Certain Papers are required for entering and exiting new countries. Be Prepared.
Roatan Port Captains’ office.

Leaving ones home waters and entering a new country is certainly a big change and there are many essential details not to forget. ย Checklists are handy tools for preparing for Entry and Exit Requirements. ย Beyond the obvious boat essentials like checking your systems, having safety equipment onboard, topping your fluids, and changing your zincs, please see the checklist below for details not to be forgotten when setting out on a long distance voyage with the Ocean Posse.

  • If an EPIRB is onboard a US flagged vessel, register it with the NOAA. ย Before leaving confirm that all information is current. ย This includes vessel name, your primary phone number, emergency contact name/s and address/es: https://beaconregistration.noaa.gov/RGDB/registrationRequirements
  • A Ship Stations License is required by the FCC for travelling in international territories:ย https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/maritime-mobile/ship-radio-stations/ship-radio-stations
  • Make sure the MMSI number of your vessel is registered in your name:ย https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/maritime-mobile/ship-radio-stations/maritime-mobile
  • Have your boat documentation or registration up to date and in order.ย  NOTE: most countries (and the Panama Canal Authorities) are requiring international navigation documentation indicating nationality and ownership over state registration.ย  Check with your destination country.
  • If the boat is documented or registered in the name of someone not present or the name of a business or organization: a letter notarized by the documented vessel owner authorizing the captain and crew to be operating the vessel is required to enter other countries (and transit the Panama Canal).ย  It is imperative to have both the original and copies of all notarized documents.
  • Depending on the country you enter you will buy a Temporary Import Permit which allows the vessel to enter the country. ย This is an important document to keep with the vessel the entire time in the country of entry.ย  This document is also required upon exiting many countries.
  • Current passport for everyone onboard ideally good for the duration of your stay abroad.
  • Many countries require a Crew List upon entry which states everyone onboard, their Date of Birth, their rank on the vessel and their passport number.
  • If navigating into Mexico, Mexican Liability Insurance is required to Navigate in Mexican waters.
  • If navigating in Mexico, the captain is required to show a boaters education card, ASA certification, or a captains license upon exiting the country.
  • Outside of the United States, when exiting one country and entering another you will need an authorized document of exit (called a zarpe throughout Central America) from one country in order to enter the next country.
  • Wherever you go along the route, be prepared for entry and exit requirements and seasonal changes.

It is not entirely uncommon for requirements to vary port to port.ย  The best practice is to be prepared with everything and not be asked for them than to be asked for something you do not have.

Adventure calls.