FLEET UPDATE 2018-02-06

Fleet Update

1. SV Utopia
– Welcome to the Panama Posse  Australian Flagged – They are part of counter posse ( heading up the coast ) โ€จ


2. Volante III โ€จCheckout my current location http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=15.76344,-96.12164&ll=15.76344,-96.12164&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 โ€จAll five Panama Posse boats in Huatulco enjoying Fish Taco Friday.

1. Carinthia – Nicaragua & the Papagayos – They are not to be trifled with and operate as far north as the Golf de Fonseca and as far south as the Golfo de Papagayo (Costa Rica)  in addition to very strong gusts they also bring squalls with them – at first we left from Marina Puesta del Sol thinking weโ€™d have 12-15 knots but gusts and short steep chop quickly made this a tough beat – the wind gusts pipe up to 2x+ forcast. โ€จOn our trip down from the lovely marina we stopped  at these anchorages – there are many more you can choose though .โ€จ

Puerto Sandino Outer Anchorage โ€จ


El Astillero


Bahia Nacasolo


Each day the gusts became stronger 32 knots day one  35 knots day two and 38 knots on day three as we approached San Juan del Sur – but we did hug the beach and where double reefed – this is a  similar strategy to the Tuhantapec crossings but the gusts are much more violent.

The good news is you have plenty of spots to tuck into – be aware that some have packed sand over lava rock so the holding is not guaranteed – especially at Ocotal Bay
Robert from Marina Puesta del Sol holds their August Marlin Fishing Tournaments there- do not anchor there during these Papagayos.

Always back up on your anchor hard and inspect your bridle for chafe after each night.

Longlines and Pangas are prevalent day and night – we did see whales again and dolphins – longlines are remarked with anything from a floating plastic water bottles and inflated white bags – so watch out.

The Nicaraguan coastline is beautiful – and it is rare that you can see an active volcano from your anchorage


The coast’s proximity to Lake Nicaragua and associated weather comes with a price.
On a final note some of the capes have considerable shoaling – these are marked on the charts
and come up fast so watch your depth sounder.

4. Xenia
Posse update! Xenia has been in Puerto Escondido for 3 days! We put the Dingy near Dannyโ€™s Terrace provisioned, and watched super bowl here. Very clean and awesome town!! Dannyโ€™s Terrace is so awesome and good grinds (food). Leaving to Puerto Angel tomorrow.

Is there a way to access the anchorage/marina info offline? I’m trying to do some route planning… But our internet in Panama’s San Blas is so bad, can’t load it… And that’s not changing until we get to the canal late this month! 

6. Waponi Woo
is in Zihuatanejo for the next few weeks while a crewman is out of the country.  If you are around, swing by to say hello.

7. Laura Dawn Hola Possee. We are looking for experiences with Yellow Fever requirements. Our understanding is that if you visit Panama (even if you stay in the non endemic area near the canal) and then try to enter another country, you risk not being given entry unless you have evidence of vaccination. Has anyone run into this? If so, are vaccines readily available in Panama? ( short answer YES available )


8. Myla arriving in El Salvador

9) MY CROSSROADS – Costa Rica

We are busy touring inland in the Monteverde Cloud Forest.
Onward to Arenaul Volcano and La Fortuna tomorrow.
The boatโ€™s in Quepos. Hope you catch up with us! We miss the Posse!

10) if you enjoy these fleet updates please participate – either posting to


group or via email back to this address and please remember not everyone uses the facebook

Panama Posse