Las Grutas Cacahuamilpa 🇲🇽 MEXICO

Las Grutas Cacahuamilpa 🇲🇽 Guerrero, MEXICO

Las Grutas Cacahuamilpa  🇲🇽  Guerrero, MEXICO
16°51.0616' N   099°48.495' W



The Grutas de Cacahuamilpa National Park in Guerrero, Mexico, is best known for the Grutas de Cacahuamilpa Caverns, which are one of the largest cave systems in the world. It is also home to the Grutas of Carlos Pacheco, a smaller system, as well as two subterranean rivers which have carved out tunnels in the rock. The park has outdoor pursuit attractions such as rappelling, and rock climbing in Limontitla Canyon as well as the two underground rivers to explore. It also has a small botanical garden, a pool and places to camp. It's near Taxco.

The site is located in the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains in the northeast part of Guerrero state. This section of the Sierra Madre del Sur is made of rock, mostly limestone, which formed under oceans millions of years ago. The caverns extend through the municipalities of Pilcaya, Tetipac and Taxco of Guerrero state over 2,700 hectares of land located southwest of Mexico City, near the silversmithing town of Taxco.

Cacahuamilpa is one of the largest cave systems in the world. A "live" cave system as groundwater still filters down into it, and that the formations there are still growing. Inside the cavern system are ninety large "salons" separated by large natural rock walls and connected to one another via a central gallery. Only about twenty of these are fully explored and open to the public. Most of these salons are located under the Cerro de la Corona, a limestone mountain ridge.

These salons average about forty meters wide, and vary in height from twenty to 81 meters. Most have names which reflect the major formations found in them such as the Goat Salon, the Throne Salon and the Cathedral Salon. All the openings numerous rock formations growing from both the ceiling and the floor. One of the drier salons has been dubbed the “Auditorium”. It has a large flat floor and has been outfitted with seats.


Visiting Las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa, one of the largest cave systems in the world located in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, can be a thrilling and educational experience. Here are some tips to help you plan your visit:

Planning Your Visit

  1. Best Time to Visit:
    • The caves are open year-round, but the best time to visit is during the dry season (November to April) when the weather is more pleasant and the roads are in better condition.
  2. Getting There:
    • By Car: Las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa is about 2 hours from Mexico City. You can take the Autopista del Sol (Highway 95) towards Cuernavaca and then follow the signs to the caves.
    • By Bus: Buses run from Mexico City’s southern bus terminal (Terminal de Autobuses del Sur) to Taxco or directly to the caves. From Taxco, you can take a local bus or taxi to the caves.
  3. Entrance Fees:
    • There is an entrance fee to visit the caves. The fee typically includes a guided tour. Check the official website or local tourism offices for the most up-to-date prices.

What to Bring

  • Comfortable Shoes: The tour involves a lot of walking on uneven terrain.
  • Light Jacket: The temperature inside the caves is cooler than outside.
  • Water: Stay hydrated, but note that food and drinks are usually not allowed inside the caves.
  • Camera: Photography is allowed, but flash photography may be restricted to preserve the cave's natural environment.

During Your Visit

  1. Guided Tour:
    • Most visits are conducted as guided tours, which last about 2 hours. The guides are knowledgeable and can provide interesting information about the history and geology of the caves.
  2. Highlights to See:
    • Stalactites and Stalagmites: These impressive formations are a major draw.
    • The Salon del Luchador: A chamber named for its rock formations that resemble a wrestler.
    • The Cathedral: A vast chamber often used for concerts due to its excellent acoustics.
  3. Safety Tips:
    • Stay with your group during the tour.
    • Watch your step as the ground can be slippery.
    • Follow the guide's instructions at all times.

Nearby Attractions

  • Taxco: The nearby town of Taxco is famous for its silver jewelry and colonial architecture. It’s worth spending a day exploring this charming town.
  • Parque Nacional Grutas de Cacahuamilpa: The surrounding national park offers hiking trails and picnic areas for a day out in nature.

By planning ahead and knowing what to expect, you can make the most of your visit to Las Grutas de Cacahuamilpa and enjoy this natural wonder to its fullest

Sierra de San Francisco Murals 🇲🇽 Mexico

Sierra de San Francisco Murals 🇲🇽 Mexico

Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco 🇲🇽 BAJA CALIFORNIA Mexico

From c. 100 B.C. to A.D. 1300, the Sierra de San Francisco (in the El Vizcaino reserve, in Baja California) was home to a people who have now disappeared but who left one of the most outstanding collections of rock paintings in the world. They are remarkably well-preserved because of the dry climate and the inaccessibility of the site.

The central part of Baja California peninsula is a region of Mexico that concentrates one of the most extraordinary repertoires of rock art in the country, the Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco. The region is insular-like and kept the native peoples relatively isolated from continental influences, allowing the development of local cultural complex. One of the most significant features of the peninsular prehistory is the mass production of rock art since ancient times and the development of rock art tradition of the Great Murals.

Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco baja

The Sierra de San Francisco is the mountain range which concentrates the most spectacular and best preserved Great Mural sites, scale wise one of the largest prehistoric rock art sites in the world. Hundreds of rock shelters, and sometimes huge panels with hundreds and even thousands of brightly painted figures, are found in a good state of conservation. The style is essentially realistic and is dominated by depictions of human figures and marine and terrestrial fauna, designed in red, black, white and yellow, which illustrate the relationship between humans and their environment, and reveal a highly sophisticated culture. The paintings are found on both the walls and roofs of rock shelters in the sides of ravines that are difficult of access. Those in the San Francisco area are divided into four main groups – Guadalupe, Santa Teresa, San Gregorio and Cerritos. The most important sites are Cueva del Batequì, Cueva de la Navidad, Cerro de Santa Marta, Cueva de la Soledad, Cueva de las Flechas and Grutas del Brinco.


The landscape of the area is another significant attribute, understood as the extensive physical space in which, through rock art, the thoughts of their early dwellers, hunter-gatherers people who living here from the terminal Pleistocene (10,000 BP) until the arrival of Jesuit missionaries in the late seventeenth century, are expressed.

North of San Ignacio lies a mountain wilderness, the deeply eroded remains of layer upon layer of volcanic outpourings. This rugged mass rises from the surrounding desert to heights of more than 5,000 feet and covers an area 35 miles from north to south and half of that from east to west. From its uplands, there are views west to Scammon’s Lagoon and the Vizcaíno Desert, northwest to the even taller Sierra de San Borja, and east to the abrupt eminences of Las Tres Vírgenes, taller and more recent volcanos that tower in front of the Gulf. The sierra embraces a world that would never be suspected from the low, barren lands outside. Groves of palms and pools of water are set between walls of vertical grandeur water-carved from rich-colored rock. A few ranches, built by rustic and hospitable people, nestle near the few water sources. Here also are the grandest reminders of the Painters, corridors decorated by their hands and haunted by their spirits.

Rock Paintings

Showing human figures and many animal species and illustrating the relationship between humans and their environment, the paintings reveal a highly sophisticated culture. Their composition and size, as well as the precision of the outlines and the variety of colors, but especially the number of sites, make this an impressive testimony to a unique artistic tradition.



Cultural traditions, with roots back to the XVIII century, persist and the Sierra has a strong social value in the role that culture plays in the preservation of the traditional links between mountain communities and the South Californians and Mexicans in general.


The Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco encompass an area of 183, 956 ha, where more than 400 sites have been recorded, the most important of them within the reserve, near San Francisco and Mulege, over 250 in all. The inscribed property contains an exceptional repertoire of rock art that convey its Outstanding Universal Value. The sites have remained virtually intact and still have a good state of conservation. The integrity of rock painting sites and their surroundings has been maintained largely due to the situation of isolation and the low population density that prevails in the region.

Protection and management requirements

The Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco are protected by the 1972 Federal Law on Historic, Archaeological and Artistic Monuments and Zones and fall under the protective and research jurisdiction of National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). In addition, the property is entirely within the Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve; which grants it with additional protection. The Management Plan has been in operation since 1994 and has proved a successful strategy in the administration of cultural resources of the property. This model emphasizes the importance of defining the meaning of this heritage site, so that all management strategies are consistently directed toward the preservation of the values that make it important. Another key feature is the total involvement of all those groups that have an interest in the area under discussion. The Management Plan focuses on issues such as mitigation of the impact of visitors on sites and control and monitor of access. Some measures included the installation of reversible infrastructure in seven of the most visited rock painting sites and the definition of authorized access paths, the areas open to the public or restricted, and four levels of access for tourists. This system allows visitors to experience a wide range of sites and at the same time protects the majority of those who are very well preserved. In this sense the most popular sites have remained open under this Management Plan. Threats remain that have to be addressed, including those derived from the proposals to construct roads within the protected area which would jeopardize the existing integrity between the landscape and the rock art sites.


The medium and long term management expectations include obtaining additional legal protection through the presidential declaration of the area; allocating permanent custodian positions to improve monitoring, enhance the administrative and technological infrastructure of Sierra de San Francisco Information Unit located in San Ignacio town, capacity building for the custodians and guides and improvement of low-impact infrastructure for services.

more at






Nestled in the heart of Baja California, Mexico, the Sierra de San Francisco is home to some of the most remarkable and enigmatic prehistoric rock art in the world. The murals of Sierra de San Francisco, created by the ancient Cochimi people, offer a captivating glimpse into the region’s rich cultural history and prehistoric life. These murals are not just artistic expressions but are also a testament to the spiritual and social fabric of the ancient inhabitants.

Historical Background

The rock art of Sierra de San Francisco dates back to at least 1,000 BCE and continued to be created until the arrival of Europeans in the 18th century. The Cochimi, who were hunter-gatherers, are believed to have created these murals as part of their spiritual and social rituals. The Sierra de San Francisco murals were first brought to wider attention by European explorers in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

In 1989, UNESCO recognized the cultural significance of these murals by designating them a World Heritage Site. This designation has helped protect the site and promote it as an essential destination for historians, archaeologists, and travelers alike.

Geographical Setting

The Sierra de San Francisco is part of the Baja California Peninsula’s central mountain range. This rugged and remote area is characterized by steep canyons, dramatic cliffs, and arid desert landscapes. The isolation of the region has helped preserve the murals in a relatively untouched state, offering an authentic glimpse into the ancient world.

The rock art is located in numerous caves and rock shelters scattered throughout the region. Accessing these sites often requires a challenging journey by foot or mule, adding to the sense of adventure and discovery for visitors.

Artistic and Cultural Significance

The murals of Sierra de San Francisco are renowned for their size, complexity, and vivid colors. They depict a variety of subjects, including human figures, animals, and abstract symbols. The human figures are often shown in dynamic poses, engaging in activities such as hunting, dancing, and ritual ceremonies. Animals such as deer, rabbits, mountain lions, and birds are also frequently depicted, reflecting their importance in the daily life and spiritual beliefs of the Cochimi.

The use of color in these murals is particularly striking. The artists employed natural pigments derived from minerals and plants to create red, black, white, and yellow hues. These colors have remained remarkably vibrant over the millennia, a testament to the skill and knowledge of the ancient artists.

The murals are more than mere decorations; they are believed to have held significant spiritual and ceremonial importance. Many researchers suggest that the art was created as part of religious rituals, possibly to ensure successful hunts, invoke protection, or celebrate important community events.

Key Sites and Murals

Several key sites within the Sierra de San Francisco stand out for their exceptional rock art. Here are some of the most notable:

  1. Cueva del Ratón: This cave is one of the most accessible and well-known sites in the Sierra de San Francisco. The murals here depict a variety of human and animal figures in vivid colors, with some scenes showing groups of people engaged in what appears to be a ritual dance. The sheer scale and detail of the artwork make it a must-see for visitors.
  2. Cueva Pintada: Known as the “Painted Cave,” this site contains some of the most intricate and detailed murals in the region. The artwork here features large human figures adorned with headdresses and intricate patterns, suggesting a high degree of social and ceremonial importance.
  3. Cueva de las Flechas: This site is famous for its depiction of hunting scenes. The murals show human figures armed with bows and arrows, hunting deer and other animals. The dynamic poses and detailed rendering of the figures provide a fascinating insight into the hunting practices of the ancient Cochimi.
  4. Cueva de San Borjitas: This cave contains some of the oldest known murals in the region, with some estimates dating the artwork to around 7,500 years old. The murals here are notable for their abstract designs and symbols, which continue to intrigue researchers and archaeologists.

Preservation and Conservation

Preserving the Sierra de San Francisco murals is a critical concern for both the Mexican government and international organizations. The remote location of the murals has helped shield them from much of the damage caused by human activity, but they are still vulnerable to natural erosion and the impact of increasing tourism.

Efforts to protect the murals include restricting access to certain sites, providing guided tours to minimize damage, and educating visitors about the cultural and historical significance of the art. Local guides, often descendants of the Cochimi people, play a vital role in these conservation efforts by sharing their knowledge and fostering a deeper appreciation for the murals.

UNESCO’s designation of the area as a World Heritage Site has also been instrumental in securing funding and support for ongoing preservation efforts. These initiatives aim to ensure that the murals remain a source of cultural and historical knowledge for future generations.

Visitor Experience

Visiting the Sierra de San Francisco murals is a unique and rewarding experience, combining the thrill of exploration with the opportunity to connect with ancient history. The journey to the murals often involves traveling by mule or on foot through rugged terrain, offering a sense of adventure and a chance to appreciate the stunning natural beauty of the region.

Local guides provide invaluable insights into the history and significance of the murals, enhancing the visitor experience with stories and explanations that bring the artwork to life. Many tours also include visits to traditional Cochimi settlements, allowing visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the region’s cultural heritage.

The Future of the Sierra de San Francisco Murals

The future of the Sierra de San Francisco murals depends on a delicate balance between preserving these ancient treasures and promoting them as a cultural and tourist attraction. Sustainable tourism practices, ongoing conservation efforts, and increased awareness of the murals’ significance are all crucial to ensuring their survival.

As researchers continue to study the murals, new discoveries and insights are likely to emerge, further enriching our understanding of the ancient Cochimi people and their world. The murals of Sierra de San Francisco stand as a testament to human creativity and resilience, offering a window into a distant past that continues to inspire and captivate those who visit.



The journey to see the murals is an adventure in itself, offering stunning natural landscapes and a deep connection to the past. Through ongoing preservation efforts and sustainable tourism practices, we can ensure that these ancient masterpieces remain a source of wonder and inspiration for generations to come. The murals of Sierra de San Francisco are not just a testament to a lost civilization but a celebration of human creativity and the enduring power of art to transcend time.

isla isabella



Isla Isabella, Isla Isabel National Park is a national park and protected area located  off the coast of Nayarit .
It was one Jacques Cousteau’s favorite places and that Cousteau himself  made the recommendation to the
Mexican government to designate this island as a National Park.
He spent a great deal of time here and has aired many specials on this fabulous gem.
The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau aired in 1975


The park was established in 1980 and is approximately 1.94 square kilometers and offers 2 anchorages to access the park.

Isla Isabel is one of the main nesting islands for seabirds in the Pacific, including large colonies of Magnificent Frigate birds over 11,000 Fregata magnificens , Blue-footed Boobies Sula nebouxii, Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster and Sooty Terns Sterna fuscata. Marine life is rich, with over 24 shark and ray species, three species of sea turtles, the California Sea Lion Zalophus californianus, Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangliae and Killer Whale Orcinus orca. The island is uninhabited, though there is a seabird reproductive research program run by UNAM and tourists visit to camp, fish and bird watch. After having depleted a huge colony of Sooty Terns, which in 1978 had over 150,000 pairs, cats were finally eradicated from the island in 1995 and the Terns are slowly recovering.




It is a breeding ground for Frigate Birds


isla isabella

Sumidero Canon


 Sumidero Canyon 🇲🇽  Cañón del Sumidero MEXICO

is a a deep natural canyon located just north of the city of Chiapa de Corzo in the state of Chiapas, in southern Mexico. The canyon's creation began around the same time as the Grand Canyon in the U.S. state of Arizona, by a crack in the area's crust and subsequent erosion by the Grijalva River, which still runs through it.

Sumidero Canyon

Sumidero Canyon has vertical walls which reach 3,300 ft with the river turning up to 90 degrees during the 13-kilometre (8.1 mi) length of the narrow passage.

Sumidero Canyon

The canyon is surrounded by the Sumidero Canyon National Park, a federally protected natural area of Mexico which extends 53.000 acres.

Waterfall in sumiderio canon


At the north end of the canyon is the Chicoasén Dam opened in 1980
and its artificial reservoir, one of several on the Grijalva River, which is important for water storage and the generation of hydroelectric power in the region.

The dam's power plant, officially named for Manuel Moreno Torres, contains 5 x 300 MW, 3 x 310 MW Francis turbine-generators.



The canyon and national park is the second most important tourist site in Chiapas. The park borders Tuxtla Gutiérrez the regional capital city, which has caused problems with human encroachment and settlement on park land.



Visiting Cañón del Sumidero in Chiapas, Mexico, is an exciting adventure that offers stunning natural beauty, rich wildlife, and various outdoor activities. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you plan your visit:

Planning Your Visit

  1. Best Time to Visit:
    • The best time to visit Cañón del Sumidero is during the dry season, from November to April. This period offers the best weather for outdoor activities and sightseeing.
  2. Getting There:
    • By Air: The nearest airport is Ángel Albino Corzo International Airport (TGZ) in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the capital of Chiapas.
    • By Car: From Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Cañón del Sumidero is about a 20-minute drive. You can rent a car or hire a taxi.
    • By Bus: Buses and colectivos (shared taxis) are available from Tuxtla Gutiérrez to Chiapa de Corzo, the gateway to the canyon.

What to Bring

  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear light, breathable clothing suitable for outdoor activities.
  • Sturdy Shoes: Good hiking shoes or sandals with grip are essential for walking on uneven terrain.
  • Water and Snacks: Stay hydrated and bring snacks for energy.
  • Sun Protection: Bring a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Camera: Capture the breathtaking views and wildlife.

Activities and Highlights

  1. Boat Tour:
    • The most popular way to explore the canyon is by taking a boat tour on the Grijalva River. Tours typically last about 2-3 hours and offer stunning views of the canyon walls, wildlife (including crocodiles, monkeys, and various bird species), and waterfalls.
  2. Viewpoints:
    • There are several viewpoints (miradores) along the rim of the canyon, offering panoramic views. The main viewpoints




To head out on this day trip leave early from marina Chiapas with Miguel Angel of Discovery Tours+52 962 133 6820

The coffee production in Mexico is the world's 8th largest  and is mainly concentrated to the south central to southern regions of the country. The coffee is mainly Arabica, and lately Robusta which grows particularly well in the coastal region of Soconusco, Chiapas, near the border of Guatemala.

Railroad Mapa of Chiapas

At the end of the 18th century, coffee came to Mexico from the Antilles, but was not exported in great quantities until the 1870s. During the 1980s, coffee became the country's most valuable export crop. Today Mexico is the largest source of U.S. coffee imports.

The Highlands

Once a coffee plant is mature, it will produce flowers; this normally happens shortly after heavy rainfall. And then, after the flowers, comes the cherries.

Traditional coffee drying in the HIGHLANDS

Selectively picked

Only the ripe cherries are harvested and they are picked individually by hand. Pickers rotate among the trees every eight to ten days, choosing only the cherries which are at the peak of ripeness. It usually takes two to four years after planting for a coffee plant to produce coffee beans that are ripe enough to harvest. The plant eventually grows small white blossoms that drop and are replaced by green berries. These green berries will become a deep red color as they ripen. It takes about 9 months for the green cherries to reach their deepest red color. Because this kind of harvest is labor-intensive, and thus more costly, it is used primarily to harvest the finer arabica beans.
Workers sorting and pulping coffee beans in Guatemala

The laborers who pick coffee by hand receive payment by the basketful. As of 2003, payment per basket is between US$1.00 to $10 with the overwhelming majority of the laborers receiving payment at the lower end. An experienced coffee picker can collect up to six or seven baskets a day. Depending on the grower, coffee pickers are sometimes specifically instructed to not pick green coffee berries since the seeds in the berries are not fully formed or mature. This discernment typically only occurs with growers who harvest for higher end/specialty coffee where the pickers are paid better for their labor. Lots including unripe coffee fruit are often used to produce cheaper mass consumer coffee beans, which are characterized by a displeasingly bitter/astringent flavor and a sharp odor. Red berries, with their higher aromatic oil and lower organic acid content, are more fragrant, smooth, and mellow. As such, coffee picking is one of the most important stages in coffee production.


The sun rises over the Chiapas mountains  and the jungle around the Tacaná volcano awake. The area of ​​the Soconusco heights was totally wild, unknown and without having been explored before by man. There are no pyramids or ruins of ancient civilizations. 1,151km away, the world was very different and contrasting. President Porfirio Díaz was in the National Palace of Mexico City working on major structural reforms for the country, with the aim of developing and innovating the country's economy. Díaz had a vision of a prosperous Mexico and was not satisfied with the way companies of that time performed. For this reason, he decided to invite entrepreneurs from then first world economies which he aspired for Mexico to advance. These invitations were sent mainly through embassies and churches, which were answered by Italians, French, English and Germans, to name a few.


One cold January morning, Arthur Erich Edelmann, his wife Doris, and seven other colleagues set sail from Hamburg, Germany, all from Perleberg, a small town an hour and a half from Berlin. Erich had a coffee machinery factory in his hometown, owned by his family, which was facing financial problems at the time it received the invitation from the Mexican government. What did you feel when you read that letter? What would you have thought to take a risk, abandon your business, your city, your people, your country, your language to start from scratch in a place so far away, so different in culture, language, nature and climate? A place that seemed like a different world. That is a story that we do not know and perhaps we never will.

Erich traveled for three weeks across the Atlantic until he arrived at the Port of Veracruz, where he took a horse-driven cart with his people to go to Soconusco, Chiapas. To the wild and untouched lands that he and his family would call home.

Before arriving in Mexico, we suppose that Erich had to have read all the information available about Chiapas, about Mexico and specialized in its culture, its people, language, nature, its history. However, there was nothing that could have prepared him for the intensity of his new life.

Erich, Doris and their people arrived in Huixtla, a small village with some houses built in adobe and palm trees, inhabited by friendly indigenous families who gave them the mules and human capital necessary to reach their final destination. From there, it took them another 8 hours to be able to transport along the newly created dirt roads, which looked like tunnels through the dense jungle. On their way they could observe the Tacaná, a volcano whose eruptions transformed the land around it into a fertile paradise.

With the help of workers from San Cristóbal, San Juan Chamula and Guatemala, Erich and his team of architects and engineers began to harmonize the land, build the first houses for the workers, the mill, roads. Erich and Doris lived for 11 years in one of these simple houses, couldn't afford a bigger house, not yet. The priority was to prepare the land, build all the necessary infrastructure to work, keep people working, provide money and work, houses and food. The priority was its people, the priority was coffee.

They put a lot of work into investing in this long-term project, so far from home, a lot of determination and hope, a great risk and a gamble. All that work, all those years, until finally: the first harvest and the start of Finca Hamburgo.


FINCA Argovia  >>

This exemplary coffee Resort Located in the Sierra Madre of Chiapas with More than 130 years of history and culminates  as a cultural and extremly worthwile experience
Argovia is a partner and initiator of the Coffee route in Chiapas, with    cabins, outdoor pool, Spa, Restaurant,  bar, Event areas and tours.

Grading is the process of categorizing coffee beans by various criteria such as size of the bean, where and at what altitude it was grown, how it was prepared and picked, and how good it tastes (cup quality). Coffees also may be graded by the number of imperfections (broken, under-ripe, or otherwise defective beans; pebbles; sticks; etc.) per sample. For the finest coffees, origin of the beans (farm or estate, region, cooperative) is especially important. Growers of premium estate or cooperative coffees may impose a level of quality control that goes well beyond conventionally defined grading criteria, as this allows their coffee to command the higher price that goes with recognition of consistent quality.

Wet process

In the 'Wet process', the fruit covering the seeds/beans is removed before they are dried. Coffee processed by the wet method is called wet processed or washed coffee. The wet method requires the use of specific equipment and substantial quantities of water.

The coffee cherries are sorted by immersion in water. Bad or unripe fruit will float and the good ripe fruit will sink. The skin of the cherry and some of the pulp is removed by pressing the fruit by machine in water through a screen. The bean will still have a significant amount of the pulp clinging to it that needs to be removed. This is done either by the classic ferment-and-wash method or a newer procedure variously called machine-assisted wet processing, aquapulping or mechanical demucilaging:
Sorting coffee in water

In the ferment-and-wash method of wet processing, the remainder of the pulp is removed by breaking down the cellulose by fermenting the beans with microbes and then washing them with large amounts of water. Fermentation can be done with extra water or, in "Dry Fermentation", in the fruit's own juices only.

The fermentation process has to be carefully monitored to ensure that the coffee doesn't acquire undesirable, sour flavors. For most coffees, mucilage removal through fermentation takes between 8 and 36 hours, depending on the temperature, thickness of the mucilage layer, and concentration of the enzymes. The end of the fermentation is assessed by feel, as the parchment surrounding the beans loses its slimy texture and acquires a rougher "pebbly" feel. When the fermentation is complete, the coffee is thoroughly washed with clean water in tanks or in special washing machines.

In machine-assisted wet processing, fermentation is not used to separate the bean from the remainder of the pulp; rather, this is done through mechanical scrubbing. This process can cut down on water use and pollution since ferment and wash water stinks. In addition, removing mucilage by machine is easier and more predictable than removing it by fermenting and washing. However, by eliminating the fermentation step and prematurely separating fruit and bean, mechanical demucilaging can remove an important tool that mill operators have of influencing coffee flavor. Furthermore, the ecological criticism of the ferment-and-wash method increasingly has become moot, since a combination of low-water equipment plus settling tanks allows conscientious mill operators to carry out fermentation with limited pollution.[5] The downside in using a machine assisted process or "semi-wash" is a high chance of the beans being chipped or damaged. The damaged beans are more prominent on lower altitude grown beans and certain varietals with pourous features.

Any wet processing of coffee produces coffee wastewater which can be a pollutant. Ecologically sensitive farms reprocess the wastewater along with the shell and mucilage as compost to be used in soil fertilization programs. The amount of water used in processing can vary, but most often is used in a 1 to 1 ratio.

After the pulp has been removed what is left is the bean surrounded by two additional layers, the silver skin and the parchment. The beans must be dried to a water content of about 10% before they are stable. Coffee beans can be dried in the sun or by machine but in most cases it is dried in the sun to 12-13% moisture and brought down to 10% by machine. Drying entirely by machine is normally only done where space is at a premium or the humidity is too high for the beans to dry before mildewing.
When dried in the sun coffee is most often spread out in rows on large patios where it needs to be raked every six hours to promote even drying and prevent the growth of mildew. Some coffee is dried on large raised tables where the coffee is turned by hand. Drying coffee this way has the advantage of allowing air to circulate better around the beans promoting more even drying but increases cost and labor significantly.

After the drying process the parchment skin or pergamino is thoroughly dry and crumbly, and easily removed in the hulling process. Coffee occasionally is sold and shipped in parchment or en pergamino, but most often a machine called a huller is used to crunch off the parchment skin before the beans are shipped

The final steps in coffee processing involve removing the last layers of dry skin and remaining fruit residue from the now-dry coffee, and cleaning and sorting it. These steps are often called dry milling to distinguish them from the steps that take place before drying, which collectively are called wet milling.

Most fine coffee goes through a battery of machines that sort the coffee by the density of bean and by bean size, all the while removing sticks, rocks, nails, and miscellaneous debris that may have become mixed with the coffee during drying. First machines blow the beans into the air; those that fall into bins closest to the air source are heaviest and biggest; the lightest (and likely defective) beans plus chaff are blown in the farthest bin. Other machines shake the beans through a series of sieves, sorting them by size. Finally, a machine called a gravity separator shakes the sized beans on a tilted table, so that the heaviest, densest and best vibrate to one side of the pulsating table, and the lightest to the other.
Ethiopian women sort coffee beans at a long table.

The final step in the cleaning and sorting procedure is called color sorting, or separating defective beans from sound beans on the basis of color rather than density or size. Color sorting is the trickiest and perhaps most important of all the steps in sorting and cleaning. With most high-quality coffees color sorting is done in the simplest possible way: by hand. Teams of workers pick discolored and other defective beans from the sound beans. The very best coffees may be hand-cleaned twice (double picked) or even three times (triple picked). Coffee that has been cleaned by hand is usually called European preparation; most specialty coffees have been cleaned and sorted in this way.[5]

Color sorting can also be done by machines. Streams of beans fall rapidly, one at a time, past sensors that are set according to parameters that identify defective beans by value (dark to light) or by color. A tiny, decisive puff of compressed air pops each defective bean out of the stream of sound beans the instant the machine detects an anomaly. However, these machines are currently not used widely in the coffee industry for two reasons. First, the capital investment to install these delicate machines and the technical support to maintain them is daunting. Second, sorting coffee by hand supplies much-needed work for the small rural communities that often cluster around coffee mills. Nevertheless, computerized color sorters are essential to coffee industries in regions with relatively high standards of living and high wage demands.

Although not considered part of the processing pipeline proper, nearly all coffee sold to consumers throughout the world is sold as roasted coffee in general one of four degrees of roasting: light, medium, medium-dark, and dark. Consumers can also elect to buy unroasted coffee to be roasted at home. Green coffee can also be used for the preparation of infusions or ingested as ground powder, but this is of limited relevance to the global coffee market.

🇬🇹 Castillo de San Felipe


🇬🇹 The Castle of San Felipe de Lara
(Castillo de San Felipe de Lara)

is a Spanish colonial fort at the entrance to Lake Izabal in eastern Guatemala.
Lake Izabal is connected with the Caribbean Sea via the Dulce River and El Golfete lake.  The fort was strategically situated at the narrowest point on the river. The Castillo de San Felipe was used by the Spanish for several centuries, during which time it was destroyed and looted several times by pirates
The fort is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List and is a popular regional tourist destination.

Castillo de San Felipe de Lara in Guatemala

The Castillo de San Felipe was built to protect the port of San Antonio de las Bodegas on the south shore of Lake Izabal from frequent pirate attacks, mostly by English pirates.

After nightfall, passage along the river into the lake was blocked by a large chain that crossed from the fort to the far bank.  San Antonio was the main port for receiving Spanish shipping carrying goods for the Captaincy General of Guatemala and was responsible for supplying and garrisoning the fort.  Guatemalan records contain details of captains being appointed to the fort well into the 18th century.



The position was a joint post, also including the position of mayor of San Pedro de Amatique and San Antonio de las Bodegas. The latter post was in name only, since the towns were soon abandoned due to constant slave raids by the Mosquito Zambo that left the Motagua delta and shores of Lake Izabal largely deserted, with those inhabitants that did not flee being sold into slavery in the British colony of Jamaica.



A tower already existed on the site by 1604, when it is recorded as having been destroyed.  The fort was built in 1644 under the orders of Diego de Avendaño, then governor of the Kingdom of Guatemala. At the time it was known as Fuerte Bustamente ("Bustamente Fort") and the Torreón de Defensa ("Defence Tower").


Fort 4


The fort was redesigned in 1687 by Diego Gómez de Ocampo in the style of the French military architect Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban. The modified design was implemented in 1689. Three bastions were functioning by 1697.


Fort 2





Near Marina Nanajuana >>

🇳🇮 Granada

🇳🇮  Granada is a stunning city on the shores of Lake Nicaragua and historically one of Nicaragua's most important cities, economically and politically.
Granada had a thriving Indigenous population, but in 1524 Francisco Córdoba a Spanish conquistador the city was renamed Granada
and registered  as  a  city in official records of the Crown of Aragon, and the Kingdom of Castile in Spain.


It’s home to multiple Spanish colonial landmarks that have survived repeated pirate invasions.

The city’s main plaza, Central Park, is dominated by the colorful, neoclassical facade of the Cathedral of Granada, originally dating to 1583.




The Centro Cultural Convent San Francisco nearby is famed for its displays of per-Columbian statues.

Statues in Granada Nicaragua

Granada, Nicaragua was the sister capital to Antigua in Guatemala. During the colonial period, Granada maintained a flourishing level of commerce with ports on the Atlantic Ocean, through Lake Nicaragua ( Lago Cocibolca) and the San Juan River. As such the city was victim to many battles with  invasions from English, French and Dutch pirates trying to take control  by sailing up the San Juan River.

It was also where American William Walker attempted to take control of Central America as a ruling president. One of his generals, Charles Frederick Henningsen, set the city ablaze before escaping, destroying much of the ancient city and leaving printed the words "Here was Granada".

Agriculture around Granada is reflected by dry forests and   humid forests which grow on the sides of the nearby 1,344 meter high Mombacho volcano. The volcano is also home to a wide array of wildlife.  The lake is also home to many creatures, both marine and freshwater creatures. It is the only freshwater lake in the world where sharks live.

The Midas cichlid, native to the San Juan River basin in Nicaragua and Costar Rica, is now recognized as a species complex with dozens of species, most or all of them inhabiting extremely reduced ranges.  Fishing in the lake is plentyful and fishermen regularly catch guapote and mojarras, as well as sardines.

Granada's restaurants have received international recognition by newspapers like the New York Times.
Not only do they serve a wide variety of delicious foods, but they seek to do so in a manner that is sustainable and beneficial to the larger community. Granada is quickly becoming a central hub for excursions to other areas of Nicaragua and Central America so if you are in the region, stop by one of the restaurants mentioned on this list for a taste of Latin American hospitality

  • The Garden Cafe
  • Cafe de los Sueños
  • Cafe De Arte
  • Miss Dell’s Kitchen
  • Bocadillos Tapas Kitchen & Bar
  • Monna Lisa

To stay overnight you can book any of these lovely boutique hotels

You can access this world heritage site from the Marina Puesta del Sol in an easy day trip via rental car -
stay a few days to soak in the magnificent history and culture.


la joya de ceren

🇸🇻 Joya de Cerén - La Libertad - El Salvador

JOYA DE CEREN – La Libertad – El Salvador
(aka the POMPEII of Central America)
Before the village was abandoned around AD 600 about 200 people lived in this per-Columbian Maya farming village.

The eruption of the Loma Caldera volcano caused 33 feet / 10 meters of debris to settle over the site. The site was remarkably well preserved due to the low temperature of ash and very fast ash-fall, a a thick layer having blanketed the town in the space of a few hours.

Exceptional by uprightness of the culmination of the proof that it gives of regular daily existence in a Mesoamerican cultivating agriculture of the sixth century AD, whichin this social district. It was a pre-Hispanic cultivating network that, similar to Pompeii and Herculaneum in Italy, was covered under a volcanic emission about AD 590. Albeit an earlier quake clearly gave inhabitants time to escape, the debris safeguarded their own possessions, from digging tools and bean-filled pots to resting mats and strict things, basically freezing the farming town in time. Due to the extraordinary state of the remaining parts, they provide extreme insights  into the every day lives of the Central American people groups who worked the land around then.

Around AD 200, the focal and western pieces of the domain of the current   Republic of El Salvador were covered underneath thick layers of volcanic debris from the Ilopango fountain of liquid magma. The territory was relinquished and the late pre-Classical Maya social advancement was hindered for a few centuries until the debris layer had endured into ripe soil.

Resettlement didn’t start until around 400, and the Joya de Cerén settlement was established before the finish of the sixth century. As unearthings are still in progress, it isn’t yet evident whether it was a little town or a bigger network. Proof from the structures unearthed so far proposes that the occupants were ranchers.


La Joya de Cerén: The Pompeii of the Americas


La Joya de Cerén, located in the Zapotitán Valley of El Salvador, is a UNESCO World Heritage site that provides an extraordinary glimpse into the everyday life of a pre-Hispanic farming community. Often referred to as the “Pompeii of the Americas,” this site was buried under a layer of volcanic ash around AD 600, preserving buildings, tools, and even foodstuffs in remarkable detail. The site offers invaluable insights into the domestic, agricultural, and spiritual practices of the ancient Maya. Unlike many other archaeological sites that focus on elite structures and monumental architecture, La Joya de Cerén is unique in its focus on the daily lives of common people.

Geographic and Geological Context

La Joya de Cerén is situated approximately 30 kilometers northwest of San Salvador, in the fertile Zapotitán Valley. The region’s rich volcanic soil made it an ideal location for agriculture, and the valley was likely a hub of agricultural activity during the Late Classic period of the Maya civilization. The site is located at an elevation of about 500 meters above sea level, which provided a moderate climate suitable for a variety of crops.

The geological event that preserved La Joya de Cerén was the eruption of the Loma Caldera volcano around AD 600. The eruption was sudden and violent, spewing a thick layer of ash over the surrounding area. The volcanic ash that covered the site was fine-grained and densely packed, creating an anaerobic environment that inhibited the decomposition of organic materials. This unique set of geological conditions allowed for the exceptional preservation of the site.

Discovery and Excavation

La Joya de Cerén was accidentally discovered in 1976 during the construction of government grain silos. Initial excavations revealed well-preserved structures, prompting further archaeological investigation. The excavations, led by Payson Sheets from the University of Colorado, Boulder, began in earnest in 1978 and have continued intermittently over the decades.

The site covers an area of approximately three hectares, of which about 10% has been excavated. The excavations have uncovered 18 structures, including houses, communal buildings, workshops, and storage facilities. The preservation of organic materials, such as wooden beams, thatch roofs, and even food remains, has provided an unparalleled opportunity to study the daily lives of the ancient inhabitants.

The Layout and Architecture of La Joya de Cerén

The architectural layout of La Joya de Cerén reflects the social organization and daily activities of its inhabitants. The site consists of a series of small clusters of buildings, each associated with a particular household. The structures are made of wattle and daub, a construction technique using wooden frames filled with mud and clay. The roofs were thatched with grass or palm leaves, a practice still common in rural areas of Central America today.

The buildings at La Joya de Cerén were not arranged around a central plaza, as is typical of many Maya sites, but rather in a more organic, dispersed pattern. This suggests that the community was primarily focused on agricultural activities rather than ceremonial or administrative functions. The absence of monumental architecture further supports the idea that La Joya de Cerén was a farming village rather than an elite center.

The site includes several different types of buildings, each serving a specific function. The most common type of structure is the dwelling house, which typically consisted of a single room with a central hearth. These houses were used for sleeping, cooking, and other domestic activities. Other structures include storage facilities, workshops, and communal buildings, which were likely used for group activities such as food preparation and craft production.

Domestic Life at La Joya de Cerén

One of the most remarkable aspects of La Joya de Cerén is the insight it provides into the domestic life of its inhabitants. The preservation of everyday objects, such as pottery, tools, and food remains, allows archaeologists to reconstruct the daily activities of the people who lived there.

The pottery found at the site includes both utilitarian vessels, such as cooking pots and storage jars, and more decorative items, such as painted bowls and figurines. The pottery was likely produced locally, as evidenced by the presence of clay sources and kilns in the surrounding area. The styles and motifs of the pottery suggest that the inhabitants of La Joya de Cerén were influenced by both local and regional traditions.

The tools found at the site include stone axes, grinding stones, and digging sticks, which were used for farming and food preparation. The presence of these tools, along with the remains of crops such as maize, beans, and squash, indicates that agriculture was the primary subsistence activity at La Joya de Cerén. The abundance of food remains, including maize cobs, bean pods, and chili peppers, suggests that the inhabitants had a varied and nutritious diet.

One of the most intriguing finds at the site is a small structure identified as a sweat bath or temazcal. The temazcal was used for both ritual and medicinal purposes, and its presence at La Joya de Cerén suggests that the inhabitants placed a high value on health and hygiene. The temazcal was constructed with a domed roof and a small entrance, and it was heated by placing hot stones inside the structure and pouring water over them to create steam.

Agricultural Practices and Food Storage

The agricultural practices at La Joya de Cerén were highly advanced, reflecting the importance of farming to the community. The site includes several features related to agriculture, such as raised beds, irrigation canals, and storage facilities. The raised beds, or chinampas, were used to grow crops in the fertile soil of the valley, while the irrigation canals ensured a steady supply of water.

The storage facilities at La Joya de Cerén were designed to protect food supplies from pests and moisture. These structures were typically built on raised platforms and were well-ventilated to prevent spoilage. The discovery of large quantities of stored maize, beans, and other crops suggests that the inhabitants were able to produce surplus food, which could have been used for trade or as a buffer against periods of scarcity.

The preservation of food remains at La Joya de Cerén has provided valuable information about the diet of the ancient Maya. The most common crops found at the site are maize, beans, and squash, which formed the basis of the Mesoamerican diet. Other crops include chili peppers, avocados, and cacao, which were likely used for flavoring and ceremonial purposes. The presence of cotton seeds suggests that the inhabitants also cultivated cotton for textile production.

Social and Ritual Life

While La Joya de Cerén provides a wealth of information about the daily lives of its inhabitants, it also offers insights into their social and ritual practices. The absence of monumental architecture and elite residences suggests that the community was relatively egalitarian, with little social stratification. However, the presence of communal buildings and ceremonial structures indicates that the inhabitants engaged in group activities and rituals.

One of the most significant ritual structures at the site is a small building identified as a shrine or oratory. This structure was found with offerings of food, pottery, and figurines, suggesting that it was used for domestic rituals. The presence of a large number of figurines, many of which depict women, suggests that the inhabitants of La Joya de Cerén may have worshipped female deities or ancestors.

Another important find is a large communal building, which may have been used for meetings, feasts, or other group activities. The building contains a large hearth and numerous cooking vessels, suggesting that food preparation and consumption were important aspects of communal life. The presence of large quantities of broken pottery and food remains indicates that the building may have been used for feasting, a common practice in Mesoamerican cultures.

The discovery of the temazcal, or sweat bath, further highlights the importance of ritual in the daily lives of the inhabitants. The temazcal was used for both physical and spiritual purification, and its presence at La Joya de Cerén suggests that the inhabitants placed a high value on health, hygiene, and spiritual well-being. The use of the temazcal may have been linked to agricultural cycles or other communal rituals.

The Eruption of Loma Caldera and the Abandonment of the Site

The sudden eruption of the Loma Caldera volcano around AD 600 had a profound impact on the community of La Joya de Cerén. The eruption occurred without warning, giving the inhabitants little time to flee. The thick layer of ash that covered the site preserved the buildings and their contents in remarkable detail, providing a snapshot of the village at the moment of abandonment.

The evidence suggests that the eruption occurred during the evening, as many of the buildings were found with food still on the hearths and in storage. The inhabitants likely fled in haste, leaving behind their belongings and livestock. The absence of human remains at the site suggests that the inhabitants were able to escape the eruption, although it is unclear where they went or whether they survived.

The eruption of Loma Caldera was a catastrophic event, but it also played a crucial role in the preservation of La Joya de Cerén. The thick layer of ash that covered the site created an anaerobic environment that inhibited the decomposition of organic materials. This allowed for the exceptional preservation of buildings, tools, and food remains, providing an unparalleled opportunity to study the daily lives of the ancient Maya.

La Joya de Cerén in the Context of Mesoamerican Archaeology

La Joya de Cerén is unique among Mesoamerican archaeological sites for its focus on the daily lives of common people. Most Maya sites are characterized by monumental architecture, elite residences, and ceremonial centers, which provide insights into the lives of the elite but offer little information about the lives of ordinary people. In contrast, La Joya de Cerén provides a rare glimpse into the domestic, agricultural, and ritual practices of a farming community.

The site also challenges traditional views of Maya society, which often emphasize the role of elites and centralized authority. The absence of monumental architecture and elite residences at La Joya de Cerén suggests that the community was relatively egalitarian, with a focus on agricultural production rather than political or ceremonial functions. This challenges the notion that Maya society was strictly hierarchical and centralized, suggesting that there may have been greater diversity in social organization than previously thought.

La Joya de Cerén also provides valuable information about the impact of environmental factors on ancient societies. The sudden eruption of the Loma Caldera volcano and the subsequent abandonment of the site highlight the vulnerability of human communities to natural disasters. The site serves as a reminder of the importance of environmental factors in shaping the course of history and the need to consider these factors in archaeological interpretations.

Preservation and Conservation Efforts

Since its discovery, La Joya de Cerén has been the focus of extensive preservation and conservation efforts. The site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993, in recognition of its exceptional cultural and historical value. The Salvadoran government, in collaboration with international organizations, has undertaken various measures to protect and conserve the site.

One of the primary challenges in preserving La Joya de Cerén is the fragile nature of the structures and organic materials. The wattle and daub buildings are particularly vulnerable to erosion and decay, and special measures have been taken to protect them. These measures include the construction of protective shelters over the excavated areas, as well as ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the site.

Conservation efforts have also focused on the preservation of the organic materials found at the site, such as wooden beams, thatch roofs, and food remains. These materials are particularly susceptible to decay, and specialized techniques have been developed to stabilize and preserve them. The preservation of these materials is crucial for the ongoing study of the site and for the interpretation of the daily lives of its inhabitants.

Coronado USA

Coronado San Diego Bay 🇺🇸 California USA

Coronado San Diego Bay 🇺🇸 California USA
Hotel Del Coronado

CORONADO is a vibrant community with historic and present day navy heritage and offers a rich history. Just over the bridge from San Diego is this small, tree-lined beach haven island, which is really a peninsula connected to the mainland by a neck of land named the Silver Strand.


San Diego land boom

In the mid-1880s, the San Diego region was in the midst of one of its first real estate booms. At that time, it was common for a developer to build a grand hotel as a draw for what would otherwise be a barren landscape.
c. 1910, Hotel del Coronado and Tent City, Coronado, CA

Coronado Beach Company

In November 1885, five investors went together to buy all of Coronado and North Island, approximately 4,000 acres and in April 1886, Babcock and Story created the Coronado Beach Company, after which they established a number of additional enterprises to support the development of Coronado. The Coronado Ferry Company built wharves and storage facilities and developed ferryboat service between Coronado and San Diego; The Coronado Water Company piped fresh water under San Diego Bay from the San Diego River; The Coronado Railroad Company provided rail lines in Coronado and eventually a "Belt Line" connected Coronado to San Diego via the Strand. Hotel del Coronado also boasted one of the largest electrical power plants in the state, providing service to the entire community of Coronado until the 1920s.

Coronado Del

The men hired architect James W. Reid and his brother Watson Reid helped supervise the 2,000 laborers needed for the construction of the grand hotel.

" It would be built around a court... a garden of tropical trees, shrubs and flowers,... From the south end, the foyer should open to Glorietta Bay with verandas for rest and promenade. On the ocean corner, there should be a pavilion tower, and northward along the ocean, a colonnade, terraced in grass to the beach. The dining wing should project at an angle from the southeast corner of the court and be almost detached, to give full value to the view of the ocean, bay and city."



There is a unique list of heritage trees on the island from many areas around the world.

  • TORREY PINE / Pinus Torreyana is the rarest pine in the United States and is native to this area
    Well-cared for, Coronado's Torreys grow to more than 50 feet in height.
  • STAR PINE located in Rotary Plaza was designated a Heritage Tree on April 3, 2008. This Araucaria Heterophylla is native to Norfolk Island in the SW Pacific and was transplanted to this location by Supt. Bandel in 1936.
  • MORETON BAY FIG located adjacent to Star Park at 1121 Flora Avenue was designated a Heritage Tree on December 7, 2011. Ficus Macrophylla, native to northeastern Australia, has heavy buttressing trunks that spread to support a massive crown that can grow to more than 100 feet in diameter.
  • FERN PINE / Afrocarpus Gracilior (previously known as podacarpus g.) are from eastern Africa.
  • ITALIAN STONE PINE  clearly visible from the streets  is believed to be the largest in the City and was planted as a one foot Christmas tree in 1965. A native of southern Europe, Pinus Pinea grow well here, producing paired bright green needles in a dense umbrella shape.
  • DEODAR CEDAR located in the second block of the Orange Avenue  was planted in 1952 as one of the forty-two memorial trees to replace the trolley tracks that were removed after World War II. This Cedrus deodara, native to the Himalayas.
  • SUGAR GUM is a stately Eucalyptus cladocalyx is representative of the Sugar Gums that were planted on this block at the beginning of the 20th century. Eucalyptus were imported from Australia soon after California's Gold Rush, 90% of them being Tasmanian Blue Gums. The Blue Gums are structurally weak and have other problems which these Sugar Gums lack.
  • NORFOLK ISLAND PINE  was designated a Heritage Tree on February 5, 2015. Araucaria heterophylla, sometimes called Star Pine, is native to a small beautiful southwest Pacific island. It grows wonderfully well and very tall in Coronado. This beautiful specimen about 100 years old is on the property of a historically designated home moved from Ocean Boulevard after the 1905 storm that washed away some of the boulevard.

The Heritage Trees of Coronado


Voted one of America’s finest beaches Coronado is known for its pristine sandy beaches with sand  courtesy of the mineral Mica.
You can even bring your four legged friends to North Beach, where dogs are allowed off-leash year round!
Dog Beach

Some like it hot

In 1958 a trio of actors checked into the Hotel Del Coronado to film what would become the most lauded comedy of all time – Billy Wilder’s SOME LIKE IT HOT.

A funny as hell screenplay with award-winning performances from screen legends Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe  during what is said to be one of the happiest times in her life.



Coronado is also home to some of the most expensive real estate per sqft in California with cultural attractions such as the world-famous, historic Hotel Del Coronado—visited by many U.S. Presidents and global dignitaries, the Coronado Museum of History and Art, and the U.S. Navy SEAL Headquarters.
he Coronado Public Library has a special section designated for Special Operations: Special Operations Book Collection


Public Docks
Glorietta Bay Marina is a Clean Marina Certified marina managed by California Yacht Marina.

Centrally located adjacent to the historic Hotel Del Coronado and Coronado's vibrant downtown mainstreet, Glorietta Bay Marina features brand new dock systems with 100 slips ranging in size from 20’ to 110’feet. Each slip includes electrical power, water and cable/internet connections. Showers, restrooms, and a coin operated laundry are provided on-site for tenants and guests.

The Glorietta Bay Marina offers both transient and permanent docks. There is currently a waitlist for dockage. For more information on slip availability and transient docking please contact California Yacht Marina at (619) 435-5203 or by email at


Glorietta Bay


In 1926, John D. Spreckels recommended that a bridge be built between San Diego and Coronado, but voters dismissed the plan. The U.S. Navy initially did not support a bridge that would span San Diego Bay to connect San Diego to Coronado. They feared a bridge could be collapsed by attack or an earthquake and trap the ships stationed at Naval Base San Diego.

In 1951–52, the Coronado City Council initiated plans for bridge feasibility studies. By 1964 the Navy supported a bridge if there was at least 200 feet (61 m) of clearance for ships which operate out of the nearby Naval Base San Diego to pass underneath it. To achieve this clearance with a reasonable grade, the bridge length was increased by taking a curved path, rather than a more direct path to Coronado. The clearance would allow an empty oil-fired aircraft carrier to pass beneath it

The principal architect was Robert Mosher. Construction on the San Diego–Coronado Bay Bridge started in February 1967. The bridge required 20,000 tons of steel and 94,000 cubic yards of concrete. To add the concrete girders, 900,000 cubic yards of fill was dredged and the caissons for the towers were drilled and blasted 100 feet into the bed of the bay. It is supported by 27 concrete girders, the longest ever made at the time of construction.

The center span of the Coronado Bay Bridge was designed to float in the event of a bombing, according to local urban legend. Though the 1,880-foot-long center section of the bridge is hollow, the circumstances that would allow it to fall 200 feet and somehow still float are beyond improbable.

 Coronado bay bridge

The Ferry

To get a across to Corando take a scenic boat ride across the bay to/from Coronado, aboard a piece of San Diego history with a scenic 15-minute ride to the Coronado Ferry Landing, a waterfront marketplace full of over 25 unique shops and restaurants, and convenient access to all that Coronado Island offers!
The Ferry


Beginning July 1, 2021, the Port of San Diego’s Maritime Department will assume management responsibilities from the Harbor Police Department for anchorages on San Diego Bay, including the Glorietta Bay A5 anchorage, and the Port’s Shelter Island Guest Docks located at 1401 Shelter Island Drive on the southern end of Shelter Island at the entrance to the Shelter Island Yacht Basin.

NOAA Nautical Chart 18773 San Diego Bay

The Port also provides two 72-hour anchorages and a “Cruiser Anchorage.” Aside from the management change, no additional changes are being made for the anchorages at this time. No fee is required to anchor in these areas; however, a permit is required. Permits for the A1 and A5 anchorages are still available online. For the A9 anchorage, permits still require a vessel inspection performed by a Harbor Police Officer and must be obtained in person at the Harbor Police substation located at 1401 Shelter Island Drive.

Anchorage locations are:






The Journey through the Copper Canyon by train is an experience of one of the most scenic train rides in the world. TAs El Chepe chugs along its 653 km (405 mi) of track, a journey which takes anywhere from 9 to 16 hours, it crosses over 37 bridges and through 86 tunnels. It crosses the Copper Canyon, called the Barranca del Cobre by Mexicans.
The El Chepe train | Evaneos


Copper Canyon

The Copper Canyon is one of Mexico's lesser-known gems. ...

Copper Canyon, called the Barranca del Cobre
is a group of six distinct canyons in the Sierra Madre Occidental in the southwestern part of the state of Chihuahua
It is 65,000 sqk  / 25,000 sqm  in size.
Copper Canyon

Copper Canon outlook
The canyons were formed by six rivers that drain the western side of the Sierra Tarahumara (a part of the Sierra Madre Occidental).

 is a group of six distinct canyons in the Sierra Madre Occidental in the southwestern part of the state of Chihuahua in northwestern Mexico that is 65,000 square kilometres (25,000 sq mi) in size. The canyons were formed by six rivers that drain the western side of the Sierra Tarahumara (a part of the Sierra Madre Occidental). All six rivers merge into the Rio Fuerte and empty into the Gulf of California. The walls of the canyon[1] are a copper/green color, which is the origin of the name.
All six rivers merge into the Rio Fuerte and empty into the Gulf of California. The walls of the canyon are a copper/green color, which is the origin of the name.

The Spanish arrived in the Copper Canyon area in the 17th century and encountered the indigenous locals throughout Chihuahua. For these New Spanish, America was a new land to explore for gold and silver and also to spread Christianity. The New Spanish named the people "Tarahumara", they encountered derived from the word Rarámuri, which is what the indigenous people call their men.


During the 17th century, silver was discovered by the Hispanic in the land of the Tarahumara tribe. Some were enslaved for mining efforts. There were small uprisings by the Tarahumara, but to little avail. They eventually were forced off the more desirable lands and up into the canyon cliffs.

The full journey takes either nine or sixteen hours

If you travel on the Chepe Express (Los Mochis to Creel and vice versa), your journey time will be nine hours, with the train leaving from Los Mochis at either 6am or 3.50pm. On the Chepe Regional (Los Mochis to Chihuahua and vice versa), the journey is around 16 hours from start to finish and the train leaves either Los Mochis or Chihuahua at 6am.

Copper Canyon

The alpine climate of the mountainous regions of Copper Canyon has moderate temperatures from October to November and March to April. The bottom of the canyons are humid and warm and remain that way throughout the year. During the warmest months, April through June, drought is a chronic problem with little rainfall until July when the rainy season begins.

Copper Canyon
