1) The Panama Posse is now 61 vessels strong and
growing and on the move with 7 flag states flying the
Panama Posse burgee !


Panama Posse


2) Picture of the WEEK from SV FOOTLOOSE

Thank you for sharing this lovely moment and for a great write
up on the Panama Posse on your blog



Michael & Lisa


3) Marina Puesta del Sol, NICARAGUA

Octopus Garden

Puest del Sol

Now at Marina Puesta Del Sol, very reasonable price with the
Posse discount.
Highly recommended. We are doing some tours of the country with
Be sure to negotiate prices for the tours.



Jim & Suzy


4) PIRATES in Barra de Navidad, Mexico

Pirates!! We had our first encounter with true pirates
last night. We’re all safe but I can’t say the same for
our food! After a day trip to Manzanillo where we bought some
fresh avocados and other items, we woke up this morning to a
mess in our forward stateroom. Even though we may not really
need it, we’re still running with air conditioner at night as
long we’re plugged into the dock. We close off the forward
stateroom by closing the connecting door, no need to air
condition a room we really are not using, but we do leave the
forward hatches open. Barra Marina has a lot of hungry little
coatimundi raccoons. They found their way into our forward
last night and had their way with the groceries
we had failed to put away. Clever little critters.


Acto of Piracy



Chris, Monica & Penny


(note1: Penny – you had one job … ) (note2: wait till you encounter the Capuchin Monkeys at Manuel Antonio Park in
Costa Rica )

5) LONG LINES – Mexico

Long Line Alert
17 54.678 N102 22.397 W
10 miles off from Lazaro Cardenas.
Saw nothing until 2 pangas heading my location at high speed.
Then saw one small white float. Fortunately we didnโ€™t pick up
anything and pangas went on their way. Proceeding to Isla

Long Line semi-Alert
Another long line 6 miles out about 15 miles from Isla Grande
We headed toward the panga tending the line and asked how far
was the end and he said 1000meters. All orange floats.
Then he told us to go between floats. I asked was the line deep
enough and he said yes. Went through without issue.

Longline Marker

Sample image of a Longline marker




(note as we mentioned in the safety seminars – be
on the lookout for these long lines
– here is
what they can look like -during day time – imagine spotting
this at night ;-( and have a plan to stop your vessel – stop
your engine(s) and cut them off  – kitchen knife attached with
hose clamps to our boat hook )

6) Maruata Bay, Mexico

Ahoy Panama Posse,
Dec 5th
Mad and Simple Life anchored in Maruata Bay, a lovely
piece of water and beach. Lots of room.
Our pos was 18 16.06 N 103 20.5 W in 10.4 meter, good
holding in sand. Saw turtles swimming.

Simple Life went ashore, we did not. People were friendly. No
cell phone coverage.




We had to replace the remote control for the anchor winch next
morning and as we saw on the gribfiles from Sailmail we would
have wind in the afternoon. So we all set sail and had a lovely
sail on spinaker, sometimes making 7-8 knots.

Caleta Campos


7) Of course we realized we could not reach Caleta
de Campos
  before dark, but we figured the bay would not
be that difficult. We barely reached Caleta at 7 pm, could see a
little bit. We anchored near the breakwater. Simple Life
came in an hour later and they anchored a bit more in, to the
east. We both had not expected the bay to be so small and
hearing the surf so close by was not very nice.

Our position was 18 04.32 N 102 45.02 W depth 7.7 m
good holding. We were comfortable but Simple Life was
not and they left very early this morning for Isla Grande. There
is not much wind, and on the nose, we will anchor just east of
Lazardo Cardenas and continue tomorrow. We did not have GE
charts of Maruata and Campos.


Caleta Campos



OpenCPN was way off, Navionics fairly accurate. I will send you
pics when on land, not by Sailmail.

Huibert & Maaike

8) Good Nautical is now an official 501(c)3
and holds the detailed links for anchorage info and
sooo much more.
Just follow these links


above and enter your membership credentials (which have been
emailed to you)

If you need help login in or how to use the site  just send an
email to dietmar@goodnautical.com


Good Nautical


9) Costa Rica – For those of you heading their please
feel free Alejandro on SV REBELLIOUS
our Panama Posse participant. He’d be happy to meet up with you
in Costa Rica !



+506 881-00001



(Note: he may be able provide some logistical help ;- )

10) High resolution Pictures of the Panama
Posse kick off event are available for all to see and
download !

To check them out go to https://panamaposse.com/2018-vessels/2018-2019-panama-posse-kick-off-party

Kick Off

and MORNING NET on MONDAY’S at 16:00 UTC via LINE

We have over 40+ vessels in LINE and the calls are great
and very efficient and the Chatroom is open 24/7
It’s a new way of doing things
– please download and install LINE  https://line.me/en-US/ 
Works on Android / ios /
Windows / MAC OS


How to use it ….

– Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME
Search for panamaposse or SV Carinthia or
Seaglub and befriend us –
– wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE GROUP INVITE
– join the group chat –
it’s awesome !

12) Please reply to this email with …
anything really

– your updates
contenders for picture of the week
– holiday decorations
of your vessel – links to your favorite SONGS
– relevant blog posts – and of course your valuable suggestions

and we’ll include it in the next FLEET UPDATE

13) Panama Posse Teaser

Myan Language

Preview of
Maya script, also
known as Maya glyphs the writing system of the Maya.
The only Meso-American writing system which has been substantially

Palenque a mayor archeological site has an excellent museum
so you can view them up close
– reachable from the Chiapas Marina with an organized



14) Keep em ‘coming



Dietmar & Suzanne


15) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply
reply with “REMOVE