old Panamanian tradition Muรฑecos or Judas Dolls

They are then stuffed with firecrackers and are lit and beaten at the stroke of midnight.
According to folklore, by beating and setting the effigies aflame, the sins and evil spirits of the old year are destroyed.ย 
Making way for good fortune in the new year. The fire crackers are said to help drive the evil forces away, since ghosts are afraid of light and noise.
The Muรฑecos are usually made to look like well-known politicians or movie stars from the outgoing year....

6) Puerto Vallarta, MX
Hello All, I have a close friend/cruiser that recently had a heart attack while in Puerto Vallarta. His 42 Beneteau "Set Me Free" is still there. It has ended his cruising career so I have offered to move his boat back to San Diego where he will sell it. I hope to sail around Feb. 1 and of course, weather dependent, will bash north. If anybody is interested in helping let me know. ( captainstrickley@yahoo.com )
Otherwise have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Rick & Brenda
7) Where is the 2018-2019 Panama Posse Fleet as of Jan 1 2019 ? ( to check in use your status message in LINE ) Mariah - La Paz, MX
Slow Dancer- Marina Vallarta
Nilaya - Manzanillo / Barra
Mai Tai - Tenecatitaย  anchorage 26โ€™ 19 18.121N 104 50.156W 28 boats here
Sea Glub - Barra - with MANY Pananam Posse Vessels
Simple Life - Ixtapa, MX
Epiphany anchored in Zihuatanejo MX at N17 38.2 W101 33.3 in 18'
Madeleine - TPec crossing en route to Chipas, MX
Sprezzatura - Marina Chiapas, MX
Coquette - Between Chiapas and Bahia del Sol El Salvador
La Mustache II - left Huatulco for Chiapas
Wine N Down - Bahia del Sol EL Salvador Toccata -Bahia del Sol, El Salvador Avant - Bahia del Sol, El Salvador
Shearwater - Amapala, Honduras
Octopus Garden - Marina Puesta el Sol, Nicaragua
Knot Right - Vista Mar Marina, Panama Dad's Dream - Vista Mar Marina, Panama Carinthia - Vista Mar Marina, Panamaย  - waiting for genset repair to start
Secret Water - Vista Mar Marina, Panama

8) Approaching the Entrance of Bahia del Sol - El Salvador

As the southern swells start to build in late winter and approach this coastline they can break heavily on the shores. Approaching from the sea, the channel is not visible. The sight of the breaking waves can be intimidating; however there is a channel which is about 10 to 12 feet deep at high tide.
Do not try to cross this bar without a guide. The bar shifts often and local knowledge is required for a successful transit. Also there are two channels that can be used depending on the swell direction. Notify the rally in advance of your arrival. Call โ€œBill And Jeanโ€ on VHF 16 about 3 miles out from the approach waypoint and they will advise you if the conditions are safe and the time when high tide occurs
(about +40 minutes from the La Libertad tide station; try free WXTide32 http://wxtide32.com - doesnโ€™t work on Windows Vista).
Try to time your arrival with calm swells. Sometimes the entrance is so calm boats have entered under sail. Other times...

Reminder to boats in Chiapas coming to Bahia del Sol. Check in with Bill & Jean in El Salvador in advance. He may ask you to bring down from Mexico (paid cargo, not a a gift). He will give you valuable information on when to arrive and will arrange the pilot for the bar, customs an immigration for your arrival, and inform you of expected conditions for the crossing. Contact via email elsalvadorrally@aol.com .

Rob & Debra


9) Pictures of the Week - SHEARWATER

Volcano Cauldron-ย  Santa Ana - El Salvador

Amapala - Honduras


10) Marina Chiapas, Mexico

Beautiful marina, nice, helpful Manager and personnel. Fantastic restaurant that was packed for late Sunday brunch.
Would not recommend coming in to Marina in dark. Channel marking lights are inadequate. Be prepared for lots of Government attention for checking in immediately when you tie up. All very courteous and professional including the dog brought on board looking for the usual and stowaways.

Intel update. Luis was a driver for a transportation company owned by Miguel who arranged for Dietmarโ€™s van excursion last year. Luis joined another tour company that doesnโ€™t have federally licensed vehicles and federally licensed drivers. And Luis charges more. I just spent 2 hours with Miguel (after spending 5 hours with Luis 2 days ago) and recommend using Miguel. +52 (962) 133 6820
No problems with Luis, I just think Miguel is better.

There is a John Deere tractor dealer in town that has JD oil, antifreeze and diesel fuel lubricity additive needed for older Diesel engines.
Heading to Palenque and San Cristรณbal for the week with Miguel transport there and return $90/2 people each way. Bus is about $30/person.
Leaving in one week for El Salvador.



11) Security Update - Chiapas, Mexico

Thieves attack tourists traveling by bus in state of Chiapas

Six armed men stopped the vehicle and stole passengers' belongings

Friday, December 28, 2018

A bus carrying tourists from Puebla was attacked by thieves yesterday in Chiapas.
Police said the bus was traveling on the Ocosingo-Palenque highway when six balaclava-clad individuals carrying firearms forced it to stop.
Four of them boarded the bus and began shattering windows and threatening the passengers with their guns.
They took their phones, cameras and cash and fled the scene.
The tourists reported the theft upon their arrival in San Cristรณbal de las Casas.
They had planned to spend three days traveling around the state but changed their mind after the incident, cutting their trip short and heading back home.
The highway is known for such attacks. Tour companies began traveling in convoys during Holy Week last year after 25 German tourists and their guides were robbed.

(note from Carinthia Last season we went on that road and got "stopped" by what seemed liked the entire local town with our tourguide luis swating bullets. All cars and tour buses going through this lawless town are forced to stop - a gate keeper puts down a traffic cone - and in this one small town - we "donated" 20 USD x person and all was fine - it's considered a road tax and pays for safe passage - this area is not run by the MX govt or local or federal police - so they use a road tax to fund their local needs. Sort of a Robin Hood situation - pleasant - as long as you are pleasant ... big tour buses small cars all pay a tax - my buest guess is someone om that tour bus did not want to pay that tax and things escalated ..)

(note from Octopus Garden: Thatโ€™s very common in Chiapas, butโ€™s itโ€™s matter of luck, we didnโ€™t have any issues. Tapachula, where the marina is, i would say is ok to go shopping.)

Chris & Monica


the Panama Posse Fleet is at 76 vessels and 8 Flag States


Please download and install LINEย  https://line.me/en-US/ย 
Works on Android / ios / Windows / MAC OS

- Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME ieย ย ย ย  MY CROSSROADS

- Next search for panamaposse and befriend us -

- wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE GROUP INVITE

Connect every Monday at 16:00 UTC and send us your position via the message
system and listen to the vessel check ins
(all free as long you have IP connectivity
which we now know is pretty much all along the coast)
The LINE system allows for up to 200 live conference call participants.

14) Please reply to this email with any updates - your vessel location -
contenders for picture of the week - your favorite song for our list -
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Update


Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

15) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2018-12-28

1) Bahia del Sol, EL SALVADOR

Toccata remains in Bahia Del Sol, has become a base for inland travel. After trips to Guatemala and Rivera Maya Mexico, the admiral has decided we should do land travel to Nicaragua and Costa Rica before heading for Panama. We will probably not arrive Panama until late March. I have to admit Bahia Del Sol is a great base of operations for Central American land travel. Will also give the Papagayos to soften.


Steven & Marilyn


2) Golfito, COSTA RICA

Knot Right left Marina Papagaya CR on Friday 12/21 after refueling, traveled a whole 5 nm to Bahia Hermosa. Anchored, and dinghy to shore for an early dinner with friends who are local in Cocos. With 4 people, dinghy wheels and only a 9.9 HP engine, we were a little slow. It also didnโ€™t help that we choose the wrong wave. Yes we got wet, but didnโ€™t loose the boat. We still had an enjoyable time.

We left the next afternoon to head for Isla Tortuga, After we rounded the corner, we had a beam reach until 10 PM, with the Jib only, we exceeded my theoretical top speed of 8.8, we actually hit 10 at one time. Later that night and the next morning we had a wind and current on the nose. The period was less that 5 seconds, so we did take a beating.

We arrived at Isla Tortuga at 9 AM and motored around to find a go spot to anchor. We wanted to stay away from the human onslaught from the mainland to the island. We found 20 ft at low tide at 9 46.7147n 84 53.8016w. Calm evening, but some rolling in the AM (I think the workers for the party goers are coming ashore and it felt like the wakes of their transports). Did some snorkelling, not very clear. Heading to Golfito at 8 AM on 12/26.

Got to Golfito early, had to motor all the way. Went to the fuel docks (at IGY) and refueled, from there they permitted us to stay while we went to Customs, Immigration and the bank (donโ€™t push it though).

There is also a Super (not so big) Mega for some provisioning. The customs office is 1 KM to SE walking distance, but very humid. Have three copies of everything, but if not he might be helpful to copy some papers. I think there is a copying place across the street. The Immigration is in the other direction about 2 (total 3) KM. Take a cab from customs to Immigration (anywhere $2-4). Immigration and the National Bank (third stop) is the duty free shopping area. If you want to buy anything here, I believe you need to stand in line to purchase a prepaid card of some sort. Didnโ€™t bother because we wanted to hustle out of here. We purchased our wine when we got our provisions at the Supermega half way between Fuel Dock and Customs. The last stop is the port captain, his Zarpe did not list the personnel, so I asked and he gave me a stamped copy of my crew list (not taking any chances). The fuel dock charges for water and trash, but Posse people pay about half of that charge. Heading out to Pedregal Panama tonight 27-Dec at 4 PM, need to get to the mouth of the river just before high tide tomorrow at 7.

Walt & Jeariene



Note: Clearing in and Out of Costa Rica while time consuming and paperwork laden has been documented with detailed steps and all exact Lat and long of all government offices inside of Good Nautical

Playas del Coco
Image 111

Here are the links for Playas del Coco

Image 112

and Golfito http://www.goodnautical.com/costa-rica/port-of-entry/golfito

3) The Panama Posse is now 76 vessels strong
Well on our way to the goal of 100 for this season - please help spread the word !

Panama Posse 2019

4) Here are the latest check ins from thePanama Posse 18-19 LINE Group Members


FOOTLOOSE - Leaving Acapulco, MX

WINE N DOWN - Approaching Bahia del Sol, El Salvador

KNOT RIGHT - Checking out of Golfito, Costa Rica

EPIPHANY - Heading south from Barra de Navidad, MX - see long line alert below 

SANS CLES - Chiapas, MX  - reporting plenty of room in the Marina

SLOW DANCER - Marina Vallarta, MX - discount confirmed but only pablo@marina-vallarta.com.mx has the info

LIQUID - Barra de Navidad, MX

COQUETTE - Leaving Acapulco, MX

NILAYA - Leaving Puerto Vallarta
MAI TAI - Mazatlan heading to PV by the 26th and Barra after New Years
MADELEINE - Leaving Acapulco

AVANT - Bahia del Sol, El Salvador

FLOATING STONES - Barra de Navidad, MX
PARADISEA - Leaving Zihuatanejo for Acapulco, MX
FIREFLY - Barra de Navidad, MX
SEAGLUB - Barra de Navidad, MX

XENIA - Las Perlas, Panama

CARINTHIA - Vista Mar Marina, Panama


FLEET CHECK IN and MORNING NET on MONDAY'S at 16:00 UTC via LINE 5) Huatulco Marine Park & Tehuantepec, MX

We are currently (Fri Dec 28th, 4.30 pm) in Chachacual Cove (La India), Huatulco.
How beautiful it is here! We were thinking of crossing the Gulf of Tehuantepec starting on Sunday Dec 30th.


We based our decision on Saildocs and Windy. Can you confirm Chris if that is a good time? If you please would answer in Sailmail as well as in Line that would be great. Both SSB and internet via Telcel are difficult here. We are sometimes successfull with one, and sometimes with the other system. We left Acapulco Sunday dec 23rd. Had a beautiful trip to Huatulco. 1/3 was sailing. Nights with full moon. Calm weather. Beautiful coast. Dec 25th we arrived in Puerto Sacrificios (San Agustin), Anchored 15 41.36 N 96 13.98 W in 9.6 meter, good holding, sand. Beautiful bay, much tourism during the day, restless water. Maybe not so nice for monohulls. Tried to reach the beach by dinghy, but too much swell, was no success. We left today for Chachacual, also very very beautiful and much quieter. More protected. All tourists left at 3 pm. Anchored at 15 42.61 N 96 12.18 W, in 7.1 meter. Sand, good holding.


Maaike & Huib



5) Long Line alert - Mexico

Long Line at 19ยฐ 04.435' N,  104ยฐ 42.369 W




George & Suzanne

6) Fuel in Huatulco, MX

Chahue Marina Fuel Dock
Chahue Marina Fuel Dock

Due to the silting of the channel Marina Chahue is closed until further notice -

But you can use your dinghy to get it from the marina or approach the
commercial fuel dock in the next bay with lot's of fenders.

The location below has the working fuel dock




7) Bahia del Sol - EL SALVADOR
Picture of the Week from El Salvador Rally - FISH VISCOUS exiting over the bar

Bahia del Sol โ€“ EL SALVADOR

Doug & Nancy



8)  The Panama Posse 2018-2019 burgees are flying -
please take pictures for next weeks update of your new years celebrations !

SIMPLIFY โ€“ Robert


HALF MOON - Elizabeth & ?

Andrรฉ-Philippe & Sylvie

CHARLY - Andrรฉ-Philippe & Sylvie

Bryan & Stephanie

ARGUS - Bryan & Stephanie

Mattias and Regina of JASINA after a delightful Christmas dinner prepared by Patrice of SONOMARA aboard FOOTLOOSE with PARADISEA

Mattias and Regina of JASINA after a delightful Christmas dinner prepared by

Image 123

9) CROSSROADS ( from last season )
(Diane last season actually called every number)

    Rescue Coordination Center:  (510) 437-3701.  This is the number for group receiving EPIRB emergency beacon distress signals.  They will coordinate with local country Coast Guards if boater is outside of the U.S. and they have translators, as the numbers at the local country Coast Guards in Central America will speak Spanish.  They said it would be ok to call them in emergency.

    These numbers were given to me by the U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center.  The individuals from these local Coast Guards will speak Spanish when you call them.  If you cannot communicate with them, the Rescue Coordination Center can call them, but that will take more time.
  El Salvadore Coast Guard:  (505) 22500210,   Extension 5103
    Nicaragua Coast Guard:      (504)22342507
    Costa Rica Coast Guard:      (506) 22314924
    Panama Coast Guard:           (507) 60451197

CALIFORNIA COAST GUARD OFFICES WHO COULD BE  called if you cannot reach rescue coordination center, however the local coast guards will likely just go through the Rescue Center:
    Coast Guard Sector LA/Long Beach:  310 521-3815
    Channel Islands office:  805 985-9822


MHZ                     UTC time
4.125        2300-11
6.125        24 hr.
8.290        24 hr.
12.290        1100-2300


World wide emergency Ham net:  14.313    24 hr.
Pacific Seafares Net 14300 @ 0300 UTC 
Central America Ham net:  7.083   UTC time 1300

CENTRAL AMERICA EMBASSY CONTACT INFORMATION.  Go to www.usembassy.gov/ for further information.  For Central America embassies, emergency number is +1-202-501-4444, and press โ€œ0โ€,  from 8 a.m. โ€“ 5 p.m. EST.  When dialing embassy numbers below probably start with โ€œ +โ€ depending on phone service.   

    +506 2519 2000
    Calle 98 Via 104, Pavas,     San Jose, Costa Rico

    +503 2501 2999
    Final Blvd. Santa Elena,     Antiguo Cuseatlan, La Libertad,     San Salvador   

    +502 2326 4000
    Avenida Reforma 7-01, Zona 10, Guatemala Cuidad, Guatemala

    +504 2238 5114 (after hours X4100)
    +504 2236 9320 (per embassy website, but not communications received:  011-504 2236 9320)
    Avenida La Paz,     Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras

    +52 55 5080-2000
    Paseo de la Reforma 305, Colonia Cuauhtenoc,     06500 Mexico, DF

    +505 2252-7100
    Kilometer 5.5 Carreter Sur, Managua, Nicagagua

    +507 317 5000
    Bldg 783, Demetrio Basilio Lakas Ave, Clayton, Panama


GLOBAL MARINE DISTRESS SAFETY SYSTEM:      1-888-407-4747, press โ€œ0โ€ for overseas citizen emergency services.


They provide information on piracy and safety and security, and you can sign up for alerts by going online.
    Emergency:  1-202-501-4444 (8-8 EST, M-F)

Stan & Diane  (we wish you a speedy recovery Diane)


Please reply to this email with any 
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Updates.
Please take pictures of your new years celebrations.

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

11) Opt-out from Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2020-12-23

Marina Papagayo, Costa Rica

we crossed the bar at Bahia del Sol, El Salvador
we encountered some fishing vessels, so we decided
to motor past them before we unfurled the main. We
needed to get out further for a better coarse to
sail. We unfurled the main and it looked like we
needed to tighten the halyard, but no matter what
we did, nada. Dennis went forward to touch the
tack, and the main started to drop. (Expletive -
deleted). So we brought it down, flaked it on the
boom, looked down on the deck, and there was the
very narrow, long shackle without the pin. It
appeared that the pin on the shackle stripped out
and the head was no longer attached to the top
furler mechanism. It would have been a much better
problem to solve if the halyard had broken.
Anyway, what ever sailing we did, it was head-sail

continued to Bahia St Elena, Costa Rica. The
Papagayos were kicking up, so we did have some
interesting winds and swells, especially since we
couldnโ€™t use the main. We anchored away from the
winds that came along the mountain edge, around
10ยฐ54'41.7"N 85ยฐ47'29.6"W. We still had some 20 kt
winds during the night. The Rocna 25 anchor and
140โ€™ of chain was very comfortable.

spent two nights there to rest, did not go ashore,
but there was a young couple that went exploring
each day for about a week.

We left
to go to Marina Papagaya, planned to get a shackle
and handle all of the other โ€œshow stopping
issuesโ€. We rented a car (cheapest way to get
around in the area) to provision and handle
repairs. We couldnโ€™t find the shackle, but we
found a machine shop and for $8.11 there were four
people working on re-tapping and aligning the old
one for a new larger pin that we commandeered from
an oversize shackle.

is a Walmart in Liberia Costa Rica, but there are
many other places to provision that you would
definitely enjoy. There is a Do-It center (Home
Depot style) at the corner of the road from the
peninsula (where the marina is located) and the
main road. Turn left to go to the International
Airport and Liberia, turn right to go to Hermosa
and Coco. Dennis and Geri have some friends that
live near Hermosa so we went out to dinner with
them for Dennisโ€™ birthday (donโ€™t tell him I told

for the marina, the peninsula is a gated community
with a half dozen resorts and a dozen restaurants
(we didn't bother, we're cruisers).

been staying at the marina because we need the
wifi access to try in get replacement parts
ordered. Most of these parts will be spares for
parts that we have seen some wear and tear
(anybody have a Volvo Penta PC-740 top mount
single lever throttle control, not having much
luck finding or getting it sent to Panama). The
marina has great security, fuel dock, a cable TV
room, coin operated laundry, showers with some
warm water, a small ships store open seven days a
week, with a very helpful staff that even handle
the rental car. The โ€œDive Barโ€ is a little steep
in price, but the food is good. The coffee shop is
REALLY expensive. The resort pool is available to
marina quests. The docks have better than usual
wifi, high pressure potable water, 250 amp, head
pump at the slip. Almost all of the staff will
speak english and Dan Eaffaldano is the manager
who can help with most of your needs. Marina is
+506 2690 3600  email:  dan.eaffaldano@marinapapagayo.com 
or VHF 16 maybe 23A.

So our
plan is to leave the marina on Friday 12/21, go to
Bahia Hermosa (5 nm)
until Sunday 12/23, then probably to Bahia
Ballena, Tambor Costa Rica. 

& Jeariene

Knot Right

Mexico - Picture(s) of the week

Night over Maruata Bay

Manzanillo at night, from Carrizal

Sierra Madre

Huibert & Maaike


3) Marina Ixtapa, Mexico

! 90 US cents per foot plus
tax is the daily rate
is parked there for
Christmas. .70c +tax for 35 days.

included. Dry storage more

4) WEEKLY 2018-2019 PANAMA
on MONDAY'S at 16:00 UTC via LINE

We have been testing a new
"LINE" tool for weekly
vessel check ins and GROUP
calls -
last years SSB check-ins
had several draw backs due
to propagation -so we have
done some testing and came
up with something pretty
nifty ...

It's a new way of doing
things - please download
and install LINE  https://line.me/en-US/ 
Works on Android / ios /
Windows / MAC OS

- Register using your
as the

- Next search for
or SV
Carinthia or Seaglub and
befriend us -

- wait and accept your

Connect every Monday at
16:00 UTC and send us
your position via the
message system and
listen to the vessel
check ins

(all free as long you have
IP connectivity which we
now know is pretty much
all along the coast)
The LINE system allows for
up to 200 live

Check in tomorrow at
Monday Dec 24th, 2018 at 16:00
your vessel location
holiday updates 

5) Panama - getting parts from
the US

Getting parts / mail into Panama. ( they
do also have offices in Costa Rica,
and operate in Belize, Honduras
and Guatemala

There are several ways to get parts delivered
in Panama - but one of the more innovative
ways is
via Mailboxes Etc.

a)  Register for a free unique ID
online at www.mbe-ca.com
(top right corner change language to English
and select a city near you depending on your
Marina / etc )

b) verify your email with a
picture of your passport and agree to their

c) Purchase anything in the US and
have it shipped to your unique ID and
Miami, Florida Address
(you pay regular
US shipping charges or free if you use Amazon

d) As soon as your package arrives
in Florida you get an email and it is
forwarded to the Mailboxes etc store (you
chose from the cities above) in Panama

e) 3- 4 days later you get
an email and go to the local store and pick
up your package
for a nominal fee
(example a 8x5x7 inch box with a pound of
generator parts
was $ 11.95) 

6) Vista Mar Marina - Panama

Holiday and Christmas Celebration setup -
Panama Posse meets first time Puddle Jumpers

The north winds are blowing and the local dogs
are lined up for Christmas goodies ...

The "cold" full moon

Happy Holidays

Dietmar & Suzanne


7) Good Nautical is an official
501(c)3 and holds the detailed Panama Posse 

Scroll down
for stops - and  there is also the link to
all the Sponsor Marinas and services at

just follow
the link (icons) enter your membership
credentials which have been emailed to you

if you need help login in or how to use the
site  just send an email to dietmar@goodnautical.com

8) Please reply to this email
with any  updates - contenders for picture
of the week
and we'll include it in the next Fleet
- happy happy !

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

9) opt-out from the Fleet
Updates ( especially if you are not in
central America anymore ) simply reply with

FLEET UPDATE 2018-12-20

1) Zihuatanejo, MX

We had a great time in Zihuatenejo but are itching to spend
time in Huatulco and Chiapas so chugging south. 

Mid-cruise to Acapulco today with ETA of 17:30 and mooring with
Saw two humpbacks breach then we cruised along with them until
they took a deep dive.
Some porpoise too. 5k wind, dead calm sea, 29.5C, clear skies.


Eric & new Crew Kim



2)  Acapulco, MX

Meet Vicente and his sons - our Panama Posse man in Acapulco -

Vicente Herrera, phone +52 (1) 744-439-8184.
Moorings near  16ยฐ 50.4735 N 99ยฐ 54.3468 W





3) Bahias de Huatulco National Park, MX
The national park of Oaxaca, Mexico ~ 30,000 acres.

There are 9,000 species of plants (about 50% of the species are
reported throughout Mexico) in the forest and mangroves on the

264 animals species, which includes armadillos and white-tailed
701 Bird species including hummingbirds, pelicans and hawks
470 reptile include the Black Iguana, salamanders and snakes

        National Park
        Park Byas and Dive Sites

Dolphins, whales and turtles are sighted species off the coast
line, out of the identified 100 amphibian species.
Vegetation is dominated by the low forest growth with high trees.


Lot's to discover - details for these anchorages in

Y tu mama

As a side note for you movie buffs - Bahia 
N  096ยฐ 09.8316' W) 
was the filming location for the "secret" beach scenes from the
award-winning Mexican cult flick
"Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN"  -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qg6n7V3kO4



I think Vicente was very disappointed when we left for the
marina. He was very friendly and willing to take us ashore, but we
really did not want to have to call him every time we wanted to go
ashore. And we do not have toilet facilities on board which last
longer than a few days. We have a pro forma very small waste tank.
And I wanted to wash the boat. From capt Pats Guide you might get
the impression that Marina Performance really is the best to go.
But the slips are med mooring right on the street. Not a nice
environment, busy and air pollution. We tried to dock the dinghy
there and we could, but at a fee of MXN 190 per hour. In the Yacht
Club we waited endlessly for the harbormaster and then left.
Marina Acapulco, where we are now, is under construction and will
become nice. Much space. Toilet facilities are now in the cantina
for the personnel, clean, but 1 shower and toilet for men and 1
for women. Closed at night. Water not potable. Wifi is bad, you
have to be in the harbormasters office to be able to connect. But
it is directly on the main Avenue Aleman. Supermarket is across
the street, Superama, very good. Capt Pat speaks about swimming
pool and laundry in the marina, but no. Laundry is not very far
away and cheap, though. We are here for convenience and have a
nice place alongside, at the bay. Clamps on the pontoons are not
spaced very well, so when the wind picks up in the afternoon you
have quite a job to tie up well. Sometimes across the pontoon.
People are very friendly, relaxed atmosphere. For us, 42ft, it is
50 USD per night. Mentioned the Posse and showed him the burgee.
We left Zihua earlier then we planned. We never realized that
there are no dinghydocks in Mexico. We traveled quite a bit and
everywhere there was a dock, sometimes in bad shape, but it was
there. We have a hard bottom dinghy, so not very light. Good for
rough water. In Zihua we had to bring in on the beach, helped by
fishermen. I had back surgery a few months ago and Huib has
attacks of cardiac arrhythmias every now and then. Next day my
back was really hurting and Huib had an attack. So you can imagine
how reluctant we are for this kind of exercise. I will send you
pictures from the laptop. I think we will leave one of these days
and not be in Acapulco for Christmas. We have seen the sightings
and move on. Keep you informed,


Huibert & Maaike


ote on availability of dinghy docks - there are very
few dinghy
docks in Nicaragua - Costa Rica and Panama due
to the increasing tidal range so be prepared to haul your dinghy
up and down the beaches as a quick fix you can use 2 wheel
barrel wheels and rig a temporary attachment to your dinghies

5)  Panama Posse Safety Alert

Please, please, please always hoist your dinghy up and
lock it at night !

Always lock your dinghy - especially if you go on shore.
Tie it to a sturdy pole or tree and remove any valuables.

Thieves are opportunists may swim out to cut your dinghy's
painter and
then use rocks on the beach to break off locks.

Please use a (pad) lock with a difficult point of attack and a heavy

or re-in-forced coated wire - see a sample lock below.


the Panama Posse Fleet is at 72 vessels and 8
Flag States


7) Isla Tigre, Honduras

We visited Isla Tigre, Amapala, in Honduras, in the Gulf of
We stayed a week and had a great time. Good food, safe, dinghy
security by Hector.
Free check in and out. ATM and Latin market style shopping. Highly
recommend this stop
Please note - no fuel, no services, little to no
repair options

Tigre 1



View from the Check-in


Playa Grande

Tigre 1

This is the ferry to the


Jim & Susy


8) Bahia del Sol - El Savador


Fish Vicious arrived from Chiapas yesterday. They will spend
Christmas with Bill & Jean.

      Salvador Beer

Doug & Nancy



and MORNING NET on MONDAY'S at 16:00 UTC via LINE

We have been testing a new "LINE" tool for weekly vessel check ins
and GROUP calls -

last years SSB check-ins had several draw backs due to propagation
-so we have done some testing and came up with something pretty
nifty ...

It's a new way of doing things - please download and install LINE 

Works on Android / ios / Windows / MAC OS

- Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME ie     SV

- Next search for panamaposse and befriend us -

- wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE GROUP INVITE

Connect every Monday at 16:00 UTC and send us your position via
the message
system and listen to the vessel check ins
(all free as long
you have IP connectivity
which we now know is pretty much all along the coast)
The LINE system allows for up to 200 live conference call

11) Panama Posse 2018-2019 Burgees are being hoisted -
thank you Chris from Seaglub and Michael Footloose for the latest


Panama Posse TAG @ ANY Restaurant in Zihuatenjo ( that's BIG )

COQUETTE has the Burgee

MALAKAI has the Burgee !


Tappan Zee has the Burgee

Kathleen with the Burgee


TOP CIDER - about to hoist the Burgee


SIRENA has the Burgee


10) Please reply to this email with any
updates - holiday decorations -
contenders for picture of the week - your favorite song for our
list -
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Update

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

Happy 30th pearl wedding anniversary to
my wife Suzanne - a true saint !

Panama Posse BUrgee

11) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply
with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2018-12-23

1) Marina Papagayo, Costa Rica

After we crossed the bar at Bahia del Sol, El Salvador we encountered some fishing vessels, so we decided to motor past them before we unfurled the main. We needed to get out further for a better coarse to sail. We unfurled the main and it looked like we needed to tighten the halyard, but no matter what we did, nada. Dennis went forward to touch the tack, and the main started to drop. (Expletive - deleted). So we brought it down, flaked it on the boom, looked down on the deck, and there was the very narrow, long shackle without the pin. It appeared that the pin on the shackle stripped out and the head was no longer attached to the top furler mechanism. It would have been a much better problem to solve if the halyard had broken. Anyway, what ever sailing we did, it was head-sail only.

We continued to Bahia St Elena, Costa Rica. The Papagayos were kicking up, so we did have some interesting winds and swells, especially since we couldnโ€™t use the main. We anchored away from the winds that came along the mountain edge, around 10ยฐ54'41.7"N 85ยฐ47'29.6"W. We still had some 20 kt winds during the night. The Rocna 25 anchor and 140โ€™ of chain was very comfortable.

We spent two nights there to rest, did not go ashore, but there was a young couple that went exploring each day for about a week.

We left to go to Marina Papagaya, planned to get a shackle and handle all of the other โ€œshow stopping issuesโ€. We rented a car (cheapest way to get around in the area) to provision and handle repairs. We couldnโ€™t find the shackle, but we found a machine shop and for $8.11 there were four people working on re-tapping and aligning the old one for a new larger pin that we commandeered from an oversize shackle.

There is a Walmart in Liberia Costa Rica, but there are many other places to provision that you would definitely enjoy. There is a Do-It center (Home Depot style) at the corner of the road from the peninsula (where the marina is located) and the main road. Turn left to go to the International Airport and Liberia, turn right to go to Hermosa and Coco. Dennis and Geri have some friends that live near Hermosa so we went out to dinner with them for Dennisโ€™ birthday (donโ€™t tell him I told you).

Except for the marina, the peninsula is a gated community with a half dozen resorts and a dozen restaurants (we didn't bother, we're cruisers).

Weโ€™ve been staying at the marina because we need the wifi access to try in get replacement parts ordered. Most of these parts will be spares for parts that we have seen some wear and tear (anybody have a Volvo Penta PC-740 top mount single lever throttle control, not having much luck finding or getting it sent to Panama). The marina has great security, fuel dock, a cable TV room, coin operated laundry, showers with some warm water, a small ships store open seven days a week, with a very helpful staff that even handle the rental car. The โ€œDive Barโ€ is a little steep in price, but the food is good. The coffee shop is REALLY expensive. The resort pool is available to marina quests. The docks have better than usual wifi, high pressure potable water, 250 amp, head pump at the slip. Almost all of the staff will speak english and Dan Eaffaldano is the manager who can help with most of your needs. Marina is +506 2690 3600ย  email:ย  dan.eaffaldano@marinapapagayo.comย  or VHF 16 maybe 23A.

So our plan is to leave the marina on Friday 12/21, go to Bahia Hermosa (5 nm)
until Sunday 12/23, then probably to Bahia Ballena, Tambor Costa Rica.ย 

Walt & Jeariene

Knot Right

2) Mexico - Picture(s) of the week

Night over Maruata Bay

Manzanillo at night, from Carrizal Cove

Sierra Madre
Huibert & Maaike


3) Marina Ixtapa, Mexico

COQUETTE ! 90 US cents per foot plus tax is the daily rate
Simple Life is parked there for Christmas. .70c +tax for 35 days.
Crocs included. Dry storage more expensive.

We have been testing a new "LINE" tool for weekly vessel check ins and GROUP calls -
last years SSB check-ins had several draw backs due to propagation -so we have done some testing and came up with something pretty nifty ...

It's a new way of doing things - please download and install LINEย  https://line.me/en-US/ย 
Works on Android / ios / Windows / MAC OS

- Register using your VESSEL name as the USERNAME ieย ย ย  SV SEAGLUB

- Next search for panamaposse or SV Carinthia or Seaglub and befriend us -

- wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE GROUP INVITE

Connect every Monday at 16:00 UTC and send us your position via the message system and listen to the vessel check ins
(all free as long you have IP connectivity which we now know is pretty much all along the coast)
The LINE system allows for up to 200 live conference call participants.

Check in tomorrow at Monday Dec 24th, 2018 at 16:00 UTC
with your vessel location and holiday updatesย 

5) Panama - getting parts from the US

Getting parts / mail into Panama. ( they do also have offices in Costa Rica, and operate in Belize, Honduras and Guatemala )

There are several ways to get parts delivered in Panama - but one of the more innovative ways is
via Mailboxes Etc.

a)ย  Register for a free unique ID online at www.mbe-ca.com
(top right corner change language to English and select a city near you depending on your Marina / etc )

b) verify your email with a picture of your passport and agree to their terms.

c) Purchase anything in the US and have it shipped to your unique ID and Miami, Florida Address (you pay regular US shipping charges or free if you use Amazon Prime)

d) As soon as your package arrives in Florida you get an email and it is forwarded to the Mailboxes etc store (you chose from the cities above) in Panama
e) 3- 4 days later you get an email and go to the local store and pick up your package for a nominal fee (example a 8x5x7 inch box with a pound of generator parts
was $ 11.95)ย 

6) Vista Mar Marina - Panama

Holiday and Christmas Celebration setup - Panama Posse meets first time Puddle Jumpers

The north winds are blowing and the local dogs are lined up for Christmas goodies ...

The "cold" full moon

Happy Holidays

Dietmar & Suzanne


7) Good Nautical is an official 501(c)3 and holds the detailed Panama Posseย  info

Scroll down for stops - andย  there is also the link to all the Sponsor Marinas and services at

just follow the link (icons) enter your membership credentials which have been emailed to you

if you need help login in or how to use the siteย  just send an email to dietmar@goodnautical.com

8) Please reply to this email with anyย  updates - contenders for picture of the week
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Updates - happy happy !

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

9) opt-out from the Fleet Updates ( especially if you are not in central America anymore ) simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2018-12-13

1) The Panama Posse is now 61 vessels strong and
growing and on the move with 7 flag states flying the
Panama Posse burgee !


Panama Posse


2) Picture of the WEEK from SV FOOTLOOSE

Thank you for sharing this lovely moment and for a great write
up on the Panama Posse on your blog



Michael & Lisa


3) Marina Puesta del Sol, NICARAGUA

Octopus Garden

Puest del Sol

Now at Marina Puesta Del Sol, very reasonable price with the
Posse discount.
Highly recommended. We are doing some tours of the country with
Be sure to negotiate prices for the tours.



Jim & Suzy


4) PIRATES in Barra de Navidad, Mexico

Pirates!! We had our first encounter with true pirates
last night. We're all safe but I can't say the same for
our food! After a day trip to Manzanillo where we bought some
fresh avocados and other items, we woke up this morning to a
mess in our forward stateroom. Even though we may not really
need it, we're still running with air conditioner at night as
long we're plugged into the dock. We close off the forward
stateroom by closing the connecting door, no need to air
condition a room we really are not using, but we do leave the
forward hatches open. Barra Marina has a lot of hungry little
coatimundi raccoons. They found their way into our forward
last night and had their way with the groceries
we had failed to put away. Clever little critters.


Acto of Piracy



Chris, Monica & Penny


(note1: Penny - you had one job ... ) (note2: wait till you encounter the Capuchin Monkeys at Manuel Antonio Park in
Costa Rica )

5) LONG LINES - Mexico

Long Line Alert
17 54.678 N102 22.397 W
10 miles off from Lazaro Cardenas.
Saw nothing until 2 pangas heading my location at high speed.
Then saw one small white float. Fortunately we didnโ€™t pick up
anything and pangas went on their way. Proceeding to Isla

Long Line semi-Alert
Another long line 6 miles out about 15 miles from Isla Grande
We headed toward the panga tending the line and asked how far
was the end and he said 1000meters. All orange floats.
Then he told us to go between floats. I asked was the line deep
enough and he said yes. Went through without issue.

Longline Marker

Sample image of a Longline marker




(note as we mentioned in the safety seminars - be
on the lookout for these long lines
- here is
what they can look like -during day time - imagine spotting
this at night ;-( and have a plan to stop your vessel - stop
your engine(s) and cut them off  - kitchen knife attached with
hose clamps to our boat hook )

6) Maruata Bay, Mexico

Ahoy Panama Posse,
Dec 5th
Mad and Simple Life anchored in Maruata Bay, a lovely
piece of water and beach. Lots of room.
Our pos was 18 16.06 N 103 20.5 W in 10.4 meter, good
holding in sand. Saw turtles swimming.

Simple Life went ashore, we did not. People were friendly. No
cell phone coverage.




We had to replace the remote control for the anchor winch next
morning and as we saw on the gribfiles from Sailmail we would
have wind in the afternoon. So we all set sail and had a lovely
sail on spinaker, sometimes making 7-8 knots.

Caleta Campos


7) Of course we realized we could not reach Caleta
de Campos
  before dark, but we figured the bay would not
be that difficult. We barely reached Caleta at 7 pm, could see a
little bit. We anchored near the breakwater. Simple Life
came in an hour later and they anchored a bit more in, to the
east. We both had not expected the bay to be so small and
hearing the surf so close by was not very nice.

Our position was 18 04.32 N 102 45.02 W depth 7.7 m
good holding. We were comfortable but Simple Life was
not and they left very early this morning for Isla Grande. There
is not much wind, and on the nose, we will anchor just east of
Lazardo Cardenas and continue tomorrow. We did not have GE
charts of Maruata and Campos.


Caleta Campos



OpenCPN was way off, Navionics fairly accurate. I will send you
pics when on land, not by Sailmail.

Huibert & Maaike

8) Good Nautical is now an official 501(c)3
and holds the detailed links for anchorage info and
sooo much more.
Just follow these links


above and enter your membership credentials (which have been
emailed to you)

If you need help login in or how to use the site  just send an
email to dietmar@goodnautical.com


Good Nautical


9) Costa Rica - For those of you heading their please
feel free Alejandro on SV REBELLIOUS
our Panama Posse participant. He'd be happy to meet up with you
in Costa Rica !



+506 881-00001



(Note: he may be able provide some logistical help ;- )

10) High resolution Pictures of the Panama
Posse kick off event are available for all to see and
download !

To check them out go to https://panamaposse.com/2018-vessels/2018-2019-panama-posse-kick-off-party

Kick Off

and MORNING NET on MONDAY'S at 16:00 UTC via LINE

We have over 40+ vessels in LINE and the calls are great
and very efficient and the Chatroom is open 24/7
It's a new way of doing things
- please download and install LINE  https://line.me/en-US/ 
Works on Android / ios /
Windows / MAC OS


How to use it ....

- Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME
Search for panamaposse or SV Carinthia or
Seaglub and befriend us -
- wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE GROUP INVITE
- join the group chat -
it's awesome !

12) Please reply to this email with ...
anything really

- your updates
contenders for picture of the week
- holiday decorations
of your vessel - links to your favorite SONGS
- relevant blog posts - and of course your valuable suggestions

and we'll include it in the next FLEET UPDATE

13) Panama Posse Teaser

Myan Language

Preview of
Maya script, also
known as Maya glyphs the writing system of the Maya.
The only Meso-American writing system which has been substantially

Palenque a mayor archeological site has an excellent museum
so you can view them up close
- reachable from the Chiapas Marina with an organized



14) Keep em 'coming



Dietmar & Suzanne


15) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply
reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2018-12-16

1) Acapulco, Mexico

Ahoy Panama Posse,
We just arrived dec 13th 10 am in Acapulco. We left
Zihuatanejo dec 12th and did not really like the anchorage
of Papanoa, so we sailed on. No problems in the night. Saw
whale and dolphins. Vicente immediately came out when we
entered the bay. I will give him a 2019 Posse small burgee.
He proudly showed me the one from last year. His smile went
even bigger when I mentioned you, Dietmar. No other Posses
here (yet). Saw Sprezzatura come into Zihua when we left.

Huibert & Maaike

(note please take a
picture of Vicente with his 18-19 Panama Posse tag) 

2) Bahia del Sol, El

Bar crossing adventures

This is Knot Right crossing the Bar while
leaving Bahia Del Sol, El Salvador. 
After Jeariene took the pictures, she had to swim fast
to catch up with us. (lol)

Image 52

Currently In Marina Papagayo, Costa Rica. Probably
there for more than a week.
Need to get some repairs accomplished.

(Sat image of the Bahia del Sol Bar - El Salvador)

Walt, Jeariene, Dennis, Geri


3) Marina Puerto de La Navidad, Barra de
Navidad, MX

Yet another generous offer from
the harbor master here in Barra de Navidad...
For those in the marina, on Friday December 21
the marina staff will be walking around to judge
Christmas lights and decorations
. The
staff will take a vote then award first place.
The winner will receive dinner for two or a
free night in the resort
(great for
visiting parents or children!).  For those of
you still north of Barra, this would make for a
great target date to be in the marina here in
Barra. Let's get those lights up and show off
the strong presence of the Panama Posse! 

Chris, Monica & Penny


4) Chiapas, MX
For those heading towards Chiapas to see the
breathtaking and astonishing Mayan archeological
sites in the area

We did an amazing 4 day tour last season with him
between 3 vessels and split the cost)

Mayor archeological site near Chiapas and
Huatulco tagged in Good Nautical

Here is the info for the Panama Posse Chiapas Tour

Luis Sanchez
email: luis86same@gmail.comwhatsapp: +521962 216 661 
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xoconoshtours/

5) Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua

Luis, from Pinolero Tours, pinolerotoursnicaragua@gmail.com
took us to the Flor de Cana rum factory tour and

He speaks good English and he is very knowledgeable on
Nicaragua history, geography and culture.
They operate brand new air conditioned cars and vans.

We went one day to Chinandega for $70 total on a
shopping trip/tour.
The 2nd day we did the larger tour for $75 each.
Be sure to tell him youโ€™re from Panama Posse!

They have other tours, including coffee and volcanoes.

They also accommodate your shopping and dining needs
and they pick you up
Marina Puesta Del Sol but will also get
you in Corinto. They have vans for larger

Jim & Susy


6) Barra de Navidad, MX
Crab Pots Alert - 4nm for the entrance to Barra de
~ 19ยฐ 12.07 N  104ยฐ 45.33 W



7) Panama Posse Weekly Line Net -
we currently have
41 vessels taking

MONDAY'S at 16:00 UTC via LINE  and open 24/7
to all !
( go to line.me and download
the app works on WIN/MAC/IOS/ANDROID )

- Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME
- Search for panamaposse or SV Carinthia or Seaglub
and be friend us
- wait and accept your panamaposse GROUP INVITE
-  send us your position via the message system and
listen to the vessel check ins
- the LINE system allows for up to 200 live
conference call participants  !
8) Barra de Navidad, MX

FLOATING STONES receiving their Panama
Posse Burgee !

Bryan & Cheryl9) long term planning dates ... 

Turtle Release Beach Party                
                   Playa La Madera, Zijuatanejo,
MX (Decโ€™ / Jan' 18)
Mayan Adventures & Pot LucksMarina Chiapas 
MX (Dec-Apr)
Bar Crossing Celebrations                                    
Bahia del Sol, El Salvador (Dec-Apr)
Flor de Caรฑa Rum Tours                    
                   Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua -
Papagayo Survivors Party                
                     Coconutz , Playa Cocos, CR
(Early Febโ€™19)
Golfito Marina Village an IGY
Destination - Party
   Golfito, CR (May 1st,
Rally Completion Party                   
                      Vista Mar Marina, Panama

10) Live Weather & safety chats every
Monday at 16:00 UTC in the Panama Posse LINE

Tehuantepec - Papagayos - El Salvador Bar
crossing - Punta Mala - 


11) Vista Mar Marina - Panama

PANAMA POSSE Songlist of all vessels XENIA

It's Christmas on Xenia. Mele Kalikimaka!  -
Bing Crosby



Tara & Mike

12) Please reply to this email
any updates - songs - pictures - alerts
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Updates

Happy Holidays to all from
Dietmar & Suzanne


13) opt-out from the Fleet Updates
simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2018-12-07

1) Ahoy from Mexico Panama Posse, Madeleine left Barra Dec 3rd for Carrizal Bay. Arrived just before dark set in. Found Simple Life there and AIS ed Sonomara in Santiago Bay. Pos was 19 05.68 N 104 26.19 W depth 12.8 m. Had a nice night. there is room for more boats than Capt Rains suggests. Dec 4th went to Punta Cabeza N North, also with Simple Life. Could sail from 7-9 am with genoa and main. Then tried the spi but the wind was too light. Had our first (on this trip) long line at 18 52.84 N 104 08.00 W. Easy to remove from our port transom. Luckily we were on SB engine alone, so no problem. Only a shouting fisherman. Pos at Cabeza 18 36.32 N 103 41.96 W, depth 11 m. Again a peaceful night, but maybe a bit rolly for monohulls. We left at 7 am. I do not think we are going to make it to Caleta de C., Days are rather short and we mostly run one engine 1800 rpm. We will head for Maruata Bay.



Huibert & Maaike
HubertMAAIKE SV Madeleine

2) Zihuatanejo, MX - Turtle Release event(s)

As more vessels area heading south toward Zihuatanejo please be sure and plan to set up yoru very own Panama Posse Turtle Release Bar on Playa La Madera.
Hatch Each season these hatchlings try to avoid the birds and other predators who feast on them - so the local bar collects them during the day and puts them in a big blue bath tub -as the night approaches and margaritas are mixed - they are released from your very own hands. Seven of eight Sea Turtle species are present in Mexico. Baby sea turtles hatch about 40 to 50 days after the mother turtle lays her eggs. Sea turtles are generally released after dark. Thatโ€™s because there are less predators such as birds that can kill and eat them. Fewer than 10% of these turtles live to be adults - but will return to the very place they left from many years later. So help a tiny creature out will ya ? Look for the Panama Posse Tag in the bar on the beach and take a picture. For details about Zihuatanejo - be sure to visit SV Liquid's excellent write up at http://www.svliquid.com/zihuatanejo.html


 babyturtles copy

Guerrero, Mexico (Playa La Madera - turtle release beach ~ 17 38.33 N 101 33.16 W)
Marc & Laura Marc




3) We are now officially at 59 vessels ! and as the 18-19 season gets underway we hope that you come across more vessels who will enjoy the benefits of being part of the Posse. For an up to date list of sponsors please visit www.panamaposse.com/sponsors

Last season's Panama Posse vessels crossing the bar into Bahia del Sol, El Salvador copy

Burgee 4) Marina Puerto de La Navidad, Mexico - our Mexican Headquarters has made us a deal ! Thanks to Harbormaster Secundino and Gm Juan Carlos - you can enjoy the following PP discount throughout their high season (Dec - May) $ 16 x foot x month ( minimum stay 15 days ) $0.84 x foot x day ( short term rate ) Barra If you plan on having family / friends visit you at this luxury resort $110 x night incl. taxes and this resort is very classy with multiple pools / spa / golf / tennis a.m.o. Golf


golf at Marina Puerto de La Navidad, Mexico copy
For Marina details - approach and contact info https://panamaposse.com/start For resort and amenities details (- 45 minutes from Manzanillo Airport) at https://www.islanavidad.com.mx/site/US/index.php Harbormaster Secundino Alvarez Harbormaster

Secundino Harbormaster

Secundino Alvarez




Annual Salvador Rally Bill and Jean copy

5) El Salvador Posse folks, when youโ€™re heading south from Chiapas and planning a stop in Bahia del sol - El Salvador, contact Annual Salvador Rally (Bill and Jean picture below) to arrange a pilot over the bar. Bill and Jean Also, contact them a few days in advance to get their requests from Mexico (not as charity, but as paid cargo for the passage). For example, good tequila is expensive and harder to find in El Salvador and Bill is always looking for a good source of supply (Note: from Devon Thurtle Anderson ... Bill always wants his Velveeta! ) To get your mooring ball from Bill & Jean visit http://www.goodnautical.com/el-salvador/mooring/bills-moorings-la-palma-moorings-bahia-del-sol-el-salvador


Use their pilot - to go in - and only when the swell is low ( under 3 feet )


Bar from the air Use their pilot - to go in - and only when the swell is low ( under 3 feet ) Bar Last season's Panama Posse vessels crossing the bar into Bahia del Sol, El Salvador ! Pool Party Yep - fun in the shady part of the pool at the Sponsor Marina del Sol, El Salvador - For reservations and info go to http://www.goodnautical.com/el-salvador/marina/marina-hotel-bahia-del-sol Rob & Debra





he LINE system allows for up to 200 live conference call participants copy


6) Panama Posse Weekly Line Net - we currently have 38 vessels taking part MONDAY'S at 16:00 UTC via LINE ( go to line.me and download the app works on WIN/MAC/IOS/ANDROID ) - Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME SV CARINTHIA - Search for panamaposse or SV Carinthia or Seaglub and befriend us
- wait and accept your panamaposse GROUP INVITE - send us your position via the message system and listen to the vessel check ins (all free as long you have IP connectivity which we now know is pretty much all along the central American coast) - the LINE system allows for up to 200 live conference call participants ! Line

Isla Tigre, Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras. I copy

7) Isla Tigre, Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras. I Itโ€™s nice here a great change of pace. Itโ€™s a wonderful calm anchorage. No fee to clear into Honduras. PICTURE OF THE WEEK !!! Picture of the Week What a feast ! meal


feast at Isla Tigre, Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras. copy

Isla Tigre, Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras. I copy


El Tigre Anchorage details at http://www.goodnautical.com/honduras/anchorage/isla-el-tigre-n-amapala Jim & Suzy JimSuzy SV Octopus Garden 8) THE PANAMA POSSE Songlist of all vessels is filling up "If I had a Boat", Lyle Lovett: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4evzpIVnMVs & of course, "Footloose", Kenny Loggins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyD8BxoB2To go ahead.... "cut loose, Footloose, kick off your Sunday shoes" --
Michael & Lisa


Boat Mechanics in Barra de Navidad, MX copy

9) INFO -> Boat Mechanics in Barra de Navidad, MX
These guys are working on a large boat next to ours in Barra de Navidad. Just sharing as a resource for others.

MechanicGeorge & Suzanne





feast at Isla Tigre, Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras. copy

10) Please reply to this email with any updates - news - contenders for picture of the week - songs and we'll include it in the next Fleet Updates Dietmar'Suzanne

DietmarCARINTHIA suzanne

Dietmar & Suzanne SV Carinthia Burgee



11) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"


Panama Posse BUrgee