With advanced weather technology, there is no reason to get caught out in unfavorable weather conditions. PredictWind introduced the first online Departure Planning tool over a decade ago and now with new updates, it’s even more effective at finding the best weather window for departure.
Keenan preparing to install freshly delivered watermaker membrane 🇨🇷Costa Rica
SY MAISON DE SANTE has nominated Muranda on SY FICKLE for the Good Samaritan of the year award for flying down their USCG document and a new membrane for their watermaker. Pretty much makes her a saint! Thanks Muranda!
SY FICKLE 🇺🇸 Ben & Muranda - Hunter 42'
yahoo...a Wahoo! Nice catch Kyle!
SY JUBEL 🇨🇦 Leah & Kyle - Gulfstar 44'
Queso Grande II is being nominated for having Most Uninvited Visitor Award! Unfortunately, while anchored outside of Isla Taboga Panama (touristy on the weekends), a Jet ski crashed into their boat becoming wedged between their trampoline and the jet ski. The tour operator came via jet ski to assist with rescue and polish out the hull as best as possible and nobody was seriously hurt.
SY QUESO GRANDE II 🇺🇸 Lance & Sherri - Seawind 41'
Uninvited late night visitor with BIG TEETH and GLOWING EYES
SY SERENITY 🇸 Mark & Kathryn – Antares 44′
Nominate yourself, a crew member, or another boat.
We look forward to meeting you at these events - we do not sail on a set schedule to make your journey more relaxed and take into account ever changing weather conditions. Move only when the conditions are right and you feel good !
The events in Barra de Navidad / Shelter Bay / Club De Pesca and Buenaventura will have POT LUCK culinary competition so follow these rules to win the coveted
Secundino Alvarez - Harbor Master Vessels Must be registered with the Panama Posse prior to Oct 31st to receive Posse discounts at Marina Puerto de la Navidad.
Ileana Stevenson Covo - GM For those coming from the lesser Antilles this will be the first event in full on Latin style in Colombia - come celebrate the great food and culture that is Colombia in it's premier yacht club.
IMPORTANT: This event is in the middle of high season. The Shelter Bay Marina will be near capacity so make reservations early. Additionally, we are also going to organize a shuttle bus to get folks to this event from alternate locations.
This is a very exclusive signature event in the Hamptons of Panama. The upscale resort Buenaventura is just 80 minutes west of Panama City and is one of the most charming and reserved places on the Pacific coast of Panama. Only 60 nm from the Las Perlas.
Thank's to Belize Tourism e have just added a 7th event for the Coral Pods an incredible celebration is brewing in Belize and a first of it's kind Mark your calendar and rsvp as soon as you can BELIZE YACHT FEST ° PLACENCIA YACHT CLUB °
Sharing adventures is the heart and soul of the Panama Posse experience.
Please share pictures of your adventures, your award entries, your breathtaking sunsets, and picturesque anchorages on our group communications platform for others to enjoy in real time and/or email Maurisa at editor@panamaposse.com to share in the upcoming newsletter. Maurisa is a sailor among us. She is part of the Ocean Posse crew and enjoys writing fun and helpful updates to the Panama Posse.
Dinghy adventure off the mothership in Panama
Panga Parking at Isla Pedro Gonzales, Perlas 🇵🇦 Panama
Cruising with caution to the Archipelago de las Perlas in Panama Bay during these last summer months has been both exceptional and, to be honest, a bit unsettling at times.
First: The exceptional: The water is a warm, clear, paradise aqua marine-blue. There are whales and turtles, birds and butterflies, blossoms and fruit in abundance. The southern hemisphere humpback whales migrate to these islands to have their babies, breed, breach, and sing from July through October. There are whale shows on the daily, none to be missed; each unique. The most common sightings are pairs featuring a mama and her calf. They are in near constant contact as they swim, come up for air, loll about with their flippers in the air, and dive down again. Experiencing the mist from their exhalation in close proximity is quite literally breathtaking and truly exceptional.
Gin clear water off Isla Chapera in the Perlas Archipelago, 🇵🇦 Panama
Old growth tropical trees stand out in the jungle, home and host to a multitude of other life including wild orchids in bloom.
One among so many Picturesque beach spots with natural shade.
Thirsty? Tools help make quick work of this natural super delicious fruit.
Coconut water and coconut meat make great snacks at the beach.
Thankfully, there are coconuts a plenty on the beaches.
Second: The unsettling: There were two attacks in the Perlas on isolated cruising boats last season. Both boats were anchored alone in different anchorages on the north and east side of Isla Del Rey. While the incidents were a few months apart, both boats were caught off guard after sunset, met with aggression, and left with their boats ransacked and many items destroyed or taken. The mystery of who committed these acts is still just that…a mystery. As a visitor, wondering if the same people are nearby or not is truly unsettling and the possibility of being boarded like that is terrifying. It is sad, it is scary, it is not what I came out here for. And yet, while this is perhaps new to the Perlas, this in not new to the world. Horrible things happen. Wonderful things happen.
Ultimately, I firmly believe that I/we can be careful and NOT turn ourselves over to fear that limits our adventure and opportunities. I remind myself things I have known all along: There are risks and rewards on the water beyond the weather. Lightning can strike and more than likely it will not........🙏please🙏. This is a stark reminder to know where we are going, trust our instincts, and cruise accordingly. Stay open, stay kind. A voice inside me advises, "Do not let fear paralyze you but inform you."
This fear has cautioned us. We are cruising differently through the Perlas Islands. Rather than cruising freely, with or without a buddy boat, we are cruising with caution. We are staying with another boat at all times (mostly), venturing ashore less where there are towns, completely avoiding Isla del Rey and all proximal islands, and sadly but honestly, feeling much more guarded when any local goes or comes by.
Village of Pedro Gonzalez on Isla Pedro Gonzalez.
SY Whirlwind anchored off Isla Chapera. Photo taken from beside buddy boat.
And still we fish. Snapper for dinner? YES, please!
All this said, I am grateful to report that so far, cruising with these precautions has been going well. We have explored many beautiful anchorages, beaches, and coral reefs. We have harvested and eaten fresh coconut and fresh fish. We have met some locals, on the beach, on the water, and in town. More often than not the people we are meeting are kind and making their way, doing what they do whether that is motoring by on their way out fishing, waving or not, stopping by, selling fresh caught mariscos (seafood), appreciating fresh water, or swimming over to let us know there is a resident croc here and there so don't splash too much. Yikes...right...now that adds to the fear factor!
Group Fleet Tracking is designed to give an overview of
where Posse vessels are along the route.
For specific vessel details including their floatplan, latest updates, changes, real time positions and specific location related questions please contact each vessel directly and follow their vessel tracker. You may track vessels via their tracker or request AIS tracking from https://www.marinetraffic.com/. Please note: that this is also not exactly accurate either. There are many reasons why a vessel’s position is not updated. It is important NOT TO conclude that a vessel has an emergency or is in need of assistance because the vessel has not reported in lately. Sometimes they may just want to get away from it all and not tell you where they are. It is the responsibility of each vessel to file a float and check in plan and escalation procedures.
9) Extreme Outfitting - Avant Style
courtesy of Rob Murray and bluewatercruising.org
To outfit is to “select and procure a set of equipment for a particular purpose” and cruisers relentlessly pore over lists, read books, peruse internet posts and quiz their peers to find the right selection of gear to outfit their vessel to enable safe and comfortable cruising. Anchor gear, dinghies and their associated accoutrements, navigation tools, sails, engine spares, safety equipment, lines, bedding and galley gear – the list(s) seem endless. From the shackle for the eye of the bower anchor to the lure trailed behind in search of fish, research is done, choices are made and gear is procured and stored aboard. Space is always at a premium, so many try to follow the maxim that anything aboard should be good for at least two purposes.
Here is a list of some items that we have found valuable aboard Avant that don’t appear on most outfitting lists. Some do, but most do not, have multiple uses, yet they are small and valuable enough in their own niche-use that they justify the expense and space they use to us.
Most are inexpensive (several less than a dollar, most less than five) and many can be found in our favourite chandlery, the dollar store.
Astonishingly useful, amazingly cheap. Used to mark parts,
Eye shades
When sleeping off-watch in the daytime, it always seems the gyrations of the vessel swing a beam of bright sun over your eyes, making rest an impossibility. These beams of sunshine defy the ability of any curtains to subdue them. A set of eye shades eliminate the problem. (As a side note, would-be cruisers should engage in a strict training program of day-sleeping, as this is an important skill best mastered before it’s needed. An extended regime of afternoon naps is recommended pre-departure.)
Ear plugs
You may have read of cruisers seeking out the errant wine bottle or jam jar clanking while the boat is underway, stacking provisions so they’re silent, moving things around to achieve a quiet ship while under way. While it’s worthwhile to seek a quiet ship, you will never actually achieve it, and wasting your off-watch sleep time re-stowing noisemakers only ensures you don’t get enough sleep. Ear plugs are very useful as an aid to sleep. Buy a few packets, as while they are reusable, they are not indefinitely so.
Lip balm
In hot and sunny conditions underway, with a steady wind, your lips will suffer. Get some lip balm. Also useful for treating zippers so they don’t stick.
Hand creams
Even if you wear sailing gloves, you hands will suffer on passage, as well as after weighing anchor and doing a million other tasks aboard. A dab of hand cream offers some mild relief. Get a few pocket sized ones (one for each crew member) and a big bottle to refill from.
Small but useful items to help with sleep and to protect the body.
Rob describes more useful items that one can outfit their cruising boat with in his article in bluewatercruising.org. To see more tips that help you:
Deal With Pests
More Useful Stuff on the topsides and down below
In the Galley
SY AVANT 🇨🇦 Rob & ??? - Beneteau 43.5′
Welcome to one of the best marina facilities in Jamaica!
The Jamaica Yacht Club was formed in 1884 by a group of enthusiastic sailors. On the 29th of November 1889, the Club was granted a Royal Charter by Queen Victoria following a visit by Prince Edward, then the Prince of Wales, who later became Edward VII. Until 1962, when Jamaica became an independent nation within the Commonwealth, the Commodores were all Governors of Jamaica, whether or not they were yachtsmen. In 1963 the Commodore was chosen for the first time from the membership of the Club.
Address: Royal Jamaica Yacht Club
Palisadoes Park, Kingston, Jamaica
Tel: +(876) 924-8685 , + (876) 924-8686
E-mail: rjycmanager@flowja.com
Web: www.rjyc.org.jm
Visitor dock accommodating vessels up to 150 feet in length
120 boats berths
Lighted docks.
110/220V shore power 50Hz VAC metered to berths.
Potable water metered to berths.
Well protected marina in all conditions.
24-hour security service
View of Kingston and the Blue Mountains
Large swimming pool
active in sailing, with races on weekends
Two Regattas
Jamaica Yachting Association.
Communicating with fellow boats along the route is a BIG BENEFITof the Panama Posse. However, last seasons communications platform got overloaded with over 275,000 words from hundreds of yachts. With so many knowledgeable and fact finding participants communicating daily via our LINE chat, the sheer amount and stream of questions, comments, insight, location pins, BOLO notices, et cetera pushed the seasonal knowledge transfer to the limit. Our quest is for a little bit more organized way to discuss and share information so we can get the most out of our communications. As a result, we are forging ahead with a new communications platform .
It is called ZULIP. We are in control of the server and the open source platform. It runs on mac, pc, ios, android, etc. Zulip is a chatroom on steroids, topics are more organized,and we think (and hope) it will be a huge improvement to our communications among the fleet.
ZULIP is a new fleet communication tool with 2 core concepts:
You subscribe to STREAMS (organized by region, i.e. Pacific Mexico or Jamaica )
Streams are knowledge and information streams you are interested in
and TOPICS are just that, topics within each STREAM
For example:
Clearing in and out of each country is a TOPIC within a STREAM (organized by region).
Service providers in each country, a TOPIC within a STREAM.
There are new customizable notifications - email summaries and other neat features. So, please take a moment to view it on a pc or mac and then, once you have used it, move to the mobile app.
In our chat, streams determine who gets a message. Each conversation within a stream is labeled with a topic, which keeps everything organized.
You can read Zulip, one conversation at a time, seeing each message in context, no matter how many other conversations are going on.
If anything is out of place, it’s easy to move messages, rename and split topics, or even move a topic to a different stream.
Imagine a well-organized chat that shows each message in context, it’s easier to stay informed and connected. Everyone can follow and contribute to discussions that matter to you, without wasting time reading every message, or stressing about missing something important.
To sign up in the initial test phase please email registration@panamaposse.com to get your invitation -GESTALT PROTOCOL APPLIES
Family and friends came from out of country to help Salacia and Jubel transit.
Last month five recreational sailboats, some part of the Panama Posse, some not, buddied up to transit the Panama Canal. Three boats went one day, the fourth the next day, and the fifth the following week. The boats helped one another with crew and comradery. Each transit was a safe passage from Pacific Panama to the Caribbean side.
The Bridge of the Americas on the Pacific side of the Panama Canal
Focus, Peter, Focus
Water rising in the Locks
The first set of boats started at 4pm on a Thursday. They anchored at Gatun Lake in the middle of the night and went through the second set of locks in the afternoon the following day. Hired line handlers and borrowed crew stayed aboard over night eating dinner, breakfast and lunch before the transit was complete. Following the transits all of the five boats went to Shelter Bay Marina.
A good chance to study the rigs side by side: swept back or traditional spreaders?
Over 14,000 ships transit the Panama Canal every year.
It takes 8 minutes for the canal water to fill up so that a boat can go through the gate to the next level.
Keep your engine purring
“Diesels love oil like a sailor loves rum.” Captain Ron
Have you been away from your boat during the Northern Hemisphere summer months? If so, re-commissioning and maintaining your boat with care will be an important step towards a smooth cruising season.
The optimal functioning of a diesel engine from the start of your cruising season requires attention to some key areas: filters (fuel, air, and oil), fluid levels, fresh impeller and zincs, lubricating and tightening where necessary. Always refer to and defer to engine manual for re-commissioning, maintenance, and upkeep schedule. Some basic recommendations are included below:
1. Engine Filters: Fuel, air, and oil filters. Be prepared with extra, part specific filters of all kinds that your engine requires.
Clean and Filtered Fuel: 9 out of 10 times diesel engine problems result from contaminated fuel. Be mindful of fuel that has been or is to be left for any length of time can lead to initial starting trouble because impurities can gel and clog filters. Check and replace fuel filters and associated O-rings regularly according to engine manufacturers instructions: every 200-300 operating hours more than likely. Most diesel systems need to be bled after a filter change. Be prepared to do this. It is good to know how to Bleed down your engine. Use clean diesel fuel.
Clean and Filtered Air: Check air filters and keep clean. If your boat has been on the hard in a dusty yard and or if pets are aboard, air filters should be cleaned or replaced more often.
Clean and Filtered Oil: Before starting the engine check oil level and quality. Top up or change, if you did not do this before putting your boat up. Oil changes are recommended every 100 to 200 operating hours and filters should be changed every oil change. Using High quality modern oils may accommodate longer oil change intervals.
Maintenance Regarding all types of filters:
In general, it is much easier to keep contaminants out of the system by regularly cleaning and/or changing filters than to attempt to clean contaminants out of an engine once they are inside or rectify any damage caused. Regular air, fuel, and oil filter changes are relatively simple and infinitely important.
2. Fluid levels:
Before starting engine Check oil and coolant levels, Top Them, Change them as needed
3. Fresh Impeller and Zincs:
Change your impellor. Often when a boat sits, any rubber parts will dry out and crack. This will cause issues. So, just bring a new impeller plus extra for spare/s and install a new impeller before starting your boat. Replace raw water pump impeller according to owners manual
Zincs on the prop and Pencil Zincs on the heat exchanger should be inspected. While cruising inspect zincs regularly regardless of operating hours until the you determines the rate of electrolysis in your marine environment. Replace after 50% deterioration.
4. General once over to lubricate and tighten
Grease points recommended in owners manual to keep moving parts well lubricated
Check belt and pulley tensions (moderate finger pressure should not exceed ½” movement)
Check wiring connections, cables, hoses, and hose clamps.
Check exhaust components particularly the elbow which can corrode through. Replace as needed.
Check engine mount bolts
Every time the engine is started, visually check the exhaust for raw water exiting in bursts.
Clean raw water sea strainers weekly.
Check the condition of coolant, hoses, and hose clamps periodically.
Re-commissioning your engine, referring to your Owners Manual, and keeping up on regular maintenance and upkeep will ensure that a marine diesel engine is in good working order stays in good working order.
Vincente’s Moorings in the heart of Acapulco bay
Meet Vincente of Vincente’s Moorings,
Besides managing mooring balls in Acapulco, he is also helped with fuel, fresh water, laundry, and local advise.
(fast response ) Whatsapp: + 52 744 439 8184
(slow response ) Email: vicen.28herrera@gmail.com
This season’s top attraction will be a sensational New Year’s fireworks extravaganza that will light up Acapulco Bay. Watch the sky light up in multiple colors from the comfort of your own yacht
Belize is home to an extensive network of underground caves that offer a variety of adventures for explorers, spelunkers, and visiting cruising yachts. These caves have historical significance as well, as many were used by the ancient Maya for ceremonial purposes.
Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM Cave): One of the most popular caves in Belize, known for its archaeological sites including skeletons, ceramics, and stoneware left by the Maya.
Caves Branch River System: This network of caves offers opportunities for tubing and is often a family-friendly adventure.
Barton Creek Cave: Another water-filled cave, it's often explored by canoe and is also known for its archaeological significance.
St. Herman’s Blue Hole National Park: This park features not only St. Herman's Cave but also the Inland Blue Hole, a collapsed sinkhole filled with sapphire-blue water.
Rio Frio Cave: Located in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, this is one of the most accessible caves, with a huge entrance and easy-to-walk paths.
more details https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/bringing-to-light-mysterious-maya-cave-rituals
The Chiquibul Cave System is one of the most extensive and significant cave systems in Central America. Located in Belize, it is a part of the greater Chiquibul Forest Reserve, which serves as an invaluable ecological and hydrological resource for the region. This cave system plays a vital role in supporting biodiversity, as it is home to unique species of flora and fauna that have adapted to life in this underground realm.
The Chiquibul Cave System is not just ecologically important but also culturally significant. Evidence suggests that the ancient Maya civilization once used this intricate network of caves for ceremonial and possibly settlement purposes.
From a hydrological perspective, the Chiquibul Cave System contributes to the health of the Chiquibul River. It acts as a natural filter, contributing to the quality of water that flows through this critical waterway.
Due to its immense ecological, historical, and hydrological significance, conservation efforts are in place to protect the cave system. These efforts are led by various organizations, including The Nature Conservancy, aimed at ensuring the long-term preservation of this natural wonder and the unique biodiversity it supports.
Overall, the Chiquibul Cave System is a place of wonder and scientific importance, a hidden gem in the lush landscapes of Belize that serves multiple roles from being a natural habitat to an archaeological treasure trove.
Some of the some types of archaeological findings discovered
Human Remains: Skeletons, sometimes in a fairly well-preserved state, have been discovered. These remains provide valuable insights into the rituals and ceremonies of the Maya. For instance, the "Crystal Maiden" in Actun Tunichil Muknal is one of the most famous examples.
Ceramics: Pottery shards or even whole vessels have been found, often intricately designed. These ceramics might have been used for storing food, water, or used in ritualistic activities.
Stone Tools: Various stone tools, including blades, scrapers, and arrowheads, provide evidence of the day-to-day activities that might have taken place within or around the caves.
Inscriptions and Wall Art: Cave walls sometimes feature petroglyphs, inscriptions, or even full murals that depict deities, ceremonies, or historical events, offering a rich tableau of Maya cosmology and history.
Ritual Items: Objects like incense burners, altars, and offerings have been found, suggesting the spiritual or religious significance of these caves to the ancient Maya.
Textiles and Wood: While less common due to the perishable nature of these materials, some caves with specific conditions have preserved organic material like textiles and wooden implements.
Minerals: The presence of minerals like obsidian and jade indicate trade or specialized ritual activities, as these materials were highly valued by the Maya and other Mesoamerican cultures.
Fauna: Occasionally, remains of animals such as bats, birds, or rodents have been found, which can provide insight into the biodiversity of the past and human-animal interactions.
Song of the Sea is cruising in Panama & planning to cross the Pacific this season.
We are Song of the Sea. Two teens on board: G17, G15. Planning to go to the Galapagos and the Marquesas. Happy to join the group. We are still in California, we’re flying back on the third, planning to come to Las Perlas once our daughter arrives on the 11th. Still waiting for parts and repairs before continuing our journey.
SY SONG OF THE SEA 🇺🇸 Grant & Irina & Aliona - Lagoon 49′
New laws instituted in August 2023 require all foreign flagged vessels to obtain permission to enter Ecuadorian Ports. This permission is called an autografo. Autografos require 30 days for processing. If you wish to come to Ecuador ports either in the Galapagos or the mainland you must apply 30 days prior to your estimated arrival date. This document is processed by a Marine Agency. Prior laws allowed vessels under 50 tons to be processed by the ship's captain directly with the Port Captain. That has changed. If you arrive at an Ecuadorian port without an autografo you face the possibility of being refused entry.
Zihuatanejo's Playa Ropa
Zihuatenejo is a wonderful place to pause and take in on your way north or south along Mexico's Pacific Coast. There are multiple beaches, islands to visit, a lively downtown area, with a beautiful malecon (beachfront walkway), a large conche (central court), a wild assortment of dining options from beachfront palapas to clifftop gourmet restaurants, and practical places, like marine hardware stores...to name a few highlights.
Any time of year one can experience a festival, holiday, or celebration of some kind. Zihuatanejo has an annual sailing festival and guitar festival that are both very popular among cruisers. Both are run by volunteers that welcome support so, feel free to reach out and plan to jump in either are a volunteer or a participant to help these events continue to be joyful and successful.
Guitarfest @ Zihuatanejo
Christmas in Zihuatanejo Bay
SY ARROW flying her spinnaker in the Sea of Cortez 🇲🇽 Mexico
*37' Performance Cruiser for sale by owner*
Arrow is Fully Equipped and ready to go cruising self sufficiently: water maker, solar and wind power, well insulated fridge, navigation system with radar, GPS chartplotter, AIS, depth sounder and speedo, a quiver of sails for a variety of wind conditions, 10' dinghy with 6hp motor, safety gear including life raft, EPIRB, satellite system, ditchbag, lee cloths for all main salon sea bunks, lots of custom shade and rain awnings/enclosures, topside barbeque, equipped galley down below. Fully equipped to sail, adventure, and cruise coastwise or offshore.
Ready for her next adventure; Arrow is a sweet sailing, seaworthy, live-aboard, performance cruiser from a classic period in yachting history. She is a Carter 37 and has been upgraded and maintained to be an excellent, well prepared, self-sufficient yacht with lots of extras. As her owners we are standing by ready to show Arrow and pass her off to her next Owners/ Sailors/ Adventurers.
Arrow was designed by Dick Carter and built in Greece. She is a masthead sloop with removable inner forestay. Her large fin keel with lead ballast and skeg hung rudder provide a safe platform for coastal and offshore adventures alike. With a moderate ballast to displacement ratio, Arrow is a great light air boat while at the same time maintains a kind motion in a seaway.
This 1999 Hylas 46 is a beautiful world voyager in amazing, turn-key condition. She is completely equipped for comfortable cruising under any conditions as well as living aboard. It is no wonder that the Hylas 46 is such a popular choice for modern cruising couples.
This is an extremely sought-after vessel. Designed by the renowned German Frers and built by Queen Long Marine, this luxurious-center cockpit, two-stateroom vessel with a longer waterline and beam carried aft, improves sailing performance, comfort at sea and interior volume. The Hylas 46 has the accommodations you want with all the characteristics that make sailing safe, easy and very enjoyable.
This particular Hylas 46 has had only two owners and has been meticulously maintained evidenced by an excel spreadsheet maintenance log book dating back to 2001. SeaGlub is cutter rigged and complete with new in 2020 B&G radar, autopilot and navigation electronics, Selden in-mast mainsail electric furling system, Furlex headsail furler, Harken staysail furler (new 2023), cockpit enclosure, watermaker, electric toilet, Dometic 16,000btu air conditioning system with reverse-cycle heat, dedicated compressors for refrigerator and freezer, dinghy on arch with electric lift winch, flatscreen TV and Fusion stereo sound system, and more. With a 64 hp Yanmar diesel and added 180 amp secondary house alternator, an 8kw Fisher Panda genset, 1,000 watts of solar and a 350 watt Superwind wind generator, SeaGlub is equipped with abundant sources for power generation.
The Hylas 46 has a wonderful aft owner’s private stateroom and ensuite, plus a lovely pullman berth stateroom on the port side with large head forward for guests. The walkthrough galley to starboard is classic with huge top and front-loading fridge and freezer, four-burner stove/oven, incredible counter space, and the galley is safe and secure when sailing or at anchor. The navigation station is on the port side. The salon and the entire interior is pleasing with varnished teak joinery and custom upholstery. The cabin house has generous windows to create a light and bright interior. Custom cabinetry provides even more storage and makes the vessel extremely liveable!
The numerous hatches have screens in the fore and aft staterooms. The quality and luxury is apparent and you will appreciate the attractive appointments from the high-quality fixtures to the all-LED lighting throughout the boat.
To arrange for transit with the Panama Canal Authority please contact Eric Galvez our dedicated Panama Canal agent and sponsor of the Panama Posse and the Pacific Posse
⚓ Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Centre 🇳🇨 New Caledonia
Designed by Renzo Piano and opened in 1998, the Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center (Centre Culturel Tjibaou) was built to mimic the villages of the local Kanak people.
It is named in honor of Jean-Marie Tjibaou, who died in 1989 while leading a fight for freedom from the French government, and dedicated to exploring the culture of New Caledonia and the South Pacific.
Although a wonder of modern architecture and green building innovations, it is also deeply connected with the area, from its exterior of local iroko wood to its utilization of traditional building techniques. The building was designed to “sing” as it vibrates with the strong ocean winds, which are also allowed through the building as natural ventilation, so that the center is not just in harmony with nature, but a part of it. The double layered exterior forces warm air up and out of the building. It was also created to be stable in violent winds and earthquakes.
The huts of the Jean-Marie Tjibaou Cultural Center contain a center for art, a museum, theatres, and a library.
advanced weather technology, there is no reason to get caught out in
unfavorable weather conditions. PredictWind introduced the first online
Departure Planning tool over a decade ago and now with new updates, it’s
even more effective at finding the best weather window for departure.
insect" redirects here. Not to be confused with Stick grasshopper,
Stick mantis, or Water stick insect." ... The are found in South
America, Central America, , the southern United States, Southeast Asia
and have even been found in Antarctica ..."
Captain Dietmar carries the torch and flies the flag for this fleet all over the world.
we are getting close to casting off in a few weeks, your thoughts may
drift toward the journey ahead; a journey not for the timid, a test for
even the most seasoned among us.
Our focus has and always will be on your benefits in taking part in the Panama Posse and share a few words before we cast off.
the Panama Posse is not just a title or a task; it's a deep-seated
responsibility I feel toward each one of you. We're not just weekend
warriors looking for a leisurely sail; we are adventurers who dare to
put our own yachts, our own investments, on the line in the quest for
something greater.
community of yacht owners who understand that this rally is more than
just another post; it's a collection of experiences that will challenge
us to our core.
have solicited and received help from the Ocean Posse council and wish
to say thanks to 3 team members who help kept the organization from
running aground.
Let me introduce:
who's has agreed to help us expand the relationships with marinas.
With her background in the marine industry, she knows cruisers
very well and knows the realities on the ground.
THE editor of the fleet updates who sails amongst us and feels the
trials and tribulations of balancing live, family, adventure and
storytelling from her unique perspective.
a Panama Posse veteran. Her joy and genuine caring helps with the
on-boarding of new participants - so that the spirit stays true, fresh,
on course and pet friendly.
the Posse continues to evolve, we seek to improve from within – if you
have an idea, or way to make us better let us know or better yet – make
it so.
of us are setting sail for waters that promise beauty but don't shy
away from teaching us lessons. Engine and equipment issues, navigational
challenges, difficult officials and yes, even the odd squall and
lightening, are part and parcel of what we're signing up for.
that's the point, isn’t it? We willingly invest our time, resources,
and our yachts because the payoff goes beyond marina discounts or the
up-to-date information and time savings. It’s about living our aquatic
life on our terms and testing our tenacity against what the sea decides
to throw at us.
real essence of the Posse is the collective grit and resilience we
bring. In essence, it's the unspoken pact between us, yacht owners and
skippers, that makes the Panama Posse what it is —a proving ground for
skills and a place for genuine friendships. It's the assurance that when
we set our course and brave the elements, we don't just risk our
vessels; we also put faith in each other.
here’s to the challenges and unpredictability that make this rally more
than a trip but a life experience. Here's to you, the rare and brave
souls who don't just dream but dare to chart a course toward the
hoist these burgees and take on this adventure, knowing whatever
comes our way, we've got a fleet of like-minded explorers ready to
tackle it together.
Onward !
Captain Dietmar
SY CARINTHIA Dietmar & Suzanne (+Maxi) - Lagoon 44′
Mark reaching into the depths to fix something in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 🇲🇽
SY DAWN PATROL 🇺🇸 Laney & Mark - Outbound 46'
Nominate yourself, a crew member, or another boat.
look forward to meeting you at these events - we do not sail on a set
schedule to make your journey more relaxed and take into account ever
changing weather conditions. Move only when the conditions are
right and you feel good !
events in Barra de Navidad / Shelter Bay / Club De Pesca and
Buenaventura will have POT LUCK culinary competition so follow these
rules to win the coveted
Secundino Alvarez - Harbor Master Vessels
Must be registered with the Panama Posse prior to Oct 31st
to receive Posse discounts at Marina Puerto de la Navidad.
Ileana Stevenson Covo - GM For
those coming from the lesser Antilles this will be the first event in
full on Latin style in Colombia - come celebrate the great food and
culture that is Colombia in it's premier yacht club.
This event is in the middle of high season. The Shelter Bay
Marina will be near capacity so make reservations early.
Additionally, we are also going to organize a shuttle bus to get
folks to this event from alternate locations.
This is a very exclusive signature event in the Hamptons of Panama.
The upscale resort Buenaventura is just 80 minutes west of Panama City
and is one of the most charming and reserved places on the Pacific coast
of Panama. Only 60 nm from the Las Perlas.
to Belize Tourism e have just added a 7th event for the Coral Pods an
incredible celebration is brewing in Belize and a first of it's
kind Mark your calendar and rsvp as soon as you can BELIZE YACHT FEST ° PLACENCIA YACHT CLUB °
SY PATHFINDERS recent track on the coast of Ecuador 🇪🇨
did a passage from Manta, Ecuador south along the coast. Sharing
pictures and information along the way is one of the things Posse
members do for each other. Thanks Jean-Philippe & Nicole for
sharing your experiences with the fleet so that others may enjoy Ecuador
as well.
are so happy we spent hurricane season here (no lightening) navigating
and lots of land travel in South America. We are thinking about sailing
back to Panama in December and returning to Ecuador in late April again.
in Manta, Ecuador for two nights. Very calm even with strong wind.
Great provisioning and hardware store, plus delicious beach restaurants
and bars. Water taxi to take us to the public dock. We got the sign so
we celebrated Oktoberfest today before sailing down the coast tomorrow
Public dock in Manta, Ecuador 🇪🇨
Great provisioning in Manta, Ecuador, 🇪🇨
Getting into the Octoberfest Spirit.
we could sail close hauled after Cabo San Lorenzo on our way from Manta
to Los Ciriales. Smack onto our destination point, no degree to spare.
With wind up to 19 knots and one reef on the main. Sailing south along
the coast of Ecuador has beautiful surprises. We saw lots of whales
still this late in the season. We were welcomed back by the local
fishermen in Los Ciriales and fully enjoyed a lovely sunset after 47
nautical miles.
Sailing close hauled
Taking in the sunset
Whale action off the coast of Ecuador 🇪🇨
Arriving in Los Ciriales, Ecuador ⚓️S 01 28.832 W 080 46.693 - 5 meters low tide.
community is doing some incredible things to preserve their ocean
environment. One of the local fishermen shared videos with us to share
with all of you. We had a great stroll on the beach yesterday watching
the careened fishing boats being repaired and repainted on the shore.
Delicious authentic Ecuatoriano food. Really friendly and helpful people
excited to meet us and hear our boat story. They even brought us fresh,
gigantic shrimp last night. We really love this place and even more so
now seeing how they are making a true effort to care for the ocean.
Making landfall and strolling the beach
Careened fishing boats getting repaired and repainted
had a very good 53 nautical miles passage from Los Ciriales to Salinas,
our zarpe final destination ($5.16 to check in and very simple this
time now that we know the system). We had another great whale experience
coming down. Salinas’ nickname is Little Miami and it’s very active and
fun with a beautiful beach. Lots of jet ski action though so we have
set up some protection lines and will use some of your suggestions if
necessary. Great beach day, we arrived by paddle boards and rented an
umbrella and two chairs for $5 all day. Fresh crab, liter size cocktails
and lovely sunsets. We like Salinas a lot, great protection from waves
so feels like a lake and easy shore landing. Lots of space to anchor in
sand and right in front of the Capitanía pier. Cheers!
Group Fleet Tracking is designed to give an overview of
where Posse vessels are along the route.
specific vessel details including their floatplan, latest updates,
changes, real time positions and specific location related questions
please contact each vessel directly and follow their vessel tracker. You
may track vessels via their tracker or request AIS tracking from
https://www.marinetraffic.com/. Please note: that this is also not
exactly accurate either. There are many reasons why a vessel’s position
is not updated. It is important NOT TO conclude that a vessel has
an emergency or is in need of assistance because the vessel has not
reported in lately. Sometimes they may just want to get away from it all
and not tell you where they are. It is the responsibility of each
vessel to file a float and check in plan and escalation procedures.
Marina Papagayo
is proud to continue our sponsorship of the Panama Posse fleet for the
2020/21 season. Our dockage discount for Posse members is:
Stay three nights pay for two
Stay for a week and pay for five days
Stay for a month and pay the annual monthly rate
Complimentary drink coupons for the Dive bar on arrival
We look forward to welcoming you to Marina Papagayo.
Best Regards,
Dan, the marina manager, is a sailor among us & a longtime sponsor of the Posse
Rica is out of the hurricane zone. Just lightning and thunder. A few
Panama Posse vessels summered at Marina Papagayo in 2023 and it gets way
less rain and lightning/thunder compared to south CR like Golfito.
special shout out to Marina Papagayo and manager Dan for being a Panama
Posse sponsor! Such a beautiful eco-conscious marina with everything
you could ask for: potable water, complimentary pump out services,
laundry, gym, pool, game room, hot showers with good water pressure, 24
hour security, recycling, mini market, marine store, and concierge
services. There’s a nice walking trail to beautiful beaches and
restaurants where you are likely to encounter all kinds of wildlife like
deer, iguanas, and monkeys. The marina is so clean, you don’t have to
think twice about cleaning the bottom of your boat (or running the water
maker). A pet friendly marina with wonderful staff! I would highly
recommend this marina to anyone visiting Costa Rica!
Marina Papagayo has walking trails into the forest steps from the dock ramps.
A truly eco-conscious marina offering fullscale waste management program
Well stocked, clean, and cool Marine Store.
Spider Monkeys are one of four monkey species native to Costa Rica
Sleeping jaguar
A casual and common position for a sloth is to hang by an arm and a leg.
had an incredible time at the Jaguar rescue center in puerto viejo.
This rescue center receives over 900 animals a year! Most of the animals
seen here are permanent residents that are unable to go back in the
wild for a variety of reasons; they were illegal pets by humans for a
long time and don’t have adequate survival skills, have injuries from
being hunted or electrocuted, rejected as a baby (for blindness), have
immunocompromised bodies from disease, and even a flock 7 ducks who were
raised with chickens and act like it. I can’t say enough great things
about this place; the animals who live here have such unique
personalities that shine in their comfort of this safe haven. Some of
them just freely roam the place. Just a group of misfits living their
best life in Costa Rica.
SY MAISON DE SANTÉ 🇺🇸 Nicole & Keenan - Cal 46'
We are exited and pleased to sponsor the Panama Posse with a special
10% discount off SunPower solar panel bundles.
use promocode PANAMAPOSSE at checkout www.sunpoweredyachts.com/shop and
start enjoying clean & quiet solar aboard your boat.
We also offer free consultations so please email or call and let us help you go solar today.
Sun Powered Yachts
W: sunpoweredyachts.com
T: +1 808 825 2670
E: lyall@sunpoweredyachts.com
E: katie@sunpoweredyachts.com
is from the UK and has travelled to 50 countries backpacking and
sailing. With a background in Hospitality and Event Management he
found sailing in 2004 has logged over 55,000 miles and qualified as an
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean.
is from Maine and has been working in the solar industry in Hawaii for
over a decade, most recently for Rising Sun Solar. Her knowledge
of solar products and system design will be an asset to your yacht’s
on our time and experience sailing, on short trips and living at sea,
we have created a Power Usage Chart below. You can see more
details on what each system could power on your weekend or live aboard
sailing adventure. Create your own power usage table and see what
your power needs are aboard your own yacht then choose the number of
solar panels accordingly
1) The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization financed with the help of individual and commercial donations/sponsorships.
The Ocean Cleanup's mission:
To develop and scale technologies to rid the oceans of plastic.
year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the
majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to
ocean garbage patches, where it gets caught in a vortex of circulating
currents alongside plastic from other sources (e.g. offshore fishing
activities). If no action is taken, plastic will increasingly impact our
ecosystems, health, and economies.
System 03 in action in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
2) Proyecto Sucre is
a community based project in collaboration with other organizations
that aims to create a model of sustainability for existing coastal
communities of Ecuador. Empowering and educating their members
through different pillars of the project so that they become the main
protectors of the ecosystems that surround them from which they so much
depend on as their main source of income.
their first project they worked with members of the Ciriales community
introducing them to the sport of freediving and marine ecosystem health a
reef monitoring workshop
reefs are one of the most biodiverse and valuable ecosystems in our
planet. Around 25% of marine species depend on these ecosystems.
to different global and local stressors, around 75% of coral reefs are
under extreme threat. Scientists estimate that for 2050, only 10% of
reefs around the world will survive.
Due to this urgent call, we at Corallium
decided to team up with local communities to introduce the first coral
restoration project in continental Ecuador, implementing different coral
gardening mechanisms. Coral gardening involves building underwater
nurseries, where coral fragments grown until they are ready to be
out-planted to degraded areas.
3) Subsistence Fishing is
a way of life; a source of income, sustenance, and survival for many
coastal communities. The fishing methods of subsistence fisherman
vary dramatically from using low-technology gear which may be part of
traditional or cultural practice to modern, toxic methods with long
lasting, far reaching, harmful effects. Practices vary and are
worth considering.
here is a typical dugout canoe that many coastal fisherman use.
Why the bleach bottles? Unfortunately, the bleach is being
used by some fisherman to pour into the reef under rocks to kill and
catch octopus. Unlike a spear (a low-tech, traditional method), bleach
is not a targeted killer. Rather it kills coral and creatures with
abandon. This method has been seen in Canada by the natives in
Haida Gwaii and now we (SY JUBEL) are seeing it again in Bocas del Toro, Panama. A local here walked past us with a bucket FULL of octopus.
say that subsistence fishing is complicated in the modern era is an
understatement. To say that this particular 'bleach' method will
not support fisheries for the long term which truly is what we all need
cannot be overstated.
Dugout canoe on the beach in Bocas, Panama 🇵🇦
Fish (mariscos) sold on the street in Huatulco, Mexico 🇲🇽
said that many people along the Pacific Coast survive by fishing and
bringing fish to market. How the fish are brought there is
definitely a worthy question. Each day as individuals the choices
we make have an impact.
Posse members cruising along the Pacific Coast of the Baja Peninsula
may find a stopover in Abreojos particularly interesting so long as the
wind and sea conditions allow it. This coastal community is making
incredible efforts to maintain their way of life living off the ocean
and support their fishery so that they may continue to live off the
many coastal communities, Punta Abreojos has an organized cooperative
that fisherman and their families join. The Fish Production
Cooperative Society of Punta Abreojos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, is a
good example of a highly organized fishing cooperative that has been in
existence since 1948. Being a part of a Cooperative, or
cooperativo has many economic and social benefits including the ability
to take out loans. In Abreojos fishers consider protection of their
resources, economic security, unity, and progress essential for
maintaining their cooperative. Punta Abreojos is an example of a
community that has worked for generations to become marine stewards
while maintaining an economically viable fishery. An example of
their stewardship is their observation of more conservative harvest
seasons; an uncommon, self-imposed ban. Rather than fish for abalone as
soon as the government allows, in January, the community waits until
April, when the shellfish have put on more weight. A shorter
harvest season of abalone affects more than the abalone. The
community of Abreojos has seen a direct correlation between limiting
their harvest and improving the lives and returns on many other species
as well.
Here is a list of documents you will either need to bring, provide, or get upon arrival in a new country
1) Bring Original Vessel Documentation ( up to date not expired )
Bring Valid and unexpired Passport(s) – – some countries may refuse you
entry if the expiration date is in not less than 6 months
Most marinas will require insurance – best to get some – minimum
for staying in marinas is 3rd party liability insurance
4) Bring Zarpes (document from last port issued by port captain stating the departed port and the projected arrival port)
Get your T.I.P. or temporary import permits for every country– get that
in Chiapas, Ensenada, or Cancun – do not skip customs when you
check in !
If you are vessel is documented under a corporate vessel ownership
you need a notarized document stating that you are
authorized to operate this vessel.
your vessel is under a trust there are several countries which will
make your life a living hell as they do not recognize trusts per say.
Contact your maritime attorney for details.
You will need a USCG registration for US vessels – state registration
may work but will NOT work in Panama – so be sure that you have USCG
if you plan to check out of Mexico you will need some type of proof of
proficiency – a online California boating certificate at minimum
or a captains license – yachtmaster certificate on the high end
If you sail with pet’s – all the docs you can muster plus more –
vaccination certificates – 15 digit international chips under their skin
– rabies vaccination certificate . etc etc.
Prescriptions for controlled medication – you can get most meds over
the counter but for specific meds it is best to carry your scripts
11) Vaccination Record ( Covid ) – while this may not be necessary everywhere, having a Covid vaccination record can
– ease your entries if Covid makes a comeback
– cheaper (no test fees )
– smoother ( agents will assist but with a lot of back and forth }
– this may also avoid wrinkles associated with non- vaccinated individuals.
other words you can come non-vaccinated, but any and all delays
obstacles and restrictions, additional fees, paperwork etc etc are on
you and your crew and will reduce mitigating any issues which
may/can/might/will arise, if these issues are related to not being
COURTESY FLAGS & Q FLAG (while not technically documents they are
required especially in Nicaragua even if you are not
stopping and under innocent passage – they are available from amazon
Got flags, will fly them.
Bahia Tenacatita has multiple anchorages to choose from.
These beaches have been host to many great gatherings large and small
Dinghy raft ups are also popular in Bahia Tenacatita
Tenacatita is a classic and longtime favorite anchorage for new and
season cruisers alike. There are multiple anchorages where one can
drop the hook depending on the wind and swell direction, and/or the
crews desire for solitude, provisions, or social activities. The
innermost bay in the northwest corner is the most popular anchorage: it
has a small restaurant, an estuary one can tour up to visit other
beaches and palapas, a small surf wave that is great for beginners,.
People have been know to organize small, fun regattas in the Bay
from this anchorage as well.
Watching the trim for speed in Bahia Tenacatita regatta 2023
19° 11.6383′ N 069° 21.3283′ W
We are pleased to sponsor the Panama Posse with
a special 15% discount on Winter rates (High Season) !
Bahía is a full service marina in Samaná, Northeast of Dominican
Republic, offering slips for vessels up to 150ft LOA and access to
boutique hotel amenities.
Perdida consists of a series of 169 terraces carved into the
mountainside, a net of tiled roads and several small circular plazas.
deep in the jungle of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains in
Colombia sits Ciudad Perdida, the “Lost City.” Built by the Tairona
people more than 1,000 years ago, the archaeological site only became an
attraction after it was uncovered in the 1970s.
Sepúlveda was a small family of looters in Colombia; their story leads
to the beginning of one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in
modern times. The family went hunting in the forests of Colombia when
they shot down a wild turkey. Upon retrieving the turkey, they noticed
it had fallen on a piece of an exposed staircase. This staircase would
lead them to find La Ciudad Perdida. For years after its discovery by
the looters, “Treasures from the site, including gold figures and
ceramics, soon began to appear on the black market”
La Ciudad Perdida is one of the most impressive sites, it’s not alone,
only about 30-40% of the sites in the Sierra Nevada region have actually
been explored. Thanks to recent widespread lidar access, more and more
of these sites are being discovered, and the search for new lost cities
has just begun
1,200 stone steps built by the Tairona.
Perdida was probably the region’s political and manufacturing center on
the Buritaca River and may have housed 2,000–8,000 people.
Teyuna by the Tairona but dubbed Ciudad Perdida upon rediscovery, the
ancient wonder is perched on hillsides and tucked into a dense
Juan from SY Ay Caramaba ! PP2019-2020 in the – Lost City / Ciudad Perdida
Ingrid and Drew on S/V Wanderer, our 2019 Beneteau Oceanis 41.1 that we
purchased in Seattle in the Summer of 2022. After a brief refit to make
her “cruiser friendly”, we escaped our land based lives, sold
everything and began our cruising adventure down the west coast to take
part in the 2022 Baja-Haha.
dream of Gin-clear, warm water, and amazing scenery kept us going down
the coast and we could not be happier with our decision. Currently in
Panama City, our sail plan is to transit the canal in early November,
and head for the Bahamas. After that, who knows, but we will most likely
be back in Panama for next hurricane season to continue exploring this
SY WANDERER 🇺🇸 Ingrid & Drew - Beneteau Oceanis 41.1
Posse Member Nicole Smith recently received the new180 tourist visa
According to the Tico Times, a Costa Rican Newspaper:
Costa Rican government has announced an extension of the maximum stay
period for foreign tourists visiting on a tourist visas, from 90 days to
180 days. The new regulation, which came into effect in September 2023,
applies to passport holders from countries that are visa-exempt,
including the United States, Canada, and most European nations.
decision to increase the permitted length of stay for tourists was made
in consultation with the National Chamber of Tourism (CANATUR). CANATUR
has long advocated that the previous 90-day limit was insufficient for
visitors to fully experience all that Costa Rica has to offer.
National Chamber of Tourism says the previous residency and stay terms
were too short to encourage ample tourist spending and activity,” noted
CANATUR’s Jorge Gamboa.
SY ARROW flying her spinnaker in the Sea of Cortez 🇲🇽 Mexico
*37' Performance Cruiser for sale by owner*
is Fully Equipped and ready to go cruising self sufficiently: water
maker, solar and wind power, well insulated fridge, navigation system
with radar, GPS chartplotter, AIS, depth sounder and speedo, a quiver of
sails for a variety of wind conditions, 10' dinghy with 6hp motor,
safety gear including life raft, EPIRB, satellite system, ditchbag, lee
cloths for all main salon sea bunks, lots of custom shade and rain
awnings/enclosures, topside barbeque, equipped galley down below.
Fully equipped to sail, adventure, and cruise coastwise or
for her next adventure; Arrow is a sweet sailing, seaworthy,
live-aboard, performance cruiser from a classic period in yachting
history. She is a Carter 37 and has been upgraded and maintained to be
an excellent, well prepared, self-sufficient yacht with lots of extras.
As her owners we are standing by ready to show Arrow and pass her
off to her next Owners/ Sailors/ Adventurers.
was designed by Dick Carter and built in Greece. She is a masthead
sloop with removable inner forestay. Her large fin keel with lead
ballast and skeg hung rudder provide a safe platform for coastal and
offshore adventures alike. With a moderate ballast to displacement
ratio, Arrow is a great light air boat while at the same time maintains a
kind motion in a seaway.
1999 Hylas 46 is a beautiful world voyager in amazing, turn-key
condition. She is completely equipped for comfortable cruising under any
conditions as well as living aboard. It is no wonder that the Hylas 46
is such a popular choice for modern cruising couples.
is an extremely sought-after vessel. Designed by the renowned German
Frers and built by Queen Long Marine, this luxurious-center cockpit,
two-stateroom vessel with a longer waterline and beam carried aft,
improves sailing performance, comfort at sea and interior volume. The
Hylas 46 has the accommodations you want with all the characteristics
that make sailing safe, easy and very enjoyable.
particular Hylas 46 has had only two owners and has been meticulously
maintained evidenced by an excel spreadsheet maintenance log book dating
back to 2001. SeaGlub is cutter rigged and complete with new in 2020
B&G radar, autopilot and navigation electronics, Selden in-mast
mainsail electric furling system, Furlex headsail furler, Harken
staysail furler (new 2023), cockpit enclosure, watermaker, electric
toilet, Dometic 16,000btu air conditioning system with reverse-cycle
heat, dedicated compressors for refrigerator and freezer, dinghy on arch
with electric lift winch, flatscreen TV and Fusion stereo sound system,
and more. With a 64 hp Yanmar diesel and added 180 amp secondary house
alternator, an 8kw Fisher Panda genset, 1,000 watts of solar and a 350
watt Superwind wind generator, SeaGlub is equipped with abundant sources
for power generation.
Hylas 46 has a wonderful aft owner’s private stateroom and ensuite,
plus a lovely pullman berth stateroom on the port side with large head
forward for guests. The walkthrough galley to starboard is classic with
huge top and front-loading fridge and freezer, four-burner stove/oven,
incredible counter space, and the galley is safe and secure when sailing
or at anchor. The navigation station is on the port side. The salon and
the entire interior is pleasing with varnished teak joinery and custom
upholstery. The cabin house has generous windows to create a light and
bright interior. Custom cabinetry provides even more storage and makes
the vessel extremely liveable!
numerous hatches have screens in the fore and aft staterooms. The
quality and luxury is apparent and you will appreciate the attractive
appointments from the high-quality fixtures to the all-LED lighting
throughout the boat.
arrange for transit with the Panama Canal Authority please contact Eric
Galvez our dedicated Panama Canal agent and sponsor of the Panama Posse
and the Pacific Posse
Erick Gálvez
Cellphone +507 6676-1376
WhatsApp +507 6676-1376
of experience in the maritime industry have provided us with great
tools, to be able to respond to our customers’ requirements in an
efficient and professional way.
wish to draw your attention to a crucial update regarding yacht
transits through the Panama Canal due to the ongoing El Niño phenomenon
Panama Canal Authority (PCA) has officially communicated (see attached
dated October 9, 2023) that water conservation measures will impact the
small yacht transits.
yachts (up to 38.1 meters LOA) are expected to experience substantial
delays, and in the meantime, we will be able and willing to help you
mitigate this impact and serve you.
Yacht Services is here to assist during these delays, offering marina
arrangements, maintenance, repairs, and leisure activities. To minimize
disruptions, please share your estimated transit date with us promptly,
allowing us to coordinate with the PCA for the earliest possible transit
Act swiftly to secure your transit plans and avoid unnecessary delays.
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