For localized weather including Climatology please visit each maritime area:


Maritime Climatology

or climate science is the scientific study of climate, scientifically defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time. 

Pilot Charts

depict averages in prevailing winds and currents, air and sea temperatures, wave heights,  visibility, barometric pressure, and weather conditions at different times of the year and is divided into 12 months

The information used to compile these averages was obtained from oceanographic and meteorologic observations over many decades during the late 18th and 19th centuries.

The charts are intended to aid the mariner in selecting the fastest and safest ocean and coastal routes with regards to the expected weather and ocean conditions. 



Climatology Western Caribbean


Climatology MID ATLANTIC


Understanding Pilot Charts and How they Can Help in Planning YOUR ROUTE ALONG THE PANAMA POSSE

At the point when the Atlantic and Pacific Hurrican Season Bengins  begins we look at Cliamtology>
We consider June  the start of the Pacific and Atlantic  Hurricane season โ€“ however the majority of what they call โ€œsignificant stormsโ€ or NAMED STORMS tend to start  in August and this proceeds through END OF OCTOBER

Over time and outside the Hurricane season we  find out about the breezes and flows in these regions though experiences and local maritime knowledge โ€“ but a prudent mariner makes examinations and derives routes from the combined history of hundreds of years of observations compiled into Pilot Charts.


Pilot Charts are worried about cruising conditions, there is a diagram for every month of the ear for each section. For the North Atlantic, there is a different graph for the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, which  we zoomed in on here
Every one of these locales have a graph for every month. You can in this way utilize the graph to find out about the breezes and flows in every month.

Pilot Charts Show Winds, Currents and Major Hurricane Tracks of Past Storms

On each Monthโ€™s Pilot Chart are Windroses  of winning breezes โ€“ indicating both bearing and intensity and probability of winds. Likewise appeared on each outline are the flows and tempests for the 12 months recorded.


Where Pilot Charts Came From

The tropical storm data is fascinating, yet the measure of information gathered on winning breezes, flows, air temperatures and intensity probability is amazing.Before modern day satellite weather observations which is now at the cutting edge age, this information was gathered from ships afloat, by sections into the boatโ€™s log and onto diagrams. It was first accumulated, physically, into an organized  framework by Lieut. M. F. Maury, U.S. Naval forces who examined a large number of boatsโ€™ logs and diagrams in the mid 1800s to make the data accessible to ships underway. 


Where TO DOWNLOAD Pilot Charts




(as a general rule of thumb within 2-3 hours of wind)
Wind to Waves
kts | feet 

10 | 2โ€ฒ 
12 | 3โ€ฒ
15 | 4โ€ฒ
20 | 6โ€ฒ
25 | 8โ€ฒ
30 | 10-12โ€ฒ

In open ocean most seas propagate 600 nm in 24 hours so if a system changes wind directions 150 nm from you wait 6 hours for the effect