The Moorings >> Placencia
The Placencia >> Placencia
Thunder Birds Marina >> Placencia
Roberts Grove >> Placencia
Kukumba Beach >> Belize City
The Placencia Yacht Club >> Placencia
Radisson Fort George Marina >> Belize City
Sitee River Marina >> Hopkins


Belize Barrier Reef System a UNESCO World heritage Site >>

7  marine preserves

  • Bacalar Chico Natural Monument 18.141° N 87.863° W
  • Half Moon Caye Natural Monument 17.2047° N 87.5364° W
  • Blue Hole Natural Monument 17.3160° N  87.5347° W
  • South Water Caye Marine Reserve 16°43′08″N  88°08′56″W
  • Laughing Bird Caye Natural Park 16°26’36” N 88°11’50″W
  • Sapodilla Caye Marine Reserve 16°08′46″N 88°16′52″W   16.146°N 88.281°W / 16.146; -88.281


Turneffe Atoll 17.4382° N, 87.8304° W

Glovers Reef Atoll 16.71729,-87.84885.

Lighthouse Reef Atoll 17°18′N 87°33′W / 17.300°N 87.550°W / 17.300; -87.550.


ATM Cave Belize- Actun Tunichil Muknal
Actun Tunich Muk’nal Cave System >>



Mayan ruins of ALTUN HA>>


for a complete list of tour oprators follow this link >>

Passport Valid for at least 6 months; requires one blank page
Boat Documentation Coast Guard Doc (Original)
Pre-arrival Notification Required –
Proof of Insurance Liability
Crewlist Required at checkin/out Pre-arrival Notification using- www.sailclear.com
Entered in SailClear –
Belize Port Authority Press release
 Belize Port Authority Press release here
Zarpe Required at checkin/out
Official Country Visa

The visitor’s permit extension allows you to remain on condition that the holder does not enter into employment paid or unpaid and does not engage in any business or profession without the consent of the Director of Immigration and does not remain in Belize further that the expiration of permit.

The Visitor’s Permit Extension allows you to stay in Belize for an additional 30 days.


Fees with effect from 1 May 2020.

All fees are in Belize dollars.

The Visitor’s Permit Extension fee is BZ$200.00

Who can Qualify

Persons who want to extend their holidays in Belize or persons investigating the possibilities of settlement.

Persons who require a visa (see Visa Section) after a predefined number of extended days in Belize, must acquire that visa before being issued a visitor’s permit extension.

Pilot waiver Fees & Tariff Regulations listed here


Holders of a Belize visa may qualify for visitor’s permit extension.

Immigration Visa Good for 180 days; must leave country to renew
Required Permits TIP
Upon Arrival Visit: Immigration; Customs; Port Authority
Upon Departure Visit: Immigration; Customs; Port Captain
Entry & Exit Fees:
Notes: Expect to be boarded by Navy upon entering and/or leaving the country
Required Vaccinations
Pets Vaccination Certificate
Currency: Belize Dollar


Crime Index Safety Index Corruption Index Corruption Score GDP x capita, Pop (K) Life Ex. Cost of Living Groc. Rest. $ Loc.Purch.P.
NA 29 % $ 4,884 383 74.36


17°15’23.9″N 88°46’23.9″W

Belmopan‎, Belize

Phone +501 822-4011



The largest known tidal range near Belize City is: 1.38ft. (0.42m).
It’s a mixed semi-diurnal tidal type.


What is SailClear?

Sailclear is an online pre-arrival notification system which is available for use by yachts and other pleasure craft operators. The system allows Captains to submit their Customs declarations in the form of electronic notifications prior to arrival in certain participating countries in the Caribbean. Registered users can access the system to enter and update notifications about their yachts, crew and passengers while transiting the Caribbean region.

“It is an innovative but simple facility which is intended to simplify the clearance process, reduce the time spent with the Customs officials and generally improve the experience of the visiting yacht crew and passengers.

Ships’ documents may be submitted at the Authority’s Headquarters during normal working hours from Monday – Friday for ships that are scheduled to enter on weekends and holidays at our Main Headquarters. Arrangements must be made by 4:00 pm of the preceding work days for services.


Effective 1 April, 2019:

A portal has been created shipdocumentation@gmail.com for electronic submission of shipping documents which shall include cruise and cargo ship information such as;

  1. Notice of Arrival within 48 hours
  2. Departure Notice
  3. Certificate of Clearance
  4. Pilotage and Boarding Report
  5. Import and Export Cargo Manifests
  6. Ship’s Registry
  7. International Ship Security Certificate (on initial visit or annually)
  8. Protection and Indemnity Certificate (on initial visit or annually)
  9. Continuous Synopsis Record (on initial visit or annually)
  10. Tender manifests

Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 listed above are to be submitted in paper form in duplicates or triplicates as requires for proper authentication.

Upon boarding, only documents listed below are to be provided to Boarding Officers of the Belize Port Authority:

  1. Arrival Declaration
  2. Nil List
  3. Clearance from Last Port of Call
  4. Pilot card
  5. Discrepancy Report (if any)

Tariffs to be charged for private pleasure yachts visiting the seaports in Belize are to include a fee for the waiver of pilotage the fees to be charged are stated below:


Pilot Waiver Fees Standard Rate
Vessels less than 50 GT Not Applicable
Vessels more than 50 GT
But less than or equal to 100 GT
 $         150.00
Vessels more than 100 GT
But less than or equal to 500 GT
 $         250.00
Vessels more than 500 GT
But less than or equal to 2000 GT
 $         500.00
Vessels more than 2000 GT  $         750.00
Charges Particulars Cost
Administrative Charges For Boarding and clearance 100.00
Boarding for entry For ships not more than 100 GT 30.00
for ships more than 100 GT 75.00
Clearance For ships more more than 100 GT 30.00
For ships not more than 100 GT 50.00
Navigational Aids Per call per vessel $1.50 per GT
(with a maximum of 875.00)
Port Dues: First 48 hours Each 24 hrs thereafter
On ships not more than 100 GT  $                                             30.00  $                                      10.00
On ships more than 100 GT
but no more than 500 GT
 $                                             40.00  $                                      15.00
On ships more than 500 GT but
not more than 2,000 GT
 $                                             80.00  $                                      20.00
On ships more than 2,000 GT
But not more than 5,000 GT
 $                                           140.00  $                                      45.00
On ships more than 5,000 GT
but not more than 10,000 GT
 $                                           200.00  $                                      50.00
On ships more than 10,000 GT
but not more than 15,000 GT
 $                                           240.00  $                                      60.00
On ships more than 15,000 GT
but not more than 20,000 GT
 $                                           320.00  $                                    100.00
On ships more than 20,000 GT  $                                           400.00  $                                    120.00
Port Security (ISPS) Fees: Standard Rate
For cruise ships 0.60 per pax
For Cargo ships on ships
between 0-500 GT
 $                                           300.00
On ships more than 501 GT
but not more than 5,000 GT
 $                                           700.00
On ships more than 5,001 GT
But not more than 15,000 GT
 $                                        1,400.00
on ships more than 15,001 GT  $                                        2,000.00


Note: All prices are in Belize dollars (BZD)


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These Pilot Charts provide historic points and aggregated information of  wind flows, air and ocean temperatures, wave heights, rain, barometric weight, and climate conditions at various seasons. This data was acquired from oceanographic and meteorologic perceptions over hundreds of years starting in the late eighteenth century. These diagrams are planned to help mariners choose routes  with respect to the normal climate and sea conditions using prevailing seasonal wind information. For an explanation of how to read Wind-roses and interpret historic Climatology follow this link.




Please sign up with Good Nautical for Anchorages, Marinas, and Ports of Entry Information.



Defence Force Air Wing

Type: , Country: , SRR:
Latitude, Longitude:



501 205 2172 not 24 hours/day please contact NSA


501 205 2094 not 24 hours/day please contact NSA


Defence Force Maritime Wing

Type: , Country: , SRR:
Latitude, Longitude:



501 205 2171 not 24 hours/day refer to NSA


501 205 3334 not 24 hours/day refer to NSA



Belize City


Exotic Shore Excursions exoticshoreexcursions@gmail.com  + 501 610-4109
Tourism Auto Transport Ltd. www.cave-trips.com belizetrips@yahoo.com  + 501 670-0764
Belize Caribbean Tours www.belizecaribbeantour.net belizecaribbeantours@yahoo.com  + 501 600-5030
H2O Tierra h20tierra.com h2otierra@btl.net; savannah@btl.net  + 501 610-3754
Chukka Belize Ltd. www.chukka.com belize@chukka.com; vwoods@chukka.com  + 501 223-4438
Tropical Excursions & Tours belizeadventures.bz artonbowen@yahoo.com  + 501 629-0015
Cave-Tubing Com www.cave-tubing.com info@Cave-tubing.com  + 501 605-1575
Coral Breeze Adventure Tours coralbreezetours.com ivarmarchand@gmail.com  + 501 615-5487
Belize Concierge Excellent bzeconcierge.com info@bzeconcierge.com  + 501 223-3206
Belize Horse & Carriage Tours & Services belizehorsecarriagetours@yahoo.com  + 501 6100674
Caribbean Multicultural Tours hellombt32@gmail.com  + 501 610-6909
Jabiru Travel & Tours jabirubelize@gmail.com  + 501 6007971
Big Johns Tours & Taxi BigJohnBZ@yahoo.com; john.pollard1968@yahoo.com  + 501 671-4069
Irvin’s Belizean Adventures irvinbelizeanadventuretours@gmail.com irvinlongsworth@yahoo.com  + 501 615-4069
Splash Wave Tours www.splashwavetours.com Splashwavetours@hotmail.com  + 501 223-1145
S & L Travel & Tours Limited www.sltravelbelize.com sltravel@btl.net; info@sltravelbelize.com  + 501 610-1384
Belize Jungle Limousine Tours info@belizejunglelimo.com  + 501 671-3003
5 Star Adventure & Excursions www.cavetubingstar.com cavetubing5star@gmail.com  + 501 6043989
Way To Go Belize Tours www.waytogotoursbelize@gmail.com waytogotoursbelize@gmail.com  + 501 601-4447
Touch Taste & C Belize robateau_roy45@yahoo.com  + 501 607-8925
Ecological Tours & Charters www.ecotoursbelize.com cavetubing@yahoo.com  + 501 223-4874
Mayan Tours and Shuttle www.belizemayantour.com christobaltours@gmail.com  + 501 6211778
Exotic Shore Excursions exoticshoreexcursions@gmail.com  + 501 610-4109


ATV Cave-Tubing Com www.cave-tubing.com info@Cave-tubing.com  + 501 605-1575
Bird Watching Touch Taste & C Belize robateau_roy45@yahoo.com  + 501 607-8925
Cave Tubing Ecological Tours & Charters www.ecotoursbelize.com cavetubing@yahoo.com  + 501 223-4874
City Tour The Calypso Train Tours Limited www.calypsotraintours.com deniseockey@shaw.ca  + 501 223-5365
Cultural Immersion Belize Jungle Limousine Tours info@belizejunglelimo.com  + 501 671-3003
Diving Sea Sports Belize www.seasportsbelize.com info@seasportsbelize.com  + 501 223-5505
Fishing 5 Star Adventure & Excursions www.cavetubingstar.com cavetubing5star@gmail.com  + 501 6043989
Nature Trail Belize Caribbean Tours www.belizecaribbeantour.net belizecaribbeantours@yahoo.com  + 501 600-5030
Other S & L Travel & Tours Limited www.sltravelbelize.com sltravel@btl.net; info@sltravelbelize.com  + 501 610-1384
River Tour Chukka Belize Ltd. www.chukka.com belize@chukka.com; vwoods@chukka.com  + 501 223-4438
Ruins S & L Travel & Tours Limited www.sltravelbelize.com sltravel@btl.net; info@sltravelbelize.com  + 501 610-1384
Sailing Glassbox Management Services www.glassboxmanagement.com bret@glassboxmanagement.com  + 501 610-3566
Scuba Diving 3 Stars Tours Ltd. Belize Express Tours.com myron@belizewatertaxi.com  + 501 610-3330
Snorkeling Starfish Island www.starfishislandbelize.com anuar@belizerays.com; floresanuar52@gmail.com  + 501 671-1184
Zip-Line Coral Breeze Adventure Tours coralbreezetours.com ivarmarchand@gmail.com  + 501 615-5487
Zoo Caribbean Multicultural Tours hellombt32@gmail.com  + 501 610-6909
Tourism Auto Transport Ltd. www.cave-trips.com belizetrips@yahoo.com  + 501 670-0764
Jose’s Tours www.Josetoursbelize.com josetoursbelize@gmail.com  + 501 663-5000
S & L Travel & Tours Limited www.sltravelbelize.com sltravel@btl.net; info@sltravelbelize.com  + 501 610-1384


Belize Rural

Challenge Travel & Tours www.mystiquebelize.com or explorebelizecaves.com info@challenge.com.bz; explorebzcaves@aol.com  + 501 671-8100

Caye Caulker

Star Tours www.tropicalparadise.bz startours@btl.net  + 501 226-0374

Cayo District


Belize Caves & Limpkin Tours www.belizelimpkin.com info@belizelimpkin.com  + 501 634-9748
Black Rock Expeditions Ltd. www.blackrocklodge.com cboyd@blackrocklodge.com;generalmanager@blackrockl  + 501 834-4049
Private Belize Adventure www. privatebelizeadventure.com privatebelizeadventure@gmail.com  + 501 615-3163
San Ignacio  Resort Hotel (Cayo Gial Tours) www.sanignaciobelize.com accounting@sanignaciobelize.com  + 501 824-2034
Jam Jam Tours jamjamtours.bz jamtour@hotmail.com  + 501 6235094
Yaxche Adventure Tours www.belizeadventuretour.com info@belizeadventuretour.com  + 501 666-7268
George Adventure Tours georgeadventuretours@gmail.com  + 501 665-5463
Kaatz Witz Maya Tours www.kaatzwitztours.com e_o_puc@yahoo.com  + 501 636-3822
Martz Farm Treehouses & Cabanas Ltd. www.martzfarm.com martzfarmtreehouses@gmail.com  + 501 832-7646
BelizeInlandTours.com www.belizeinlandtours.com bz.inlandtours@gmail.com  + 501 615-5384
K’awiil Tour www.kawiiltours.com Kawiiltours.bz@gmail.com  + 501 664-5446
Katun Ahaw Tour Operator www.belizeculturetours.com tikaldaytrip@yahoo.com  + 501 824-2661
Upside Down Tours www.upsidedowntours.com info@upsidedowntours.com  + 501 634-5385
Emerald Belize Tours belize.luislobos@gmail.com  + 501 667-8910
Edwin’s Belize Adventure Tours www.youbelizetours.com info@youbelizetours.com  + 501 677-1284
Blancaneaux Lodge www.blancaneaux.com frontdesk@blancaneaux.com  + 501 880-4009
Cahal Pech Village Resort www.cahalpech.com info@cahalpech.com  + 501 824-3740
Marlin Espadas Ltd. marlinespadasltdbelize@gmail.com  + 501 627-9990
JC Inland Belize Tours www.facebook.com/JC Inland Belize Tours javiercoyoc32@gmail.com  + 501 621-8943
Go Maya Belize Adventures www.gomayabelize.com info@gomayabelize.com  + 501 824-2795
Pacz Tours www.pacztours.net pacztours@btl.net;  info@pacztours.net  + 501 6232385
St. Leonard’s Ltd. www.stleonardstours.com stleonardsbze@gmail.com  + 501 673-4801
Belize Magnificent Mayan Tours www.bzmtours.com info@bzmtours.com  + 501 621-0312
Belize Adventure Trails belizeadventuretrails.com infobelizeadventuretrails@gmail.com  + 501 624-9089
Cayo Adventure Tours www.cayoadventure.com info@cayoadventure.com  + 501 824-3246
Darknight and Hell Gate Tours Ltd www.darknightcavetubing.com darknightcavetubing@gmail.com  + 501 668-5589
Paradise Rainforest Cabins go.cavetubing_bz cabinsbelize@gmail.com  + 501 623-1426
Mariposa Tours LTD. www.mariposajunglelodge.com glad@mariposajunglelodge.com  + 501 670-2113
Classic Maya Adventure Tours www.classicmayaadventuretours.bz cmatours.bz@gmail.com  + 501 669-2392
Come Explore Belize comeexplorebelize@gmail.com  + 501 6294598
Kungo Belize www.kungobelize.com andy_bahadur@yahoo.com  + 501 601-6561
Gaia Riverlodge gaiariverlodge.com info@fivesisterslodge.com  + 501 226-5013
Viaventure www.viaventure.com lucy@viaventure.com  ivy.flores@viaventure.com  + 501 +502-3100-7968
Belize Nature Travel www.experiencebelize.com belizenaturetravel@gmail.com  + 501 824-3314
Unbelizeable Tubing www.Cave-tubing.net info@cave-tubing.net  + 501 667-0400
Belize Grand Jaguar Tour www.belizegrandjaguartours.com Belizegrandjaguartours@gmail.com  + 501 621-5918
Belize Caving Expeditions www.belizecaving.com tours@belizecaving.com  + 501 662-0506
Darah Transfers & Tours Ltd. www.Belize-Transfers.com travel@belizetravelservices.com  + 501 610-0799
Belize Paradise Tours cavetubingparadise.com portillostours@gmail.com  + 501 665-0060
Banana Bank Lodge www.bananabank.com bbl@bananabank.com  + 501 832-2020
Chac Mo’ol Adventure Tours jeronimotzib@gmail.com  + 501 663-8497
Vital Nature & Mayan Tours www.cavetubing.bz info@cavetubing.bz;vitalinoreyes@gmail.com  + 501 602-8975
Belize Family Adventure www.belizefamilyadventure.com info@belizefamilyadventure.com  + 501 600-9192
Yute Expeditions Limited www.inlandbelize.com yuteexp@btl.net  + 501 824-2076
Nine Belize Ecocultural Tours Ltd. www.ninebelize.com tourswithnine@gmail.com  + 501 610-2110
Jungle Walk Expedition Tours www.belizeguidedtours.bz vcano22@yahoo.com  + 501 666-6610
Mayawalk Tours www.mayawalk.com info@mayawalk.com  + 501 824-3070
Authentic Travel Ltd. www.authentictravelbelize.com travel@authentictravelbelize.com  + 501 615-8996
Caves Branch www.cavesbranch.com info@cavesbranch.com  + 501 610-3451
M & S Adventure & Archeology Tours of Belize www.msadventures.bz mario@msadventures.bz  + 501 620-2291
Pook’s Tours www.pookshilllodge.com info@pookshilllodge.com  + 501 6732017
Hidden Valley Inn www.hiddenvalleyinn.com sales@hiddenvalleyinn.com  + 501 822-3320
Darah Travel Ltd. www.belizetravelservices.com travel@belizetravelservices.com  + 501 6136973
Cayo Inland Expeditions www.belizeinlandexpeditions.com info@belizeinlandexpeditions.com  + 501 662-6619
EK’ Balam Adventures and Shuttles Cassasolaselvin@gmail.com  + 501 665-4636
Belize Zoological Edventures Limited www.bzetours.com info@bzetours.com  + 501 610-2483
MexBelGua Tours & Transfers www.mexbelgua.com mundomexbelgua@gmail.com  + 501 628-8294
Ancient Cultural Tours ancientculturaltours.bz freymundo@yahoo.com  + 501 6088369
Tukan Shuttles & Adventures www.tukantravelbelize.com info@tukantravelbelize.com  + 501 614-6200
Belize Wings wingsofnature13@gmail.com  + 501 614-1217
Darryl Unbelizable Tours & Transfer darryladventuresbz@gmail.com  + 501 634-0624
Marcos Private Mayan Tours marcosprivatemayantours.com markmayatours@gmail.com  + 501 675-4663
Belize N Me Jungle and Sea www.belizenme.com belizenme.tours@gmail.com  + 501 621-6039
Belize Caves & Limpkin Tours www.belizelimpkin.com info@belizelimpkin.com  + 501 634-9748


Bird Watching Black Rock Expeditions Ltd. www.blackrocklodge.com cboyd@blackrocklodge.com;generalmanager@blackrockl  + 501 834-4049
Canopy Tours Belize Paradise Tours cavetubingparadise.com portillostours@gmail.com  + 501 665-0060
Cave Tubing Chaa Creek Ltd. www.chaacreek.com accrec@chaacreek.com  + 501 880-2237
City Tour Marlin Espadas Ltd. marlinespadasltdbelize@gmail.com  + 501 627-9990
Cultural Immersion Black Rock Expeditions Ltd. www.blackrocklodge.com cboyd@blackrocklodge.com;generalmanager@blackrockl  + 501 834-4049
Diving Ayala’s Natural Pool & Adventures ayala_nancy20@hotmail.com  + 501 663-9494
Hiking Indulge In Amazing Nature Tours ianbelizetours.com adventure@ianbelizetours.com  + 501 501-668-9085
Horseback Riding Yaxche Adventure Tours www.belizeadventuretour.com info@belizeadventuretour.com  + 501 666-7268
Nature Trail Mountain Equestrian Trails Ltd. www.metbelize.com metbelize@pobox.com  + 501 669-1124
Other Belize Magnificent Mayan Tours www.bzmtours.com info@bzmtours.com  + 501 621-0312
Rappelling Yaxche Adventure Tours www.belizeadventuretour.com info@belizeadventuretour.com  + 501 666-7268
River Tour Windy Hill Resort & Tours Limited www.windyhillresort.com reservations@windyhillresort.com  + 501 824-2598
Rock Climbing Cayo Adventure Tours www.cayoadventure.com info@cayoadventure.com  + 501 824-3246
Ruins San Ignacio  Resort Hotel (Cayo Gial Tours) www.sanignaciobelize.com accounting@sanignaciobelize.com  + 501 824-2034
Scuba Diving Viaventure www.viaventure.com lucy@viaventure.com  ivy.flores@viaventure.com  + 502  3100-7968
Snorkeling Belize Grand Jaguar Tour www.belizegrandjaguartours.com Belizegrandjaguartours@gmail.com  + 501 621-5918
Zip-Line Yute Expeditions Limited www.inlandbelize.com yuteexp@btl.net  + 501 824-2076
Zoo Belize Zoological Edventures Limited www.bzetours.com info@bzetours.com  + 501 610-2483
Cahal Pech Village Resort www.cahalpech.com info@cahalpech.com  + 501 824-3740
San Ignacio  Resort Hotel (Cayo Gial Tours) www.sanignaciobelize.com accounting@sanignaciobelize.com  + 501 824-2034

Corozal District

Rumpunch Belize Limited www.rumpunchbelize.com adelarumpunchco@gmail.com  + 501 639-6697

Offshore Islands North

Snorkeling Blackbird Caye Resort Limited www.blackbirdresort.com info@blackbirdresort.com  + 501 223-2767
Turneffe Enterprises Ltd www.tflats.com craig@tflats.com  + 501 671-9022 / 280-9022

Offshore Islands South

Zip-Line Belize Nature Excursions Ltd. m_shagoury@me.com  + 501 227-0500
Slick Rock Adventures www.slickrock.com slickrock@slickrock.com  + 501 223-4129

Orange Walk District

Zoo AlTourNative Belize Services www.altournativebelizeservices.com localguideinbelize@gmail.com  + 501 667-2741
Lamanai Eco Tours www.Lamanaiecotours.com Lamanaiecotoursltd@gmail.com  + 501 610-1753


Turtle Inn Resort www.turtleinn.com martin@turtleinn.com  + 501 523-3244

San Pedro

Scuba Daze Belize www.scubadazebelize.com scubadazebelize@gmail.com  + 501 615-5843

Stann Creek District

Zoo D’ Golden Tour dgoldentours@gmail.com  + 501 650-1702
Hamanasi www.hamanasi.com kirsty@hamanasi.com  + 501 533-7073

Toledo District

Zip-Line PG Tours www.pgtoursbelize.com pgtoursbelize@gmail.com  + 501 636-6162
Monkey River Eco Tours www.monkeyriverbelize.net monkeyriverecotours@gmail.com  + 501 5327873






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