FLEET UPDATE 2020-04-12
- 3 prolonged blasts (4-6secs) as an affirmation of life
- Country Updates
- Pictures of the Week
- Location of vessels
- Weekly Line Calls
- Hurricane and Lighting Season
- Shelter Bay Marina – to Twinn Dolphin Marina Bradenton, Florida
- Uninvited Visitor of the week
- Reply to with any updates or pictures / Opt-Out
“all that is true is rare and difficult”
― Unknown
We want to thank the 39 vessels which have already
signed up for the next 2020-2021 Panama Posse Season
( to do so reply with “sign me up again” )
1) As a affirmation to LIFE, the camaraderie with fellow seaman
and as a demonstration that we shall overcome this virus as a species
please join us and fellow Panama Posse vessels in your area
at 17:00 LOCAL TIME and emit 3 prolonged (4-6 seconds) blasts know as “show blasts”
A special thank you to
Ho’Okipa, Joy and Dragonfly here in Barra for participating
3rd party Panama Canal update:
Our boat Lazy Travels, with Ohana and Nutmeg just crossed the Panama Canal from Atlantic to Pacific
Here are the details for how it happened for us:
We were allowed to use 4 line handlers for the entire 3 boat raft. Each boat had a transit advisor provided by the canal.
We were not allowed to use Canal line handlers, we had to find boats to transit with us that in combination would provide us with enough crew for the raft (4 line handlers, 3 captains, and if any children onboard someone separate to look after them. Seriously you need all 4 line handlers to be able to give their undivided attention at all times).
We were also unable to rent lines, fenders or tires to reduce contamination. We had to make sure that we had enough to meet the requirements (4 long lines, plus enough fenders for the raft and canal. Personal recommendation is to have a lot of fenders, and a few big round ones).
It seems like you must use an agent at this time, although we only used one to process our payment and paid a reduced fee ($150 USD, name Roger, organized by Shelter Bay Marina).
Shelter Bay Marina with the help of cruisers themselves organized the measurement of the boats. There is currently an excel spread sheet that lists all boats that want to cross the canal with their information. This is not an official document, but makes it easier to coordinate with all the yachts.
Basically we had to organize our own: measurement, crew, lines and fenders. The most difficult part was finding 3 boats who together meet all the requirements and were ready to cross.
Our transit advisor said HIS OPINION is that the canal will continue to stay open for small vessels. I think this is based on need, and how smooth everything went using reduced line handlers.
Serious thank you to all the cruisers and staff at Shelter Bay Marina who basically made this happen.
To many more happy canal crossings !!
Posted from FB Panama Cruisers by SV Singularity

3) Country Updates
Mexico 4,219 273†
– border closings between USA and Mexico but commercial entry permitted – outbound and inbound vessels still possible
– certain ports are closed or locking down and exit zarpes are issued electronically for a fee via agents if required this
includes Puerto Vallarta and Areas of the Sea of Cortes
Mexico has implemented temperature-screening measures at all airports and many road checks. Reduced flights and Capacity.
Passengers with abnormal temperatures and travel to high-risk areas might be subject to additional health screening.
A little bit more color on what is occurring in Mexico (from our perspective of being in Huatulco):
- There was some slowing of the town a month ago (Cruise ships and tourists stopped coming then) but everything has got much tighter in the last week.
- Restaurants, bars, hotels are all closed. Just the supermarkets, gas stations and Oxxo’s are open.
- A very few restaurants have switched to take-aways but that is comparatively rare. The city is a ghost town.
- The mayor has posted municipal police in road blocks at multiple points across the city, questioning the purpose of any trip.
- The airport is now also closed to domestic flights, with the exception of one single flight a week to/from Mexico City.
- The Federal Highway remains open but many (if not most) exits are blocked off – by municipal police in the case of organized towns and by groups of locals (unarmed, so far as we can tell) in the smaller communities – refusing entry to outsiders. That seems to now be the norm, everywhere.
- It would therefore now be difficult to get out of here by either air or by road (unless you drive non-stop – you would likely find no hotels on route).
- The “social distancing” thing seems to be misunderstood – not all police wear face masks when they question you (up close). Moreover, these local groups (they can feel more like mobs) blocking roads are congregating in groups of 20, 30 or more, missing the entire point of the lock down.
- The Navy has stationed a vessel at the entrance to the harbor (at least during daylight hours). We haven’t actually seen any boat attempt to leave the harbor (not even one single panga), to know what the navy’s orders are – but we understand the harbor master is instructing vessels not to leave (although we have heard there is an exception for foreign vessels leaving the area or the country but do not have first-hand knowledge on that).
- While there seems to be no actual restriction on 3rd party contractors, working on boats, the reality is that many of the local workers voluntarily stopped work. Our mechanic reported that his employees simply abandoned him, some ten days ago, making it hard to continue offering any service.
- On a personal note, we are still working on the rebuild of the engine. Getting the parts across the US: Mexico border was challenging (we had to find someone with an essential job who was authorized to travel in both California and across the border). Nonetheless, provided no new restrictions are implemented, we are hopeful it will be complete within a few weeks / a month max. Provided we successfully get away, we will head to Bara Navidad. Please note, however, that we spoke to Miriam today and she advised that she is not certain she can accommodate us, as the marina is nearly full.
Stephen & Ana Veronica
Guatemala 155 5†
– full lock down – no entry permitted – Curfew extended to April 28th
El Salvador 125 6†
– full lock down – no entry permitted †
Honduras 393 25†
Honduras – full lock down – no entry permitted
Nicaragua – 9 1†
Check in with Marina Puesta del sol ahead of time – they will coordinate to send a health inspector out – after which customs, immigration will clear you in
Costa Rica 577 3†
– full lock down – no entry permitted – Curfew extended to end of April
Health Alert – U.S. Embassy San Jose (8 April 2020)
Location: Costa Rica – Level 4: Do Not Travel
Event: Costa Rica has now confirmed 502 cases of COVID-19 in the country. Costa Rica today announced that the borders will remain closed to non-citizens and residents until April 30, an extension of the previous closure announcement.
NOTE:Just to let you know that today (6th April) the Costa Rican government announced that they will keep the border closed until 30th April.
The U.S. Embassy will be closed Thursday April 9 – Monday April 13, due to observance of local holidays. If you have an emergency requiring Consular assistance, please call 506-2519-2000.
The U.S. Embassy in San Jose and the U.S. State Department have coordinated with United Airlines to offer a commercial flight from Juan Santamaria Airport (SJO) in San Jose, Costa Rica to Houston, Texas (IAH) on Friday, April 17. The flight will depart SJO at 11:30 am and arrive at IAH at 4:30 pm. This flight is open to public booking; you are encouraged to book ASAP as seats are limited.
We have received reports of social media notices purporting to provide assistance in receiving COVID-19-related checks from the U.S. government. These notices claim immediate support and contain a link which requests personal information. Do NOT provide personal or financial information to businesses you don’t know or haven’t verified. For official information regarding economic impact payments, see the websites of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Treasury (DOT).
As always, Americans who need assistance can contact us at the numbers or email address below.
Actions to Take:
– Follow instructions of Costa Rican authorities. Not doing so could result in arrest and potential fines.
– Visit the Costa Rican Ministry of Health’s Facebook Page for updated information.
– Visit our Embassy COVID page for information on conditions in Costa Rica.
– Visit the Department of Homeland Security’s website on the latest travel restrictions to the United States.
– Consult the CDC website for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19.
– Visit the COVID-19 crisis page on travel.state.gov for the latest information.
– Work with your airline, travel provider, or hotel/lodging directly regarding any updated information about your travel plans and/or restrictions.
– Call Costa Rican emergency number 911 or COVID hotline 1322 right away if you believe you may have COVID-19 (or similar symptoms) or were exposed to someone who may have COVID-19 in the last six weeks.
U.S. Embassy San Jose
State Department – Consular Affairs
888-407-4747 or 202-501-4444
Panama 3,234 79†
Panama – no entry permitted 14 day quarantine has been obtained by some in internal movements
– curfew w/ 1 hour movement x certain day for with 30 minutes based on ID number and day and gender – no alcohol sales –
This was posted via email by Marina Pez Vela:
Pursuant to Administrative Resolution DM-RM-0852-2020, issued by the Ministry of Health on April 2, from April 3 at five in the afternoon and until April 12 at midnight, the marina will be closed to the public.
During this period there are to be no offered services including, but not limited to: issuance of zarpes, issuance of floats plans, repairs, haul out or launches, among others.
After April 12, it is expected to be able to return the Marina to operations and therefore apply the following protocols until the Government declares the state of Emergency ended.
We appreciate your understanding and we ask you to abide by the regulations to avoid sanctions and above all in support of this campaign for the health of all concerned.
Marina Pez Vela is a company and a family, which has always distinguished itself by its solidarity and commitment to the social, cultural and environmental causes of the surrounding community. In the past few weeks and foreseeable future, this general commitment also must include meeting the standards of prevention and containment of the global pandemic known as COVID-19. The project not only has a commitment to the health and security of our clients, contractors and staff, whom we care for in all aspects, but also to fulfilling our National Responsibilities as a Marine Concession. Our concession requires that we must comply with a series of general provisions, legal parameters old and new, such as those established on March 10, 2020 by the Executive Decree number 42221-MP_S as well as the National Law on Emergencies and Risk Prevention, Law 8488 of November 22, 2006, both of which outline our legal responsibility to support in the prevention of pandemics and any other health risks, and specifically in reducing the contagion curve of COVID-19.
Therefore, we respectfully request and urge you to take the following steps:
– Minimize and avoid, if possible, the use of your boats for unnecessary purposes, and that the boat remains docked to your respective slip or dry dock (as the case may be). These measures of limited use have been suggested by the Costa Rican Health Ministry in relation to asking everyone to stay home so that the presence of the workers, captain or owners of the boat is only for the purposes of required maintenance, care, and security.
– For all boats that are for private, recreational use: In the event that you are required to navigate due to an emergency, required maintenance, provisioning, or other reason that is of absolute necessity, all navigation must be done in accordance with the float plan. Boat capacity will be restricted to half the normal number of people (including captain and crew) No navigation plans will be authorized to any other port of landing or marina as a point of arrival, except in cases of emergency.
– Always request your due Float Plan at the main office, in the event you are stopped by the Coast Guard, it is important for them to know what your port of Origin is.
– We urge vessels that maintain their operations within the marina (tourist fishing vessels, catamarans, diving vessels) to minimize their operations for a reasonable period, until the authorities remove the national alert and restrictions. Also, please abide by the rules of distance between one person and another to avoid potential exposure to one another, and decrease the number of guests, clients or persons on board by at least 50 percent of the boat’s capacity.
– Extreme basic hygiene measures inside your boats should be taken, insuring that any and all aboard can wash with antibacterial soap, alcohol gel, disposable paper towels, and trash cans with lids for disposal.
– In the case of vessels that are under temporary importation, have the National Zarpe issued by the Port Captain Office.
– Additionally, we urge all clients and visitors, workers or collaborators of the Marina to rationally use public services, especially water, since this is a resource that is of utmost importance for sanitary reasons and is already being rationed in many parts of Costa Rica.
– As a Marina, we cannot deny the use of your boats, however, we urge you to stay at home to avoid the spread of the virus.
We are always at your disposal to assist you.
Best regards,
Carter Ludwing TakacsCédula # 18400124735Administrador Marina Pez Vela
From the Panama Canal Authority effective 09 April:
TO :
SUBJECT: Temporary Procedures for Small Craft Transits during COVID-19 Pandemic
Due to the current outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Republic of Panama and around the world, through the Ministry of Health (MINSA), the Panamanian government has imposed a total quarantine in the Republic of Panama. Consequently, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) deems it necessary to implement strict measures to reduce the exposure to COVID-19 and protect the health of its employees, the Panamanian people, as well as vessels’ personnel, in order to prevent further spread of the virus. Therefore, the following procedures will be implemented for all small craft below 20 m (65 feet) in length overall (LOA) effective April 09, 2020:
1. Upon arrival at Balboa Anchorage or Cristobal Breakwater, the small craft shall contact the corresponding signal station announcing its arrival and requesting anchoring instructions, if applicable.
2. All crew and passengers arriving in Canal waters on board pleasure yachts are required to remain aboard under observation and surveillance by Panamanian authorities for a period of not less than 14 calendar days, regardless of port of origin or amount of days at sea.
3. Uponcompletionofthis14dayperiod,theywillbeevaluatedbytheMinistryofHealth (MINSA) to determine if there is any risk of contagion. Likewise, the master/skipper shall report to Canal and Panamanian health authorities if any passenger or crewmember on board shows virus-related symptoms or any other sickness.
4. In order for personnel on board to properly maintain quarantine, all transit arrangements shall be made by a representative ashore, such as a local agent or the corresponding marina where the small craft is anchored or moored.
5. The small craft representative shall call the ACP Admeasurement Unit (tel. 272-4577) in order to provide all the required information.
6. Inaddition,thesmallcraftrepresentativeshallsendtoNTOT-AS@pancanal.comthe following information:
– Yacht SIN number, name, flag, length (m), beam (m), arrival date confirmation (provided by the representative or the marina)
– Arrival crew list
– Yacht’s register
– Profile picture of the yacht
– Signed Release form
– Completed Handline Lockage Request form
– Copy of all crew passports
7. Theagentorrepresentativeshallmakearrangementsforplacementofthetransit guarantee, or payment in cash, which shall include tolls and other maritime services, as well as the buffer.
8. Once the guarantee has been confirmed, the representative or marina shall call the ACP vessel scheduler, at 272-4202 to coordinate their transit date.
9. In addition to the master/skipper, the small craft shall have at least four line handlers available, as required by ACP regulations. These linehandlers must have already been on board the small craft during the quarantine period mentioned in (2) above.
10.All other transit requirements remain the same and are available at:
11.On the day of transit, only the ACP transit advisor will board the small craft and disembark once his assignment has been completed. Only ACP personnel will be permitted to board or disembark the small craft.
The ACP is continuously monitoring the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and will announce any changes to these measures in a timely manner.
Ilya R. Espino de MarottaActing Vice President for Transit Business
(other destinations)
French Polynesia 51 1 critical case
– full lock down
Colombia 2,709 100†
– full lock down – Colombia under 19-day nationwide quarantine
Ecuador 7,466 333†
– full lock down “”
Belize 14 3†
– full lock down
Cayman Islands 53 1†
– full lock down – able to get fuel and provisions via q dock
Cuba 669 92†
Bahamas 46 8†
– full lock down
Hawaii 486 8†
– 14 day Quarantine for US flagged Vessels
Florida 19,347 452†
– reported entry possible via Key West with health checks for US flagged Vessels
For those heading to Key West USA, on return from your Panama adventures, the Stock Island Marina took us in as a temporary safe harbor from overseas on arrival, until we were ready to safely leave in a bit over a week having done our fixes, provisioning, and weather window. A five star facility. Not cheap. But great help in the face of a county government that shut down the Florida Keys.MV ANGELIQUE
California 22,424 634†
– reported entry possible via San Diego t with health checks for US flagged Vessels
4) Pictures of the Week
Ho’okipa – Still Life with Strawberries Kosher Bilge
Lisa & Lucky
Steve & Chelsea
Michael & Vicki
Bob and Margie
Dietmar & Suzanne
Nick, Gema & crew
Rick & Maria
Dan & Marlene
Dietmar & Suzanne
Mast Exercises – vertical social distancing
Bob and Margie
Jessica & Adam
Brenda & Ted
5) Location of vessels
1 | BAJA FOG | Barra de Navidad, MX | took a flight on alaska airlines till may 30th | 2/3 full – 5 people jet | |
John & Monique | |||||
2 | ANGELIQUE OF VANCOUVER | vessel is in mazatlan – | currently back in Canada | mom passed | |
Mike & Jacquie | |||||
4 | THISLDU | Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua | |||
Garrett & Audrey | |||||
5 | LUNA | Mexico | |||
Bob & Kris | |||||
9 | CARINTHIA | Barra | shelter in place | ||
Dietmar & Suzanne | |||||
10 | SEAGLUB | Marina Los Cabos | |||
Chris | |||||
11 | BONZER | Barra | |||
Michael & Vicki | |||||
12 | JEAN ANNE | Chiapas, MX | |||
Steve & Chelsea | |||||
13 | SINGULARITY | Vista Mar, Panama | shelter in place for 3 more months | our home – do some toolling around | |
Robert & Carol | |||||
14 | SLOW DANCER | Bocas del Toro | |||
Dale & Kenneth | |||||
16 © | ENJOY | red frog marina – sheltering in place – | weathe ris rainy | ||
Don & Nina | |||||
19 © | KNOT RIGHT | Vista Mar Marina, Panama | all is well | did not anounce – curve has not reached apex | |
Walt & Jeariene | |||||
20 © | COMPROMISE | chiappas – copy heading north ensenada port captain closes at 1 PM | |||
Ronald & Karen | |||||
23 | TOP CIDER | Zihuatanejo | |||
Chuck & Sharon | |||||
25 | HALF MOON | Puesta del Sol | |||
Brain & Elizabeth | |||||
26 | MADELEINE | Vessel in El Salvador – we are in the Netherlands | |||
Huibert & Maaike | |||||
27 | ANGELIQUE | Florida | |||
Dan & Angela | |||||
29 | DELTA SWIZZLER | tenecatita – watermaker issues | |||
Mark & Cindy | |||||
30 | FIREFLY | las hadas – 4 boats today | sheltering in place | ||
Brenda & Ted | |||||
34 | ONE LIFE | No change in barra – pandemic | staying in place | ||
Doug & Mary | |||||
37 | WISHLIST | las hadas bay | stay and boucne around – settle down | ||
Chris | |||||
40 | AVANT | Shelter Bay, Panama day patrol – able to go out | IN CANADA – glasd to help | ||
Rob & Debra | |||||
43 | RHAPSODY | vista mar – walking the golf course | sheltering in place | eyeing french polynesia | |
Sarah & Bob | |||||
50 | ANDURIL | Chiapas, MX – | In Vancouver | ||
Alice & Greg | |||||
51 | GREEN FLASH | San Clement California | getting stuff down at home vessel is vista mar | ||
Bob & Joan | |||||
52 | BONZAI | isla mujeres – carrebeen | good market nearby – | free to to do anything still issueing zarpes – 2 week quarantine – | |
Don | |||||
53 | GARGOYLE | Puesta del Sol Nicaragua | |||
Kevin & Carla | |||||
54 | STAND DOWN | Vista Mar Marina Panama | |||
Richard & Nancy | |||||
59 | RAVEN | Barra de Navidad | |||
Neil, Tammy, & Jan | |||||
60 | BLUE OASIS | blue oasis – came to fuel dock – fueld up – arrived in Tamap | |||
Barry & Kathy | |||||
61 © | WILDEST DREAMS | Puntarenas, CR | |||
Grant & Michelle | |||||
64 | SECRET WATER | La Paz | |||
Annie & Chris & Crew | |||||
67 | CHIMERA | bana bay CR – able to walk into town – shelter in place | |||
Dennis & Margaret | |||||
69 | ALIZANN | Red frog marina bocas de otoro | doing well | plan to stay here – until we have to move – not necessary to move so hoping every one is down – canal is open to small vessel 65 feet – 3 boats went though yesterday successfully – they are slowly alowing boats to transit – requirements | |
Martin & Suzanne | |||||
70 | FLOATING STONES | Bahamas | |||
Bryan & Cheryl | |||||
74 | MAISON DE SANTE | staing in barra | working | ||
Keenan & Nicole | |||||
81 | AY CARAMBA ! | Florida | |||
Juan & Michelle | |||||
82 | BULA | Mexico | |||
Kenny & Cari | |||||
85 | FOLLOW YOU FOLLOW ME | san jose de cabo – victor gives great service all done – U$ 250 digital zarpe | |||
Allan & Rina | |||||
86 | CONTEXT | We are in So- Califoria – record rains here | |||
John Jan | |||||
87 | EL GATO | Mexico | |||
Jules & Jeff | |||||
88 © | SEA LARKS | Banana Bay Marina, CR | |||
Jeffrey & Paula | |||||
95 | WAVE DANCER | Vessel fishhook – golifito we are in Florida | |||
Vladimir & Galinda | |||||
99 | HO’OKIPA | Barra de Navidad, MX | |||
Lisa & Lucky | |||||
100 | VOLARE | las hadas, 8 boats anchored | motored the holes | ||
Jessica & Adam | |||||
117 | PILIALOHA | Vessel is in Marina chahue – we are in Oahu Hawaii – happy to help any vessel en route | q 14 days strict inter island curfew in effect – 11 – 5 AM | ||
Rick & Maria | |||||
119 © | TRANCE | Shelter Island San Diego | |||
Dan & Marlene | |||||
121 | ANKYRIOS | Barra de Navidad, MX | |||
Dennis, Brandy & Crew | |||||
124 © | INDEPENDENCE | barefoot cay in roatan honduras | extendend the lockdown to the 19th of | groceries stores are full of supplies | police chief came back to the island with 12 officers with navy personell and got shipped back to – civil unrest – had extra security |
Larry & Jamie | |||||
125 | LILY ROWAN | chahue in marina all is well got fuel – next bay – a cat was thieves – next bay – impossible dream – | local supermarket is open well stocked – | ||
Jim & Zyanya | |||||
128 © | AMANDLA | Marina Pamleira in La Paz | here for the future | port restrictions – in la paz – 96 lock down is a rumor – stores | |
Lisa & Captain Fabio | |||||
129 © | NESHUMA | on the hard at mazatlan marina | |||
Carl & Cynthia | |||||
131 | MAR Y SOL | Marina Vallarta, MX | |||
Bob & Marisol | |||||
133 | BIG CITY FISH | Barra in Navidad | |||
Rick & Linda | |||||
138 | BLESSED LIFE | Bahia Herradura, CR | |||
Bob and Margie | |||||
143 © | SEA GLASS | rich boren – cruise hro – was news of a lockdown – lined up with easter weekend | preventing travel | have had problem in the mainland | home depot is open – strictly adherence to the rules |
Chris | |||||
147 | GRASSHOPPER | chiappas marina – plan to shelter in place | pool concrete foundation | local supplies – walmart – and home depot |
Jeffrey & Cheri | |||||
150 | MILAGRO | I’m still at Bahia Ballena CR with no crew planning to stay here for now | |||
Robert & crew | |||||
152 © | SUSIMI | Barra sheltering in place | |||
Paul & Hazel | |||||
155 © | LEILANI | in shelter bay marina – locked down for easter weekend – well secured – | |||
Richard & Tracy | |||||
161 © | SPREZZATURA | solo again crew left – left for florida – bocas del toro – stay for season | slight wrinkle – boat movement – they are relaxing the movement to allow anchorage to marina | ||
Eric | |||||
171 | GenM | san blas – mexico | weather window – story from milo – | ||
Marvin and Laurie | |||||
172 © | AMEKAYA | red frog marina – panama down the dock from alizann | planing to stay – had plans to go back to the states | ||
Maris and Linda | |||||
173 © | BISOU | anchored inbocas del toro town | planning to stay unitl Monday morning | ||
Robin and Tad | |||||
176 | REEF DANCER | Barra sheltering in place | dive sites in the area | ||
Jerry & Debra | |||||
178 | HAPPY DANCE | Leaving Panama – En route to Nicaragua | |||
Sue & Marty |
These regular Monday call will stay active until May 31st, 2020
We have over 140+ vessels in LINE and the calls are great and very efficient and the Chatroom is open 24/7
It’s a new way of doing things – please download and install LINE https://line.me/en-US/
Works on Android / ios / Windows / MAC OS
How to use it ….
– Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME
– Search for dietmarpetutschnig or SV Carinthia and send a message-
– wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE GROUP INVITE
– join the group chat
7) Hurricane and Lighting Season
From a long-term planning standpoint you now have 7 -12 weeks
before the begging of the North Pacific Hurricane season
– which typically does not have mayor storms starting until the end of July
– and runs through early November
For details and links please visit
8) Update departure from Panama , Shelter Bay Marina – to Twinn Dolphin Marina Bradenton, Florida
Tuesday morning we initiated exit paperwork from Panama with SV Litha(also Seattle flagged).
( we had pre-prepped for this push)
Our plan- get our exit paperwork from Panama and sail to Florida.
Step 1. Quarantined in place minimum of 14 days at Shelter Bay Marina. We did not leave the Marina premises. Although we did walk around the Marina using social distancing protocols.
Step 2. After the quarantine period, Marina manager requested and received a health certificate from the government.
Paraphrasing- it states we have been in a supervised quarantine at SBM in our named vessel, with no c-19 symptoms at any time or at present.
Step 3 – obtain a Zarpe, which required the health certificate. To get the Zarpe we were in a bit of a quandary. The Colon Port Captain said we needed to go to Colon to obtain the Zarpe. We did not want violate the quarantine so took that option off the table.
Since we had transited the canal, we had an agent Erick Galvez who had all our paperwork. We had previously contacted Erick and he said he couldn’t help us. The port captain suggested that Erick could use a VUMPA ( not sure but this appears to be an electronic request for Zarpe from a system canal agents have access to) Anyway, agent still claimed it was a two day process including a trip to Flamenco. After some additional inquiries and gentle proding and providing all paperwork again and the new health certificate. We received a Zarpe electronically.
Step 4. Print your Zarpe and present it to immigration. Fortunately SBM has an immigration office and again the SBM marina manager was a hero and requested that immigration return to the office for a second time in the same day to stamp our passports with the marine exit stamp.
Step 5. Now armed with our paperwork and an extra copy in case we are stopped by Aeronaval or other CG entity. Again JuanJo went to discuss our exit with the aeronaval station watch ( at the entrance to SBM) and advised that 2 vessels would be departing the marina and exiting the Canal Zone breakwater. ( there was a patrol at the canal/colon breakwater)
Step6. Execute the departure from the breakwater and head North. ( this was Tuesday 3/31 mid afternoon).
We are grateful and indebted for all the help from JuanJo at SBM for helping Blue Oasis and Litha get out of Panamá officially in one day.
Next Chapter the sail North, Blue Oasis covered 600nm to Grand Cayman arriving last evening 4/4 .
This was our personal longest non-stop double hand. But wait there is more.
Port of Caymans is closed for clearance. We knew this but they are providing fuel to private vessels in transit. The very nice port security also asked if we needled groceries. Barry plans to ask for Beer, Rum and ice!
Of course today is Sunday, no fuel til tomorrow morning Monday.
We plan to top up and proceed to the Yucatán straits then arc north on the gulf loop current towards Tampa. Next update in about a week. Thank you to fellow posse members for support through our satellite comms enroute. You know who you are. We are humbly appreciative.. will be sharing beer, rum, tequila when our paths cross again.
Our buddy boat Litha is out here too, they didn’t need to stop for fuel top up. So we’ll be chasing them tomorrow to the straits.
All the best to everyone on this uncharted journey we are all on.
Be patient, but focused, be kind, smile it goes a long way.
1400nm 11 nights 12 days at sea. Shelter Bay Marina Panama to Twinn Dolphin Marina Bradenton Florida. Amazing weather windows, nothing significant broke! All our repairs held. We carry 90gal diesel(including Jerry cans) sip it at 1 1/3 gal/ hour. Topped up fuel in Grand Cayman (closed port, but port captain was happy to have us hang on a mooring ball overnight and as long as we stayed on leave our vessel,Saturday the 4th) no fuel on Sunday. Saturday we scrapped our bottom free of barnacles from 5 weeks at SBM.
Monday the 6th we topped up. After a good mix of wind and current between Colon and Grand Cayman,600nm, there was only 4-5 knots directly behind us up to the Yukatan straits. Motor on. So we wanted to make sure we had enough fuel to cross the Gulf of Mexico if the wind continued to be uncooperative.
We swung into Isla Mujeres for literally a 1 hour stop at the fuel dock. Our great buddy boat Bonzai arranged for us to get fuel (va & ven) and few much appreciated fresh fruits and veg.
From Isla Mujeres we caught the emerging Gulf Stream North into the deep part of the Gulf. 10 hour spinnaker run, followed by a fast 13 hour reach. Almost 24 hours with no engine at all. Tremendous. Due to a cold front from south US we angled to Ft Meyers, to foot the knock. We were 3nm from the coast waiting for the knock…. 1am Saturday, there it was , like we ordered it. The wind clocked right around to the North to North East off shore. Tack to the Mark!!!! The rest of the night was a beautiful off shore sail 15-20 app Kts, close reach, with the din of USA starboard. Sunrise over longboat key! We made it!
Barry and Kathy
Blue Oasis
9) Uninvited Visitor of the Week
Barry and Kathy
Blue Oasis
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