FLEET UPDATE 2018-04-22
FLEET UPDATE 2018 – 04 – 22
1) Save the date MAY 1st, IGY Golfito Marina Village, Panama Posse Party
Thanks to the efforts of Maikol and Andy
we are going to have a proper event – so make your way to
Golfito – Costa Rica
Special Rates for all Panama Posse vessels or anchor out
VHF 17
+506 2775-3000 +506 8360-5464igy-golfitomarina.com maikol@golfitomv.comacaballero@igymarinas.com
08ยฐ 38.2442 N 083ยฐ 10.22 W
2) DAD’S DREAM – Costa Rica
Fish Hook Anchorage
Just off the marina and wifi
โจCemetery in background, depth and way point below
08 37.154 N 083 09.157 W @ 30 feet
Rick & Brenda
3) CARINTHIA – Costa Rica
Here is a new anchorage for all to try in the upper Golfo Dulce –
called Monkey Bay ( Suzanne’s favorite anchorage thus far )
You are surrounded by nature – monkey’s in the trees on the beach
and howling from high above with Macaws flying by.
Tuck in close as the Golfo Dulce is very deep and it drops off
fast. As an extra bonus thsi remote location has 4G coverage.
Suzanne & Dietmar
4) Manuel Antonio Park – Costa Rica
The Park is a real treasure, amazing wild life, nicely paved,
beautiful beaches and nice town with provisions
Upon approach please raise the Park Ranger on VHF 16
Please pay the fees at the park entrance – one of our vessel got
into trouble for a prior vessel’s reported breaking of these
They even impounded their kayak and it took hours of negotiating
to prove to the Rangers that it was not them.
Even when the park is closed the park has eyes and ears.
1) anchorage fee is 8 USD ( simply buy extra local tickets
valued at 8 USD and pay it that way – this saves you a trip to the
bank – show the ranger those stubs )
2) per person park access fee 16 USD x day
3) enjoy the sloths monkeys and wildlife
4/19/2018 11:59 AM UTC
Position: 22ยฐ53.06’N 084ยฐ15.74’W
Course: 055T
SOG: 8.0
Wind: 8.0
It’s a glorious morning at sea. Clear skies 2-3′ seas on the nose
and very little wind as we make our way up the northern coast of
Cuba. All in all a pretty good ride. Haven’t seen hide nor hair of
the Gulfstream yet but I expect we’ll pick it up sometime today.
Crew is well, boat is well and nobody and nothing is getting
cranky. It’s getting to be kind of a boring cruise just the way we
like it……excitement at sea is not good! We are about 165 nm
southeast of Key West. Current ETA is 03:30 Friday. Time to go put
a fishing line in the water, maybe we’ll get lucky. Cheers,
4/19/2018 12:00 AM UTC
Position: 21ยฐ43.14’N 085ยฐ12.94’W
Course: 001T
SOG: 8.0
Wind: 10.4
We are about 1/2 way through our journey to bring CrossRoads back
to the USA (someplace she ha not been since 2015). All is well
here,with a still lumpy but not too bad sea. No boat problems and
the crew seems to be feeling a bit better,which seems to make them
less conducive to the Captain’s orders. Go figure! We are
currently transiting the Yucatan Channel between Cuba and Mexico.
LOTS of ship traffic through here. We were recently tracking 7
targets heading our way. Fortunately we have lots of electronic
gizmos to help with this and so far we have managed to avoid any
close encounters ofv the big ship kind. i slowed us down a bit so
that we will arrive at our destination closer to daylight. Cheers,
Stan & Diane
6) MANU KAI – Mexico
Manu Kai update:Our land travel adventures. Chiapas, San
Cristobal, Tonina Ruins, Agua Azul, Pelenque, Tikal and Flores.
We are currently on our way to Antigua after a breakdown on the
bus our 9 hour bus ride in now 12 and counting. Kids are
troopers and taking in the experience. Hope to be back to the
boat in Chiapas by Tuesday. Missing sea level.
Thor, Tanya & Crew
7) CHANTEY – Mexico
Need to source new VHF cable and antenna. Anyone found marine
electronics in Acapulco, Huatulco, Chiapas?
(note: “Steren” – a Mexican version of Radio Shack can help –
they have all sorts of connectors and will solder up wires for
you )
Ivan & Jane
8) RAVEN – El Salvador
After a very stressful passage, Raven is comfortably resting in
Bahia Del Sol, El Salvador. We intend to spend the summer here
fixing the things that broke along the way. If there are any Posse
boats still behind us, PM me if you might be willing to do us a
favor in Chiapas.
Tally, Neil & Jan
9 ) COLMENA – Nicaragua
Colmena has retreated back to Corinto after trying to battle 30
knots right on the nose heading south. I’m bruised but not beaten.
Hoping to catch a break and continue on in the coming days.
from the Panama Posse ambassador Ralph Hewitt in San Juan Del Sur)
“Come on down to San Juan
del Sur and contact me, www.parkavenuevillas.com,
got little over a week ago from Guaymas Mexico down to
San Juan del with EAGLE DANCER, Ericson 38 to replace
one destroyed by hurricane Nate in October used for
our youth program in San Juan del Sur”
– there are several reports indicating looting,
people getting shot and general civil unrest in
Nicaragua – especially Managua
– please take precautions and stay safe
10) EASY – Panama
Type error! Should have read much of Panama has NO cell
Friday April 20. I have been doing the net almost everyday. Was
not able to post it here but it was more or less the same
everyday. Most all days no contact was made. Don’t know if anyone
has made contact where ever you are. I’m impressed Xenia was able
to reach Interlude from El Salvador.
So hope we have some good nets ahead.
Interlude and Easy are going to try and make Vista Mar Marina
If you have been trying the SSB Net thank you and don’t give up.
Sunday April 22 – Anchored down wind last night about 11:30 pm.
N 08 25.260 W 079 58.177 in 34′
12′ foot tide here.
Made way to marina this morning. Easy is in a slip for 6 months
11) MYLA – Panama
We are happy to say that Myla is up and running again. Our
overheating was caused by more than one issue, so tracking it down
was a trial and error exercise, and a trial of patience. The inner
cooler that was supposed to have been boiled and cleaned four
months ago in La Paz wasnโt. Right along with the alternator
rebuild, that we had to replace, too. Moral of the story is to not
trust that what is said is being done is indeed being done. Thanks
Chris and Larry from Respite for the Hail Mary assist. Also great
mechanic in Panama is Marcelo Suarez with Seaโs Engines
507-6881-0638. We transit on Monday!
Julie & John
(need your pictures)
Roger & CrewSV MARAKAI #77
John & Lucy
13) SSB Panama Posse Net Reminder 1300 UTC ( 7 am local time ) on 8297 Mhz usb and introduce
yourselves to net control
14) The first Panama Posse season will come to a close in June –
The final Panama Posse arrival celebration is scheduled for Wed
May 23rd at the Vista Mar Marina.
Please gather your thoughts and plan to set aside some time to
fill out our upcoming survey.
Next years’ posse will gather in Barra de Navidad – starting in
October with planning seminars in mid November.
Slips are 50% off for monthly rates in October & November or
anchor in the large lagoon.
– there are 20 vessel signed up already
and SV Danika has signed up to do it again.
To reserve a slip for next year’s Posse please contact
Harbormaster Secundino Alvarez at the stunning Isla de la Navidad
314 3379014
15) Picture of the Week
Agape – Manuel Antonio National Park – Costa Rica
Joshua & Rachel
Keep em coming –