World class Barra de Navidad sunset behind the entrance to the Lagoon de Navidad
The village of Barra de Navidad sits just off the Pacific Ocean between a broad sweeping bay and a supremely protected lagoon.  The sweet seaside town is surrounded by productive farmland and has a rich maritime history.

The village of Barra de Navidad has been known by many names over the years.  Originally it was known by the names of Puerto Santo, Puerto de Cihuatlán, Puerto de Juan Gallego, Puerto de la Purificación, Puerto de Xalisco, and Puerto de la Natividad.  It was a Viceroy from Spain who named it Puerto de la Navidad because Spanish explorers made landfall in this port on a Christmas day.  Captain Juan Fernández de Híjar —founder of Villa Purificación, found Puerto de la Navidad around the year 1535, “in a time of great need,” as he himself said.  In time, a village and many ships were built on the shores of this Port.  The village was built on a sandbar and the name was later changed to Barra de la Navidad for the bar of sand she sits on.  The ships were built to support Spanish expeditions further west.

COsta alegre
Itinerary followed by the expedition of Miguel López de Legazpi in the Philippine archipelago.

60 years ago, In 1964 the governments and people of Mexico and the Philippines celebrated the “Year of the Mexican-Filipino Friendship”.  This celebration commemorated the joint agreement reached by Presidents López Mateos and Macapagal four centuries after a historic nautical expedition left from the Pacific Coast of Mexico and went to the Philippine Islands in search of gold. This nautical expedition fleet set forth by King Phillips II was made of 5 ships and about 350 men.  All of Western Mexico had to be mobilized to support the undertaking of this expedition.  Roads were built to bring ship building supplies from as far away as what is now Guadalajara.  To this day, the main road between Guadalajara and Barra is known as Philippine Way.  They left in the early morning of November 21, 1564 from what came to be known as Barra de la Navidad.   The Spanish-Mexican expedition set out, under the command of the governor Miguel López de Legazpi and the Augustinian friar Andrés de Urdaneta. *  The expedition crossed the Pacific in 93 days and made their first landfall in Isla de los Ladrones, which they identify by the type of sails on their boats and canoes that they saw.  This island we now know of as Guam.  From there they set sail for the islands now known as the Philippines.Legazpi did not tell the crew their final destination when they set sail and when they arrived in the Philippines he stayed.  He put is 17 year old grandson at the helm to get the expedition fleet back to Mexico.  This was return trip was both arduous and triumphant as supposedly no one had ever gone back to Mexico up until this point.

*Many historians have spent years pouring over historic documents to determine the exact location from which the expedition set sail from Mexico.  Some have contended that the further south from Barra de Navidad perhaps in Manzanillo or further still off the State of Colima.  However more have determined that there is not the slightest doubt that the expedition of López de Legazpi and Urdaneta to the Philippine Islands left from Puerto de la Navidad which certainly adds to the significant history of Barra de Navidad.

Itinerary followed by the expedition of Miguel López de Legazpi in the Philippine archipelago.


Today, Mexico and the Phillipines share the same currency: the peso and a small monument to Legazpi stands in Barra’s main plaza commemorating his expeditions.  For Mariners anchored in the Lagoon or moored at the marina, the town of today is easily reached by water taxi or by dinghy.  The water taxi terminal sits at the foot of the Malecon.  Strolling down the Malecon, one will find the small monument to Legazpi.  Looking out to sea from the Malecon, one can watch people Surf, Sup-surf, and boogieboard the town wave at all hours of the day.  Strolling into the town one can find churches, hotels, markets, shops, restaurants, and street vendors.  The vibe of town is very relaxed, colorful, friendly, and safe.

Small Monument commemorating the relationship between Mexico and the Philippines
Town sign stands on the Malecon with the town wave in the background

Just as Barra de Navidad was the jumping off point for many early sailing expeditions, Barra de Navidad is also home to the Ocean Posse Annual Kick-off Event.  Posse events, seminars and gatherings occur on a small island across the lagoon from the town of Barra de Nadivad on Isla de la Navidad.  Many sailors have and continue to set sail from this port for the adventure of their lives.


The history of Barra de Navidad, located on the western coast of Mexico in the state of Jalisco, can be traced back to its key role in maritime activities during the 16th and 17th centuries, particularly in connection to Spanish expeditions across the Pacific. Although it’s not directly a part of Spanish territory, its history is deeply intertwined with Spanish colonization and maritime exploration during that period.

Origins of Barra de Navidad

The town’s name, “Barra de Navidad,” is derived from the fact that it was first recorded by the Spanish explorer Antonio de Mendoza on Christmas Day (Navidad) in 1540 during one of his expeditions. Its name—“Barra” referring to the sandbar and “Navidad” meaning Christmas—pays homage to the holiday on which it was discovered.

In the following years, Barra de Navidad became significant as a shipbuilding center and as a departure point for many expeditions across the Pacific, most notably the expedition of Miguel López de Legazpi and Andrés de Urdaneta in 1564, which successfully led to the Spanish colonization of the Philippines.

Importance in the Spanish Empire (1600–1700s)

During the 1600s, Barra de Navidad was vital in Spain’s Pacific exploration. Spanish galleons would set sail from Mexico’s western coast, particularly from this area, carrying goods and supplies for expeditions to the Philippines and other parts of Asia.

However, as larger ports like Acapulco grew more prominent for trans-Pacific trade and shipbuilding, Barra de Navidad’s significance as a major port diminished, especially after the Manila Galleon trade was fully established between Acapulco and Manila. Still, throughout the 17th century, the town remained important to Spanish maritime activities and was used as a stopover for vessels moving along Mexico’s Pacific coast.

Decline and Local Development

By the late 1600s and into the 18th century, Barra de Navidad transitioned from being a major player in trans-Pacific expeditions to a more localized port serving regional trade. The town and its surroundings continued to develop as a fishing village and as a harbor that supported local economies.

The town’s fortifications and shipyards slowly declined, and over time, it became less of a hub for Spanish colonial ambitions and more of a peaceful settlement.

Modern History

By the 19th and 20th centuries, Barra de Navidad had transformed into a quaint fishing village with its early significance as a Spanish port largely forgotten. It wasn’t until the latter half of the 20th century that the town became more popular as a tourist destination, known for its beaches, fishing, and tranquil atmosphere. The historical remnants of its Spanish colonial past, though not as visible as in other Mexican port towns, still linger in the area’s name and its early connections to significant maritime history.

If you’re looking for a more detailed investigation into archival records or reports related to the Spanish influence on this town, this would involve diving into specific colonial maritime documents that reference the town’s use as a port, such as logs from early expeditions or shipbuilding records from the 16th and 17th centuries.


The Spanish archives contain an extensive collection of documents, manuscripts, and maps related to Spain’s exploration, colonization, and administration of its overseas territories, including places like Barra de Navidad during the colonial period. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key archives and what you could expect to find in relation to Barra de Navidad and Spanish maritime history:

1. Archivo General de Indias (AGI) – Seville, Spain

The Archivo General de Indias holds the most comprehensive collection of documents related to Spain’s colonial administration in the Americas and the Philippines. These records are essential for studying the maritime and colonial history of places like Barra de Navidad.

  • Shipbuilding records: Information on shipyards in New Spain (Mexico) and the construction of galleons used for expeditions, including those that departed from Barra de Navidad.
  • Expedition logs: Detailed records of Spanish expeditions from ports on the Pacific coast of Mexico to the Philippines, most notably the Legazpi-Urdaneta expedition in 1564. These logs may contain references to Barra de Navidad as a launch point.
  • Trade and navigation records: Documentation of the Manila Galleon trade route, which would have indirectly affected Barra de Navidad, including port stopovers, cargo manifests, and maritime routes used during the 16th to 18th centuries.
  • Royal correspondence: Communications between Spanish officials in New Spain and the Spanish Crown regarding exploration and trade expeditions, including requests for provisions, supplies, or ship repairs in ports like Barra de Navidad.

2. Archivo General de la Marina Álvaro de Bazán – Viso del Marqués, Spain

This archive focuses on Spain’s naval history and could contain:

  • Maritime maps and charts: Cartographic documents showing Pacific trade routes and coastal settlements, including Barra de Navidad, during the height of the Manila Galleon trade.
  • Naval dispatches and orders: Military and administrative orders concerning the defense of ports, the construction of ships, and the deployment of naval forces from western Mexico.

3. Archivo Histórico Nacional (AHN) – Madrid, Spain

The Archivo Histórico Nacional contains a vast collection of historical documents related to Spain’s governance and colonial activities, including:

  • Colonial administration documents: Records from Spanish officials in New Spain who may have referenced activities in Barra de Navidad in their reports on shipbuilding, defense, and trade.
  • Missionary reports: Accounts from missionaries traveling through coastal areas of Mexico, including possible references to religious activity or conversions in Barra de Navidad and surrounding regions.

4. Real Academia de la Historia – Madrid, Spain

This institution maintains records on Spanish exploration and colonial history, including:

  • Expedition narratives: Historical accounts written by explorers, missionaries, or naval officers about their journeys to and from Spanish colonies, which may mention Barra de Navidad during the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • Diaries and letters: Personal writings from naval officers, captains, or explorers who may have stopped in Barra de Navidad during trans-Pacific voyages.

5. Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) – Madrid, Spain

The National Library of Spain holds manuscripts and rare books related to Spanish history, including:

  • Historical books on the conquest and colonization of New Spain: Many early Spanish chroniclers wrote about the ports and towns on Mexico’s Pacific coast, including Barra de Navidad. These writings might provide context on the town’s importance during colonial times.
  • Illustrated manuscripts and maps: Early drawings and maps showing Spanish settlements, trade routes, and naval infrastructure in Mexico, which could include references to Barra de Navidad.

Potential Documents in the Spanish Archives Related to Barra de Navidad

  • 16th-17th-century maritime logs: These may detail departures from Barra de Navidad, noting its role in major expeditions.
  • Correspondence between the Spanish Crown and colonial governors: Information about shipbuilding activities or the defense of the Pacific coast, possibly mentioning Barra de Navidad.
  • Maps of the western Mexican coast: Showing Barra de Navidad in relation to other important maritime hubs in New Spain.
  • Royal decrees and orders: Issued to support naval expeditions from Mexican ports, including instructions on supplies, repairs, and ship construction.
  • Trade records: Mentioning the role of Barra de Navidad as a provisioning stop for ships headed across the Pacific to the Philippines.

Researching These Archives

Access to the documents within these archives typically requires specialized knowledge of historical research, as many of the records are written in early modern Spanish. However, these archives are actively digitizing materials, and many records can now be accessed online or through special research requests.

The Archivo General de Indias and other archives may also offer curated collections or exhibit records related to Spanish maritime exploration, which could contain references to Barra de Navidad’s role in the 16th and 17th centuries.