Northbound Ocean Posse members along the Central American Coast, SV AEESHAH recently sailed to one of the northernmost bays in Costa Rica: Bahia Santa Elena. Aside from the occasional local fisherman during the day and a host of wildlife, including howler monkeys, herons, cormorants, fish, urchins, and more, SV AEESHAH was treated to total solitude. Here they share their STORY:

Report from SV AEESHAH:

The passage to Bahia San Elana was lovely. The shoreline and off shore islands looked to be wild and exotic. Thisย enormous bay was our pit-stop before heading to Nicaragua. We wanted to explore the area as it is all national park, โ€œThe Parque National Santa Rosaโ€ and totally uninhabited. This area had recently been designated aย Marine Management Area which meant the bay would be reserved for specific purposes. These include the conservation of marine life. Bahia Santa Elena is 732-hectare. It is a breeding area for several marine species, including dolphins, whales, and turtles. Plus the endangered whale shark and several species of rays breed here and are seen here.ย Our explorations were in the dinghy.ย The day was absolutely lovely, sunny, with just the right amount of clouds in the sky.ย We set off around the bay in a clockwise direction.ย Absolutely everywhere was stunningly beautiful.ย