Manuel Antonio National Park – Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, is a quintesential Cosat Rican national park in the Central Pacific Conservation Area located on the Pacific coast a few miles south east of Quepos and Marina Pez Vela.

Manuel Antonio Park

It was established in 1972 and considered the smallest of any Costa Rica national park. It is well known for its beautiful beaches and hiking trails. In 2011, Manuel Antonio was listed by Forbes as among the world’s 12 most beautiful national parks.


Manuel Antonio Park

The diversity of wildlife in its 6.83 km2 (3 sq mi) is unequaled with 109 species of mammals and 184 species of birds.
Dolphins can be observed there, as well as the occasional migrating whale

Manuel Antonio Park

There are  three-toed sloth and   two-toed sloth are a major feature, as are three of Costa Rica’s  monkey species โ€”

The mantled howler monkey
Central American squirrel monkey
Panamanian white-faced Capuchin monkey.

Manuel Antonio Park

There are black spiny-tailed iguana, green iguana, common basilisk, white-nosed coati and many snake and bat species a

Manuel Antonio Park

Included in the 184 bird species  are toucans, woodpeckers, potoos, motmots, tanagers, turkey vulture, parakeets and hawks. .

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