By Josea Descheemaeker age 11

Hermit crabs combing the beach in French Polynesia

You probably see these creatures on every beach you go to and every time you go snorkeling.  Hermit  crabs can live in the water and on land due to the fact that they breath through gills.

Hermit crabs names are very deceiving for several reasons:

  1. As opposed to being hermits that prefer to always be alone, hermit crabs are vary social with other hermit crabs.  Hermit crabs live and walk easily among their kind, over and under their kind, eating shell to shell in groups sometimes.
  2. They are more shy than hermit like.  They are quick to hide in their shell when as little as a shadow passes over them.
  3. Hermit crabs are more closely related to spiders and scorpions than crabs,

The reason people put Hermit in their name is because they carry their homes

everywhere they go . Hermit crabs are vary picky about what shells they live in and they switch shells when they grow too big for the one they are living in.  Sadly, now some Hermit crabs use plastic bottle caps and other Plastic  things as homes.

This hermit crab is using a plastic bottle cap as a 'shell'

Many Hermit crabs love to decorate their shells.  Hermit crabs can lift things 10 times their weight . Despite a hermit crab's size they Typically live up to 30 years in the wild and some live  up to  60 years. There are about 500 Species of hermit crabs all over the world And with a lot of colors blues reds whites And oranges And sometimes all of those colors on one hermit crab.  Some colors can be very bright.

Hermit crabs have many predators too such as big crabs, birds, and fish that keep the hermit crab population down.  Hermit cards eat pretty much anything they can fined and from my experience they love coconut.

These Hermit crabs are in Mexico eating side by side until the coconut meat was completely gone.

Believe it or not hermit crabs and coconut crabs are closely related.  While hermit crabs live in shells their entire life, coconut crabs only live in shells when they are young.

My Experience

Hermit crabs are very shy animals.  When you get to close to them they retreat into their shells.  When I put a hermit crab on my hand most will be very eager to run off and get away from me.  It is a rare hermit crabs, typically the bigger ones, that will try to pinch me.  Do not be deceived by their small size, they have very large claws and it hurts a lot when they pinch you.  If you are hiking off the beach and when you’re still close to the beach, you can sometimes find hermit crabs clinging to the tree.  If you’re taking a shell from the beach look very closely and make sure there’s not a hermit crab in it.  At 1st glance some shells look like they don’t have any hermit crabs in them but the small hermit crab sometimes get in  shells way too big for them and it’s very hard to see them so look very closely.  This has happened to me sometimes and I have accidentally brought a  hermit crab in their shells back to the boat. If there's a shy hermit crab that you want out of the shell you can cup it in your hands and breathe onto them. This typically coaxes them out because of the warmth of your breath but there are some that are just too scared and they won't come out.

A great way to find hermit crabs is to get down close to the sand at the beach and just start looking. This is something my family and I do a lot.  We definitely found hermit crabs here in Costa Rica.

SY WHIRLWIND 🇺🇸 Maurisa, Mike, Russell & Josea – Alajuela 48’




PredictWind began sponsoring the Panama Posse in 2021.  As of Season 8 PredictWind is extending their sponsorship to the entire Ocean Posse and is offering four seminars over the next 6 months.


The upcoming seminar dates are as follows:

  • WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23rd, 2024     @ 15:30  US PACIFIC TIME
  • THURSDAY DECEMBER 5,  2024           @  14:30 US PACIFIC TIME
  • MONDAY FEB 2, 2025                           @ 14:30  US PACIFIC TIME
  • MONDAY MARCH 17 2025                  @ 14:30   US PACIFC TIME

PredictWind supports the Ocean Posse with free tracking and a 20 % Discount off our pro packages – to claim your discount please login and email asking for your Ocean Posse discount.  Please include your vessel name and email address.  The discount will be credited back.

MUST SEE: 🇵🇫 Taputapuātea on Ra’iātea Island, French Polynesia

MUST SEE: 🇵🇫 Taputapuātea on Ra’iātea Island, French Polynesia

in 2017 UNESCO named Taputapuātea on Ra’iātea Island, French Polynesia a world heritage site for its outstanding universal value, exceptional testimony to 1,000 years of pre-colonial mā'ohi civilization, and central location in the 'Polynesian Triangle'.  The 'points' on the Polynesian triangle are New Zealand, Hawaii, and Rapa Nui.  Taputapuātea is in the very center of this triangle of oceanic islands.  Both the cultural landscape and seascape on Ra’iātea make this a unique and remarkable place one must see.  Taputapuātea is an area that goes from the mountains through forested valleys spanning across a portion of lagoon and coral reef and a strip of open ocean.  In the center is the Marae of Taputapuātea.

The dark rectangular stone space is part of the Taputapuātea Marae complex: a political, ceremonial and funerary center on the edge of the lagoon surrounding the island. photo credit: P.F. Amar

The Marae of Taputapuātea is considered to be the most sacred pre-colonial Polynesian archeological sites in French Polynesia. UNESCO describes this site as:

"dedicated to the god ‘Oro and the place where the world of the living (Te Ao) intersects the world of the ancestors and gods (Te Po). It also expresses political power and relationships. The rise in the importance of Taputapuātea among the marae on Raiatea and in the wider region is linked to the line of Tamatoa ari’i (chiefs) and the expansion of their power. Taputapuātea was the centre of a political alliance that brought together two widespread regions encompassing most of Polynesia. The alliance was maintained by regular gatherings of chiefs, warriors and priests who came from the other islands to meet at Taputapuātea. The building of outrigger canoes and ocean navigation were key skills in maintaining this network.

A traditional landscape surrounds both sides of the Taputapuātea marae complex. The marae complex looks out to Te Ava Mo'a, a sacred pass in the reef that bounds the lagoon. Atāra motu is an islet in the reef and a habitat for seabirds. Ocean-going arrivals waited here before being led through the sacred pass and formally welcomed at Taputapuātea. On the landward side, ’Ōpo’a and Hotopu’u are forested valleys ringed by ridges and the sacred mountain of Tea’etapu. The upland portions of the valleys feature older marae, such as marae Vaeāra’i and marae Taumariari, agricultural terraces, archaeological traces of habitations and named features related to traditions of gods and ancestors. Vegetation in the valleys is a mix of species, some endemic to Raiatea, some common to other Polynesian islands and some imported food species brought by ancient Polynesians for cultivation. Together, the attributes of the property form an outstanding relict and associative cultural landscape and seascape."

Throughout Polynesia the Marae are communal or sacred sites in village life. In order to build a marae in another location, it is said that one must start with a stone from Taputapuātea.  The marae are places with different functions.   They are places where the world of the living intersected with the world of village ancestors and Polynesian gods.  They are places where people gather for ceremony, dance, connecting with the past and with community.

People gather in the Taputapuatea marae for ceremony.  photo credit GIE Tourisme

This video is a product of the cumulative effort of cultural and historical groups presenting the significance of Taputapuātea in the past, the present, and for the future.

People navigated to and from Taputapuatea in the past and continue today.  photo credit GIE Tourisme
Fishing in the waters of Taputapuatea is a part of traditional life.  photo credit: A. Wickel
Marine biodiverity in Taputapuatea photo credit: D. Hazama
Coral shelf surrounding Taputapuatea photo credit: D. Hazama


Mountains of Taputapuatea photo credit: P.F. Amar



In traditional villages in Fiji Sevusevu is and has been the central component of all life-cycle rituals, social gatherings, healing ceremonies and community meetings.  Significant and ancient in Fiji, the “sevusevu” also marks the time and place for visitors to seek acceptance into a Fijian village.

In more formal settings, Sevusevu includes a complete performance where each male from the village has a specific role to play. Traditional attire is worn with pride, collected rain water is poured from bamboo shafts, pounded kava is strained through hibiscus bark and each bilo (drinking bowl from the half-shell of a coconut) is delivered deliberately and seriously in absolute silence (aside from the sound of deep ‘Cobo’ claps in acceptance and thanks of each ‘bilo’)

Every Sevusevu is not as formal as pictured above however there is a distinct and courteous process visitors must follow.  Further, understanding the significance of Sevusevu, respecting, and adhering to the tradition of this process helps to keep this aspect of Fijian Culture strong.

Longtime Ocean Posse member Chris on SV SEAGLUB has been living in Fiji for several years.   He shares the following about his experience with the Sevesevu:

In Fiji, when visiting smaller settlements, a visitor must seek out the village chief and present him with a small token or gift as a sign of respect and to ask permission to visit. This not only gives visitors permission to interact with the villagers but also to stay in the town and to visit any local scenery (such as beaches, waterfalls etc). Not doing so shows disrespect for their culture, but is also the equivalent of trespassing – for example pitching a tent in someone's backyard without permission.

‘Sevusevu’ is the name given to the actual gift or token that visitors present the chief with, most commonly a half-kilo bumdle of waka (kava root).  When arriving in the village, visitors should ask for the Turaga ni Koro (pronounced as too-ranga nee koro) or the village headman, as they usually have good English skills and will help with the translations. The headman will take visitors to the chief’s house for introduction. Remember no hats are to be worn once in the village and you should take your shoes off at the door before entering houses. Sitting cross legged on the floor, the kava root is then presented to the chief.

To ensure you are respectful of this important tradition, there are a few points of etiquette to follow. Firstly, everyone at the ceremony should dress in a sulu, which is a Fijian skirt regarded as their national dress. Women should also cover their shoulders. Men should sit cross-legged, ensuring that their sulu covers their knees, and women should sit with knees and feet together. Do not take photographs or videos throughout the ceremony, until the Turaga ni Koro lets you know that it’s okay to do so. Silence during the ceremony itself is crucial.

The ceremony itself is poignant. Afterwards you'll be welcomed as nothing less than family.

SV SEAGLUB 🇺🇸 Chris -Hylas 46'


Anchorage in Fulaga, Fiji




When the Posse throws a party there is rum, a pig roast, people come and have fun...

It's that simple and it happens every time.

Last weekend the Ocean Posse and Posse sponsor Nawi Island Marina hosted a party at Nawi Island Marina in Savusavu, Fiji. The South Pacific Islands are distinctly different and yet there are many similarities among the peoples ways of celebrating.  One such similarity is that celebratory feasting often involves the roasting (wither on a spit or more traditionally wrapped in banana leaves underground in a earthen pit) an entire animal....often a pig.  In Fiji, a traditional pig feast is called 'Lovo' (which refers to the earthen oven) and is often the meal that brings large groups of people together for celebrating births, funerals, marriages, welcoming or bidding farewell to visitors, and holidays such as Easter or Christmas.  Traditionally, women prepare the meat, men tend the earthen oven or fire, children play, and people are welcome to spend the time visiting and playing while the meal slowly cooks.  This method of gathering, cooking slowly, and feasting has been passed down from generation to generation as a living legacy of bonding the importance of relationships within a community.  Often other foods like seafoods, other meats, or vegetables are also cooked either in or near the earthen oven similarly wrapped in banana leaves to steam cook slowly.  The flavors become distinctly rich and flavorful.  When everything is unearthed or done cooking over coals, foods that were wrapped are unwrapped and are traditionally placed on banana leaves and presented buffet style accompanied by fresh squeezed coconut cream and other sauces.

SV WHIMSICAL IV shared their photos from the event:

Roast pig on a spit
Roast pig presented on banana leaves for the Feast.

Our Host: Nawi Island Marina
Traditional Dancing and Singing

Posse Members at the South Pacific Party in Nawi Island last week

SV WHIMSICAL IV 🇺🇸 Randy & Joanne - Catalina 470

The feast was wonderful.  There were about 80 people in attendance that enjoyed a night of good food, drinks, meeting new friends and deepening relationships.



Certain Papers are required for entering and exiting new countries. Be Prepared.
Roatan Port Captains' office.

Leaving ones home waters and entering a new country is certainly a big change and there are many essential details not to forget.  Checklists are handy tools for preparing for Entry and Exit Requirements.  Beyond the obvious boat essentials like checking your systems, having safety equipment onboard, topping your fluids, and changing your zincs, please see the checklist below for details not to be forgotten when setting out on a long distance voyage with the Ocean Posse.

  • If an EPIRB is onboard a US flagged vessel, register it with the NOAA.  Before leaving confirm that all information is current.  This includes vessel name, your primary phone number, emergency contact name/s and address/es:
  • A Ship Stations License is required by the FCC for travelling in international territories:
  • Make sure the MMSI number of your vessel is registered in your name:
  • Have your boat documentation or registration up to date and in order.  NOTE: most countries (and the Panama Canal Authorities) are requiring international navigation documentation indicating nationality and ownership over state registration.  Check with your destination country.
  • If the boat is documented or registered in the name of someone not present or the name of a business or organization: a letter notarized by the documented vessel owner authorizing the captain and crew to be operating the vessel is required to enter other countries (and transit the Panama Canal).  It is imperative to have both the original and copies of all notarized documents.
  • Depending on the country you enter you will buy a Temporary Import Permit which allows the vessel to enter the country.  This is an important document to keep with the vessel the entire time in the country of entry.  This document is also required upon exiting many countries.
  • Current passport for everyone onboard ideally good for the duration of your stay abroad.
  • Many countries require a Crew List upon entry which states everyone onboard, their Date of Birth, their rank on the vessel and their passport number.
  • If navigating into Mexico, Mexican Liability Insurance is required to Navigate in Mexican waters.
  • If navigating in Mexico, the captain is required to show a boaters education card, ASA certification, or a captains license upon exiting the country.
  • Outside of the United States, when exiting one country and entering another you will need an authorized document of exit (called a zarpe throughout Central America) from one country in order to enter the next country.
  • Wherever you go along the route, be prepared for entry and exit requirements and seasonal changes.

It is not entirely uncommon for requirements to vary port to port.  The best practice is to be prepared with everything and not be asked for them than to be asked for something you do not have.

Adventure calls.




Scootering in the South Pacific Sunshine

SV VIVA is in French Polynesia in the South Pacific.  Their recent report shares a few different ways to explore the islands of Moorea and Tahiti:

We rented a scooter and toured the island of Moorea yesterday and did a 9-mile hike up to Belvedere and back on the 3-cocotier trail a few days ago...found many amazing views. Today, we took the ferry across to Tahiti at 7 am, rented a scooter and toured the whole island with several beautiful stops along the way.  We sprinkled this tour with some provisioning that we could fit in backpacks and boxes on our rented scooter.

Great Views of Mountains.
The home of the scooter
Great views of cerulean water

VIVASweet bike lane!

SV VIVA 🇺🇸 Pierre & Marie - Amel 52'


Adventurous and Practical!  Thank you for sharing VIVA!




In spite of living in the age of information, there are many unsolved mysteries in the world yet.  These are mysteries that may not ever be solved.  Nonetheless, there have always been and will always be people unsettled with not knowing, asking questions, seeking answers, inventing theories, proposing possible solutions, and testing ideas.  The question of human migration is one such mystery shrouded in many theories that do not all agree thereby leaving the definitive explanation as elusive as sailors plans written in the sand at low tide.

Inside the Raroia atoll today where Kon Tiki made landfall after drifting across the ocean from S. America
SY O2🇧🇪  Luc & Viviane –  Fountaine Pajot 42′

The story of Thor Heyerdahl can be found in books, museums, and in movies.  He was born in Norway in 1914 and grew into an inquisitive and adventurous archeologist, geologist, ethnographer.  He is most known for proposing, testing, and potentially proving his theory of human migration from South America to Polynesia.  He surmised that Polynesia was actually populated from the east by Indigenous South Americans who drifted aboard balsawood rafts across the ocean.  He sought to prove his theory by building a balsawood raft, which he named Kon-Tiki, lashing it together with natural materials as it may have been, setting out to sea, and drifting to Polynesia.  However, in the spring of 1947, Kon-Tiki, Thor, and her crew put out to sea in search of ocean current that runs west from South America to Polynesia.  After 101 days alone at sea, Heyerdahl completed his so-called Kon-Tiki expedition, leaving the world in awe.  Kon-Tiki and her crew crashed into the eastern side of the Raroai Atoll in the Tuamotus in French Polynesia.  Thor met few scholars who supported this theory of Polynesian settlement stemming from South America then or even now.   However, his drift theory has been looked to by some as a testament to oceans as conduits for cultural transmission.


Kon Tiki and crew making landfall from the ocean side of Raroia Atoll in 1947

Set among a million shades of blue, a beautiful anchorage and a small monument to the Kon-Tiki expedition can be found on the inside of the Raroia Atoll in the Tuamotus.

Surrounded in blues



On every passage there are sail changes and shifts that go smoothly or even better than expected...and then there are the surprises.  Some surprises are more or less demanding than others.  Our most recent surprise underway gave Captain Mike the opportunity to go up the mast in the middle of the ocean under clear blue skies over gentle 2 meter seas.

His thought was, "I'd rather see what it's like now under these conditions in case I have to consider going up the mast in anything else."  

Here's what happened:

Last week, we sailed from the Marquesas to the Tuamotus.  Conditions were excellent; we decided to go dead downwind and fly our Main and Jib wing and wing.  We poled out the jib, adjusted our course, set the main, and put a preventer on it.  The boat felt rock solid sliding down waves and sailing at 9-10 knots.

SV WHIRLWIND sailing wing and wing

The wind slacked, we shook out the reef and sailed for maybe 5 more minutes before we heard a "floosh" sound and SURPRISE our mainsail lay a limp pile on the boom.

One moment we are sailing 10.6knots...the next we lost over half our sail area and over half our speed.

After minimal discussion, Mike went up the mast to retrieve the halyard.  He used his ascenders on one of our spinnaker halyards and we backed it up with our second headsail halyard.  At the second spreaders we swapped and he was raised the rest of the way on the headsail halyard and the spinnaker halyard was his backup.  Now with all these halyards, where is the backup main halyard?  THAT and a backup mizzen halyard are now on our list.  Had we had a backup main halyard we could have waited to ascend the mast on anchor instead of underway.  Hindsight is indeed 20:20!

NOTE: While the hull was rocking in 2 meter seas, the top of the mast was swaying maybe 20' or more from side to side.  Good thing he loves a wild ride because at the top he had to hang on with all his might.

Once down with the skied halyard, we found that the shackle had opened, the main twisted out, and bent the shackle arms open.  We fixed that, reattached the halyard to the sail, raised the main.

Mike's Take-away:

"It was about what I expected.  The hardest thing was staying on the mast.  I would definitely not want to go up in anything more than that without more in place to make it maybe some mast steps or a better climbing set-up."

SV WHIRLWIND Mike, Maurisa, Russell, & Josea - Alajuela 48



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POSSE PERK: 🗺️ Free aid to navigation 150 Gb OpenCPN satellite charts (mac/pc/android)

POSSE PERK: 🗺️ Free aid to navigation

150 Gb OpenCPN satellite charts (mac/pc/android)

PLUS vetted tracks to safe anchorages

Ocean Posse member SV Whirlwind's navigation station prepping to enter Raroia, Tuamotus.  Three data sets: Radar (top left), Navionics with satellite overlan (bottom left), & OpenCPN (Bottom right) with vetted tracks overlayed on satellite chart to follow safe route through the Raroia Atoll in the Tuamotus.

Open CPN is a chartplotter navigation software that allows mariners to upload multiple charts and satellites images that can be overlayed on one another to confirm what one sees (or does not see) with the chart.  It is a huge departure from the days of early explorers that navigated by compass, distant accounts, clouds, and stars.  Open CPN takes navigating to a whole different level filled with information.  Ocean Posse members have access to relavent Open CPN Charts and Files that aid navigation and keep vessels and crews safer on the water.  SV Whirlwind used Open CPN above to navigate an entrance through a passage in a reef into an atoll.

They went from this:

Outside the Atoll the open Ocean

To This:


Mike setting floats on our anchor chain in Raroia, Tuomotus

Ocean Posse members have access to Open CPN Charts, tracks, and How to Seminars


*IMPORTANT OpenCPN Version 5.10.0 was released August 10, 2024*

5.10.0 is a service/maintenance version to 5.8.4.

OpenCPN 5.10.0 series contains some new features and improvements "under the hood". Many of these changes make OpenCPN work even better.

Among them are:

- Grib plugin adds direct GRIB file download capability from multiple online resources.
- Enhanced native NMEA2000 network interface capability from numerous third party gateway devices.
- Update core wxWidgets support to wx3.25.
- Full support for Flatpak on virtually all linux distributions, for both x86 and Arm64 architectures.
- Native support for generic Debian linux distributions, particularly plugin system.
- Improved OpenGL graphics support and performance on all platforms.
- Incorporated extensive user feedback to resolve various UI flaws and functional errors.
- Improved embedded User Manual, mirroring evolving online Wiki presentation.
- Improved reliability and stability across all platforms.

It can be downloaded at