FLEET UPDATE 2019-12-22

  • Happy Holidays
  • Picture of the week
  • Bocas del Toro, Panama
  • Marina Chahue, Mexico is open
  • Isla el Tigre, Amapala, Honduras
  • Marina Papagayo, Cost Rica - Clarification and Update
  • Drake Bay, Cost Rica
  • Costa Alegre, Mexico
  • Burgees' in Panama @ Shelter Bay Marina
  • Lithium Battery dangers got little attention
  • Thermal runway
  • Reply with Pictures and info
  • Opt-Out

1) Merry Christmas, Hanukkah Sameach and happy Kwanzaa and Happy Holidays to all !

Please email us your vessel decoration holiday pictures or put them on LINE.me

Panama Posse

2) Picture of the week - Cost Rica
Monkey climbs by as sun sets at El Avion Restaurant

Picture of the Week

Dan & Angela



3) Bocas del Toro, Panama
We are in Panama near Bocas del Toro
and took a taxi to The Bluff Beach.

Eat some wonderful food at The View Restaurant it was great

Crewon Board



Mariah with Shearwater


Merry Xmas


Merry xmas

Eric & Pati


4) Marina Chahue is open - 2.3 meters observed !

Reservations VHF 16
or call
+52 958 587 2652


Marina Chahue

Details and comments at

(claimed 3.5m at high tide via call by the Panama Posse today )
Marina Chahue is open. We got in this morning. I witnessed 2.2 meters depth at min,
so caution is advised. It is not new but for 11MXN /ft/day, I guess it is just fine. 


It is full of hidden rules - nobody has a way to know about - until you have prepaid your stay.
(Municipal Marina) Security is a bit of a pest with the inforcement of their rules


There is a ‘no night ladies’ restriction (really). Also, no hull cleaning in marina.


5) Honduras, Isla el Tigre, Amapala

Avant and Anduril

This is a photo of the Avant and Anduril crew on the dock at Amapala, El Tigre, with our guide Bob.

Fishing Pangas

Fishing Pangas Leaving from El Tigre


Alice & Greg


6) COSTA RICA, Marina Papagayo Clarification and Update

1. Playa Del Coco is the port of entry.    Clearing in there has no cost when owners clear in themselves.  To clear in at the marina all boats must use a clearing agent.   The arrangement for the clearing need to be made a minimum of 48 hours in advance of their arrival to Marina Papagayo in order for the agent to set up the logistics for clearing on site.   The agent fees range from $450 to $550 depending on size and if the vessel arrives on the weekend.  
It is important to note the decision to use or not use an agent cannot be done once they arrive to the marina.   If the boat arrives to our docks and then decide they do not want to use an agent it is a real mess because technically we are not permitted to let the boat sail back to Coco because they have no paperwork.    If they arrive without advance arrangement from the agent and decide they want to pay fee then the vessel is subject to quarantine until the agent can arrange the clearing.   in some cases this may be a minimum of 24 hour and could go to 48 hours.  
2.  Bonding:  At Marina Papagayo it is not possible to Bond a vessel.  All of the official Marinas were given the benefit of offering duty exoneration or what is called a two year MOPT permit in order to populate the marinas.   This exoneration process has a cost and we offer a dockage credit on the cost depending on how long the boat stays.  
Bonding can only be done in Golfito at Banana Bay and Fish Hook marinas.   These marina were grandfathered in when the new Marina Law was passed some years back.   Therefore these locations were given the option to Bond vessels which essentially freezes the Temporary Import Permit.   But again, Bonding can only be done at these two facilities in Golfito. 

Best Regards, 
Gerente, Marina Papagayo
t +506 2690-3602 dan.eaffaldano@marinapapagayo.com



note from Singularity :
We’ve been in Marina Papagayo for about 10 days.  We rented a car for two days and visited Liberia and stayed in a lodge at the Cañón de la Vieja park.  Very nice.  The marina concierge is offering free trips to some locations, but not a regular thing.  Saturday they took four cruisers and some of the crew of a big yacht to Tamarindo which was very cool.  So if you come to Papagayo, ask if they have anything planned.  Marina Papagayo Costa Rica recently has been offering free spontaneous shuttle trips.  They hire a van and driver to take anyone in the marina to a destination.  The first trip was on 12/14 to the surf meca of Tamarindo.  It’s about a 90min drive from the marina and we spent the day walking through shops and lounging in seaside restaurants.  Witch’s Rock was especially cool with a live band and great craft beer from their brewery.

The second on 12/18 was to the Rincón de la Vieja National Park.  Several hiking paths were available from easy/medium to tougher.  We took the former and our driver, Marco, doubled as a guide through the park.  He earned a nice tip from us.

After the excursion on both trips we were offered an opportunity to stop in a supermarket for provisioning.  Bonus!

We don’t how often or if this will be a continuing service, but we sure hope so!

Marina Papagayo

7 ) Drake Bay, Cost Rica
Blue Oasis loves Bahia Drake, on the OSA Pennisula, CR.
The little town up the hill has 2 small markets plus fruiteria.
Plenty of little restaurants. We took a delightful hike to the beaches today. Get out your stern anchor.


Drake Bay

note: here is a link to a great summary form SV Liquid about Drake Bay

Barry & Kathy


JO downwind sailing back to Barra De Navidad from Tenacatita


Phillip Jay & Kelley


9) Burgees' in  Panama @ Shelter Bay Marina


TALIESIN ROSE & SONOMARA got their burgees !

10)  Lithium Battery dangers got little attention from Coast Guard despite red flags before Conception fire


SANTA BARBARA — (LA Times article)

Nearly a year before 34 people were killed in a fire aboard the dive boat Conception, a second vessel owned by the same charter company began a three-day voyage around the Channel Islands.
Divers on the Vision charged numerous lithium-ion batteries installed in cameras, phones, computers and even underwater scooters with an array of power outlets in the salon area. At some point, one of those batteries began to smolder as it was charging. An alarmed crew member quickly tossed it into the water, preventing the fire from spreading, a witness and several sources told The Times.
The fire underscored the potential dangers of such batteries, which have been banned from cargo areas of commercial planes and become the subject of tighter regulations by the U.S. Navy.
But the U.S. Coast Guard didn’t sound major alarms about the fire risk of the batteries until after the Labor Day fire aboard the Conception, the worst maritime disaster in modern California history.

Officials are still working to determine the cause of the fire, investigating whether it was arson, an electrical or battery fire or some sort of malfunction on the vessel. But some boat safety experts have pointed to the batteries — which have become a staple for divers who use them to power underwater equipment such as lights, cameras and scooters — as a possible starting point for the blaze.
Coast Guard inspectors in California didn’t know about the previous fire aboard the Vision until The Times requested details about it this month.
“In hindsight, it would have been nice to know about it,” Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Kroll told The Times.

After the Conception fire, the Coast Guard for the first time recommended that owners of passenger vessels immediately urge crews “to reduce potential fire hazards and consider limiting the unsupervised charging of lithium-ion batteries and extensive use of power strips and extension cords.”
Glen Fritzler, whose Truth Aquatics firm owns both the Conception and the Vision, believes the batteries were the cause of the Conception disaster.
“I’m telling you the batteries are the issue, and we were never warned,” Fritzler said in an emailed statement to The Times. “I have had top level professional photographers dive with me and they did not understand the dangers.”

Conception 2

The smoldering wreckage of the Conception at dawn in September (Ventura County Fire Department)

Fritzler and his attorney declined to comment further about the fires aboard the Vision or the Conception, citing the ongoing investigations by the National Transportation Safety Board, the U.S Coast Guard and the FBI. He also declined to comment on why his company didn’t report the earlier fire to authorities. Operators are not required to report fires that cause less than $75,000 in damage.
A preliminary investigation of the Conception fire found major breakdowns in required safety procedures on the vessel owned by Truth Aquatics, including inadequate crew training and the absence of a roving night watch at all times while passenger bunks are occupied to alert passengers below deck of an emergency.
Truth Aquatics has also come under scrutiny for how it handled battery charging on boats. Divers who used the Conception previously told The Times that the operator used numerous extension cords to handle the high demand for power to charge various devices.
Passengers often angled for limited charging outlets nestled behind foam-filled, L-shaped benches in the salon areas to power strobe lights, cameras, flashlights and video power packs.
“Stuff is plugged in everywhere,” said Ben Wolfe, a retired Los Angeles County fire captain.

Alarm in aviation
Much of the concern about the dangers of lithium-ion batteries has come from the commercial airline industry.

The Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation have expressed concerns because the batteries pack large amounts of energy and can overheat or self-ignite if they are defective, damaged or overcharged, experts said.
The batteries are used in consumer products such as cellphones, laptop computers, power tools, cameras and countless rechargeable electronic devices. Manufacturers each year make millions of devices powered by the batteries.


Passengers sleeping below deck when the fire on the Conception broke out were trapped. The design of its escape routes has come under scrutiny.

Lithium-ion batteries create heat when they charge. If not properly vented, the heat from one cell or battery can set off a chain reaction with other batteries, said Thomas Barrera, a scientist and consultant who advised NASA on the topic.

To protect against short-circuiting, batteries contain a thin strip of polypropylene to prevent electrodes from touching. If they short-circuit, heat can be generated rapidly, and once oxygen becomes involved, things can turn bad quickly, Barrera said.

Such fires also burn hot — up to or more than 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit — and could exceed the capabilities of an aircraft’s fire-suppression system and lead to a catastrophic failure of an airplane, the FAA said. Internationally, regulators have attributed four deaths and the total loss of three aircraft to incidents involving fires started by lithium-ion batteries being transported in cargo, in 2006, 2010 and 2011.

After advising global airlines in 2017 to keep the batteries out of cargo holds, the FAA and the U.S. Department of Transportation this year adopted rules allowing passengers to take them only in carry-on luggage. In cargo holds, passengers and airline employees cannot see if a battery fire starts and spreads to other baggage. In the cabin, crew members and passengers can at least see and smell smoke. 

The number of lithium-ion battery incidents nationwide remains unknown. But several groups now track the problem. As of Oct. 1, the FAA had logged at least 252 cases since 2006 in which batteries smoked or caught fire inside the cargo hold or passenger area of an aircraft.

Among other things, the fires involved laptops, chargers, e-cigarettes and cellular phones. In at least one case, headphones have exploded on a plane. Aircraft personnel in the U.S. have had to extinguish a device with a smoking lithium-ion battery inside a cabin at least once a month this year.

Airline employees have taken action to prevent catastrophes. In September, a passenger’s bag with a portable speaker on an American Airlines luggage cart caught fire in Dallas. The fire was extinguished, but it burned several other bags, FAA records show.


A drone photo shows the 75-foot Conception on May 3.

In August, a passenger’s portable battery charger began to heat up and would not turn off on a SkyWest flight between San Francisco and Texas. A flight attendant placed the device in a battery containment bag and monitored it, FAA records show.

In June, a fully loaded Southwest Airlines plane was evacuated and taken out of service after a passenger’s carry-on bag, with an e-cigarette battery charger and two batteries inside, started to smoke under a seat. A flight attendant used a fire extinguisher to douse the device, according to FAA records.

The U.S. Navy also has severe restrictions on lithium-ion batteries, and in 2017 it banned all vaping devices from its vessels after they sparked numerous fires.
In 2008, lithium-ion batteries being charged ignited a blaze aboard a Navy SEAL mini-submarine in Pearl Harbor. Since then, the Navy has carefully controlled and vetted lithium-ion batteries as larger ones have become part of more equipment on vessels.

The Navy recently established the Navy Battery Development and Safety Enterprise to advance the fleet’s lithium-ion-enabled capabilities. The Navy’s research wing is regarded as among the most advanced when it comes to developing safer batteries to avoid fires. 

Two trade groups representing battery makers, developers and suppliers urge caution when transporting the batteries on airplanes, according to their websites. “The industry obviously has an outstanding record for safety. There are millions of electronic devices that people use every day and the record reflects that,” the Rechargeable Battery Assn. said in 2017.

But restrictions on devices that use lithium-ion batteries have not extended to passenger boats.
Until the Conception fire, the Coast Guard had not issued any widespread guidelines regarding their use, although in 2016, a Marine Safety Alert warned boaters about a recall of Samsung phones and provided ways to minimize risks from those batteries overheating.

On Sept. 11, nine days after the Conception fire, the Coast Guard issued a safety bulletin for passenger vessels instructing boat operators to — among other things — “reduce potential hazards from lithium batteries, power strips and extension cords.”
Asked why it issued the alert, the Coast Guard told The Times it wanted to “provide an immediate reminder to owners and operators about regulations related to firefighting, lifesaving, preparations for emergencies, and means of escape.”
A Times review of nearly 20 years of Coast Guard records found the agency repeatedly rejected some recommendations by the National Transportation Safety Board for tougher safety rules.
Last week, three California members of Congress introduced federal legislation to require small passenger vessels to have at least two escape exits, strengthen standards for fire alarm systems and create mandatory safety rules for the handling and storage of phones, cameras and other electronic devices with lithium-ion batteries.

More batteries on diving excursions
Boats such as the Conception and Vision were built decades before the boom in personal electronics and high-end diving gear. On dive excursions, passengers now carry cameras, computers, lights, underwater scooters and cellphones — almost all of which are powered by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.
Albert Vogel, a 73-year-old from Durham, Calif., was on an overnight trip on the Conception the week before the deadly Labor Day fire. He said the electrical outlets were “dangerously close to the seat cushions.”

“If one of these devices had overheated … it could have easily set fire to the cushions,” he said. “We were not told anything about being careful with charging or any issues related to that. We were just on our own on that, and people used them.”
Don Barthelmess, who taught diving at Santa Barbara City College, said many divers brought power strips to plug in their devices.
“Anywhere there would be a 110-volt outlet, divers would commandeer an outlet,” he said. “People pretty much fight.”

Burned Hull

The burned hull of the Conception is brought to the ocean surface by a salvage team for investigation in September.

But Barthelmess, who called Truth Aquatics “the Cadillac of diving operations in California,” didn’t think the charging setup — or any other aspect of the boat — raised safety alarms.
“Being on a boat is inherently dangerous, and these are the risks that we accept as people that go diving and go on boats,” he said. “Fires are no exception. No amount of regulations or laws can prevent accidents.”

Greg Lousignont, 70, a former police officer from Peoria, Ill., said that he has been taking trips for three decades on Truth Aquatics vessels and that Fritzler, the owner, is a friend.
When he first started, few divers carted loads of electronic equipment. But that changed in recent years as manufacturers flooded the market with cheaper, mass-produced equipment, he said.
Barrera said these products bring risks, saying that cheaper knockoff cables and plugs don’t have a power management system to stop the overcharging of a battery.
Wolfe, the retired fire captain, was aboard the Vision when the battery caught fire last year. He didn’t see the fire, but other passengers told him about it. Wolfe recalled seeing areas around electrical outlets filled with other items.
He said the batteries and chargers were often stored on seat cushions crowded with other items.
“The space down behind the cushion often had T-shirts, towels and bottles of wine because it was a place to store them and stop them from rolling around,” he said.
That scenario could be problematic, Barrera said.
“If a lithium battery is buried while charging under clothes and on a surface that does not help dissipate that heat, a perfect storm of events can come into play,” he said.
Barrera and other experts emphasized that nothing is inherently unsafe about the batteries as long as precautions are taken. He said that astronauts on spacewalks depend on the batteries and that NASA is able to operate them safely even in the extreme environment of space.

Greater awareness of fire dangers
While divers continue to plunge into the waters off Southern California, boat owners are taking extra steps to limit fire dangers aboard vessels.
Andrea Mills, an education coordinator at Island Packers in Ventura County, said the boating company imposed new safety rules after the Coast Guard issued the warning about lithium-ion batteries in September. Island Packers never encountered any battery fires, but it banned all electronics, not just those with lithium-ion batteries, from gear stored below deck on its four vessels, Mills said. It went a step further than the Coast Guard warning to create an additional safety measure for passengers, she said.
“We are way more aware of the problems in cargo holds,” Mills said. “We did research and read about all the fires in airplanes.”
Ralph Clevenger, who shot photos and videos for Truth Aquatics, said there needs to be heightened awareness about charging devices on boats. He said he is part of an email group with dozens of photographers who have discussed how to educate boat owners about battery dangers.
We “have said, you have got to change things, it’s too dangerous,” he said.

from LA Times Dec. 15, 2019 5 AM


11) Thermal runaway of the lithium-ion battery initiates an unstoppable chain reaction.
The battery becomes gaseous, and a fire erupts that can hardly be extinguished by conventional means. Liithium ion batteries perform optimally, and will last longer, if they are kept at temperatures between
-10°C and +30°C. This range is consistent with findings by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).

In very cold temperatures, batteries don’t achieve their full rated power until the battery cells warm up.

As the accompanying EERE graphic shows, batteries exposed to hotter average temperatures lose their ability to store energy; the hotter the temperature the faster they lose their storing ability. So in the tropics or in hot climates those whose will likely be looking to replace their batteries faster than owners living where the thermometer doesn’t often reach 110°F.


The C (−) temperature rate and cell voltage of LG HG2 and Panasonic NCR GA (at 100% SOC) versus C (−) temperature (top).
Temperature rate of C (+) and vessel pressure rate of LG HG2 and Panasonic NCR GA (at 100% SOC) versus C (+) temperature (bottom).


12) Please reply to this email with

– your updates
contenders for picture of the week links to your favorite SONGS
– relevant blog posts – and of course your valuable suggestions

and we’ll include it in the next FLEET UPDATE – Keep em ‘coming


The Panama Posse philosophy is to pass on nautical knowledge via the gestalt theory...

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

13) Opt-out from Fleet Updates simply reply with “REMOVE

Panama Posse Burgees

Protected: FLEET UPDATE 2019-12-15


  • LINE.me call Monday @ 16:00 UTC
  • 'tis the season for Long Lines
  • Marina Pez Vela, Costa Rica
  • CrossRoads, Farewell
  • Marina Chahue, Mexico
  • Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors
  • We need head shots
  • Carnival of Desamparados & Festival of the Little Devils, Cost Rica
  • GoodNautical is mobile friendly
  • Safe Esteem - get your free personal risk barometer app
  • Flare Night
  • Please reply to this email with updates and pictures
  • opt-out

1) Line.me - live fleet line calls on Mondays
 @ 15:45 UTC  Warm up  @ 16:00 UTC  Panama Posse call (mute your mikes)
 @ 16:30 UTC 
Counter Posse Call(mute your mikes)

 Remember to practice muting and un-muting your microphone 



White mike is OPEN & we can all hear you

– Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME (example Carinthia or CARINTHIA_Dietmar)
– the LINE system allows for up to 200 live conference call participants  !
– Search for dietmarpetutschnig and become a friend – wait and accept your panamaposse20192020 GROUP INVITE – send us your position via the message system and listen to the vessel check instab > +   Location  - adjust the blue marker - tap the grey box

2) 'tis the season for Long Lines

... I trust that sailors will not take my attached sketches as absolutes, but rather a documentation of my observations:  
After un-charted rocks and lightning, the thing that sends shivers up my spine is the thought of long lines. We have seen many, hit 4 or 5 and had to dive on the prop 3 times to cut loose/unwrap them from the shaft. Unfortunately the marking standard for these nuisances seems to vary from country to country. What we learned in one country caused us to hit lines in another country. For instance in Mexico we would run parallel to the long precession of spaced flags and do an end run around the last. When we tried this maneuver in Costa Rica we consistently hit the lines because in that country, it turns out, many of the fisherman only mark the middle of the line with a black flag. There are no end markers.Through our encounters with the lines and with one with a fisherman whose long line we had to cut off the prop we think we have learned a few things about these obstacles that we believe is worth sharing. I am sure there are other variations and not all fisherman follow these unwritten standards but it is at least a documentation of what we have experienced. I have attached the various marking conventions we have seen on our trip south. We are only in Costa Rica now so I am sure we will have more learning to do in Panama !

Mexico Long Line Observation
The long lines in Mexico were anywhere from ½ mile long to 4 miles long but seemed to be pretty consistently marked in the below manner. We did not encounter any at night. We do not know if this was dumb luck or if they were pulled in before nightfall. Perhaps someone else has more insight.


Black Flags at various intervals up to several hundred yards apart. Last flag indicates end of line.
Intermediate floats: water bottles, milk juts, oil bottles, fishing floats etc. between flags.

Guatemala Long Line Observation
The long lines in were poorly marked and the black flags at each end not always easy to see. Any time we saw a floating plastic bottle ahead we approached with caution and a string of them indicated the presence of a line. Like Mexico, we did not encounter any at night. We averaged about 15 miles off-shore as we passed Guatemala.

Guatemala Longlines

Black Flag at both ends of line.

Intermediate floats: water bottles, milk juts, oil bottles, fishing floats etc. between flags. Spacing between floats was inconsistent with sometimes large spacings

Nicaragua Observations
We did not encounter any long lines off the coast of Nicaragua, however we encountered many fishing pangas both during the daytime and at night. They seemed to work in groups and I do not know what type of fishing equipment they were using. We passed well outside the mouth of the gulf of Fonseca , so perhaps there were longlines there; we do not know.


note: Here is a long-line marker off the coast of Nicaragua

Costa Rica Long Line Observation#1
The long lines were marked in the middle with a single black flag and typically extended 1 kilometer in each direction from the flag (according to a fisherman whose line we ran over and tangled in our prop.) and there may or may not be a panga on station at one end of the line. We encountered quite a few lines, particularly outside the mouth of the Gulf of Nicoya. We day-hopped between anchorages in CR so we do not know if they are out at night.

CR 2

Black Flag at center of 2 km long line.
Floats: water bottles, milk juts, oil bottles, fishing floats etc. with perhaps 40 to 50 meters between floats. The last float will be about 1 km from the flag. Watch out for a string of floats cut off from the main flag by another passing boat.

Costa Rica Observation#2
This line is only a couple of hundred meters long and drifts parallel to the wind. It usually has a large black flag and small black flag on a float on the downwind side and a small float on the upwind side. Usually a panga is on station at some point along the line. We are not sure if this is a net or line. This was only encountered in bays and close to shore

CR 2

Large black flag and small black flag a few meters away.
Floats: no observed intermediate floats; just the down-wind flag and an upwind float, mostly with a panga on station.

Costa Rica Observation#3
This line is only perhaps a hundred meters long and seems designed to drift perpendicular to the wind. It usually has a black or some other colored flag at each end and single float ½-way between. We do not know if this is a long-line or net. This was only encountered in bays and close to islands and shores.

CR 3

Black Flag on each end of line Floats: One intermediate float between flags.

Bob & Joan


note from Panama:
Beware of entering or exiting Vista Mar Marina, PANAMA  or sailing in the area at night. Our prop was fouled by an unlit fishing net cast directly across the entrance 60 meters after exiting. Captain Fabio & Lisa



3) Marina Pez Vela, Costa Rica

FYI, we are a little ahead of the game. They asked for 48 hrs notice but bent over backwards to assist.
We pulled into Quepos, CR and we're going to have issues until I mentioned the Panama Posse and the doors flew open.
Received discount at the marina and the agent was great. Marina Paz Vela was fantastic! 


We had to motor most of the way in 5 knts of wind.  Quepos,CR and Pez Vella Marina were fantastic-said the magic words "Panama Pose" and the doors flew open.  Flamenco Marina was good, but our agent Erick Galvez was tremendous. Made it so easy. We transited Canal in one day-had to maintain 7 1/2-8 knots and we just made it.  Will also forward the name of a rigger and sail maker as we had a few minor repairs. Will wait until they are done to recommend. Saved a few hundred $$ by mentioning the pose. Tough but great trip. Off to Cayman and then Ft Lauderdale .
Bruce & Kirk


4) CROSSROADS - Farewell


Thursday was a bittersweet day for us. After 14 years, 3 Nordhavns and many thousands of miles at sea the money hit the bank and the best of the bunch, our beloved N57, CrossRoads, was gone and we exited the family of Nordhavn owners. It seems like the end of an era for us and we are wondering what’s next. Is there another Nordhavn in our future? Maybe....maybe not. Is there another boat in our future? Probably.
It’s been a great ride and we have made some incredible friends and acquaintances from all over the globe along the way. We’ve met and enjoyed laughs and liquor with folks who have done incredible things, like the GSSR group who took three Nordhavns to Russia and beyond, a great young couple who put their careers on hold and took an N43 around the world, entrepreneurs that brought their love of boating and their skills to organize new events like the Panama Posse, a woman who at nearly 70 years old is completing her single handed circumnavigation on a vintage 50 ft. sailboat and so many others who have ventured across oceans or along foreign coastlines in search of their own kind of adventure on the sea, with stories to tell and experiences to share.

Over the years, time after time fellow Nordhavn owners have come to my aid and I have skinned my knuckles more times than I can remember helping others as well, knowing there was always something to be learned from a new friend and that there was a beer and a chuckle around the corner. Such is the Nordhavn world. I have seen and shared moments of incredible natural beauty and wildlife while drinking fine wine and listening to beautiful music with friends in the cockpit of a Nordhavn. Such is the Nordhavn world. I have pounded on the hull of a Nordhavn in Charleston belonging to perfect strangers, demanded that the beautiful woman that appeared become my wife’s friend and received in return giant smiles, a hearty laugh, instant compliance and friends for life. Such is the Nordhavn world.
We have made our way from the Channel Islands of Southern California to British Columbia, SE Alaska, and across the Gulf of Alaska to places not oft visited by cruisers, like Lituya Bay, Yakatat and the far reaches of Prince Williams Sound. We learned to love the beauty and the people of Mexico in ways the casual tourist does not have time to appreciate, we experienced the hospitality of desperately poor El Salvador and the natural wonders and wildlife of Costa Rica. We were virtually adopted by some wonderful locals in Panama and heard of their escape from the chaos in Venezuela and making a new home in a new country with their beautiful family.

We have been through the Canal three times and visited, touched and imagined the hopes and the crushed dreams of past mariners while visiting one of the first operational submarines abandoned 150 years ago where she still remains alone on a beach on a very remote Panamanian island. We have visited far away Caribbean islands, experienced the historic ports of the East Coast of the US making wonderful friends along the way and we have even eaten fresh lobster with Milt and Judy Baker at their summer haunt in Maine. We have visited many of our Nordhavn friends at their homes around the world and we had the great pleasure of helping take a newly minted FPB 64 across the sea from New Zealand to Fiji in what turned out to be a rather nasty storm.


I could go on but I think you get the point. It’s all been a great adventure and loads of fun made possible in very large part by the folks at PAE and their wonderful boats. Is there life after Nordhavn? Only time will tell but we live on a mountaintop now and life is pretty good............it snowed yesterday and the sun is shining today so I’m headed for the slopes just as soon as I’m done with this post.
To all of you continue to savor the dreams, the people and the adventures and...........thanks for the memories!

Stan and Diane


CROSSROADS 5)  Marina Chahue

+52 958 587 2652
- due to runoffs and silting this Marina is currently closed (no word on the status of the fuel dock )
- when anchoring and waiting for your weather window for the Tehuantepec  please always lock your dinghy in this area !

Map of Chahue

As you can see in Good Nautical - there are plenty of alternative anchorages in the Huatulco
area as you "wait" for the green light to cross the Tehuantepec - just LOCK your DINGHY !
One of the favorites is La India  @ 15° 42.63 N 96° 11.87 W ( use a stern anchor if anchored behind the reef for extra comfort )


We are anchored outside Marina Chahue. Seeing small boats enter. I was told no with my big boat due to dredging. I plan to scope out the marina tomorrow Marina is a Fonatur government marina. Took dink in. Docks in poor shape. Closed to transients. Dredging in progress. Slow due to debris in marina. Old tires. A motorcycle. Cables. Restaurant open. Some business open like dive shop. Hope to be fully open by January. Manager Ezekiel was sad and frustrated and friendly.

Angela & Dan



6) As always we want to thank all of our

Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors

  • Marina Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta – Mexico 
  • Marina Puerto de La Navidad – Barra de Navidad – Mexico 
  • Marina Ixtapa, Ixtapa – Mexico 
  • La Marina Acapulco, Acapulco – Mexico 
  • Marina Chiapas – Mexico 
  • Marina Bahia del Sol – El Salvador 
  • La Palma Moorings – Bahia del Sol, El Salvador 
  • Marina Puesta del Sol – Nicaragua 
  • Marina Papagayo – Costa Rica 
  • Marina Pez Vela – Costa Rica 
  • Banana Bay Marina – Costa Rica 
  • Golfito Marina Village – Costa Rica *
  • Vista Mar Marina – Panama 
  • Shelter Bay Marina – Panama 
  • Red Frog Marina – Panama 

Discounts by marinas offered to the active Panama Posse roster are at subject to availability a.m.o. »



Official Panama Canal Agent


Official Panama Posse Ambassadors

Panama Posse Partners

Panama Posse

7) We need head shots from the following vessels :


Faces of the 2019-2020 Panama Posse

8) Costa Rica - Carnival of Desamparados
(San Jose, CR - 27th of December  09°53.88 N 084°03.92 "W)
Traditional parade, horse riders and characterized by colorful state coaches and
costumes of the participants, who dance to the rhythm of big bands.

Desemp 2
Desempa 3

Festival of the Little Devils in Boruca, CR
Dec 30th & Jan 2nd @ 08°59 N 083°16 W


The Boruca put on masks representing devils and do stylized battle with the invading Spanish.
Their surviving population numbers barley over 2,500 members and they speak the ‘Brunka’ language.
Less than 40 members of the tribe can currently speak the language

Flute and Bull

The game of the Boruca devils  is a traditional festival of the Boruca culture, indigenous people of Costa Rica, which takes place between December 30 and January 2 of each year, in the community of Boruca, and the first weekend of February, in the town of Rey Curré,


Good Nautical is now mobile friendly (aka responsive)
so whip out all your cellphones and give it a tab

            Nautical Mobile Friendly
Safe Esteem

10) Safe Esteem - get your free personal risk barometer app

Free to try for 6 months for all Panama Posse participants
- safe esteem is a barometer for personal risk and thanks to
Van - COO of safe-esteeem  who gave a very good travel risk presentation
during the safety seminars - you can use it for free to see how your risk score's change along the route.

To download go to https://www.safe-esteem.com/  
scroll down and use the invite code "PP1920"
This is a private beta release and currently only works on iphones.

SafeEsteem app

 “Safe-esteem is the map & compass to navigate risks in our life’s journey and provides a life risk barometer”


After a lot of planning, coordinating, and waiting since last year, the opportunity was upon us, FLARE NIGHT !  


The Panama Posse worked since last year to coordinate an exercise night of testing distress flares.  After discussions regarding timing, location and safety with both Port Captain and Harbor Master, the flare night was a go for this year.  From the corner of the marina and looking out towards the empty area of the lagoon, we began launching flares, one at a time, over the lagoon.
As we were launching from land, we were instructed to aim out over the lagoon, versus straight up which obviously would bring hot burning flares falling into the marina full of boats (there was a lesson here, see below....).  The first flares being fired were typical 12mm flares, there were a few people launching 25mm flares and towards the conclusion of the exercise we had two parachute flares.

Flare Guns

Personally, I was really glad we were able to hold this exercise.  I've never personally fired a flare, there's no kick or flame from the initial launch (although you should look away when firing), and there is a distinct 'cracking' sound at trigger pull.  The flares actually take much longer to ignite and light up after launch then I would've imagined and the flares stayed lit until finding the surface of the water.  The 25mm were clearly brighter and launched higher than the 12mm flares.  The 12mm flares stayed visible for about 6-8 seconds, the 25mm about 8-10 seconds.  But recall we were launching at an angle to avoid flares falling back into the marina.  The lesson here: despite what is likely a natural tendency to aim your flare in an emergency towards the target rescue vessel, in fact the better option would be to aim the flare just off directly overhead and downwind thus increasing the flight time and decreasing risk of the flare returning to your vessel.
Next lesson learned: admittedly many people probably brought expired flares for this exercise, but it was surprising just how many were duds.  Rough estimate is that 3/10 were duds.  Lesson is, when also considering the 6-10 seconds flight time, that it would be a good idea to have a dozen or more flares on hand.
Another lesson learned: the parachute flare was absolutely amazing.  This launched at least twice as high as the 12mm and 25mm flares, was much much brighter, and stayed airborne and visible for 4-5 minutes!
Lastly, an important reminder and lesson: remember that with flares you are dealing with extremely hot, flammable and a potentially very dangerous product.  Take extreme caution with these.  Our evening concluded with a misfire of a parachute-type flare which, very shortly after launch, made a wicked 90 degree turn only 100' off the ground and flew until it hit something, fortunately for us it landed in the moist jungle and burned itself out.  


Overall the experience was very educational and I'd like to thank the Barra de Navidad Port Captain, Marina Puerto de la Navidad Harbormaster, for the opportunity for this exercise.




12) Please reply to this email with any updates - your vessel location -
contenders for picture of the week - your favorite song for our list -
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Update

The Panama Posse transfer of knowledge and learning process operates under the gestalt theory
We will not tell you what to do, when or how - we want you to to figure it out. YOUR VESSEL YOUR CREW YOUR RESPONSIBILITY


Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

Panama Posse BUrgee

13) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2019-12-10

  • Picture of the Week
  • Safe-esteem app for iOS
  • OpenCPN
  • Tours and info from Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua
  • The 5 most significant cultural celebrations in Panama
  • Costa Rica, Rental Car Theft Incident
  • Time to decorate your vessels and share your pictures !
  • Reply with updates please
  • Opt-out


          Posse 2019 - 2020

and we're off - thank you all for coming to the kick off seminars !


2) Safe Esteem - personal risk app free for download

Free to try for 6 months for all Panama Posse participants - safe esteem is a barometer for personal risk and thanks to
Van - COO of safe-esteem  who gave a very insightful travel risk presentation during the safety seminars
- you can use it for free to see how your risk scores change along the route.

To download go to https://www.safe-esteem.com/   scroll down and use the invite code "PP1920"
This is a private beta release and currently only works on iphones.

SafeEsteem app

 “Safe-esteem is the map & compass to navigate risks in our life’s journey and provides a life risk barometer”

3) OpenCPN

Get satellite chartlets from www.panamaposse.com/open-cpn/  
Make chartlets https://panamaposse.com/opencpn-5-0-mbtiles/


The Seminars at Barra de Navidad


4) Tours and info from Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua 

        Puesta del Sol

Tours from Marina Puesta del Sol

We took the advice from Vikki of Taliesin Rose and contacted a local surfing guide for the possibility of a non-surfing tour of Nicaragua.  Chinto and his Bostonian fiance Drew customized a three-night, four-day outing that included:

León, Granada, Masaya, Catarina, the beautiful Laguna de Apoyo and the live Volcán Masaya.  They found great accommodations with A/C for us at prices ranging from $45 to $60.  We took their recommendations and we're certainly happy with them.  They knew we weren't interested in "exciting" adventures but preferred slow and relaxing days but if you want a more active tour, Chinto can certainly provide it.

Here's a link to his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LocalSurfAdventuresNorthNica/
Chinto's phone/whatsapp - +505-7727-1305

Chinto's place is a short distance from the marina, next to the Badaboom hostel/restaurant.  Drew also provides yoga, fitness, and nutritional training at that location.

It was a huge bonus...


Update on our previous entry for Marina Puesta del Sol.  I wish we could edit our entries for corrections and updates.

Electricity is NOT included in the slip fee and is a bit on the spendy side in Puesta del Sol.  When we were there 22Nov19-03Dec19, electric was provided from a generator 0700-1300 and 1700-2200 at a cost of $0.45/kwh compared to $0.24/kwh at Marina Papagayo.  We ran our "window" style 110v aircon for about 8 days out of the 12 we were there and we used 88kwh at a cost of about $40.

Water is also metered at about $0.04/liter.  Since we only used our tanks for drinking and cooking, we used dock water to rinse the boat and shower with.  Total used for 8 days was about 226liters for $9.00.

The washing machines & dryers are in poor shape.  Only one washer and one dryer were functioning (for each, the "good" one was on the left).  $2 per load each in quarters obtained from Juanita.  We would recommend waiting for the next port for your laundry.  The laundry room is locked when not in use, so arrange for it to be open before Juanita leaves for the day.  Keep in mind the hours that electricity is on.

Juanita is a gem and did all that she could to ensure our stay was pleasant.  Her Whatsapp #+505-8880-0013, but she may not be available after hours.

The pool is very nice and one of the few we've used with convenient shade.

Currently, the restaurant/bar at the marina is only open Fri-Sun.  Reasonable prices - dinner for one & two beers $18.

Wi-Fi is available at the pool and on the dock, but they're using an older style transmitter and more modern extenders may or may not be able to connect to it. 

All-in-all, Marina Puesta del Sol was a very quiet, tranquil and pleasant stop.

Bob & Carol



5) The 5 most significant cultural celebrations in Panama

Carnaval de Las Tablas Feb 22, 2020 - Feb 25, 2020 @  07°46'10.1"N 80°16'17.7"W


Held over four days prior to Ash Wednesday.
You'll see  floats and musicians and fireworks at night.
The queens appear on Saturday night and their coronation is on Sunday.
Monday is masquerade day and
Tuesday townswomen wear polleras.

Festival de la Mejorana en Guararé September 2020 @ 07°48'57.6"N 80°16'42.5"W -

          Festival de la Mejorana en Guararé

Dance groups from all over Panama – and even from other Latin American countries – attend this important annual event in late September. Festivities include a colorful procession in which decorated floats parade through the streets in oxcarts.

- Fiestas Patrias - Expect heavy traffic.

        Fiestas Patrias
  • Nov 03, 1903 Separation of Panamá from Colombia.
  • Nov 04: Flag Day
  • Nov 05 Separation Movement in Colón
  • Nov 10  1821 "El Grito" of Independence" in Villa de Los Santos  07°56'25.0"N 80°23'54.9"W
  • Nov 28 1821 Declaration of Independence from Spain ( 320 years of colonialism)

- Panama Jazz Festival - https://panamajazzfestival.com/ Jan 13-18, 2020

- Panama
        Jazz Festival

- Festival de Cristo Negro de Portobelo - October 21st 2020 @ 09°33'15.0"N 79°39'16.6"W 


Cristo Negro is a wooden statue of Jesus Christ in Iglesia de San Felipe, a Roman Catholic parish church located in Portobelo, Panama. The statue was found on the shores of the town's harbour. Life size, it is adorned with a robe that is changed twice a year, once during the Festival of the Black Christ and during Holy Week.

6) Costa Rica, Rental Car Theft Incident
Since we covered the Security subject today I wanted to share my recent experience in Costa Rica. In our time on the water and in anchorages and marinas we have felt very safe and have had great experiences, taking the normal precautions. My wife and I also rented a car and did a fantastic tour of northern Costa Rica without incident. Most of the driving was very rural, as were the hotels/motels and it was very safe. However Liberia are taught us some lessons about rental car shortcomings. My wife had to fly to New York to deal with a family emergency so my friend flew down from Mexico to join me on the trip from Marina Papagayo to Quepos. I picked him up and dropped my wife off at San Jose airport. My friend Zolly and I stopped at Walmart in Quepos for provisioning on the way back to marina Papagayo. The security at the Walmart parking lot is very good, but we believe we were identified as a potential theft target there due to all of our luggage in the car. On our way to the marina we stopped at the Do-It Center for Coffee and Gas, as it is the only place to get coffee on the way back to the marina. We only know this after a detailed review of security footage, but to make a long story short, a guy arrived 1 minute before we did with a key fob jammer. We parked, and he prevented may car from locking with the jammer in his hand after I pushed the lock function on the electronic key. In less than a minute he took our luggage out of the car and left the center before we exited the coffee shop. Passports, clothes, cell  phone, etc.....all gone. It is important for people to know to physically check to see that their doors are locked and that they not just push the lock button and walk away. The good news is that the US Embassy in San Jose is VERY efficient and we walked out of there with new 1 year temporary passports in 2 hours without any appointment and my wife arrived a few days ago from New York with a new cell for me. As we have learned, much of the crime in Costa Rica is petty theft from rental cars, so always be aware of surroundings, check your lock, and if possible do not leave anything in the car, and this will eliminate most of the theft risk. Again, we have had a great time here and it seems that most of the sharks are on land in the bigger cities, not on the water!!
Kudos to Marina Papagayo for all of the support they provided after this incident and for helping me access the security videos, from Duit Center so I knew what happened. Thank you Dan!!

Bob and Joan





DAN Boater (boating accident) (take from ship to nearest hospital/medical facility; limitation on amount but might get you all the way home). This is an annual membership fee service.
Emergency +1-919-667-9111
Information +1-919-490-2011

MEDJET Expat 180 Family Membership (any medical condition)(take from hospital/medical facility in foreign country to your home in U.S.). This is an annual membership fee service.
+1 205-595-6626
There are a number of Medical repatriation companies. Check your boat insurance, policy carefully as some policies do not contain any or sufficient medical repatriation expense.
Medjet and DAN Boater provide emergency information. There are a number of companies on the internet that are pay as you go and do not require that you purchase a membership that provide emergency information.

MHZ UTC time
4.125 2300-11
6.125 24 hr.
8.290 24 hr.
12.290 1100-2300

001 310 732 2046
World wide emergency Ham net: 14.313 24 hr.
Central America Ham net: 7.083 UTC time 1300

    Rescue Coordination Center:  (510) 437-3701.  This is the number for group receiving EPIRB emergency beacon distress signals.  They will coordinate with local country Coast Guards if boater is outside of the U.S. and they have translators, as the numbers at the local country Coast Guards in Central America will speak Spanish.  They said it would be ok to call them in emergency.

    These numbers were given to me by the U.S. Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Center.  The individuals from these local Coast Guards will speak Spanish when you call them.  If you cannot communicate with them, the Rescue Coordination Center can call them, but that will take more time.

  El Salvadore Coast Guard:  (505) 22500210,   Extension 5103
    Nicaragua Coast Guard:      (504)22342507
    Costa Rica Coast Guard:      (506) 22314924
    Panama Coast Guard:           (507) 60451197

CALIFORNIA COAST GUARD OFFICES WHO COULD BE  called if you cannot reach rescue coordination center, however the local coast guards will likely just go through the Rescue Center:
    Coast Guard Sector LA/Long Beach:  310 521-3815
    Channel Islands office:  805 985-9822



World wide emergency Ham net:  14.313    24 hr.
Pacific Seafares Net 14300 @ 0300 UTC 
Central America Ham net:  7.083   @ 1300 UTC

CENTRAL AMERICA EMBASSY CONTACT INFORMATION.  Go to www.usembassy.gov/ for further information.  For Central America embassies, emergency number is +1-202-501-4444, and press “0”,  from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST.  When dialing embassy numbers below probably start with “ +” depending on phone service.   

    +52 55 5080-2000
    Paseo de la Reforma 305, Colonia Cuauhtenoc,     06500 Mexico, DF

    +502 2326 4000
    Avenida Reforma 7-01, Zona 10, Guatemala Cuidad, Guatemala

    +503 2501 2999
    Final Blvd. Santa Elena,     Antiguo Cuseatlan, La Libertad,     San Salvador   

    +504 2238 5114 (after hours X4100)
    +504 2236 9320 (per embassy website, but not communications received:  011-504 2236 9320)
    Avenida La Paz,     Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras
    +505 2252-7100
    Kilometer 5.5 Carreter Sur, Managua, Nicagagua

    +506 2519 2000
    Calle 98 Via 104, Pavas,     San Jose, Costa Rico

    +507 317 5000
    Bldg 783, Demetrio Basilio Lakas Ave, Clayton, Panama


GLOBAL MARINE DISTRESS SAFETY SYSTEM:      1-888-407-4747, press “0” for overseas citizen emergency services.


They provide information on piracy and safety and security, and you can sign up for alerts by going online.
    Emergency:  1-202-501-4444 (8-8 EST, M-F)


Stan & Diane


8)  Download the official Barra de Navidad, Mexico

barra guide

Thanks to Tally, Neil, Jan and of course Otter -
this is the best resource guide to date on Barra de Navidad
and we wholeheartedly thank Tally and SV Raven for creating such a detailed guide !

Follow this link and download this 36 page guide !



Neil, Tammy, Jan & Otter


9) Time to decorate your vessels and share your pictures !

Xmas Lights

10) Please reply to this email with

– your updates
contenders for picture of the week links to your favorite SONGS
– relevant blog posts – and of course your valuable suggestions

and we’ll include it in the next FLEET UPDATE – Keep em ‘coming


The Panama Posse philosophy is to pass on nautical knowledge via the gestalt theory...

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

11) Opt-out from Fleet Updates simply reply with “REMOVE

Panama Posse Burgees

24-25' Panama Posse Kick Off Weekend

 All of this takes place starting December 4-8 2024 in
Barra de Navidad, MX at the Marina Puerto de la Navidad


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By Checking this box you agree to the terms and public event and liability waiver.


Some of these seminars are recorded  and place them online for participants



Here are our tentative dates for our seminars in early December 2024 in Barra de Navidad, Mexico 

WHEN: December 4-8 2024

WHERE: Barra de Navidad, MX at the Marina Puerto de la Navidad


RSVP Some of these seminars are recorded and place them online for participants >>

Here are our tentative dates for our seminars in early December in Barra de Navidad, Mexico !


Wednesday December 4, 2024    

    1)  10:00 PANAMA POSSE INTRO AND OVERVIEW   and Fleet Tracking



Thursday December 5,  2024

   3)  10:00 DANGERS & SAFETY




Friday  December 6, 2024


-> details here on how to win the chef award ->


Saturday December 7, 2024

   8)  10:00 AM  Swapmeet



SUNDAY December 8, 2024


  11)  BONFIRE ON THE BEACH ⚓ 19° 17.975′ N 104° 50.1316′ W




Harbormaster Secundino Alvarez 

1) panama posse intro q&a and tracking

When: Wed @ 10:00 to ~ 12:00

Meet at Manuel Antonio de Mendoza Meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Resort

From the top lobby take the side elevator down to the 3rd floor -
Manuel Antonio
19°11'44.1"N 104°41'05.3"W

Class room style Tables, Chairs, Air Conditioning, Bath rooms Lights, resort wifi, (but no cellphone service),
Power outlets on the wall so bring extension cords if you need power.

Food & Beverage:
We will also have a waiter on standby to order food or drinks from the resort.

What to bring ?
big notepad - pencil - things to write - pads - phones - guidebooks - cameras - laptops - extension cords


When: Wed @ 13:00 to ~ 15:30

Meet at Manuel Antonio de Mendoza Meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Resort

From the top lobby take the side elevator down to the 3rd floor -
Manuel Antonio
19°11'44.1"N 104°41'05.3"W

Class room style Tables, Chairs, Air Conditioning, Bath rooms Lights, resort wifi, (but no cellphone service),
Power outlets on the wall so bring extension cords if you need power.

Food & Beverage:
We will also have a waiter on standby to order food or drinks from the resort.

What to bring ?
big notepad - pencil - things to write - pads - phones - guidebooks - cameras - laptops - extension cords - a happy adventurers mindset

3)  10:00 DANGERS & SAFETY

Thu @ 10:00 to ~ 12:00

Meet at Manuel Antonio de Mendoza Meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Resort

From the top lobby take the side elevator down to the 3rd floor.

Manuel Antonio
19°11'44.1"N 104°41'05.3"W

Class room style Tables, Chairs, Air Conditioning, Bath rooms Lights, resort wifi, (but no cellphone service),
Power outlets on the wall so bring extension cords if you need power

Food & Beverage:
We will also have a waiter on standby to order food or drinks from the resort.

What to bring ?
big notepad - pencil - pads - phones - guidebooks - cameras - laptops - extension cords


Thu @ 13:00 to ~ 16:00

Meet at Manuel Antonio de Mendoza Meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Resort

From the top lobby take the side elevator down to the 3rd floor.

Manuel Antonio
19°11'44.1"N 104°41'05.3"W

Class room style Tables, Chairs, Air Conditioning, Bath rooms Lights, resort wifi, (but no cellphone service),
Power outlets on the wall so bring extension cords if you need power

Food & Beverage:
We will also have a waiter on standby to order food or drinks from the resort.

What to bring ?
big notepad - pencil - pads - phones - guidebooks - cameras - laptops - extension cords - a happy meteorologist'  mindset


When: Thu @ 17:00 to 19:00

Marina Court Yard in front of the Marina Office

19°11'43.3"N 104°41'00.8"W @ @ 12 feet

OPEN BAR  & Passed  hors d'oeuvres  17:00 - 18:00
Courtesy of the Gran Isla Navidad Resort
and the Marina Puerto de la Navidad

Cash bar and resort
menu order food or drinks from the resort from 18:00 - 19:00

What to bring ?
Your best self

a happy mindset to meet your buddy boats and other Panama Posse  boats for the season
bug spray
appetite and thirst
money for drinks or food after 18:00

After party ?


6) Satellite Charts / OpenCPN / Good Nautical

When: Friday @ 13:00 to ~ 17:00

Meet at Manuel Antonio de Mendoza Meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Resort

From the top lobby take the side elevator down to the 3rd floor
Manuel Antonio
19°11'44.1"N 104°41'05.3"W

Class room style Tables, Chairs, Air Conditioning, Bath Rooms, Lights, resort wifi, (but no cellphone service),
Power outlets on the wall so bring extension cords if you need power.

Food & Beverage:
We will also have a waiter on standby to order food or drinks from the resort.

What to bring ?
laptops - mac - pc - external hard drives - pads - smart phones - raspberry pi 3B - GPS - USB pucks -  charts  - cameras - sd cards - usb drives -
- extension cords - a happy techy mindset -  books - notepads - pens - your geeky sailor self



Friday 17:00 ->

Between Dock A and Dock in the Marina

19°11'40.1"N 104°40'53.1"W

The Panama Posse Charcoal Grill, Ice  some Chairs and tables, bathrooms, Trash bins,

What to bring ?
Bring your own favorite protein  (not to share) to grill for yourself and your crew your own plates / cutlery / napkins / cups and drinks / mosquito spray

And importantly make one big side dish or desert  for 8 to share with fellow Panama Posse Folks


Garden Salad, Bite Sized Appetizers, Potato Salad, Pasta Salad, Mexican Rice, Spicy Sweet Potatoes, Tacos, Fajitas, The best guacamole ever, Crab Cakes, Coconut Shrimp, Little sliders, Vanilla covered Churros, etc etc.
This is where the galley gods shine - please do not bring popcorn, peanut butter sandwiches as this is for us to celebrate in our collective culinary delights !


If you have some folding chairs and mood lights - a portable speakers for music -think outdoor party and your expired flares to shoot off around 9 PM

Can we make this the best Panama Posse pot luck party ever ?


8) sATURday 10 am swap meet

Between Dock A and Dock in the Marina

19°11'40.1"N 104°40'53.1"W



Satuday     @ 13:00 to ~ 16:30

Meet at Manuel Antonio de Mendoza Meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Resort

From the top lobby take the side elevator down to the 3rd floor
Manuel Antonio
19°11'44.1"N 104°41'05.3"W

Class room style Tables, Chairs, Air Conditioning, Bath rooms Lights, resort wifi, (but no cellphone service),
Power outlets on the wall so bring extension cords if you need power.

Food & Beverage:
We will also have a waiter on standby to order food or drinks from the resort.

What to bring ?
laptops - mac - pc - ipads - android pads - country guide books  - smart phones - cameras -
- extension cords - a happy provisioniers mindset -  books - notepads - pens - your happy explorer self

SUNDAY December 8, 2024


  11)  BONFIRE ON THE BEACH ⚓ 19° 17.975′ N 104° 50.1316′ W




FLEET UPDATE 2019-12-01

  • Panama Posse Kick of Week
  • Happy Thanksgiving
  • Making Satellite Charts for OpenCPN  5.0
  • Picture of the Week
  • Golfito, Cost Rica
  • Clearing in and Out of Costa Rica
  • Zihuatanejo / Ixtapa, Mexico 
  • Marina Chahue - Puerto Huatulco Update
  • Longlines - what's your plan ?
  • LINE CALLS - stay connected stay informed 24/7 
  • Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua
  • Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors
  • Missing Head shots - Reply with updates
  • Opt-out

1) THIS IS IT ! Marina Puerto de la Navidad

Panama Posse Kick of Week at Marina Puerto de la Navidad, MX
They have extended their discounts for the entire months of December or you can anchor out in the large Lagoon !
PLEASE RSVP by replying to this email if you plan to be there.


Thu Dec 5th, 2019 @13:00  Route planning & navigation

Fri Dec 6th, 2019   @13:00  Communications,  Weather, Safety 

Fri Dec 6th, 2019 Evening  - the official Panama Posse Kick off Party & photo shoot

Sat Dec 7th, 2019  @ 13:00  Satellite Charts / OpenCPN / Good Nautical

Sat Dec 7th, 2019 Evening  - the official Panama Posse Pot Luck dinner - with SHOOTING OFF SAFETY FLARES  ! Sun  Dec 8th, 2019  @13:00 Provisioning & What to see and do - Recap & Q&A


2) Happy Thanksgiving note from Marina Papagayo, Costa Rica

Best wishes and happy holiday, from Marina Papagayo.
Edier Torres
Concierge, Marina Papagayo t +5062690-3604e edier.torres@marinapapagayo.com


3) Making Satellite Charts for OpenCPN  5.0

Over the last few years we have been distributing satellite chartlets with the help from prior participants such as SV Liquid a.m.o.

This season Rob from Avant has outdone himself.

Here is a link to the detailed report on how to meet the specs and make SAT chartlets  of the opencpn 5.0 .mbtiles (
sorry this works on windows only ) 

Alternatively here is the link to download the over 40+ Gigs of files created for you

On Saturday Dec 6th  at this season's technical geeky seminars we'll go over this in detail
- hands on -so bring your computers and external hard drives and command lien skills

opencpn sat chrat overlay

To get your GPS position onto a windows/mac laptop for less than $30 get this unit
GlobalSat BU-353-S4 USB GPS Receiver Amazon Link: http://a.co/d/8RJGxoK


To get your NMEA data into OPENCPN use
your systems NMEA out cable and  connect it to a $ 60 NMEA 0183 out to USB cable


Rob DebraAVANT

Picture of the week




Michael & Vicki


5) Golfito, COSTA RICA ( report from last season )

Knot Right left Marina Papagayo CR on Friday 12/21 after refueling, traveled a whole 5 nm to Bahia Hermosa. Anchored, and dinghy to shore for an early dinner with friends who are local in Cocos. With 4 people, dinghy wheels and only a 9.9 HP engine, we were a little slow. It also didn’t help that we choose the wrong wave. Yes we got wet, but didn’t loose the boat. We still had an enjoyable time.

We left the next afternoon to head for Isla Tortuga, After we rounded the corner, we had a beam reach until 10 PM, with the Jib only, we exceeded my theoretical top speed of 8.8, we actually hit 10 at one time. Later that night and the next morning we had a wind and current on the nose. The period was less that 5 seconds, so we did take a beating.

We arrived at Isla Tortuga at 9 AM and motored around to find a go spot to anchor. We wanted to stay away from the human onslaught from the mainland to the island. We found 20 ft at low tide at 9 46.7147n 84 53.8016w. Calm evening, but some rolling in the AM (I think the workers for the party goers are coming ashore and it felt like the wakes of their transports). Did some snorkeling, not very clear.


Heading to Golfito at 8 AM on 12/26.


Got to Golfito early, had to motor all the way. We went to Customs, Immigration and the bank (don’t push it though).

There is also a Super (not so big) Mega for some provisioning. The customs office is 1 KM to SE walking distance, but very humid. Have three copies of everything, but if not he might be helpful to copy some papers. I think there is a copying place across the street. The Immigration is in the other direction about 2 (total 3) KM. Take a cab from customs to Immigration (anywhere $2-4). Immigration and the National Bank (third stop) is the duty free shopping area. If you want to buy anything here, I believe you need to stand in line to purchase a prepaid card of some sort. Didn’t bother because we wanted to hustle out of here. We purchased our wine when we got our provisions at the Supermega half way between Fuel Dock and Customs. The last stop is the port captain, his Zarpe did not list the personnel, so I asked and he gave me a stamped copy of my crew list (not taking any chances). The fuel dock charges for water and trash, but Posse people pay about half of that charge. Heading out to Pedregal Panama tonight 27-Dec at 4 PM, need to get to the mouth of the river just before high tide tomorrow at 7.

Walt & Jeariene

KNOT RIGHT6) Clearing in and Out of Costa Rica (while time consuming and paperwork laden) has been documented with detailed steps and all exact Lat and long of all government offices inside of Good Nautical - just make sure that your exit zarpes from prior port(s) are exact.


CHECKING IN OR OUT AT Playas del Coco, Costa Rica




CHECKING IN OR OUT AT  Golfito, Costa Rica http://www.goodnautical.com/costa-rica/port-of-entry/golfito

            of the Harbour of Chequetan or Seguataneo Lying in the Lat.d
            of 17 d. 36 m. No.,Description,English: An extremely
            attractive 1745 map of the Mexican harbor of Zihuatanejo Bay
            by George Anson

7) Zihuatanjeo / Ixtapa, Mexico

Belle Vie anchored in Zihuatanejo


We were stuck in the port captain's office in Zihuatanejo for 2 hours there's now a new system for checking in and out and the port captain told us that all of are other paperwork is no longer valid but not all port captain's are following the new protocol.  Please be advised.
Angelique stayed at Ixtapa and got the discount. We also got checked out on old style paper from the Ixtapa Marina.

Benjamin, Andrea & Emma


note: for anything delivered if you are at anchor @ Zihuatanejo
Call for anything on VHF 65 for Hilda and Ismael and they will help you get anything -
Purified Water - Ice - Laundry Service - Beer - Soft Drinks - Trash Pick up - watertaxi - you name it they will deliver


8) Marina Chahue - Puerto Huatulco Update (a.k.a.  the Tehuantepec waiting room)


Chahue update. Marina is a Fonatur government marina. Took dink in. Docks in poor shape. Closed to transients. Dredging in progress. Slow due to debris in marina. Old tires. A motorcycle. Cables. Restaurant open. Some business open like dive shop. Hope to be fully open by January. Manager was sad and frustrated and friendly. Wait on the outside anchorage for a good Tehuantepec crossing window.


Dan & Angela


9) LONGLINES - what's your plan ?

Picture of a Long Line @ 19° 04.435' N,  104° 42.369 W


Belle Vie: says watch out for long lines in the middle of the gulf.
Hugging shore means no long lines.


Avant: follows a 30-50 sounding, zero long lines. ~30 extra miles though.

Carinthia: We hit longlines near shore, off shore, and mid shore - there is no rime or reason - just have a plan to not wrap them around your props and how to cut them if snagged -

            Line Cutter

a sharp kitchen knife

- expandable boat hooks 2 hose-clams

Easy: Jumped overboard whilst under sail in the middle of the night and cut the line then re-mended it and handed it back to the panga

Another option drifting free of it (in calm conditions) 
In heavier seas - or with wind blowing you offshore
- heave to
If you are in imminent danger of grounding or drifting ashore put an anchor out.
cut off (in calm conditions) 


Pre- install line cutters

it's not a question of if you'll snag a line - it's a question of when - what's your plan ? 


10) LINE CALLS - stay connected stay informed 24/7


15:45 UTC via LINE ( warm up )
16:00 UTC via LINE
16:30 UTC via LINE  for the Counterposse

  • get the app here ( https://line.me )
  • please use your vessel name as your username
  • next send a friend request to
  • search for dietmarpetutschnig as a friend send a message with your vessel name
  • wait for an invite to join the Panama Posse 2019-2020 group

11) Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua - just posted this on Good Nautical

The entrance, as mentioned on the “approach” page is a bit nerve-racking but the Navionics chart is spot-on, at least through the entrance.  After that, you just follow the marked channel.  At high tide, the lowest we saw was 12’-3”. Do not cut any corners, especially that first one.  The marina didn’t answer any hails until we were at the marina.  So either they were away from comms or their antenna is very low.

Fees are very reasonable.  $20/boat & $12/person - Immigration, $25 - Port capt, $10 customs.  You need exact change or give up the excess as they don’t take CC and have no change to give.  Exit is $30-zarpe, $20-boat, $2/person.

Marina for Posse members is $1/ft for the first two days and $0.64/ft after that.  Includes electric when it’s on (see below) and well water at the dock.

Electric is run off a generator.  Unless they have hotel occupants, the power is only turned on 0700-1300 and 17or 1800-2200.

If the cruiser traffic were more, services might expand as well.  The employees are very friendly and anxious to help.  Juanita, the manager/receptionist has excellent English.

The fuel dock is available when the elect. is on.  Just let them know.  Coin-op laundry is available. - reception has coins.

Without running a water-maker, the only pure potable water available is via bottles that can be ordered a week ahead of time.  No idea of cost.  We ran a hose and nozzle into the head through the port-light and only using the tank water for cooking and drinking.

The nearest city, Chinandega, is about an hour bus ride away.   There are two buses early in the morning and two returning buses in the afternoon.

The hotel can arrange a rental car.  Small car with insurance runs $500/week.  Minimum is 4 days.  Taxi options are also available.

The place is VERY quiet.  No blaring music playing.  The pool has a shaded deck and the bar has food prepared in the hotel kitchen.  Reasonable prices.

A fruit/veg truck comes around to the dock a couple times a week if the hotel reception is notified.  No exp. yet - we’ll see them tomorrow.  A couple restaurants and tienda are within walking distance.

We’ve been put in touch with a guy named Chinto who specializes in surf tours but who can customize tours based on desires.  He’s on Facebook and Whatsapp.  https://www.facebook.com/LocalSurfAdventuresNorthNica/ +505-7727-1305



12) As always we want to thank all of our

Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors

  • Marina Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta – Mexico 
  • Marina Puerto de La Navidad – Barra de Navidad – Mexico 
  • Marina Ixtapa, Ixtapa – Mexico 
  • La Marina Acapulco, Acapulco – Mexico 
  • Marina Chiapas – Mexico 
  • Marina Bahia del Sol – El Salvador 
  • La Palma Moorings – Bahia del Sol, El Salvador 
  • Marina Puesta del Sol – Nicaragua 
  • Marina Papagayo – Costa Rica 
  • Marina Pez Vela – Costa Rica 
  • Banana Bay Marina – Costa Rica 
  • Golfito Marina Village – Costa Rica *
  • Vista Mar Marina – Panama 
  • Shelter Bay Marina – Panama 
  • Red Frog Marina – Panama 

Discounts by marinas offered to the active Panama Posse roster are at subject to availability a.m.o. »


Official Panama Canal Agent

Official Panama Posse Ambassadors

Panama Posse Partners

Panama Posse



Please reply to this email with them ( even if you have sent the before )
any updates - your vessel location -
contenders for picture of the week - your favorite song for our list -
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Update

The Panama Posse transfer of knowledge and learning process operates under the gestalt theory
We will not tell you what to do, when or how - we want you to to figure that out. YOUR VESSEL YOUR CREW YOUR RESPONSIBILITY


Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

Panama Posse BUrgee

14) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2019-11-24

  • Passage from Marina Puesta del Sol Nicaragua to Marina
    Papagayo, Costa Rica 
  • Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and

1) Dear 124 Vessels - 
wishing you all a

  • Very Happy Thanksgiving
  • Bountiful Turkey Week 
  • Black Friday

to all in the Panama Posse -please take some
pictures to share !

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The gobble is a loud, rapid gurgling sound made by male turkeys. The 
gobble is one of the principal vocalizations of the male wild turkey and
 is used primarily in the spring to let hens know he is in the area. "

"Reflecting on last years Panama Posse Hawaiian dug
turkey at Vista Mar Marina Panama
- do not use drift wood to smoke a turkey it
overpowers the flavor of the meat ..."


2) Dates & RSVP's for the 2019-2020
KICK OF EVENT at one of the top marinas in the Pacific

PLEASE RSVP by replying to this email if you plan to be

Dec 5th, 2019 @  13:00  Route planning &

Dec 6th, 2019 
@  13:00 
Weather, Safety 

Dec 6th, 2019
@ 17:30  the official Panama Posse Kick off

Dec 7th, 2019 
@ 13:00
  Satellite Charts / OpenCPN / Good

Dec 7th, 2019 
- the official Panama Posse organized Pot Luck


8th, 2019 
@ 13:00
  Provisioning &
What to see and do - Recap & Q&A

list of RSVP's sofar
Carinthia, Seaglub, Half Moon, Angelique of
Vancouver , Raven, Namahana, Bonzer, Namahana, Stand Down,
Jo, Angelique 11, Sirena, Knot Right, Firefly, Dances with
Winds, Volare, Due West , Sky Pond, Luna, Bonzer, Gargoyle,
Chimera , Bella Sirena, Double Deuce

SPONSORS CONFIRMED to be in attendance   


you can also anchor out !

3) Nicaragua

Nicaragua, especially the area around Puesta Del
is our favorite place in the world. We have been
there 5 years in a row to visit our friends who own a surf
camp and have fallen in love with the area and it's people.
We spent 3 months in Puesta del Sol last year on our
sailboat and we will be back again for January and February
this coming year.


About the Marina, arrive during the daylight hours. The
entrance to the estuary has plenty of water and no bar but
the channel is narrow and winding with many sand bars. The
Chanel markers may have drifted off course a bit. Call on
the radio as you approach. The owner Robert will likely be
the one to hail you back. It's a pretty sleepy operation so
if you don't hear back just keep calling and head on into
the dock. Juanita is the hotel manager and she is
amazing. She will help with check in. Check in is very easy
as the officials come to the Marina. Just a heads up, we did
have a young navy official ask for "possible five dollars?"
... It was the only time we have gotten a shake down. We
gave him five dollars as a Christmas present. We had friends
who had fresh brownies made when they arrived and gave those
to the officials, and others who offered a Coca Cola. I
don't think the officials get paid very much and overall the
country is so welcoming but people are really quite poor. I
just wanted you to know ahead of time, maybe it won't happen
but I would hate for your first impression to be
unexpectedly tainted.

There is a laundry room at the hotel that takes US quarters
but most of the machines were pretty tired. I ended up using
the sink and bucket washing, but there is a wonderful patio
just outside the laundry room with lines to hang dry all
your laundry.

As for renting a car I think there is one in town available
for rent. It's called the Tortuga cause it's a little green
mini car that's available right in the village. Otherwise
you have to get to Chinendega to rent a car. Another option
would be to be to contact my friend Chinto who offers
personalized tours right from town near the marina. I can
connect you through Facebook.

Aserradores, the town next to the marina, is such a
special place if you can get connected with the community a
little bit. There is a free women's workout class run by my
friend Drew (Chinto's fiancée) on Monday Wednesday and
Friday afternoons at 3 I think. It's right next to Badaboom
Hostel on the main road as you walk out of the marina gate.
Next to Badaboom is a house that Tanya served Fritanga BBQ
most evenings (so freaking good, and cheap). Up the road is
Pablo's who rents motor bikes with surf racks. He also
serves really good traditional breakfast and smoothies.
Nearby there are a bunch of great surf breaks... "The boom"
on the beach right near the marina palapa and pool. You can
dinghy or hire a panga to "the point" at the mouth of the
harbor or around the corner to "the island" or "the tree".
If you have a bike or car there is Apposentillo beach. If
you spend some time walking along Apposentillo Beach
you will likely run into some friendly expats who live on
the beach. Just up the road is Nahualapa Bay with
nice peeling waves. Stop for a michelada in the hammocks at
Tapas and Surf. If you want amazing pizza head up the hill
to Al Cielo. If you go right out of the marina gate, ask for
Bodhi at the tienda across from the school. He can arrange
horse back rides and surfboard rentals and panga trips. A
veggie truck will deliver fresh veggies straight to the
marina. Just ask Juanita to tell the security guard to flag
the truck in. Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays I think, usually
around noon. On Sundays there are usually community soccer
and baseball games. They are a hoot. A trip to Chinendega
is worth it for the amazing baseball games in the
stadium and the Flor de Caña rum distillery tour. Also
fairly close by is Leon with the beautiful
cathedral that you can got to the top of. Also an awesome
french bakery and at barefoot hostal you can sign up to go
sledding down Cerro negro volcano. The pools at the marina
are lovely. If you walk out to the beach palapas and pool,
there is a security guard who has a fridge with cold beers
and sodas for sale, bring your own snacks and enjoy a lovely
sunset. Being bug spray for the walk back through the
mangroves. The estuary in Puesta del Sol is calm even during
papagayos and the estuary is super fun for wakeboarding off
your dinghy or paddle boarding.

Nearby there is a moderate/ strenuous hike to the rim of Volcan
where you can view the crater lake. It's
beautiful but can be hot. It was a fun outing and when we
did it we also stopped at a hot spring, and a restaurant
with a whole fried fish lunch. It's a very traditional meal
in Nicaragua. Yum.

Also the colonial city of Leon is a nearby hub. The
plaza is neat and the Cathedral is beautiful. Great pictures
from the roof that you can access. There is a French Bakery
and I believe Cerro Negro brewery is in Leon as well. And
the restaurant at big foot hostel had great food as I
remember. My friend Chinto would be a great guide to take
you to all the gems in the City.

Farther afield, would require some over night trips...

Granada is a colonial city on lake Managua.
Beautiful and colorful architecture. Lots of cute shops and

From there I think you can take a ferry to Omotepe
which is an island made of two volcanoes in the middle of
the lake. There are a number of eco hostals on the Island as
I understand.

And San Juan del Sur is a cool surf town that you
definitely don't have to go surf to see. You can anchor
there as well as check out of the country from there but as
the papagayo winds pipe up it can be pretty uncomfortable. 

San Juan del Sur

Rowan, Victoria & Crew




Runner up

Sunset two nights ago in the La Cruz

Mike & Jacquie



5) Costa Rica


We really loved it because there were so
many cool places to anchor for free. We only ever used a
marina to do a bit of boat work and check in is free, only
cost was transportation to airport for customs, check out
was $25 I think.

Some of our favorite spots were...
Playa Cocos for easy check in and
provisioning and for family to visit. The pizza at Z Bar
is really yummy and the gelateria across the street has
the best lemon sorbet I have ever had.

Playa Samara for the howler monkeys,
iguanas and  a gazillion hermit crabs on the little
island, the lovely Long Beach Walk to town, the ginger
lemonade at Gusto Beach, and the craft beer at the weird
garage pub.

Bahia Ballena for the amazing Farmers
market at 7am on Saturday in the old yacht club and the
bus to Montezuma with the awesome waterfall hike.

Isla Tortuga for the cool island
hike, the people watching, and the rum drink in a coconut

Isla jesusita for a very calm
anchorage and the tiny glamping lodge that you can dinghy
to, super friendly folks, drinks and food on a beautiful

Isla San Lucas for the free access to
the old prison, soooo creepy, and the beach combing at low
tide is insane for colored glass.

Dominical for amazing treehouse Fuego

Drake's bay for hiking and cute
little beach town and access to Osa Peninsula rainforest.

Terrible anchorages at Pilon and Matapalo
but worth it for some of the best longboard surfing in the
world. We anchored outside the swell line and paddled in
for long cruisy lefts and right point breaks.

Puerto Jimenez calm anchorage and
cute non touristic beach town.

We skipped it but friends went way up into
the golfo dulce and found an amazing botanical farm that
you can take self guided tours of. There is also a beach
where the monkeys will come to visit looking for banana

Golfito we loved anchoring in front
of Banana Bay. The only cost for using the dinghy dock,
garbage and shower was having a drink at the bar every now
and again. Golfito is sooo calm and protected. We also
love the Mercadito Soda on the main road. Casa Roland will
let you swim at the pool if you get drinks and lunch. The
beach palapas across the water are fun to dinghy over and
have a drink and simple meal.

We had no problems with security. We made
sure to lock up the boat and dinghy whenever we were out
and did not leave the boat unattended at night. Ticos we
met were helpful and welcoming.

A lot of folks get turned off by Costa Rica because of the
expense (compare to Mexico and El Salvador) and the
tourists but  we loved it.

Rowan, Victoria & Crew




We are stoked to be a part of the Counter Posse this

As many people are traveling back from the
states after the summer, a couple folks asked me to
write up our experience bringing our pet cat from and
back to Panama with us. Thought it might be good
information for some folks in the fleet.

I am relaying our experience mostly from
memory so be sure to double check online to make sure
that the regulations have not changed or for your
specific travel plans.

Leaving Panama for the USA.

1. Before you purchase your ticket, make
sure that the airline you choose does not have any
restrictions that would preclude your pet from being
eligible. We flew Delta from PTY to SFO. There are some
breeds that are ineligible to fly, and the cat must
weigh less that 17 lbs and the carrier must be somewhat
rigid and fit under the seat. Be sure to reserve a space
for your pet. They limit the number of pets in the cabin
The cost for most airlines seems to be around $130 USD.

2. Ten days before you travel take your
pet to the vet to get a health check up, update any
vaccines and get a health certificate and a form for
international travel.

3. You must get this paperwork approved
and stamped by the appropriate authorities in Panama
City. You will need to provide the stamped originals at
the airport. You can also pay a fee and have the Vet do
this process for you. The cost is upward of $75 USD.

4. Arrive early on your day of travel,
present documentation and bon voyage! The entrance
requirements into the USA were minimal. Just a current
health certificate and proof of vaccination.

Traveling into Panama from the USA

CONSUMING, AND (depending on how much you love your pet)

1. READ the information on this website to
get an idea of the process ahead of you...

2. Before you
purchase your ticket, make sure that the airline you
choose does not have any restrictions that would
preclude your pet from being eligible. We flew Copa from
SFO to PTY. There are some breeds that are ineligible to
fly, and the cat must weigh less that 17 lbs and the
carrier must be somewhat rigid and fit under the seat.
Be sure to reserve a space for your pet. They limit the
number of pets in the cabin The cost for most airlines
seems to be around $130 USD.

3. Ten days before
you travel take your pet to the vet to get a health
check up, update any vaccines and get a health
certificate and a USDA form for international travel.
Make sure you inform your vet that you are traveling
to Panama 

Send your Health Certificate, Proof of Vaccination,
and International Travel Documents overnight to the
nearest USDA veterinarian. Include payment and return
envelope. Or travel in person. In California the USDA
office is in Sacramento. Check online for your nearest
USDA Veterinarian Office, not all USDA facilities have
Veterinarian Services. Have the forms mailed back to
you and be sure that the raised USDA seal has been
applied to the originals.

Mail the Original Documents with payment and return
envelope to the Nearest Panamanian Consulate or the
Consulate in Washington DC. Have them returned to you
at least three days before you travel to Panama.

6. Three days before you arrive in Panama,
fill out the form from the Panamanian Ministry of Health
to apply for home quarentine. Scan the filled out form
and Scan the entire packet of original stamped papers
you have now acquired from the Vet, USDA and Panamanian
Consulate. And attach them in an email to the Panamanian
Ministry of health notifying them that you are importing
a pet into the country via plane. 

7. Arrive early to check in and present
the original paperwork to the airline agent. When you
arrive at Tocumen Airport you must plan to arrive
between 8am and 5pm when the Airport Veterinarian is on
duty or plan to wait in the baggage claim area until
they arrive. Pay fees for Veterinarian examination and
home quarentine. The home quarentine is 6 weeks you must
keep your pet indoors/away from other animals for the
entire time. 

8. Get your pet back to your Panamanian
home and take a nap!

It's way easier to import a pet to most
other central American countries, or better yet, have
someone petsit while you are away.

Good luck!

Or I guess now I'm the

Crazy cat lady who refused to leave her 14
year old fur baby behind.

Rowan, Victoria & Crew



7) Las Perlas, Panama 

Hola Posse. As
promised some color on our recent 3 night trip to Las
Perlas from Vista Mar.


Night secured a mooring ball in front of hotel at San
Jose. Tried calling on vhf to pay for ball-no answer.
Good secure ball . Used lots if extra scope. Very
rough rolly night but safe spot.


Night between Chapera and Mogo Mogo (TV SHOW
survivor island)
Nice spot.sand but good holding. Got down to 9ft at
low tide. No roll but strong tidal currents. Lots of


night. Sabago. Anchored amongst local boats. Good hard
bottom and calm spot. Plenty of water.
Flagged down nice well groomed local young man in
passenger panga.Brought us ashore for fair local
lunch. Picked us up later for ride to Contadora for
excellent meal at German place called Geralds. He
thenbrought us 50 gallons of diesel in am. Name is
+507-6450-7184. Highly


No fuel at private fuel dock
on west side of Contadora despite what Navionics

this helps. 

Chris & Anne



Dad's Dreams
is in Vista Mar Marina on the hard. We're
veraciously attacking the blisters in our bottom. A
total bottom "tear off", new gelcoat, and antifoul
paint is in progress. Hoping to be back in the water
within a month and out visiting the Las Perlas
(where we left off last season with Xenia) before
crossing the Canal and heading to San Blas islands.

Dad's Dream

During last
Wednesday's potluck we heard there are 3 other boats
in the marina with the same intention. Should be a
fun season. 


We did hear of
one boat struck by lightning just recently while out
at Isla Contadora (Las Perlas).
He is back in the marina doing repairs.


A new mechanic
Olie, has taken roots here in the marina and comes
highly recommended. He also has a few small
apartment type rooms for rent only 15 min beach walk
from the marina. Very convenient if you want off the
boat for a few days or even a week.

Good luck and
fair winds to all heading this way.  Miss you

Rick & Brenda



and passage notes from Marina Puesta del Sol
Nicaragua to Marina Papagayo, Costa Rica

the always majestic view of Cabo Santa

We left Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua on high slack
tide at around 0400 on Thursday the 14th headed for
Marina Papagayo. It was a quick 26 or so hour trip
sailing / motor sailing. Ever since a (probably
innocent) encounter we had with a panga in the bay of
Tehuantepec we have been a little nervous when we see
a panga tracking parallel to us for an extended period
of time and about 15 nm northwest of Corrinto we had
just that. This panga about 1/2 mile out of our
starboard quarter for about 1-1/2 hours as we were
sailing, tracking our same speed. I decided to kick
our speed up a notch and start the motor. We were now
doing about 7 knots for another 45 minutes and he was
still there. Finally as we approached Corrinto, I saw
two or three more pangas from Corrinto join him and
they all stopped at a 4th panga that was already on
station with fishing gear....whew!  As we passed
Corrinto we watched a large thunderhead form off of
our port side. It grew and grew until it resembled
something I have only seen drawings of in weather
books. It had a half-doughnut at the bottom with a gap
then, fingers of clouds curling over the doughnut and
above that a dark, nasty looking, billowing monster.
Finally, all of the moisture being kept in the updraft
came pouring down and completely obscured the
shoreline. We skirted the edge and only got a few
raindrops but as the monster passed astern we had an
amazing lightning show for a couple of hours as night
fell. If not for the panga paranoia, we may have ended
up on the wrong end of the "Chubasco" as Nicaraguans
apparently call them. November is the transition from
the wet to the dry seasons so this was the tail end of
the big storm cells. On the entire Nicaraguan
coastline we only saw one long line and it was well,
unlike the Guatemala long line mine field but saw many
turtles and tons of dolphins! There was a very mild
Papagayo blowing north of the Santa Rosa peninsula and
we swung into Bahia Santa Elena for a quick look just
after daybreak.  This is a stunning, completely
undeveloped bay almost entirely surrounded by steep,
lush hillsides. As we continued around the peninsula
and rounded the south side on the approach to Marina
Papagayo it was blowing a steady 25 knots and gusting
higher. We are glad we poked our head into the Bay as
the Papagayos are blowing for the next week and it
would be very difficult to get back that direction
right now. We are now tucked in a marina slip in Bahia
Culebra and planning a few days of land trips to
explore northern Costa Rica!

Marina Papagayo

Bob and Joan



10) As always we want to thank all of our

Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and

  • Marina Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta –
  • Marina Puerto de La Navidad – Barra de
    Navidad –
  • Marina Ixtapa, Ixtapa – Mexico 
  • La Marina Acapulco, Acapulco –
  • Marina Chiapas – Mexico 
  • Marina Bahia del Sol – El
  • La Palma Moorings – Bahia del
    Sol, El Salvador 
  • Marina Puesta del Sol – Nicaragua 
  • Marina Papagayo – Costa Rica 
  • Marina Pez Vela – Costa Rica 
  • Banana Bay Marina – Costa Rica 
  • Golfito Marina Village – Costa
    Rica *
  • Vista Mar Marina – Panama 
  • Shelter Bay Marina – Panama 
  • Red Frog Marina – Panama 

Discounts by marinas
offered to the active Panama Posse roster are at
subject to availability a.m.o. »


Official Panama Canal Agent

Official Panama Posse Ambassadors

Panama Posse Partners

Panama Posse

11) Please reply to this email with
any updates - your vessel location -
contenders for picture of the week - your favorite
song for our list -
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Update

The Panama Posse transfer of knowledge and learning
process operates under the gestalt theory
We will not tell you what to do, when or how - we want


Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

Panama Posse BUrgee

12) opt-out from the Fleet Updates
simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2019-11-24

  • Passage from Marina Puesta del Sol Nicaragua to Marina Papagayo, Costa Rica 
  • Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors

1) Dear 124 Vessels - 
wishing you all a

  • Very Happy Thanksgiving
  • Bountiful Turkey Week 
  • Black Friday

to all in the Panama Posse -please take some pictures to share !

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The gobble is a loud, rapid gurgling sound made by male turkeys. The 
gobble is one of the principal vocalizations of the male wild turkey and
 is used primarily in the spring to let hens know he is in the area. "

"Reflecting on last years Panama Posse Hawaiian dug out turkey at Vista Mar Marina Panama
- do not use drift wood to smoke a turkey it overpowers the flavor of the meat ..."


2) Dates & RSVP's for the 2019-2020 KICK OF EVENT at one of the top marinas in the Pacific

PLEASE RSVP by replying to this email if you plan to be there 

Thu Dec 5th, 2019 @  13:00  Route planning & Navigation 

Fri Dec 6th, 2019  @  13:00  Communications,  Weather, Safety 

Fri Dec 6th, 2019 @ 17:30  the official Panama Posse Kick off Party

Sat Dec 7th, 2019  @ 13:00   Satellite Charts / OpenCPN / Good Nautical

Sat Dec 7th, 2019  Evening  - the official Panama Posse organized Pot Luck Dinner with SHOOTING OFF using expired SAFETY FLARES Sun  Dec 8th, 2019  @ 13:00   Provisioning & What to see and do - Recap & Q&A
list of RSVP's sofar
Carinthia, Seaglub, Half Moon, Angelique of Vancouver , Raven, Namahana, Bonzer, Namahana, Stand Down, Jo, Angelique 11, Sirena, Knot Right, Firefly, Dances with Winds, Volare, Due West , Sky Pond, Luna, Bonzer, Gargoyle, Chimera , Bella Sirena, Double Deuce

SPONSORS CONFIRMED to be in attendance   


OUR PANAMA POSSE HEAD QUARTERS and you can also anchor out !

3) Nicaragua

Nicaragua, especially the area around Puesta Del Sol, is our favorite place in the world. We have been there 5 years in a row to visit our friends who own a surf camp and have fallen in love with the area and it's people. We spent 3 months in Puesta del Sol last year on our sailboat and we will be back again for January and February this coming year.


About the Marina, arrive during the daylight hours. The entrance to the estuary has plenty of water and no bar but the channel is narrow and winding with many sand bars. The Chanel markers may have drifted off course a bit. Call on the radio as you approach. The owner Robert will likely be the one to hail you back. It's a pretty sleepy operation so if you don't hear back just keep calling and head on into the dock. Juanita is the hotel manager and she is amazing. She will help with check in. Check in is very easy as the officials come to the Marina. Just a heads up, we did have a young navy official ask for "possible five dollars?" ... It was the only time we have gotten a shake down. We gave him five dollars as a Christmas present. We had friends who had fresh brownies made when they arrived and gave those to the officials, and others who offered a Coca Cola. I don't think the officials get paid very much and overall the country is so welcoming but people are really quite poor. I just wanted you to know ahead of time, maybe it won't happen but I would hate for your first impression to be unexpectedly tainted.

There is a laundry room at the hotel that takes US quarters but most of the machines were pretty tired. I ended up using the sink and bucket washing, but there is a wonderful patio just outside the laundry room with lines to hang dry all your laundry.

As for renting a car I think there is one in town available for rent. It's called the Tortuga cause it's a little green mini car that's available right in the village. Otherwise you have to get to Chinendega to rent a car. Another option would be to be to contact my friend Chinto who offers personalized tours right from town near the marina. I can connect you through Facebook.

Aserradores, the town next to the marina, is such a special place if you can get connected with the community a little bit. There is a free women's workout class run by my friend Drew (Chinto's fiancée) on Monday Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 3 I think. It's right next to Badaboom Hostel on the main road as you walk out of the marina gate. Next to Badaboom is a house that Tanya served Fritanga BBQ most evenings (so freaking good, and cheap). Up the road is Pablo's who rents motor bikes with surf racks. He also serves really good traditional breakfast and smoothies. Nearby there are a bunch of great surf breaks... "The boom" on the beach right near the marina palapa and pool. You can dinghy or hire a panga to "the point" at the mouth of the harbor or around the corner to "the island" or "the tree". If you have a bike or car there is Apposentillo beach. If you spend some time walking along Apposentillo Beach you will likely run into some friendly expats who live on the beach. Just up the road is Nahualapa Bay with nice peeling waves. Stop for a michelada in the hammocks at Tapas and Surf. If you want amazing pizza head up the hill to Al Cielo. If you go right out of the marina gate, ask for Bodhi at the tienda across from the school. He can arrange horse back rides and surfboard rentals and panga trips. A veggie truck will deliver fresh veggies straight to the marina. Just ask Juanita to tell the security guard to flag the truck in. Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays I think, usually around noon. On Sundays there are usually community soccer and baseball games. They are a hoot. A trip to Chinendega is worth it for the amazing baseball games in the stadium and the Flor de Caña rum distillery tour. Also fairly close by is Leon with the beautiful cathedral that you can got to the top of. Also an awesome french bakery and at barefoot hostal you can sign up to go sledding down Cerro negro volcano. The pools at the marina are lovely. If you walk out to the beach palapas and pool, there is a security guard who has a fridge with cold beers and sodas for sale, bring your own snacks and enjoy a lovely sunset. Being bug spray for the walk back through the mangroves. The estuary in Puesta del Sol is calm even during papagayos and the estuary is super fun for wakeboarding off your dinghy or paddle boarding.

Nearby there is a moderate/ strenuous hike to the rim of Volcan Consigueña where you can view the crater lake. It's beautiful but can be hot. It was a fun outing and when we did it we also stopped at a hot spring, and a restaurant with a whole fried fish lunch. It's a very traditional meal in Nicaragua. Yum.

Also the colonial city of Leon is a nearby hub. The plaza is neat and the Cathedral is beautiful. Great pictures from the roof that you can access. There is a French Bakery and I believe Cerro Negro brewery is in Leon as well. And the restaurant at big foot hostel had great food as I remember. My friend Chinto would be a great guide to take you to all the gems in the City.

Farther afield, would require some over night trips...

Granada is a colonial city on lake Managua. Beautiful and colorful architecture. Lots of cute shops and restaurants.

From there I think you can take a ferry to Omotepe which is an island made of two volcanoes in the middle of the lake. There are a number of eco hostals on the Island as I understand.

And San Juan del Sur is a cool surf town that you definitely don't have to go surf to see. You can anchor there as well as check out of the country from there but as the papagayo winds pipe up it can be pretty uncomfortable. 
San Juan del Sur

Rowan, Victoria & Crew




Runner up

Sunset two nights ago in the La Cruz anchorage...untouched

Mike & Jacquie



5) Costa Rica


We really loved it because there were so many cool places to anchor for free. We only ever used a marina to do a bit of boat work and check in is free, only cost was transportation to airport for customs, check out was $25 I think.

Some of our favorite spots were...
Playa Cocos for easy check in and provisioning and for family to visit. The pizza at Z Bar is really yummy and the gelateria across the street has the best lemon sorbet I have ever had.
Playa Samara for the howler monkeys, iguanas and  a gazillion hermit crabs on the little island, the lovely Long Beach Walk to town, the ginger lemonade at Gusto Beach, and the craft beer at the weird garage pub.
Bahia Ballena for the amazing Farmers market at 7am on Saturday in the old yacht club and the bus to Montezuma with the awesome waterfall hike.
Isla Tortuga for the cool island hike, the people watching, and the rum drink in a coconut
Isla jesusita for a very calm anchorage and the tiny glamping lodge that you can dinghy to, super friendly folks, drinks and food on a beautiful deck
Isla San Lucas for the free access to the old prison, soooo creepy, and the beach combing at low tide is insane for colored glass.
Dominical for amazing treehouse Fuego Brewery.
Drake's bay for hiking and cute little beach town and access to Osa Peninsula rainforest.
Terrible anchorages at Pilon and Matapalo but worth it for some of the best longboard surfing in the world. We anchored outside the swell line and paddled in for long cruisy lefts and right point breaks.
Puerto Jimenez calm anchorage and cute non touristic beach town.
We skipped it but friends went way up into the golfo dulce and found an amazing botanical farm that you can take self guided tours of. There is also a beach where the monkeys will come to visit looking for banana handouts.
Golfito we loved anchoring in front of Banana Bay. The only cost for using the dinghy dock, garbage and shower was having a drink at the bar every now and again. Golfito is sooo calm and protected. We also love the Mercadito Soda on the main road. Casa Roland will let you swim at the pool if you get drinks and lunch. The beach palapas across the water are fun to dinghy over and have a drink and simple meal.
We had no problems with security. We made sure to lock up the boat and dinghy whenever we were out and did not leave the boat unattended at night. Ticos we met were helpful and welcoming.
A lot of folks get turned off by Costa Rica because of the expense (compare to Mexico and El Salvador) and the tourists but  we loved it.
Rowan, Victoria & Crew




We are stoked to be a part of the Counter Posse this year!
As many people are traveling back from the states after the summer, a couple folks asked me to write up our experience bringing our pet cat from and back to Panama with us. Thought it might be good information for some folks in the fleet.
I am relaying our experience mostly from memory so be sure to double check online to make sure that the regulations have not changed or for your specific travel plans.
Leaving Panama for the USA.
1. Before you purchase your ticket, make sure that the airline you choose does not have any restrictions that would preclude your pet from being eligible. We flew Delta from PTY to SFO. There are some breeds that are ineligible to fly, and the cat must weigh less that 17 lbs and the carrier must be somewhat rigid and fit under the seat. Be sure to reserve a space for your pet. They limit the number of pets in the cabin The cost for most airlines seems to be around $130 USD.
2. Ten days before you travel take your pet to the vet to get a health check up, update any vaccines and get a health certificate and a form for international travel.
3. You must get this paperwork approved and stamped by the appropriate authorities in Panama City. You will need to provide the stamped originals at the airport. You can also pay a fee and have the Vet do this process for you. The cost is upward of $75 USD.
4. Arrive early on your day of travel, present documentation and bon voyage! The entrance requirements into the USA were minimal. Just a current health certificate and proof of vaccination.
Traveling into Panama from the USA
THIS PROCESS IS VERY INVOLVED, TIME CONSUMING, AND (depending on how much you love your pet) PRICEY.
1. READ the information on this website to get an idea of the process ahead of you...
2. Before you purchase your ticket, make sure that the airline you choose does not have any restrictions that would preclude your pet from being eligible. We flew Copa from SFO to PTY. There are some breeds that are ineligible to fly, and the cat must weigh less that 17 lbs and the carrier must be somewhat rigid and fit under the seat. Be sure to reserve a space for your pet. They limit the number of pets in the cabin The cost for most airlines seems to be around $130 USD.

3. Ten days before you travel take your pet to the vet to get a health check up, update any vaccines and get a health certificate and a USDA form for international travel. Make sure you inform your vet that you are traveling to Panama 
4. Send your Health Certificate, Proof of Vaccination, and International Travel Documents overnight to the nearest USDA veterinarian. Include payment and return envelope. Or travel in person. In California the USDA office is in Sacramento. Check online for your nearest USDA Veterinarian Office, not all USDA facilities have Veterinarian Services. Have the forms mailed back to you and be sure that the raised USDA seal has been applied to the originals.
5. Mail the Original Documents with payment and return envelope to the Nearest Panamanian Consulate or the Consulate in Washington DC. Have them returned to you at least three days before you travel to Panama.
6. Three days before you arrive in Panama, fill out the form from the Panamanian Ministry of Health to apply for home quarentine. Scan the filled out form and Scan the entire packet of original stamped papers you have now acquired from the Vet, USDA and Panamanian Consulate. And attach them in an email to the Panamanian Ministry of health notifying them that you are importing a pet into the country via plane. 
7. Arrive early to check in and present the original paperwork to the airline agent. When you arrive at Tocumen Airport you must plan to arrive between 8am and 5pm when the Airport Veterinarian is on duty or plan to wait in the baggage claim area until they arrive. Pay fees for Veterinarian examination and home quarentine. The home quarentine is 6 weeks you must keep your pet indoors/away from other animals for the entire time. 
8. Get your pet back to your Panamanian home and take a nap!
It's way easier to import a pet to most other central American countries, or better yet, have someone petsit while you are away.
Good luck!

Or I guess now I'm the
Crazy cat lady who refused to leave her 14 year old fur baby behind.

Rowan, Victoria & Crew



7) Las Perlas, Panama 

Hola Posse. As promised some color on our recent 3 night trip to Las Perlas from Vista Mar.


1st Night secured a mooring ball in front of hotel at San Jose. Tried calling on vhf to pay for ball-no answer. Good secure ball . Used lots if extra scope. Very rough rolly night but safe spot.


  2nd Night between Chapera and Mogo Mogo (TV SHOW survivor island).
Nice spot.sand but good holding. Got down to 9ft at low tide. No roll but strong tidal currents. Lots of scope


3rd night. Sabago. Anchored amongst local boats. Good hard bottom and calm spot. Plenty of water.
Flagged down nice well groomed local young man in passenger panga.Brought us ashore for fair local lunch. Picked us up later for ride to Contadora for excellent meal at German place called Geralds. He thenbrought us 50 gallons of diesel in am. Name is Jaime(Jimmy)
+507-6450-7184. Highly recommend.


No fuel at private fuel dock on west side of Contadora despite what Navionics says.

Hope this helps.  Chris & Anne



Dad's Dreams is in Vista Mar Marina on the hard. We're veraciously attacking the blisters in our bottom. A total bottom "tear off", new gelcoat, and antifoul paint is in progress. Hoping to be back in the water within a month and out visiting the Las Perlas
(where we left off last season with Xenia) before crossing the Canal and heading to San Blas islands.

Dad's Dream

During last Wednesday's potluck we heard there are 3 other boats in the marina with the same intention. Should be a fun season. 


We did hear of one boat struck by lightning just recently while out at Isla Contadora (Las Perlas).
He is back in the marina doing repairs.


A new mechanic Olie, has taken roots here in the marina and comes highly recommended. He also has a few small apartment type rooms for rent only 15 min beach walk from the marina. Very convenient if you want off the boat for a few days or even a week.
Good luck and fair winds to all heading this way.  Miss you guys!!! Rick & Brenda



and passage notes from Marina Puesta del Sol Nicaragua to Marina Papagayo, Costa Rica

the always majestic view of Cabo Santa Elena

We left Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua on high slack tide at around 0400 on Thursday the 14th headed for Marina Papagayo. It was a quick 26 or so hour trip sailing / motor sailing. Ever since a (probably innocent) encounter we had with a panga in the bay of Tehuantepec we have been a little nervous when we see a panga tracking parallel to us for an extended period of time and about 15 nm northwest of Corrinto we had just that. This panga about 1/2 mile out of our starboard quarter for about 1-1/2 hours as we were sailing, tracking our same speed. I decided to kick our speed up a notch and start the motor. We were now doing about 7 knots for another 45 minutes and he was still there. Finally as we approached Corrinto, I saw two or three more pangas from Corrinto join him and they all stopped at a 4th panga that was already on station with fishing gear....whew!  As we passed Corrinto we watched a large thunderhead form off of our port side. It grew and grew until it resembled something I have only seen drawings of in weather books. It had a half-doughnut at the bottom with a gap then, fingers of clouds curling over the doughnut and above that a dark, nasty looking, billowing monster. Finally, all of the moisture being kept in the updraft came pouring down and completely obscured the shoreline. We skirted the edge and only got a few raindrops but as the monster passed astern we had an amazing lightning show for a couple of hours as night fell. If not for the panga paranoia, we may have ended up on the wrong end of the "Chubasco" as Nicaraguans apparently call them. November is the transition from the wet to the dry seasons so this was the tail end of the big storm cells. On the entire Nicaraguan coastline we only saw one long line and it was well, unlike the Guatemala long line mine field but saw many turtles and tons of dolphins! There was a very mild Papagayo blowing north of the Santa Rosa peninsula and we swung into Bahia Santa Elena for a quick look just after daybreak.  This is a stunning, completely undeveloped bay almost entirely surrounded by steep, lush hillsides. As we continued around the peninsula and rounded the south side on the approach to Marina Papagayo it was blowing a steady 25 knots and gusting higher. We are glad we poked our head into the Bay as the Papagayos are blowing for the next week and it would be very difficult to get back that direction right now. We are now tucked in a marina slip in Bahia Culebra and planning a few days of land trips to explore northern Costa Rica!

Marina Papagayo

Bob and Joan



10) As always we want to thank all of our

Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors

  • Marina Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta – Mexico 
  • Marina Puerto de La Navidad – Barra de Navidad – Mexico 
  • Marina Ixtapa, Ixtapa – Mexico 
  • La Marina Acapulco, Acapulco – Mexico 
  • Marina Chiapas – Mexico 
  • Marina Bahia del Sol – El Salvador 
  • La Palma Moorings – Bahia del Sol, El Salvador 
  • Marina Puesta del Sol – Nicaragua 
  • Marina Papagayo – Costa Rica 
  • Marina Pez Vela – Costa Rica 
  • Banana Bay Marina – Costa Rica 
  • Golfito Marina Village – Costa Rica *
  • Vista Mar Marina – Panama 
  • Shelter Bay Marina – Panama 
  • Red Frog Marina – Panama 

Discounts by marinas offered to the active Panama Posse roster are at subject to availability a.m.o. »


Official Panama Canal Agent

Official Panama Posse Ambassadors

Panama Posse Partners

Panama Posse

11) Please reply to this email with any updates - your vessel location -
contenders for picture of the week - your favorite song for our list -
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Update

The Panama Posse transfer of knowledge and learning process operates under the gestalt theory
We will not tell you what to do, when or how - we want you to to figure that out. YOUR VESSEL YOUR CREW YOUR RESPONSIBILITY


Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

Panama Posse BUrgee

12) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2019-11-16

  • Please play ball and email us your head shots
  • Some key 2019-2029 Panama Posse dates
  • Counter Posse ( North Bound ) gathering in Vista Mar
  • Long term planning
  • Deep link into GoodNautical
  • Picture of the week
  • Mosquitoes, Malaria and the Panama Canal
  • Tamarindo, Costa Rica
  • Thanks to all of our Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors
  • Replies & the Panama Posse Gestalt Theory

1) PLEASE "PLAY BALL"  & email us your HEAD SHOTS

the following vessels out of 123 have not submitted their pictures -


Please send in your pictures - some marinas use your pictures to verify discounts


To the Mayans, the game was known as Pok a Tok, to the Aztec it was Tlachtli, while nowadays most people refer to it as Ulama.

In the most common theory of the game, the players struck the ball with their hips, although some versions allowed the use of forearms, rackets, bats, or hand-stones.

The ball was made of solid rubber and weighed as much as 9 lbs and sizes differed greatly over time or according to the version played.


The most interesting part, however, is the fact that if a particular game had a religious purpose,
the winning team were decapitated and offered as a sacrifice and this was considered a great honor.


So please give us YOUR HEAD SHOTS  2) Some key 2019-2029 Panama Posse dates

We meet at Marina Puerto de la Navidad, Barra de Navidad, Mexico

          Puerto de la Navidad

- for details go to   https://panamaposse.com/start
PLEASE RSVP by replying to this email if you plan to be there !

Thu Dec 5th, 2019 @ 1 PM
Route planning & navigation

Fri Dec 6th, 2019  @ 1 PM 
Communications,  Weather, Safety (with special video guest VAN to talk about personal safety and risk from safe-esteem.com)  

Fri Dec 6th, 2019 Evening  @ 5 PM(ish)
- the official Panama Posse Kick off Party with an open bar courtesy of Marina Puerto de la Navidad

Sat Dec 7th, 2019  @ 1 PM 
Satellite Charts / OpenCPN / Good Nautical ( please bring yoru laptops and external hardrives with 32 GIG's avail )

Sat Dec 7th, 2019 Evening  @ 6 PM(ish)
- the official Panama Posse pot luck BBQ Kick off Party   with shooting of expired flares ( BRING YOUR OLD FLARES )
Sun  Dec 8th, 2019  @ 1 PM 
Provisioning & What to see and do - Recap & Q&A


3) Counter Posse ( North Bound ) @  Monday's 16:30 UTC  Line


We are looking to organize an event at Vista Mar for the northbound (Counter Posse) group -
if you are northbound - around 18 vessels are - please let us know if mid end January works for a little gathering at Vista Mar.... we know a band ...

We are also adding a northbound line call at 16:30 UTC on Mondays or immediately following the main call segments

And of course the May 30th, 2020  Vista Mar  Panama Posse welcome party extravaganza !

Vista Mar

4) Long term planning

Several vessels will be heading up the coast from Panama and parts in between towards Mexico.
Many are working on their Hurricane strategies and are looking for a safe place for next season.

There are of course several options to consider - please take all of this with a grain of salt.


Pacific Hurricane Strategies run the gamut with some general markers for you to ponder.


Panama on the Pacific side stay at Vista Mar Marina 
(no hurricanes, yes
lighting strikes)

Costa Rica stay at a marina Golfito Marina Village, Banana Bay Marina, Marina Pez Vela, Marina Papagayo
– several offer the options with a bond which helps with customs issues
(no hurricanes, yes
lighting strikes)

Nicaragua – stay at Marina Puesta del Sol 
(no hurricanes, yes lighting strikes)

El Salvador – stay on Bill & Jean’s Moorings 
(no hurricanes, yes lighting strikes)

There are ample electrical storms, thunder and lightning and each season vessel suffer from lightning strikes in these places.


Tehuntapec ,MX is the area where the hurricanes usually originate from

Mexico – Marina Chiapas a great place to haul out - ask for Memo !
and soon Marina Chahue – dredging is maybe underway


All Mexican marinas above this line on the Pacific side are in the bona-fide Hurricane Zone
(expect for Ensenda) and vessels also occasionally suffer from lightning strikes.


Here are some visualizations of the historic hurricane tracks in the Pacific

and the the lighting strikes map


5) Here is the deep link into GoodNautical just choose the Mexican marina's form the left side selector


marina details

and clicking on the little icons gives you full details and info on each including contact info and comments

Good Nautical is our  bonafide 501(c)3 non profit organization
and any budget left over goes towards development of new features and data entry.


        OF THE WEEK







In 1904 the US Army was tasked* with helping construct a canal (* there is a bit more to this...) to connect the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean.
The US was not the first country to attempt the feat. As early as the 1840s the British thought about digging a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, but were deterred by the hostility of the politics and geography. In 1881 the French, buoyed by the successful construction of the Suez Canal in Egypt, decided to take on the project. But they did not account for the deadly mosquitoes: 22,000 of the project’s workers died after contracting malaria and yellow fever. The loss of life caused construction costs to spiral, leading to the bankruptcy of the canal’s owners in 1889 after they had spent $287m on the project ($7 billion at today’s prices). The canal lay abandoned and incomplete.

The American government bought* (* there is a bit more to this...) the land in 1904 and quickly realized that it needed to protect its workforce from the diseases. To do so, it tried to kill as many of the disease-carrying mosquitoes in Panama as possible. Thousands of American troops were sent in with orders to destroy every habitat that could harbor the mosquitoes.

Swamps were drained. Pools and lakes of still water were tainted with oil or simply blown up with explosives. Buildings in the area were fumigated and high-risk areas were doused with insecticide. The scale of the operation was huge: around 700,000 gallons of oil and 124,000 gallons of insecticide were used during the construction of the canal each year. And it was success, at least in relative terms. The death toll among the workforce was 5,000 by the time the canal opened in 1914.

1914 50
        USD bill

One of the cruisers from last season met with an infectious disease specialist in early Dec at the Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans so as to address vaccination needs related to travels. Bottom line – no Yellow Fever in the parts of Panama and CR that most plan to visit - coastal areas and San Blas. The guidance document provided for 

risk is low throughout the year in all areas including the Canal Zone and Panama City. Risk is highest in Darien, Guna Yala, Panam and San Blas Provinces. No Risk - Cruises along the Panama canal will not necessitate anti-malarial medication. Adopt bite avoidance measures.
Transmission does not occur on the San Blas Islands, but it is necessary to transit areas with known transmission risk en route to the islands. Daytime insect precautions are essential for un-vaccinated travelers.”


Tropical Strength


(note:  each country's requirement and relevant statistics has been diligently compiled
for review on the official Panama Posse website by Tally from SV RAVEN ) 



Neil, Tally, Jan & Otter



8)  Tamarindo, Costa Rica 

We finally unglued ourselves from the comforts of Playa El Coco to begin again our journey southward. We popped up to Marina Papagayo for some fuel. As we had already checked into the country there were no issues, but we wouldn’t have been allowed if we were not already cleared through immigration and customs.
The fuel pumps did their work quickly and as the sport fishing fleet are the main customers, the fuel was clean, no need for a baja filter. As we headed out of Bahia Culebra we saw hundreds of jumping Mabula Rays trying to catch flight in hopes of catching a mate, apparently. Yet again, the the breezes were allowing for pleasant sailing.

We pulled into Bahia Portrero for a quick overnight, with the crew of Shearwater over for dinner on board. The lights in the mooring field are bright, supposedly to prevent theft. We had no issues at all in our spot between the two groups of fishing boats and pangas. We we’re up in the morning to get a head start and pop around the corner to Playa Conchal. Due to the name we had dreams of some shell collecting but the shells had already been ground up to make the beautiful light color sand. A walk along the beach revealed a few souvenir vendors on the side of the gravel path. And the beach clubs for two hotels. Not open to the public, unfortunately. But we had planned to picnic anyway, and not long after we picked our lunch spot, a man with a cooler came by, offering ice cold beers and coco frios. It was a perfect lunch-hook stop-over. The afternoon graced us with more good sailing weather and we enjoyed snapping pictures of Shearwater flying full canvas.

We pulled into Tamarindo just as the sun was setting behind us. We picked a spot near the mooring field. We spent the next week taking full advantage of all Tamarindo has to offer with our buddies, Pati and Eric. We took the dink and anchored outside the lineup at Playa Grande and caught some fun party waves at the beach break near the river.  We beached the dinghy and headed into town most days. We found the best landing at the jet ski launch. We did lock the two dinghies together but never had any issues. Each time we found our dinks just the way we had left them. We sampled the microbrews at Witches Rock Surf Camp. We found a street off the beaten path that had a coffee shop called Breaking Bread that Walter White would approve of, Nacho Libre tacos at Little Lucha, and the open air El Mercadito with lots of options including poke bowls and a bar in a sailboat. The roadside BBQ skewers near the beach were cheap and delicious. We had a great meal at the beautiful Bamboo Sushi Club.

We checked out the funky shops more for the air conditioning than anything else and came away with some cool shirts from the five dollar bin. Pati arranged an estuary tour and we saw a ton of birds and a few crocodiles. If you go at high tide you can see monkeys as well. The Papagayos were still howling and at one point we were slowly dragging along the rock bottom and had to reset at the edge of the mooring field and a little closer to the beach, but there was no fetch to speak of so it was still pretty comfortable even in the high winds.

Tamarindo is pretty busy with a lot of crispy gringos escaping the snow and soaking up some rays. But even with the crowds, the vibes are mellow and there are plenty of chilled out spots to find a lounge chair or hammock and an umbrella drink.  We almost skipped it since we had been before, but from the water, Tamarindo is a real treat!

Tamarindo Swings for Crew

Pura Vida!




Victoria, Rowan & Crew


TALIESIN ROSE (report from last season)

9) As always we want to thank all of our

Official Panama Posse  Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors

  • Marina Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta – Mexico 
  • Marina Puerto de La Navidad – Barra de Navidad – Mexico 
  • Marina Ixtapa, Ixtapa – Mexico 
  • La Marina Acapulco, Acapulco – Mexico 
  • Marina Chiapas – Mexico 
  • Marina Bahia del Sol – El Salvador 
  • La Palma Moorings – Bahia del Sol, El Salvador 
  • Marina Puesta del Sol – Nicaragua 
  • Marina Papagayo – Costa Rica 
  • Marina Pez Vela – Costa Rica 
  • Banana Bay Marina – Costa Rica 
  • Golfito Marina Village – Costa Rica *
  • Vista Mar Marina – Panama 
  • Shelter Bay Marina – Panama 
  • Red Frog Marina – Panama 

Discounts by marinas offered to the active Panama Posse roster are at subject to availability a.m.o. »


Official Panama Canal Agent

Official Panama Posse Ambassadors

Panama Posse Partners


10) Please reply to this email with any updates - your vessel location -
contenders for picture of the week - your favorite song for our list -
and we'll include it in the next Fleet Update

The Panama Posse transfer of knowledge and learning process operates under the gestalt theory
We will not tell you what to do, when or how - we want you to to figure that out.



Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

Panama Posse BUrgee

11) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with "REMOVE"

FLEET UPDATE 2019-11-09

  • Marina Puesta del Sol - Nicaragua
  • The Panama Posse burgee is flying
  • El Salvador - Medical Emergency
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • RSVP for the Panama Posse Season Kick off Party
  • Picture of the Week
  • Download the official Barra de Navidad, Mexico  Maritime and Cruisers Guide
  • Line Calls every Monday @ 15:45 UTC warm up Mics muted at 16:00 UTC
  • Pets in and out of Panama via Airplanes, Panama
  • Offshore Waters Forecasts for the East Pacific Ocean
  • Marina Ixtapa info
  • Keep 'em coming

1) Marina Puesta del Sol - Nicaragua.

This is one of the undisputed relaxing gems along this Panama Posse route and a welcome respite in a serene and tranquil setting.

You can leave your vessel and explore this incredible
interesting country.  If you are a political junky there is
are a lot of geopolitical  layers to explore here.

Visiting the UNESCO world heritage sites of Leon, Lake
Nicaragua and Granada from here is as easy as renting a car
and driving on well paved roads.

Plus you get to visit the Flor de Caña Rum Factory nearby.

Clearing in is fairly easy - for south bound vessels - its
a short
sail from the Golfo de Fonseca via a well marked entrance
into a lovely estuary.

To check out the 27+ anchorages and UNESCO sites visit Good

Here is the track

Aerial View of Marina Puesta del Sol

Below are the costs to clear in and out of Nicaragua which
can be done at the Marina -
just let them know when you plan to arrive

IMMIGRATION U$ 20.00 per boat U$ 20.00 per boat
  U$ 12.00 per person U$   2.00 per person
PORT CAPTAIN U$   FREE U$ 30.00 International Zarpe
    or U$ 20.00 a National Zarpe ( to San
Juan del Sur for example )
CUSTOM U$ 10.00 per boat U$ FREE

To book ahead and get your 20% Panama Posse Marina discount
contact Juantia Garcia

Tel: + (505) 8880-0013
       +(505) 8880-0019     
       +(505) 8883-0781

email: administracion@marinaps.com

2) The Panama Posse burgee is flying onboard
ANGELIQUE @ Marina Ixtapa, Mexico

A little word of caution to the crocks in the marina ...
Dan is a retired US Navy Captain Nuclear submarine officer
with 9 years Active Duty
and has been cruising with his wife Angela for over a year -
so torpedoes and missiles away
... more at


Dan & Angela


3) El Salvador - Medical Emergency

A fellow Panama Posse cruiser was seriously hurt while
playing in the pool with other cruiser kids. He is a truly
great guy volunteering to teach English to the locals,
always willing to lend a hand in any projects, and always
playing with the kids. Matt needs the help of the sailing
community right now. Please show your support. Please follow
the link below and contribute if you can.


Matt & Britt  




DAN Boater (boating accident) (take from ship to nearest
hospital/medical facility; limitation on amount but might
get you all the way home). This is an annual membership fee
Emergency +1-919-667-9111
Information +1-919-490-2011

MEDJET Expat 180 Family Membership (any medical
condition)(take from hospital/medical facility in foreign
country to your home in U.S.). This is an annual membership
fee service.
+1 205-595-6626
There are a number of Medical repatriation companies. Check
your boat insurance, policy carefully as some policies do
not contain any or sufficient medical repatriation expense.
Medjet and DAN Boater provide emergency information. There
are a number of companies on the internet that are pay as
you go and do not require that you purchase a membership
that provide emergency information.


MHZ UTC time
4.125 2300-11
6.125 24 hr.
8.290 24 hr.
12.290 1100-2300


001 310 732 2046
World wide emergency Ham net: 14.313 24 hr.
Central America Ham net: 7.083 UTC time 1300

    Rescue Coordination Center:  (510) 437-3701.  This is
the number for group receiving EPIRB emergency beacon
distress signals.  They will coordinate with local country
Coast Guards if boater is outside of the U.S. and they have
translators, as the numbers at the local country Coast
Guards in Central America will speak Spanish.  They said it
would be ok to call them in emergency.

    These numbers were given to me by the U.S. Coast Guard
Rescue Coordination Center.  The individuals from these
local Coast Guards will speak Spanish when you call them. 
If you cannot communicate with them, the Rescue Coordination
Center can call them, but that will take more time.

  El Salvadore Coast Guard:  (505) 22500210,   Extension
    Nicaragua Coast Guard:      (504)22342507
    Costa Rica Coast Guard:      (506) 22314924
    Panama Coast Guard:           (507) 60451197

called if you cannot reach rescue coordination center,
however the local coast guards will likely just go through
the Rescue Center:
    Coast Guard Sector LA/Long Beach:  310 521-3815
    Channel Islands office:  805 985-9822



World wide emergency Ham net:  14.313    24 hr.
Pacific Seafares Net 14300 @ 0300 UTC 
Central America Ham net:  7.083   @ 1300 UTC

Go to www.usembassy.gov/ for further
information.  For Central America embassies, emergency
number is +1-202-501-4444, and press “0”,  from 8 a.m. – 5
p.m. EST.  When dialing embassy numbers below probably start
with “ +” depending on phone service.   

    +52 55 5080-2000
    Paseo de la Reforma 305, Colonia Cuauhtenoc,     06500
Mexico, DF

    +502 2326 4000
    Avenida Reforma 7-01, Zona 10, Guatemala Cuidad,

    +503 2501 2999
    Final Blvd. Santa Elena,     Antiguo Cuseatlan, La
Libertad,     San Salvador   

    +504 2238 5114 (after hours X4100)
    +504 2236 9320 (per embassy website, but not
communications received:  011-504 2236 9320)
    Avenida La Paz,     Tegucigalpa MDC, Honduras
    +505 2252-7100
    Kilometer 5.5 Carreter Sur, Managua, Nicagagua

    +506 2519 2000
    Calle 98 Via 104, Pavas,     San Jose, Costa Rico

    +507 317 5000
    Bldg 783, Demetrio Basilio Lakas Ave, Clayton, Panama


press “0” for overseas citizen
emergency services.


They provide information on piracy and safety and security,
and you can sign up for alerts by going online.
    Emergency:  1-202-501-4444 (8-8 EST, M-F)

Stan & Diane


5) RSVP for the Panama Posse Season Kick off Party @
Marina Puerto de la Navidad

If you plan to attend seminars and the party please RSVP

There is an open bar on Friday
and we are going to organize an amazing Pot Luck BBQ cook
of for Saturday.

Here is who's coming thus-far



you coming ? Please RSVP !

Marina Puerto de la Navidad our Panama Posse HQ !


Barra de Navidad has a world class 27 hole Gold Course !

Picture of the Week

Juan from Ay Caramaba !  in
the - Lost City / Ciudad Perdida

Top of the world after a 4 day Indiana Jones
hike - way to go !

Perdida is the archaeological site of an ancient
city in Colombia's Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
It is believed to have been founded about 800 CE,
some 650 years earlier than Machu Picchu.


Juan & Michelle


7) Download the official Barra de Navidad, Mexico

Thanks to Tally, Neil, Jan and of course Otter -
this is the best resource guide to date on Barra de Navidad

and we wholeheartedly thank Tally and SV Raven for creating
such a detailed guide !

Follow this link and download this 36 page guide !


Neil, Tammy, Jan & Otter


8) WEEKLY 2018-2019
on MONDAY’S at 16:00 UTC
via LINE  15:45 Warm up

Please download and install LINE  https://line.me/en-US/ 

Works on Android / ios / Windows / MAC OS

– Register using your vessel name as the

– Next search for dietmarpetutschnig and
befriend us –

– wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE 2019-2020 GROUP

Connect every Monday at 16:00 UTC and send us your
position via the message
system and listen to the vessel check ins
free as long you have IP connectivity
which we now know is pretty much all along the coast)
The LINE system allows for up to 200 live
call participants.

9) Pets in and out of Panama via Airplanes, Panama

This is the link to what you need to do to bring your pet
into Panama: https://www.aphis.usda.go/aphis/pet-travel/by-country/petravel-panama
We did not get the paper work “approved” by a Panamanian
Consulat but we had no problems when we checked into
Pedregal. We DID have email evidence of sending the paper
work to cam@minsa.gob.pa three days
prior. I think that is a must. Our Panamanian Vet indicates
that all you need to pay is $3/day for the 40 days of home
quarantine plus $10 to a Vet for a verification exam. BUT we
also did not do that. We just filled out the paper work and
emailed it and showed the Port Captain that we did so.

This is the link to what you need to do to remove your pet
from Panama: https://wwww.minsa.gob.pa
We used our Panamanian Vet in Coronado (Vista Mar) that we
heavily recommend. He did everything for us. He created the
appropriate certification and dated it for us to have it be
within 10 days of our exit. He also went into Panama City to
get export permit for us, which you need. Our issue was for
some reason the Airline we are using (United) thinks Panama
will not permit pets on a plane and a third party has to be
set up to ship (as cargo) your pet. If we did that, it was
going to cost twice as much as our airline ticket. Our Vet
said we should have used Copa Airlines. Don’t know if that
works or not, but if I had to do it all over I would have
checked their flight schedules first.
Out dogs are 10 and 15 pounds, they have flown with us under
our seat many times. But we had to make them our “emotional
support animals” in order to get them on the plane out of
Panama. For United, they have three forms which you can read
about and download: https://www.united.com/ual/en/us/fly/travel/special-needs/disabilities/assistance-animals.html
The three forms, one for you, one for the vet and one for
the licensed mental health professional.  For the Medical,
We used an online service called CertaPet. After Jeariene
finished her “certification” with them, she referred me and
received a $15 Amazon reward for the referral. So if you
want to go this route, I can submit your email (lol), or
just try them yourselves. This also means you don’t have to
pay the airline for the pet travel, but I would still gladly
fork over the $125, that wasn’t our purpose.  Our Vet is in
Coronado (Vista Mar) Panama on Tuesday, Thursday and most
Saturdays. His English is excellent, and his front desk
staff also is semi fluent in english. Dr. Jorge E. Barriga
F.  +507 240-1468 jbarriga@cwpanama.net Good luck

Walt & Jeariene


10) Offshore Waters Forecasts for the East Pacific

Offshore Waters Forecasts for the East Pacific Ocean within
250 NM of Mexico,
Central America, Columbia, and Ecuador to Operational
Effective April 16, 2019

Get em here -https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/scn19-24east_pac_offshore_waters.pdf

Rob & Debra


11) Marina Ixtapa, Mexico (Report from 02/2019)

Entrance was the lowest at 7.3ft (calculated to zero tide)
over three different passages. Sometimes there may be swells
hitting the bar, so you’ll want to enter at full cruising
speed to prevent losing steerage from a following wave.  One
place you don’t want to end up sideways in.  The marina is
to the right at the channel Y.
Ixtapa is a very large marina and has many slips that
appeared to be open.  It appears that transients are
assigned slips on ‘F’ dock, which is the farthest dock to
the right, two docks past the fuel docks. 

Slips 1-27 are between F & G,
28=end tie,
29-52 nearest the shore.

Paseo de la Darsena S/N, Interior Casa Club Boulevar Paseo
C.P. 40880, Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo, Guerrero.

+52 (755) 55-32180
(755) 55-30222


No bottom work in the marina due to crocodiles.  For hired
bottom cleaning, contact the team of Memo and Sonya.  They
can be contacted directly at +52-555-127-7446 or
+52-755-128-5302 or the marina office can contact them.  You
can take the boat and them out to the anchorage at La Isla
Grande to clean and then return to the marina afterward.  If
you’re already at anchor, either in Zihuatanejo or La Isla,
so much the better.  They’ll arrive at your boat.  Cost was
a VERY reasonable $25mx per foot.
Wi-Fi – Marina office has power and wi-fi, but fairly slow. 
Marina restaurants also have wi-fi available, but also
slow.  The General Bar in Ixtapa (to the right of Señor Frog
store, one block back) had excellent free wi-fi, but no
power.  Cuattro Cycle coffe shop in Zihuatanejo had
excellent wi-fi and power available.  One of the restaurants
on the beach in Zihua had wi-fi with good speeds at times,
but of course no power.

Laundry: Take to the office for pickup and next-day
return.  Very reasonable price.
Buses:  Very frequent and reliable.  $14mx pp each
way to either Ixtapa or Zihuatanejo.
Diesel was a bit spendy at $25.25mx per liter after taxes,

Groceries:  tiny tienda in Marina.  Small grocery
(Merza) in Ixtapa. 
Two large groceries in Zihuatanejo – the first, Bodega
is a green building on the right as the bus
arrives downtown. 
The other is a Mega-Soriana some blocks away,
located behind the large bus station where the 14peso
bus/vans do a U-turn after leaving the downtown to go back
to Ixtapa.
AutoZone is in Zihuatanejo, across the highway and 4
blocks up from the main bus station (behind the Mega

Bob & Carol


12) Please reply to
this email with

– your updates
contenders for picture of the week
links to your favorite SONGS
– relevant blog posts – and of course
your valuable suggestions

and we’ll include it in the next FLEET UPDATE
– Keep em ‘coming

The Panama Posse philosophy is to pass on nautical
knowledge via the gestalt theory...

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

13) Opt-out from Fleet
Updates simply reply with “REMOVE

Panamá Posse Rally Starts December 5, 2019 from Mexico to Panama

October 18, 2019 - Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico

Panamá Posse Rally Starts December 5, 2019 from Mexico to Panama

The third annual “Panamá Posse” rally sails to seven countries, including Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama. The rally starts at its official headquarters Marina Puerto de la Navidad in Barra, Mexico. The adventure concludes at the Marina Vista Mar near the Panamá Canal on May 30th, 2020. Panamá Posse delivers the adventure of a lifetime, giving participants six months to complete a 2,000 nautical mile rally.

There are many benefits to joining the Panamá Posse, among them are fleet safety and security, discounts at marinas, 350 verified anchorages, accurate and detailed custom and immigration procedures, cultural land excursions and group parties, contest and special events at most marinas. And of course, lifelong-friendships.

The Panamá Posse rally has grown from 83 boats in year one to 150 boats this third season. Motor and Sail boats ranging from 27 feet to 225 feet, representing 15 countries have participated thus far and will spend an estimated $6 Million annually across the seven Central American countries.

Marina Puerto de la Navidad, is offering discounted slip fees for all Panamá Posse registered vessels for the month of November and early December. The launch party will be held with an open bar at Marina Puerto de la Navidad on Saturday, December 7, 2019. During the week, seminars will be held to cover the following topics, navigation, route planning, weather, safety, Open CPN satellite overlay on electronic charts, provisioning, cultural points of interest, land tours and intro to the Good Nautical web site exclusive to Panamá Posse registrants.

Panamá Posse Sponsors
Downwind Marine - San Diego, CA

Marina Puerto Vallarta - Puerto Vallarta, México

Marina Puerto de La Navidad - Barra de Navidad, México

Marina Ixtapa - Ixtapa, México

La Marina Acapulco - Acapulco, México

Marina Chiapas - Chiapas, México

Marina Bahia del Sol - Bahia del Sol, El Salvador

La Palma Moorings - Bahia del Sol, El Salvador
Bill & Jean - El Salvador Rally, El Salvador

Marina Puesta del Sol – Aserradores, Nicaragua

Marina Papagayo – Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Marina Pez Vela – Quepos, Costa Rica

Banana Bay Marina – Golfito, Costa Rica

Vista Mar Marina – Coronado, Panamá

Shelter Bay Marina – Christobal, Panamá

Red Frog Marina – Bocas del Toro, Panamá


Pre-events for Cruisers in San Diego

Organizers are presenting Panamá Posse at a series of three ‘Cruisers Welcome’ meet and greet events, where Captain Dietmar USCG 100t & Yachtmaster Ocean 200t will be on hand to answer any questions about the route, and to encourage participation in this nautical adventure.

Meet Captain Dietmar and learn more about Panamá Posse

· Saturday, Oct. 26 - 9AM - 4PM - Downwind Marine - San Diego

· Tuesday, Oct. 29 - 6PM - 8PM - Downwind Marine - San Diego

· Sunday, Nov.3 - 1PM - 6PM - Ha-Ha Kick-off Party at West Marine - San Diego - Hosted by Mexico Tourism

Additional Information and event sign-up at www.panamaposse.com

PR Contact:
Suzanne DuBose +1 (702) 509-0320 suzanne@panamaposse.com

Captain Dietmar Petutschnig +1 (858) 848-NESW dietmar@panamaposse.com