Laurent & Sylvie

Hello, new to (Ocean) Posse, we are Sylvie & Laurent, French sailors on (SV) SALAVIDA, a Garcia Exploration 45. (We sailed) in 2021 from France to Tahiti through Canarias, Cape Verde, Caribbean, Colombia, Guna Yala, Panama canal, Galapagos, Marquesas, Gambier and Tuamotu. We then left French Polynesia in 2023 to Hawaii, Alaska, British Columbia, US West Coast, Mexico Sea of Cortez with the project for 2025 to visit Pacific Mexico & Central America.
Fun Fact: Salavida gets her name from a song (Violeta Parra’s Chilean Song reinterpreted by Joan Baez) and a tongue twister: « Gracias a la vida » became « Garcia Salavida »
Have a good day

SV SALAVIDA Laurent & Sylvie - Garcia “Exploration 45”
Michael & Linda
We are Linda & Michael on SV Sailacious, a 2008 Leopard 46. We are new to the posse. We plan to cross the Panama canal in December and hang out on the Pacific side for a while and then head over to French Polynesia.
SV SAILACIOUS 🇺🇸 Michael & Linda – Roberson and Caine 46′


SV RESOLUTE 🇺🇸 Mike – SGA 43’
Caleb & Kesami

Hello everyone, I think I’m supposed to introduce myself. We are Caleb and Kesami aboard SV Pythia, a 1995 Beneteau “Farr” 50 currently in Barra de Navidad. Our original plan was to head west to Polynesia, but dog passports and shots with sometimes weeks between ports made us change our mind for the sake of my 10 year old pup Aster. We think she would prefer to go through the Canal and have many more chances to go ashore as well as being closer to home in case we need assistance in that regard. Glad to be here and connect with other pet owners perhaps!
PYTHIA’S pup is a gently puppy of 10 years old. She loves to run and play with other pups and tearing around beaches.

SY PYTHIA 🇺🇸 Caleb& Kesami – Beneteau Farr 50
Carine & Crew

Hi, I am Captain Carine Bullock about to take on my biggest journey, yet. I have a Nordhavn 47 trawler and I will be departing Ensenada, MX on or around November 24 for Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia. I have owned Downshifting since 2009, with my husband until 2013, when he passed. Since 2013, I have cruised the Atlantic from Maine to Key West, Bahamas to Grenada and west to Bonaire. Crew has been friends, family and folks I have met through the various forums.
In Feb 2024, I left Florida for Panama, transited the canal and prepared to cross to French Polynesia. After hitting a roadblock from FP BIOSECURITY regarding my two Bahamian rescue dogs, Abaco and Chloe, I headed for Mexico. Now, out here on the western edge of Mexico I am doing a different crossing than planned, one of the shorter routes to Nuku Hiva, about 2700 nm and at a non traditional time. I have a long stay visa and will be spending cyclone season in parts of FP, north and east of the cyclone belt.
MV DOWNSHIFTING 🇺🇸 Carine – Nordhaven 47’
Bent & Andrea
Ahoy! We are Bent and Andrea, a sailing couple from Germany, on the water with our Outremer 45 SV ONE PIECE since March 2022. When we first set sail, our idea was a one year Atlantic Circle only, but as you can guess the adventurous sailing and beautiful boat life caught us for a much longer journey and we’re not done yet! We sailed the Mediterranean first and crossed the Atlantic with the ARC+ in 2022 to explore the Caribbean next. In the beginning, Bent was a much more experienced sailor and Andrea a greenhorn. After the first year of learning and becoming familiar with everything about the boatlife and several exciting adventures, we both felt tied together as a sailing team and with our boat, too. So it was a romantic and lovely decision to get married on our SV ONE PIECE in December 2023 in Grenada, exactly where we reached land after our first Atlantic Crossing!

Last season we sailed the beautiful Virgin Islands, Turks- and Caicos Islands and then the Bahamas and put a sparkling highlight on it by sailing up to New York and drop our anchor directly behind the Statue of Liberty. We left SV ONE PIECE for Hurricane Season in the Chesapeake Bay and here we are again: ready to go for the Pacific! Happy about being part of the Pacific Posse and looking forward meeting you!
SV ONE PIECE 🇩🇪 Bent & Andrea – Outremer 45

Caleb & Kesami

Hello everyone, I think I’m supposed to introduce myself. We are Caleb and Kesami aboard SV Pythia, a 1995 Beneteau “Farr” 50 currently in Barra de Navidad. Our original plan was to head west to Polynesia, but dog passports and shots with sometimes weeks between ports made us change our mind for the sake of my 10 year old pup Aster. We think she would prefer to go through the Canal and have many more chances to go ashore as well as being closer to home in case we need assistance in that regard. Glad to be here and connect with other pet owners perhaps!
PYTHIA’S pup is a gently puppy of 10 years old. She loves to run and play with other pups and tearing around beaches.

SY PYTHIA 🇺🇸 Caleb& Kesami – Beneteau Farr 50
Carine & Crew

Hi, I am Captain Carine Bullock about to take on my biggest journey, yet. I have a Nordhavn 47 trawler and I will be departing Ensenada, MX on or around November 24 for Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia. I have owned Downshifting since 2009, with my husband until 2013, when he passed. Since 2013, I have cruised the Atlantic from Maine to Key West, Bahamas to Grenada and west to Bonaire. Crew has been friends, family and folks I have met through the various forums.
In Feb 2024, I left Florida for Panama, transited the canal and prepared to cross to French Polynesia. After hitting a roadblock from FP BIOSECURITY regarding my two Bahamian rescue dogs, Abaco and Chloe, I headed for Mexico. Now, out here on the western edge of Mexico I am doing a different crossing than planned, one of the shorter routes to Nuku Hiva, about 2700 nm and at a non traditional time. I have a long stay visa and will be spending cyclone season in parts of FP, north and east of the cyclone belt.
MV DOWNSHIFTING 🇺🇸 Carine – Nordhaven 47’
Bent & Andrea
Ahoy! We are Bent and Andrea, a sailing couple from Germany, on the water with our Outremer 45 SV ONE PIECE since March 2022. When we first set sail, our idea was a one year Atlantic Circle only, but as you can guess the adventurous sailing and beautiful boat life caught us for a much longer journey and we’re not done yet! We sailed the Mediterranean first and crossed the Atlantic with the ARC+ in 2022 to explore the Caribbean next. In the beginning, Bent was a much more experienced sailor and Andrea a greenhorn. After the first year of learning and becoming familiar with everything about the boatlife and several exciting adventures, we both felt tied together as a sailing team and with our boat, too. So it was a romantic and lovely decision to get married on our SV ONE PIECE in December 2023 in Grenada, exactly where we reached land after our first Atlantic Crossing!

Last season we sailed the beautiful Virgin Islands, Turks- and Caicos Islands and then the Bahamas and put a sparkling highlight on it by sailing up to New York and drop our anchor directly behind the Statue of Liberty. We left SV ONE PIECE for Hurricane Season in the Chesapeake Bay and here we are again: ready to go for the Pacific! Happy about being part of the Pacific Posse and looking forward meeting you!
SV ONE PIECE 🇩🇪 Bent & Andrea – Outremer 45

Jean-Phillip (JP) & Nicole

Nicole and Jean-Philippe have been cruising together on SV Pathfinder, a Lagoon 39, for 5 years. Mexico was their home base for several seasons. After joining the Panama Posse they expanded their horizons, literally, and cruised all down the Pacific coast of Central America to South America. They made Ecuador their home base for 7 months and enjoyed the full year sailing season because of the Southern Hemisphere. Nicole and JP share a passion for traveling and both speak Spanish which is a special bond in their relationship. They met because of an airplane flight so they believe in magic and continue to believe in it while living on the water. Pathfinder is their full time home. But also they absolutely love land travel and meeting people in new countries. The Panama Posse and now the Ocean Posse is their source for current, invaluable information, and discounts that enhance and extend their boat lifestyle. This enables them to continue sailing and making the world their home. Taking the time to discover each location, this is Pathfinder!
SY PATHFINDER 🇺🇸 Jean-Philippe & Nicole – Lagoon 39′

Nicole, Keenan, & pup Jack
We are Nicole and Keenan on SY MAISON DE SANTÉ. We left San Diego on October 31, 2019 and had a few months of cruising fun before Covid. We decided to spend lockdown in Barra de Navidad, Mexico. Following COVID lockdown, we continued sailing Pacific Mexico for about 2 amazing years hopping our way down the coast after some time in the Sea of Cortez. SY MAISON DE SANTÉ crossed the El Salvador bar in 2023 before heading to Costa Rica where we spent 9 months enjoying the sights both by land and sea. Then in 2024, we continued our journey southward to Panama. We spent some time exploring the Secas, Coiba and the Perlas before crossing the Panama Canal in January from the Pacific to the Atlantic side. After crossing, we spent about 3 months in San Blas Islands before thunderstorms shuffled us west to Bocas Del Toro, where we are presently. We will be in Bocas del Toro until hurricane season is over. Next year we plan to visit Colombia, Roatan, Belize and the East Coast US. Being part of the Posse has been a great experience in meeting other adventurous and like-minded people.
SY MAISON DE SANTÉ 🇺🇸 Nicole & Keenan – Cal 2-46′

Kyle & Leah
We’re Leah & Kyle from Victoria, BC, sailing around the world… very slowly. We’ve lived aboard our current sailboat, a 1980 Gulfstar 44, for 6 years with our 2 cats and a dog. We’ve sailed through glaciers in Alaska, anchored in uninhabited Canadian islands, through the Mexican desert, explored Costa Rica and transited the Panama canal this last season to explore the beautiful Caribbean chain. We’re currently in Aruba and making our way back to Panama to head across the Pacific to the Philippines to pick up our new catamaran in January 2026.

SY JUBEL 🇨🇦 Leah & Kyle – Gulfstar 44′

Kristin & Fabio
Hello! We are Kristin, Fabio and Yoda Potenti sailing and living aboard our Seawind 1600 (52 ft) catamaran, Wanderlust. Our journey began in 2020 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. After sailing the U.S. east coast up to Mt. Desert, Maine and down to the Bahamas we sailed to Panama, spent time in San Blas then transited the Panama Canal. We crossed the Pacific to Marquesas in March/April of 2023 and spent just over a year in French Polynesia.
This year in June we sailed to Fiji where we cruised for a couple months and will soon be sailing down to New Zealand for cyclone season. We’re documenting the journey on our YouTube channel Harbors Unknown, love to dive, hike, cook, meet new people and learn about different cultures. We hope to see you on the water!
SY WANDERLUST 🇺🇸 Kristin, Fabio, & dog Yoda – Seawind 1600
Chris & Su

Chris and Su are living their dream aboard their 2008 Leopard 40 Catamaran, Cosmos! Over the past few years, they have worked tirelessly to make it safer and more comfortable for their around-the-world journey. Chris has handled major installations including new solar panels, batteries, electronics, and induction cooktop, and even a dishwasher. Su, on the other hand, took up sewing and began installing vinyl flooring. One of Su’s biggest complaints about living on a boat was that her feet were always sore. After installing the vinyl flooring the difference was so incredible that they became dealers of Infinity LMW, offering the same comfort to other cruisers. Su did not stop there. She continued sewing custom bug screens, dinghy chaps, helm cover, grill cover, outboard motor cover, and even salon cushions. All this work has improved both comfort and live-ability aboard Cosmos.
Their love story began in Bonaire during the pandemic. Su was running Treasures By the Sea, her vacation rental business while Chris, drawn to the island during the global shutdown, found it a perfect escape. Together, they set sail for the Leeward Islands before deciding to fully commit to their dream of circumnavigation. They hauled out in Curacao to tackle big projects like new engines/sail drives, solar arch/davits, rigging, through hulls, etc…Now, after visiting Aruba, Columbia, Panama, and Guatemala they are ready for the next leg of their adventure.
Their plan is to set sail through the Bay of Islands, Cuba, Providencia, and Bocas del Toro aiming to pass through the Panama Canal by the end of March and then head to the Galapagos. They estimate their circumnavigation journey will take another 5-10 years, and they cannot wait to see where the wind will take them next!
SV COSMOS 🇺🇸 Chris & Su – Leopard 40′

Mark & Sarah
We’re Mark, Sarah, and Juneau. In 2020, we moved to Panama to find adventure, freedom, and to spend more time outdoors. We now live and work full-time aboard Galatea with our wonderful dog. We’re passionate about experiencing life’s beauty and joy and sharing it with others. Our boat, Galatea, is a vintage 1982 Morgan 462 sailboat. We have spent the last two years upgrading, renovating, and restoring her original charm. You can find out more about us at or on IG @sailgalatea.

Limor & Tomer
We are Limor(49) & Tomer(52) from sailing yacht Zorba- Tayana 48DS 2007
We have retired 7/2022(both pharmacists), sold everything we owned and started cruising full time.
Limor is what I call a reluctant sailor but loves this way of life….so we keep on a ratio of 5% sailing time….the rest we spend on anchor plus some land travels.

I have been sailing for 30 years with plenty of pauses in between….
In my past, I was a sailing instructor, a tugboat captain , a chase boat captain, a dregger co-operator and a delivery skipper. Most of my experience is in the Mediterranean.
Before buying the Zorba (Tayana 48) we lived onboard an Oceanis 35 for 16 years…without sailing much, besides once in a while for a few hours….
In 2015, we cruised 8 months on a Gulfstar 50 from Key West up to the BVI’s (Bahamas, Puerto Rico, USVI, BVI) and back to Florida.
This voyage on SV ZORBA began where we found her: in Alameda, California. After cruising the Baja & the Sea Of Cortez, Costa Rica, crossing the Panama canal to the Caribbean side we are now having fun at Bocas del Toro.
Plan to be in San Blas between Mid October to the end if November.
In 2025 we plan to do the Caribbean loop: Panama-Colombia-DR-PR-USVI-BVI leeward+ windward Islands and back to Panama for next Hurricane season.
SV ZORBA 🇲🇭 Tomer & Limor – Tayana 48DS

Paul, Jamie, Hannah (12), Kathryn (12), Claire (8), Andrew (8)
(yes; two sets of twins!)!

Hello from the SeaXII! We are the Czetwertynski (C12) family: Paul, Jamie, Hannah (12), Kathryn (12), Claire (8), Andrew (8) (yes; two sets of twins!)! We bought the SeaXII, previously Invictus, a 72’ Nordhavn in Anacortes, WA in July 2023. We toured the San Juan Islands last August 2023 and decided that we could not pass up the opportunity to see Alaska while in the Pacific Northwest.
We moved from Annapolis, Maryland onto the Sea XII in June 2024 and headed from Port Angeles, WA, up to Glacier Bay and back! The grandeur of the Inside Passage was not a disappointment.
I think we all agree that Glacier Bay was our favorite. The mountains were majestic and the wildlife was abundant. The Johns Hopkins Glacier and Margerie Glaciers were beautiful, and we loved being able to hike up to Reid Glacier. We definitely learned to respect tides and currents, especially at Hole in the Wall, Ford’s Terror, and Sergius Narrows.

All four of the kids agree that their favorite memory was, ironically, the one tidal issue that we mis-timed on our hike to Reid Glacier. We pulled in on our dinghy, named Fournado, and parked onshore. The hike to the glacier took longer than expected (our kids stopped at every freshwater stream to drink) and the glacier was more magnificent the closer we got (pictures everywhere!), and when we got back to the Fournado, we found that it was solidly planted 15 feet onshore. The kids started full survival preparations, trying to make a shelter with rocks, making a fire, and making barnacle mush for nourishment. Thankfully, three hours later, digging a trench and rocking the Fournado back and forth, we did not have to subject ourselves to the barnacles for nourishment.
After finding leaks in our gray water hoses, blowing the air conditioning board from faulty power, and finding several other issues that need attention, we left the boat with Philbrooks in Sidney, BC and flew east to visit family. We are eagerly anticipating the next leg of our journey: traveling down the west coast to meet up with all of you! We are so excited to share new adventures and beautiful sights with new friends!

MV SEAXII Paul, Jaimie, Hannah, Kathryn, Claire, & Andrew – Nordhaven 72

Chris, Shawna, Lexi & Jake
Meet the crew of Next Chapter, a family a four with a passion for cruising and exploring the world. Chris is best described as McGuyver, give the man a penny and a paperclip and he could get you out of almost any situation. He is our Captain, electrician, mechanic, in house tech support, carpenter, super dad, loving husband, and whatever we might need! He is always up for a great day of fishing and/or cruising. He prefers being on the hook opposed to tied up at a marina any day! I (Shawna) find joy in all the little things of this beautiful lifestyle – meeting new people, spending quality time with the people that matter most and of course exploring new places, foods and drinks. Lexi, our daughter, is 8 going on 30, she is one smart little lady who is obsessed with surfing and animals so if you ever see her on the dock and need a pet sitter, she’s your gal. Jake is a very active 2 1/2 yr. old with a heart of gold and a unmatched talent to keep his parents and sister on the go with his constant mischief making.

COVID did a lot of things for our family. It made us slow down and really start living the life we always dreamed of. We traveled more and spent more time as a family. Together, while sitting at Marina Puerto Escondido outside Loreto, BCS, we decided to sell everything and buy a boat. It took two years to pack up our lives in Washington State and put the pieces together but in July 2023 we bought M/V Next Chapter and set off from Marina del Rey, California.

Chris has been a lifelong boater and I (Shawna) was introduced to the boating world and community in her early 20’s. Together, we ran multiday sportfishing and sightseeing charter in SE Alaska from 2006-2011. We took a break from boating for a couple years to buy a home, start our career’s and our family but ultimately decided the water is where we want to be and the best place to raise our kids (because boat kids are just the BEST!!)
We don’t know exactly what will come next but as I write this we are cruising to Colombia with plans to meet up with friends and family this Fall in Aruba before continuing up the Carribean islands chain.
The Panama Posse has been such a wonderful gift to our family! It has connected us to amazing people who will be our lifelong friends, gave us confidence in our path and a TON of great resources to get here. If happen to connect on the water or marina, please come say hello!
MV NEXT CHAPTER Chris, Shawna, Lexi, & Jake – Selene 59′

Darren & Karen

After 30+ years of work in the Seattle area, Darren being a licensed professional civil engineer, and Karen an office manager; a plan was hatched to sell everything they owned, buy a sailing vessel, and travel the world. This afforded them the opportunity to retire 5-years early, planning to return to the USA at the age of 65, when healthcare becomes more affordable. June, 2020 their house of 20-years was put on the market.
June 15, 2020, Darren & Karen departed Washington in a rented motorhome bound for Ventura, California to search for a worthy blue water sailing vessel. Enter Todd Duff, Caribbean Sailor, Author, and Marine Surveyor. Todd had purchased a 1988 47.7 Bristol Cutter Rig in Florida. She was de-masted and he trucked Small World III to Ventura, California where he had worked on an extensive re-fit for an anticipated South Pacific / World Circumnavigation. Due to personal reasons, he sold SV SMALL WORLD III to Karen and Darren.
Karen and Darren departed from San Diego California, November 9, 2020 after finally receiving Certificate of Documentation from the USCG. The marina reservations in Ensenada, MX were in place. Two hours into Mexican waters the marina captain called to say, the previous owner of Small World III, (vessel named Anhinga) had a Temporary Import Permit (TIP) that had not been canceled, and instructed Karen and Darren to return to San Diego. A four hour downwind run immediately turned into a 8 hour upwind beat to return to California. While this wasn’t the beginning of the learning process, it was one of the more painful experiences. Two days later Small World III returned to Mexican waters and the adventure started AGAIN.

While in Mexico, they did some work on SMALL WORLD III and travelled inland. Highlights included, new Bimini and dodger in La Paz, new 50-gallon fuel tank in Mazatlán, and an AstraZeneca shot in small mountain village San Sabastian.
They continued to travel down the pacific coast cruising in El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Panama. Lessons: 1. Don’t runover lobster traps at 0400 hours leaving Turtle Bay, Mexico. 2. Don’t trust an English mechanic in La Paz, that he has fixed a leaking fuel tank. 3. Always be ready to sail your vessel because old fuel tanks cause plugged filters at the worst time. 4. make sure that your secondary anchor is available and ready for use as you sail up to anchor and find that your windlass is not operating and putting your primary anchor out of commission.
The big decision they had to make in November 2021: turn right to the South Pacific, turn left through the Panama Canal? Since French Polynesia, New Zeeland and Australia where still closed due to COVID the left turn was made December, 2021. In Panama, improvements included: new AGM batteries, a new 3.5 Kw NextGen generator, and a trip to San Diego for boat parts.
Once they got through the Canal, they spent three months learning about Caribbean Trade Winds and exploring San Blas, Shelter Bay Marina, Boca de Toro, and many other places. In March 2022, they made an upwind slog to Santa Marta Columbia. The highlight of this slog was hitting the Columbian coast 30 NM south of Cartagena and motoring into a 25 kt wind making 2.5 knots. They made an exceptionally brief stop in Cartagena for four hours to dry out and check weather. Their stay was brief, and Karen had to explain to the Port Captain on the radio that we were promptly leaving his authority and would check in to Santa Marta when we got there.
As promised their next port was Santa Marta. They checked in and then spent three months in Santa Marta, Columbia making land-based trips, to Cartagena, Bogotá, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Peruvian Amazon, Lake Titicaca, and Aramu Muru. At the marina in Santa Marta, they dropped their centerboard to its max depth of 11’ so the boys could clean the barnacles off it. After about 3 weeks in a marina that was only 11’ deep they found the centerboard pin had worked itself out of the hull on the port side. SURPRISE....A 2” diameter by 14” naval bronze pin worked its way out rendering the centerboard nonfunctional. Unfortunately, Santa Marta is not an economical place to haul out: $2,500 was the quote, excluding work, which they would not let the boat owner do. They found a better solution, but they had to work for it. In June, 2022, they commenced a 3-day upwind beat to Aruba, where they could be haul in and out for less than $600. They then took a quick couple months back in the states, returned to Small World III, which had a new centerboard pin and bottom paint. Problem solved! Then they sailed off to Curacao and Bonaire, for the balance of the hurricane season.
November 6, 2022, Karen and Darren crossed 550 nm of the Caribbean Sea from Bonaire to Saint Martin. Our buddy boat a 42-foot catamaran called 2CAN, was fraught with problems, losing their wind instruments on day 2 and engine problems on day 4. SMALL WORLD III provided wind information and weather forecasting every 6 hours for the rest of the passage and kept a close eye on them, as they motor sailed to the French side of Saint Martin.
We then ventured to Saint Kitts, Antiqua, and Guadeloupe. That’s as far as we got towards the windward Caribbean, as our destination was actually Florida to stage for our Atlantic crossing. Back we went to Saint Kitts, and Saint Martin. From there it was the BVIs, USVIs, one month in Puerto Rico, one month in Dominican Republic while Karen recovered from a broken foot. Then on to Turks, Exuma's, Bahamas, then West Palm Beach, Florida..

June 6, 2023, we departed Savannah, Georgia. They spent 21 days making way to the Azores, had an8-day weather delay, and then took 9 days to Tangier Morocco. Gibraltar, Valencia, Spain, Ibiza, Majorca, Minorca, Sardegna, Corse, Italy, Sicilia, and then in November to Tunisia, for the winter. We had checked into the EU in Valencia, and checked out in Messina, Sicily. Three months had flown by way too fast, and we were troubled by the odd looks we got at both check in and check out.
By April 2024 with new bottom and hull paint from Monastir, Tunisia, we departed for Malta. Upon entry, we were delighted to get a crew list stamped rather than our passport. Three weeks later we departed for Venice with 800 AH of new lithium batteries on board. What a game changer! To Sicilia, Italy, Croatia, finally arriving in Venice May 15, 2024. Still no stamp on the passport, yea. In Croatia, we obtained a Navigation Permit with the assistance of an Agent, and our tourist tax was paid online. In Venice, we removed our 00000 Turbo for service and cleaning, a routine item. Unfortunately, the authorized Yanmar dealer was not equipped for maintenance and only offered a new replacement at 2000 euro. We ordered a turbo core from the US. It made it to Tessera Italy in 4 days, and that’s as close as it got, about 15 NM from us. We waited for two more weeks and it was apparent that it was never going to clear customs. We left, the core went back to the US, and by the way, because the turbo was disassembled for the core replacement it ended up getting cleaned and found to be in good operating condition. Just what we wanted anyway.
SMALL WORLD III departed Venice on June 6, 2024 and went back through Croatia. They then, checked into Greece June 15, 2024 with the use of an agent. We now have a Greek Transit Log, paid for four months, thru September 2024. Still no stamp on our passport. They have since visited many islands in the Ionian Sea, and crossed the Corinth Cut on July 5, 2024. More recently, they have cruised around many islands around Athens, then north to the Sporades, followed by cruising to all four major islands, and making our way to Mykonos on a downwind run in the Aegean Sea.
We are currently in Paros, south of Mykonos, with the intent of heading east to Kos and Rhodes. We’ll try to figure out a way to visit Turkey that is economical; their inflation rate in the past five years is so far out of hand that marinas that were once less than 500 euro per month are now 3000 to 4000 euros per month.
We plan to head back to the Caribbean this Winter. From there, we don’t know. Or we could winter in Malta or Tunisia, and do another lap next year. Time will tell.
SV SMALL WORLD III Karen & Darren - Bristol 47.7

Kevin & Carla

From the moment Kevin and Carla departed Vancouver BC on May 31, 2019, their first “real” goal was to be in Barra de Navidad in time for the 2019 Panama Posse kickoff meeting at the end of November. That first five months and 4,000 + NM set the tone for the crew of SV Gargoyle, a 2011 Beneteau Oceanis 50. Kevin, Carla, along with their two cats, Sam and Dean, have been sailing proudly under a Posse banner of one flavor or another ever since.

2020 highlights included being locked down in Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua with a number of other posse members. Once they were allowed to leave, Gargoyle beat upwind for nine days to the Galapagos to be one of the first yachts post-COVID to be allowed into these magical islands. After two months in paradise with the islands to themselves, it was time to head East for their first Panama Canal transit and a planned May 2021 Atlantic transit. Insert the Omnicom variant into the story and with Portugal telling them they wouldn’t be allowed into the Azores; they made a 180 degree turn back to Panama for canal transit number two. The decision was now to go the other way to the Med, via the Pacific!
Departing from Marina Papagayo in March 2022 with Dietmar wishing us fair winds from the dock, Gargoyle made a 30-day passage to Nuku Hiva, followed by a season cruising French Polynesia and Fiji. Spending cyclone season in New Zealand, they experienced not one but two cyclones. Leary of the Red Sea they decided to ship Gargoyle with Posse Partner Sevenstar Yacht Transport from Auckland to Cork Ireland in May 2023.

After Gargoyle made her 3rd Panama Canal transit, albeit without her crew, what followed was a magical summer in Ireland and Scotland before a late summer run to Spain, Portugal and then the Med. A winter in Tunisia followed by this season’s cruising in Malta, Sicily, Italy, up to Venice, Greece and now where they sit anchored off Bodrum, Turkey. 24 countries, 40,000NM and yes, Sam and Dean are still rocking it with their human crew.

Follow us on....
Kevin and Carla are always available as well for a call or email exchange with their fellow cruisers.
SV GARGOYLE 🇨🇦 Kevin & Carla - Beneteau Oceanis 50
Erick & Jenny

It was a lifelong dream of mine to sail my own boat to beautiful remote places in search of perfect, empty surf breaks, enjoying fishing and other adventures along the way. Around 2007, after my first few years of office work after college, I decided to chase the dream and see if I could make it a reality. Having no prior experience, I took a few sailing lessons to see if it was something I would enjoy and was immediately hooked. Instead of taking a sensible route towards boat ownership, I dove headfirst into buying a derelict project boat and spent the next 10 years fully rebuilding Windsong, a 1975 Downeaster 38 Cutter, into a practically brand new (yet still old) boat. Having little to no relevant skills, I had to learn everything as I went, which in the end gave me a great set of knowledge and experience concerning the ins and outs of the boat.
Once Windsong was as complete as she could be in late 2019, my partner Jenny and I got married, and within a month we moved aboard and set sail for our honeymoon. Leaving from our home port, St. Augustine, FL, and bounced our way down the Florida intercoastal waterway to get a feel for life on the move and at anchor. We started our journey with our senior boxer dog, Koda, who took to cruising life with great happiness as she was able to spend all day, every day with us. After a month or so of Florida coastal cruising, we crossed over to the Bahamas and island hopped for the next few months until Covid shut most of the country down. We sailed back to the US and spent the next summer between South Carolina and Florida. Unfortunately, Koda was not long for the world at this time, so she was put to rest. While it was a devastating moment for us, it did free us up to sail greater distances. We went back to the Bahamas and spent a full season sailing from the Abacos all the way down to Great Inagua. From there we crossed directly to Panama on our first long passage across the Caribbean Sea.

We spent almost two years in Panama, mostly in Bocas Del Toro on the Caribbean side. With great surfing, protected anchorages, affordable living, and fantastic people; it was hard to not stay forever. However, we decided our sailing days were not done, and wanted to cross the Pacific and experience the remote South Pacific tropics. We geared the boat up a bit more, and once all was ready, we first crossed the Panama Canal and set sail to the Galapagos. We applied for and received a 1-year visa for French Polynesia, so after 24 days at sea from the Galapagos we arrived in the Marquesas and then took our time going through the French Polynesian islands, savoring each bit along the way. One year later, we set sail from French Polynesia and with some stops along the way we are now in Fiji, where we will spend the rest of the 2024 cruising season. We do not know where the winds will take us next, but we are looking forward to exploring these lovely islands for as long as they captivate us.

Erick & Jenny - Downeaster Cutter 38′
Don & Anja

We are Anja and Don on mv Kekada II, a Leopard 53 power catamaran. Don started sailing over 50 years ago and convinced Anja to undertake a circumnavigation with our children from 1998 - 2003. We have been cruising off and on since then. This is our third pacific crossing, albeit, our first in a power boat. We took delivery in Cape Town in 2022 and decided to take the "short" way home to Australia crossing the south atlantic the same year before joining the Panama Posse in 2023/24 for our cruise up to Mexico. Currently enjoying the unspoilt island of Wallis in the south pacific before continuing our voyage to Fiji and beyond.
(We published in a) recent leopard blog (and) discussed our current voyage in more detail.