• Sponsors
  • Holiday’s in Barra de Navidad, MX
  • Bocas del Toro Marina Parade, Panama PICTURE OF THE WEEK 
  • 2020 PANAMA CITY GUIDE for download
  • 2020 Barra de Navidad Guide for download by Tally from SV Raven
  • Bocas del Toro – Marina – Xmas Parade, Panama
  • SPHERES “bolas” @ Costa Rica at Isla de Caño
  • plundered notes on spheres
  • Cost Rica, Drake Bay
  • The world’s noisiest land animals …
  • Costa Rica Upper Golfo Dulce Anchorages near Golfito
  • LINE weekly call reminder
  • Updates
  • Opt-Out

1) the 2019-2020 Panama Posse is now at 140 vessels and growing and
A big thank you to all of our sponsors

  • Marina Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta – Mexico 
  • Marina Puerto de La Navidad – Barra de Navidad – Mexico 
  • Marina Ixtapa, Ixtapa – Mexico 
  • La Marina Acapulco, Acapulco – Mexico 
  • Marina Chiapas – Mexico 
  • Marina Bahia del Sol – El Salvador 
  • La Palma Moorings – Bahia del Sol, El Salvador 
  • Marina Puesta del Sol – Nicaragua 
  • Marina Papagayo – Costa Rica 
  • Marina Pez Vela – Costa Rica 
  • Banana Bay Marina – Costa Rica 
  • Golfito Marina Village – Costa Rica 
  • Vista Mar Marina – Panama 
  • Shelter Bay Marina – Panama 
  • Red Frog Marina – Panama 

Official Panama Posse Sponsors

Official Panama Canal Agent

Official Panama Posse Ambassadors

Panama Posse Partners

2) Holiday’s in Barra de Navidad, MX
Bookshelf sized decorations and lights on LUNA


BTW we have gone to Ramon’s in Barra for most Seahawks games. They have 2 large TVs.
All of the fish dishes I’ve tried (grilled fish tacos, garlic mahi fillet dinner, whole snapper dinner, grilled shrimp tacos, octopus dinner) have been excellent!
Service is good, prices are right with each of the above less than 200 MXD pesos, and drink selection very good.


Av. Miguel López de Legazpi # 262, Barra de Navidad, Jal., Mexico

19°12’13.5″N  104°41’02.1″W

Kris & Bob


LUNA3) Bocas del Toro Marina Parade, Panama 

Xmas Boat

We had a great time participating in the Bocas del Toro Marina parade on Saturday December 21st.


Free night stay in Marina and party afterwards also I included the prizes. Just to let you know.


Happy Holidays

Pati and Eric


4) 2020 PANAMA CITY GUIDE for dowload

for download by Tally from SV Raven


https://panamaposse.com/barra-de-navidad-port-guide-by-tally-from-sv-ravenNeil, Tally, Jan


5) SPHERES “bolas”  Isla de Caño – Costa Rica
(a wild goose chase which will be rewarded with a bottle of rum !) As requested, I am forwarding some info on the spheres found on Isla Caño subsequent to my diving tour there.
There was not a lot of info available, but I did shoot the attached photos of signage on one of the hiking trails on the island and I spoke with the park ranger.

Isla Historiacla Chart

Apparently, the island served as a burial ground for prominent members of a civilization that resided in western mainland Costa Rica before the Spanish conquest.
The stones were brought to the island by these ancient mariners, not carved in place on the island. The significance of the stones is not known.


Bob Ritner


get’s an insane amount of ligthing strikes
maybe more than any other place in Central America
Starting from mid April through November

lights out

6) plundered notes about these spheres  from Adrián Badilla–  Archaeologist, Department of Anthropology and History
The stone spheres constitute one of the most unique elements of pre-Columbian Costa Rica and suggestive of the archeology of America. The stone spheres have been found in the southeast of Costa Rica, especially in the extensive alluvial plain formed by the Grande de Térraba and Sierpe rivers, but they are also found in the area of ​​Buenos Aires, Coto Brus, the intermontane valley of Pejibaye and the coastal area of ​​Golfito and Uvita including Caño Island. Its manufacture began in the Aguas Buenas Period (300 BC-800 AD), but it is in the Chiriqui Period (800-1500 AD) that the development and use boom takes place.

Since they began to be reported during the beginning of the activity of the Banana Company of Costa Rica (a subsidiary of the United Fruit Company) in the 1930s, many have cataloged them as a true enigma, generating various explanations and speculations, which It has caused an increase in interest in these particular pre-Columbian artifacts.


Arranged below the surface

On the other hand, various archaeological studies carried out since the forties relate them to the human groups that inhabited the area before the arrival of the Europeans, explaining them within the sociocultural dynamics that these societies had, and not as a product of natural formations or as an element of unknown civilizations.

 Rounded rocks have been reported in other parts of the world, such as those known in Hunan (China), Zavidovice (Bosnia), Hulín (Czech Republic), South Island (New Zealand), Ahualulco – Sierra de Ameca (Jalisco / Mexico) ), Onoto (Venezuela), Ischigualasto Geopaleontological Park (Argentina), Piauí (Brazil). For some of these, their cultural affinity is under discussion or simply studies have grouped them as products of geological activity.

In addition, some spherical rocks have been found in archeological sites in Mesoamerica: Cerro de la Mesas, San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán and Izapa (Mexico), and Benque Viejo (Belize). These findings are isolated cases and have no cultural relationship with those evidenced in Costa Rica. It also highlights an isolated group on Easter Island (Chile).

In Costa Rica, small boulders have been recorded with some degree of sphericity at late sites, such as Orosí (Cartago), Papagayo (Culebra Bay), Platanillo (Reventazón River Basin), Ta´lari (Chirripó), La Fábrica ( Greece) and Las Mercedes (Central Caribbean). They were perhaps made from contacts or influence of societies in the South Pacific.
However, the stone spheres of southeastern Costa Rica have attributes that differentiate them and make them unique.


A big one ( 10+ tons )

1. Its size. The size of the spheres ranges from a few centimeters to 2.5 meters and its weight ranges from a few kilos to 15 tons. Different sizes would have had different functions. Small spheres are associated with perhaps ceremonial structures, while those of greater monumentality were placed in open spaces and at the entrance of the main characters’ homes.

2. Its almost perfect sphericity and surfaces with a fine finish. These finishes were the product of the work of specialists and not the result of natural events. They are sculptures, and as such they are identity artifacts

3. Presence of sets of spheres that sometimes form geometric figures or alignments. Doris Stone and Samuel Lothrop reported spheres forming clusters which could have an astronomical and ritual significance, associated with natural cycles and their relationship with the agricultural cycle, or other schedules of the groups that manufactured them. Currently, only two alignments with an east-west orientation are preserved at the Finca 6 site

4. Its association with other cultural elements (pottery, lithic artifacts, gold, architectural structures) within a complex system of social organization. The spheres were mainly used as rank symbols and identity elements supported by the contexts in which they have been found close to artificial constructions, mounds and squares. Investigations on the Finca 6 site have evidenced the use of the spheres: (a) forming two alignments in an open space, (b) placed at the entrance of artificial mounds that served as housing for the main characters, and (c) as an offering within a funeral structure. These spheres are in association with a local ceramic and statuary production.

The archaeological research activities carried out by the National Museum in sites with stone spheres seeks to exceed the simple descriptive and ordination level behind such a particular element in order to make effective a historical apprehension by recent societies. Stone spheres are not inert elements, they are heritage, objects with history


7) Drake Bay and the nearby location of one of the British pirate’s fabled hidden treasures
Sir Francis Drake

1540 – 28 January 1596 was an English sea captain, privateer, trader,
naval officer and explorer of the Elizabethan era. …
Drake’s exploits made him a hero to the English, but his privateering
led the Spanish to brand him a pirate, known to them as El Draque.

– only a stone throw from Drake Bay  isIsla del Caño– Howler monkeys and much more
8) The world’s noisiest land animals are
the howler monkeys (Alouatta) of Central and South America. 
They are also the loudest land animals on Earth, capable of bellowing at volumes
of 140 decibels, which is on the level of gunshots or firecrackers. The males have an enlarged bony structure
at the top of the windpipe which enables the sound to reverberate, and project their screams up to three miles
through dense rain forest.

Howler MOnkeys

Drake Bay Costa Rica – Anchor ⌖ 08° 41.807´ N 083° 39.959´ W @ 25 feet


Here is all the info

Watch for breaking waves just south of the entrance – hence the dogleg to enter this bay via dinghy

Dingnhy drake bay

– Costa Rica dinghy landing area  @ 08° 41.7006 N 83° 40.4448 W
– bring a long non floating line and a dingy anchor – drop the anchor into the middle of the river mouth
( there are a lot of tour boats in here ) and you can tie up to the tour out fit and then push the dingy into the center
– when you return pull the dingy back to the dock with the long line
– as always lock it !

Here is a link to a great guide by SV LIquid on Drake’s Bay


Marc & Laura


9) Costa Rica Upper Golfo Dulce all near Golfito
Several stunning anchorages in the
a pristine deep fjord cruising ground which we will return to again !

Punta Rincon –
Anchorage @ 08° 41.764 N 083° 28.702 W –  24.00 ft – calm and 360 degree protection
( enter from center as the port side with the mangroves is very shallow  < 5 feet at low tide )

Bahia Rincon – N –
In front of a lovely resort (please get us the contact info) Anchorage @ 8° 43.2163 N 83° 28.7257 W @ 24 feet

Monkey Bay – Stunning – Suzanne’s favorite all year and we found it ourselves !
Saw Capuchin Monkeys on the Beach – Spider Monkeys in the tree tops  and heard amazing
amounts of Howler Monkeys with squadrons of Macaws flying by – absolute lovely lush and green backdrop !
Anchorage @ 08° 43.421 N 083° 28.009 W –  12.00 ft (at low tide )

Monkey Bay

Pargo’s Cove – Anchorage @ 8° 44.014 N 83° 23.713 W in 10 feet at Low Tide – favor the center and don’t go in too deep.
Still nicely tucked away – reefs on both side and lovely islets – and a flat inner sandy bay which we could careen our vessel on.

Pargo's Cove

OSA Wildlife Sanctuary – Animal Refuge – 2 hour tours $25 pp each day at 9 AM with Carol
Anchorage @ 8° 40.653 N 83° 19.5401 W @ 15 feet


Playa Cativo (5 star Eco Resort w/ pool wifi bar organic farm to table menu)
Anchorage @ 8° 40.2939 N 83° 18.4411 W – 15 feet


Call ahead for Lunch or Dinner reservations – 
GM – Allen Mairena +506 8302-1195 / +506 2200-3131


A neat lounge and lot’s of blue butterflies

Keep in mind that the Fjord drops of quickly and deep
with each of these anchorages so you are anchoring on a shelf near shore.

Suzanne & Dietmar



10) LINE
Panama Posse Warm up     @ Monday’s 15:45 UTC
Panama Posse Line Calls   
@  Monday’s 16:00 UTC 
Counter Panama Posse
Line Calls  @  Monday’s 16:30 UTC 
– go to https://line.me download the app for iOS or Android
– use your vessel name as your account name / display name
– search for dietmarpetutschnig ( carinthia ) and send a message with your vessel name
– you’ll get an invite to join the PanamaPosse line group
mute your mike ( green line through ) when you join the group call


11) Please reply to this email with any updates – your vessel location –
contenders for picture of the week – your favorite song for our list –
and we’ll include it in the next Fleet Update

The Panama Posse transfer of knowledge and learning process operates under the gestalt theory
We will not tell you what to do, when or how – we want you to to figure that out.


Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

Panama Posse BUrgee

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