11-15 September, 2024

in beautiful Musket Cove

Annual Musket Cove Regatta.

Registration for the 2024 40th Anniversary Regatta is now open. Please book early! 

This link will take you to the Regatta Registration form.

Please note this form is for Regatta Registrations only. For all Marina Berth and Mooring bookings, please email Patrick directly at: Please book early as there are limited Marina Berths available.



We welcome any of the South Pacific Posse to Musket Cove at any time.

We’re pleased to offer a Free Berthing Day for 5 Paid Days to all of your Posse Members.

Wayne Deed

Director of Sales & Marketing

Musket Cove Island Resort & Marina

Malolo Lailai Island

Fiji Islands

m| +64 21 824266

P |  +679 666 2215

POSSE PERK: ⛵ In a Community of Voyagers we Create Lifelong Friendships

POSSE PERK: ⛵ In a Community of Voyagers we

Create Lifelong Friendships


“We are all travelers in the wilderness of the world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.”

– Robert Louis Stevenson

Southbound Posse enjoying sundowners after a great sail.
Northbound Posse meets Southbound Posse and swap tales.
Posse crews go inland to soak in Oaxacan Hot Springs
Posse Boats reunite on anchor together after months apart.
Mini Posse fleet share beautiful calm coves.
Posse members sample local cuisine together along the way.
Posse crews share local celerations like the Feast of Santa Maria Candelaria in Tuxtla Chico, Chiapas.
Posse boats adventure together in their tenders to snorkel spots.


MUST SEE: 🇩🇲 Morne Trois Pitons National Park, Dominica

MUST SEE: 🇩🇲 Morne Trois Pitons National Park,

Dominica 🇩🇲

Location of Morne Trois Pitons

Morne Trois Pitons National Park is on the Island of Dominica in the southeastern Caribbean Sea.  The volcanic island is quite heavily forested and mountainous, rich in water and fertile soil, and still has a number of (rarely) active volcanoes, volcanic vents, bubbling mud ponds, and hot springs.  The National Park was established by the Dominican government in 1975 and made a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997 for its uniquely stunning geologic (volcanic) formations, its biodiversity, and its huge stores of water.  Nearly all the headwaters of the streams and rivers that hydrate and power the southern half of the Island begin in Morne Trois Pitons National Park.

Waterfall into Emerald Pool in Morne Trois Pitons National Park
Boiling Lake is steaming HOT!

The National Park encompasses a lake called Boiling Lake, so named for the gasses that bubble from beneath it and keep the water temperature to over 95 degrees Celsius.  The mountainous landscape is punctuated by three main peaks (hence Trois Pitons) that are steep and rugged with waterfalls, freshwater lakes, and a huge variety of flaura and fauna, several endemic to Dominica.

blue headed hummingbird pollinates rain or shine.
Dense tropical flora boast rare Caribbean habitats including elfin/cloud forest
The Mountain Chicken frog of Dominica is capable of reaching up to 1kg in weight.

Preserving Wildlife is important to this Island nation that considers nature prime importance to their survival and food security.  In addition to abundant fruit, The Mountain Chicken frog was once considered the nation's unofficial national dish.  A decline in their numbers led to conservation efforts including hunting season regulations and scientific attention.  However, no amount of regulations can hold back mother nature and both a soil borne fungus and a volcanic eruption resulted in significant reduction in many amphibious animals including the Mountain Chicken.  Therefore, in spite of conservation efforts, their species numbers have continued to decline and they are on the brink of extinction.  As of November 2023 scientists believe there were 30 known Mountain Chicken Frogs left.

There is hope in that Dominica has actually made tremendous strides that offer hope to the survival of the species identifying genes of resiliency that can be treated to eliminate the fungus illness in the frogs.  Time will tell.


Sailing to Mexico from the Pacific Northwest: Hazards and Resources

Sailing to Mexico from the Pacific Northwest:

Hazards and Resources

By Rob and Debra Murray from SV AVANT as previously published in Currents Magazine

About the Hazards

As you set out on your sail to Mexico from the Pacific Northwest, there are numerous hazards you will encounter. For most, the only defense is a good watch.

Fishing Boats

Most vessels inshore are commercial fishing boats, and many do not use AIS, so other fishermen don’t know where they are fishing. At night, they usually light up like stadiums hosting a World Cup game and are easy to spot. They tend to congregate on offshore banks or directly offshore from ports on the coast. Some fishermen have begun using AIS beacons on fishing gear, which is a bonus.


Floating debris, especially logs, can be an issue, particularly during or immediately following heavy rains or large tides, and especially off of larger rivers or inlets.

Crab Pots

Crab pots are endemic. While there has been an effort to create a crab pot free zone down the coast, its observance is marginal and equipment drifts into the the lanes anyways. The consortium that manages the lanes hasn’t met to update the agreement since 2017.  Note that in areas subject to strong current, commercial crabbers will generally use two buoys, one to hold the line up and a second on a further 10 feet or so of line that will still be visible and retrievable, even when the first buoy has been pulled under by the current. It’s easier to tangle a buoy in your prop if the current is slack and both buoys are lying idle on the surface.


Of course, everyone worries about the dreaded ‘bar crossings’ that may be encountered. After all, they do call the Columbia Bar the ‘Graveyard of the Pacific’, right? But if you’re crossing at a slack or flood in weather that isn’t horrible, none of the bar crossings are difficult. In Avant’s passage down the coast, we entered Astoria (the aforementioned ‘graveyard of the Pacific’), Coos Bay and Humboldt Bay/Eureka (widely considered the second worst bar crossing), and had no trouble at all. Our timing had us arriving at each bar on or near slack water, with a slight edge to the flood tide. Many mariners recommend using the last of the flood tide as the optimum time for a bar crossing, when the water is deepest. Waves at each entrance were under two feet, and the period was long, as predicted by the forecasts we sailed under. Charting was universally excellent.

Each harbour with a bar has a coast guard station that can offer advice, an up-to-the-minute bar report, and will even send out a cutter or other boat to guide you in if conditions warrant (we availed ourselves of this at Coos Bay when visibility dropped to under 200’). If you get caught out by a closed bar, you just have to gut it out until the bar reopens, but with modern weather forecasts and a modicum of planning,


this is highly unlikely. (Note that the coast guard definition of a ‘small craft’ in bar closing advisories is a vessel under 65’ in length.)

Available Resources

The following resources can make this specific passage more pleasant and perhaps less challenging:

Weather Information

No doubt you have attended courses, read books, downloaded software, studied weather patterns, learned how to download a variety of GRIBs, receive weather faxes, decode 500mb charts, toss chicken bones and generally worked really hard to prepare for cruising by becoming your own expert weather forecaster. Well, on this trip, those skills can be used for entertainment value or simply allowed to rest. (Don’t worry, you will use those skills south of the USA/Mexico border).

weather forecast zones: inshore and offshore

The NOAA forecasters are as good as it gets, and there are dedicated teams in each of Washington, Oregon and Northern California working around the clock to deliver the most accurate weather forecast possible. These forecasts are available via VHF on the usual WX channels to a considerable range offshore (usually at least 50 miles, often 100+). The forecast zones extend to 250 miles offshore in discrete steps, and the forecast zones are quite small. In addition to the forecast, each weather office provides a ‘discussion’, which underscores the reasons for the forecast offered, how the models informed (or did not inform) the forecasts, what’s likely to follow the forecast period, and any other juicy tidbits the forecaster(s) think might be interesting. You can find the discussion by going to the forecasting office’s webpage and looking for the ‘discussion’ button.

If you want to ‘play along’ with the forecaster, you can download the GRIBs (GFS and NDFD editions) and see if you get the same conclusions.

Live and near live weather observations are also available from the national weather service by finding the ‘observations’ button on the left side of the forecast page. These vary in frequency from every few hours to live, depending on location and observation station type. There are dozens of these between Neah Bay and San Francisco.

Enjoy the weather forecasts. They end at the Mexico USA border and it becomes far more basic there.

Wave Patterns

Waves offshore contribute substantially to the (dis)comfort the crew experience on the passage. Aboard Avant, we have found waves change character at depths of about 60m/200’. When the depths we sail in are under 60m, the waves seem to have a different character, a more insistent vertical component, than they do in greater depths. We always aim to be in depths greater than 60m/200’ whenever possible. When closing the coast, expect waves to ‘feel’ stronger, even if they are not visibly any bigger. Also when closing the coast, watch for secondary wave trains from reflections off shorelines where the shores are steep to, or a change in wave direction where a wave train may wrap a point or headland. And there are also outliers such as this one.

Generally, wave height has very little to do with discomfort aboard; it is the ratio of wave height to period that creates difficulty. When waves are ‘square’ (wave height in feet = wave period in seconds), no one will have any fun aboard, whether the waves are 3’ or 8’ high. We choose not to sail in square waves. When the period extends to 1.5x the wave height, conditions become much more tolerable. When the period is 2x or greater wave height, the gentle rise and fall is barely noticeable after a while.

When traveling with the wave train, the apparent period will be longer, and when traveling against the wave train the apparent period will be shorter. Take this into account when evaluating wave predictions.


The NOAA Coast Pilot 7 is a free download and covers the coast from Neah Bay to the Mexican border. You will want to read chapter three, and use chapters seven to thirteen in reverse order as you transit south. This volume, over 700 pages, is a comprehensive mariners guide to the coast, its character, and its hazards. It is updated weekly, so make sure you have the latest edition downloaded.

There are commercial cruising guides available for the Columbia River and San Francisco Bay, but we found they added little to what the Coast Pilot provided for free.

The USCG has produced a general bar crossing guide with lots of relevant information. Individual bar crossing guides are available as well, and some can be found on this list. The following bar crossing guides (in pdf format) provide specific information about hazards for each bar crossing:

US Coast Guard

The US Coast Guard is a highly professional military search and rescue operation, and operates multiple stations up and down the coast. From late May through Labor Day, they also operate a number of seasonal stations, some located on the jetties surrounding bar crossings. They can be reached by VHF or by telephone (numbers are in the Coast Pilot, or on their website. Note them down before you go). Their VHF coverage is typically at least 25-50 miles offshore, and we found cell coverage was passable at 8-10 miles offshore and excellent at 5. It is ALWAYS worth calling by VHF or cell phone to get a bar forecast before committing to crossing any bar on the coast.


NOAA charts (both raster and vector) are free downloads and can be used in navigation programs like OpenCPN. They are frequently updated, and OpenCPN has a chart downloader that will automatically update your electronic charts directly from NOAA. Proprietary e-chart sets like C-Map or Navionics are also updated, but not as frequently. Like milk, bread and beer, charts are best fresh, so do use the free resources to ensure you have the most up to date information aboard. Paper charts for backup can be purchased individually, or you can get a ‘chart book’ that covers large sections of the coast. We elected to do the latter, buying two MAPTECH Chartbooks that covered the coast from the Canadian border to the Mexican border.

SY AVANT 🇨🇦 Rob & Debra – Beneteau 43.5




We took a guided river tour.  It was a great way to see the sights of Bruges.

Standing in front of the Provincial Palace in Bruges, Belgium

Belfry of Bruges is a midieval bell tower in the city center.

The Church of Our Lady, catholic church towers prominently in the city from many different places.

SV QUESO GRANDE II 🇺🇸 Lance & Sherri – Seawind 1260 41′


Looks like your sea legs are taking you far; Thanks for sharing!

: The Venice of the North

Nestled in the northwest of Belgium, Bruges is a city that seems to have been plucked straight out of a fairy tale. With its picturesque canals, medieval architecture, and cobbled streets, it is no wonder that Bruges is often referred to as the “Venice of the North.” This enchanting city has preserved its medieval charm, making it one of Europe’s most beloved destinations.

A Historical Tapestry

Bruges’ history dates back to the 9th century when it was founded by the Vikings. By the 12th century, Bruges had become a bustling trading hub, thanks to its strategic location and access to the North Sea. The city’s prosperity peaked in the 14th century when it was one of the leading cities of the Hanseatic League, a powerful commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in Northwestern and Central Europe.

The wealth generated by trade is still evident today in Bruges’ stunning architecture. The city is a treasure trove of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque buildings, many of which have been meticulously preserved. The Belfry of Bruges, a medieval bell tower in the city’s heart, is one of its most iconic landmarks. Climbing the 366 steps to the top offers panoramic views of the city and is well worth the effort.

The Canals of Bruges

Bruges is famous for its network of canals, which wind their way through the city and have earned it the nickname “Venice of the North.” These waterways were once vital for trade, allowing goods to be transported easily throughout the city. Today, they provide a scenic way to explore Bruges. A boat tour along the canals offers a unique perspective of the city’s stunning architecture and charming bridges.

Art and Culture

Art lovers will find plenty to admire in Bruges. The city is home to several world-class museums, including the Groeningemuseum, which houses an impressive collection of Flemish Primitive art. Works by masters such as Jan van Eyck and Hans Memling can be found here, offering a glimpse into the rich artistic heritage of the region.

In addition to its museums, Bruges is famous for its lace-making tradition. Lace has been made in Bruges for centuries, and visitors can learn about this delicate craft at the Lace Center, where demonstrations are held regularly.

Culinary Delights

No visit to Bruges would be complete without indulging in its culinary offerings. Belgian chocolate is renowned worldwide, and Bruges is home to some of the country’s best chocolatiers. A stroll through the city’s streets will reveal numerous chocolate shops, each offering a tempting array of pralines, truffles, and other sweet treats.

Bruges is also a great place to sample traditional Belgian cuisine. Mussels and fries, known as “moules-frites,” are a must-try dish, as is the hearty Flemish beef stew, “carbonade flamande.” Of course, no meal in Belgium is complete without a glass of locally brewed beer. Bruges has several breweries, each producing unique and flavorful beers that are sure to delight any connoisseur.

A Timeless Charm

What makes Bruges truly special is its ability to transport visitors back in time. The city’s medieval architecture, cobbled streets, and tranquil canals create an atmosphere that is both romantic and timeless. Whether you’re exploring the historic Markt square, visiting the Basilica of the Holy Blood, or simply enjoying a leisurely boat ride, Bruges offers an experience unlike any other.

Bruges is more than just a city; it is a journey through history, art, and culture. Its charm lies in its ability to blend the old with the new, offering visitors a glimpse into the past while still being a vibrant and lively place to explore. Whether you’re a history buff, an art lover, or simply looking for a romantic getaway, Bruges has something to offer everyone.




Scootering in the South Pacific Sunshine

SV VIVA is in French Polynesia in the South Pacific.  Their recent report shares a few different ways to explore the islands of Moorea and Tahiti:

We rented a scooter and toured the island of Moorea yesterday and did a 9-mile hike up to Belvedere and back on the 3-cocotier trail a few days ago...found many amazing views. Today, we took the ferry across to Tahiti at 7 am, rented a scooter and toured the whole island with several beautiful stops along the way.  We sprinkled this tour with some provisioning that we could fit in backpacks and boxes on our rented scooter.

Great Views of Mountains.
The home of the scooter
Great views of cerulean water

VIVASweet bike lane!

SV VIVA 🇺🇸 Pierre & Marie - Amel 52'


Adventurous and Practical!  Thank you for sharing VIVA!


Australian South Sea Islander National Recognition Day

August 25, 2024

Blackbirding: A Dark Piece of History Remembered

Kanaka workers in a sugar cane plantation in Queensland, late 19th century.
Kanaka (or South Sea Islander) workers in a sugar cane plantation in Queensland, late 19th century.

Australian South Sea Islander National Recognition Day is significant as it recognizes the the arrival of the first South Sea Islanders to Queensland, Australia and a distinct cultural group that has become a part of the fabric of Australia's population and heritage.  The arrival of the first South Sea Islanders was part of the practice of "blackbirding", or slave-trading, that went on in the mid to late 1800s in the South Pacific.  Blackbirding refers to the recruitment, trickery, and outright stealing of people from their native lands forced to labor in distant lands.  Labor conditions and pay were notoriously poor to inhumane.

This period of South Pacific history tangles with American history here: the US Civil War was dragging on and dramatically impacting worldwide supplies of sugar and cotton.  Furthermore, as the US Civil War came to a close and it was apparent that the South would never be the same again, people from the Confederacy that had the means to escape found their way to the new places to practice their old ways: whether it be cash crops or slave trading.  In response, new areas of production were opening up in new parts of the world like Australia, Fiji, and Hawaii.  The new areas of production needed cheap laborers.  Pacific Islanders, primarily from 80 different islands in Melanesia and Polynesia, were blackbirded and forced to work on new sugar and cotton plantations.

Para (ship) South Sea Islanders, recruited for the Queensland cane fields, being carried in boats to the Para. (Descriptions supplied with photograph). The English artist who produced this drawing, William Twizell Wawn, captained ships between 1875 and 1891.
Para (ship) South Sea Islanders, recruited for the Queensland cane fields, being carried in boats to the Para. (Descriptions supplied with photograph). The English artist who produced this drawing, William Twizell Wawn, captained ships between 1875 and 1891.
200+ years of sugar pricing
these exploitative labour market practices in the sugar industry started in 1863 – almost 60 years after Britain and the United States had made slave trading illegal.
Exploitative labor market practices in the sugar industry started in 1863 – almost 60 years after Britain and the United States had made slave trading illegal.

Tens of thousands of Pacific Island laborers were brought to Australia from neighboring Melanesian and Polynesian islands.  In particular, Queensland, during the late 19th century, used these indentured laborers for work on sugarcane plantations. Estimates suggest around 60,000 to 80,000 humans were involved.

Fiji was another major destination and saw a significant influx of blackbirded laborers, with estimates ranging from 60,000 to 70,000 individuals. The sugarcane industry in Fiji heavily relied on coerced labor.

The deportations began in 1906 and continued until 1908. More than 7500 South Sea Islanders were returned to their home country, though some had arrived in Australia at such a young age they would have had no memory of it. About 2500 Pacific Islanders stayed in Australia.

In Australia and other colonial powers involved in black birding, legislative measures were introduced to regulate and eventually restrict the recruitment of labor from Pacific Island nations. These measures aimed to improve labor conditions and protect the rights of indigenous populations. The practices associated with blackbirding were increasingly criticized by humanitarian and human rights advocates internationally. Reports of abuse, mistreatment, and exploitation of laborers led to growing pressure on countries involved in the practice to address these concerns. In various regions, including Australia and Fiji, labor reforms were introduced to address the unethical practices associated with blackbirding. The goal was to ensure fair treatment, appropriate wages, and better working conditions for laborers. Indigenous communities in affected regions began advocating for their rights and raising awareness about the mistreatment and exploitation they faced due to blackbirding. Their efforts contributed to increased attention on the issue and the need for change. As economies evolved and industries changed, the demand for labor through blackbirding diminished. Economic factors, coupled with increased awareness of ethical concerns, contributed to the decline of the practice. By the early 20th century, blackbirding had largely faded as a widespread practice due to a combination of the factors mentioned above. Many countries introduced laws and reforms to prevent the recruitment of labor through coercion and deception.

bundaberg 1895

Formal Deportations of South Sea Island Laborers  began in 1906 and continued until 1908.  More than 7,500 South Sea Islanders were returned to their home country, though some had arrived in Australia at such a young age they would have had no memory of their exact origin.  Indenture ceased in Fiji in 1911.

The official Australian South Sea Islander flag initially designed in consultation with the ASSI community. The flag was formally adopted in 1998 by ASSIUC. The colour scheme incorporates colours resonant to people with forebears of which the three quarters of the trade were taken from the 83 islands of Vanuatu and are represented through colours green, gold and black, a third of the trade was from the Solomon Islands represented with blue, white, green. The overall flag is inclusive other parts of the South Pacific affected by Blackbirding as we are connected through the ocean blue and white stars.

The official Australian South Sea Islander flag initially designed in consultation with the ASSI community. The flag was formally adopted in 1998. The color scheme incorporates colors resonant to people with forebears of which the three quarters of the trade were taken from the 83 islands of Vanuatu and are represented through colors green, gold and black, a third of the trade was from the Solomon Islands represented with blue, white, green. The overall flag is inclusive other parts of the South Pacific affected by Blackbirding as we are connected through the ocean blue and white stars.

While the formal abolition of blackbirding marked an important step in ending the exploitative practices, it's important to recognize that the legacy of blackbirding continues to impact affected communities to this day. The efforts to remember this history, address its consequences, and promote awareness of human rights and social justice continue in the affected regions.



SV FIREFLY, currently moored at Marina Papagayo in Costa Rica, recently had the opportunity to have some visitors aboard that made themselves right at home....and then up and left.  No harm, no foul, and enjoyed being witness to such a precious time in a birds life.

Kiskedee nest built on the Anchor at the dock.
Kiskedee pair watching over their nest

Brenda shares the story:

So birds and boats, really a persistent task to prevent them from building nest pooping all over the place, of course after a fresh wash🙄.
A couple of stories….So we overlooked the Great Kiskadee nest in our anchor not really noticing it quick enough to get rid if it. So not having any plans to go out, we watched as it grew large and then assumed the eggs were laid as they would dive bomb us as we got too close. We never saw the chicks but eventually they left and the nest was donated to Neptune.
Second is the Oriole…i never realized they built pendulum type nest. They prefer to build these cute little twig drops on the end of outriggers used in the local fishing boats. So the wonderful captains and crew have thoughtfully & carefully removed the nest and zip tied them to another boat that isn’t going anywhere. Such a genuine respect for nature and God’s creatures, it warms my ❤️. I did witness the Oriole enter into one of the displaced nests so all must have been good.
The kiskedee nest is woven with different natural materials
Orioles make pendulum nests

The vigilant Oriole watches their nest

SV FIREFLY 🇺🇸 Brenda & Ted - Catalina 47






First off, a love of tacos will serve every traveler to Mexico well.  Tacos throughout Mexico are tasty, available everywhere every day of the week, affordable, and generally delicious!

Taco Love and a Spicy Pepper washed down with a crisp Coca Cola.

Second, know that most markets big and small are very well stocked in Mexico.

Third, some items will be beautifully presented in bulk in covered market spaces.

Bulk Beans and corn

Over the years more and more people are cruising to Mexico from the north and the south and finding that provisioning in Mexico is overall excellent particularly in larger towns.  In most larger coastal towns like Ensenada, Cabo, La Paz, Loreto, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo, etc... there are multiple large competing supermarkets (like Chedraui, Soriana, Walmart, Sam's Club, La Comer...etc), plus many smaller, local markets, and produce stands.  In fact, excluding certain specialty foods that you may love in a certain brand (i.e. Jiffy Peanut Butter), most larger towns now have broad specialty provisioning possibilities.  That said, as one visits smaller and smaller communities the selection may lessen and in an eye opening way so it is wise to provision well in large communities.

Nonetheless, one can depend on finding food provisions easily throughout Mexico and does not need to arrive in Mexico with their vessel stocked to the gills with a full pantry.  Nowadays, some people are filling their hard to reach storage spots with special treats that bring them joy or could be fun gifts to bring others the taste of their homeport.   For example, a buddy boat from the Pacific Northwest packed several cases of homepacked salmon to enjoy and give away.  With this in mind, people are finding that they are fine to fill their stores with enough food for their passage to their next big port (plus a little) whether it is Ensenada or Chiapas, and save the rest of their storage for other items less easily acquired in Mexico.


Often boats and boat owners are pretty brand and/or quality specific.  These types of items may or may not be found easily and locally in Mexico.  Often specialty and/or brand specific marine parts need to be ordered in which adds cost and time.  For example, our boat has a fair bit of brightwork which we choose to keep up on.  That being said, while we have tried many different varnishes and techniques over the years we always load up on the particular material we are using when and where we can because we stick to one product at a time.  Mind you, there is Varnish for sale in Mexico, it just may not be the brand you (or we) are loyal to and, if imported, it may be twice as much.  For this reason, many people load their vessel up with spares and boat maintenance materials that they are particularly loyal to.

Additionally, many people head to Mexico with boat projects in mind as labor and yard costs are more affordable in Mexico than in the neighboring USA.  For this reason, some people will sail to Mexico with parts they plan to use in a project.  Use Storage Space for these specialty parts and products that would otherwise need to be imported.  Additionally, as engines and generators are very part specific, many people fill their stores with basic spares and filters for your engine and/or generator.

Equally important to note: Mexico is the land of 'Fix it' not 'Replace it'.  To this day I wish I took a picture of a plastic chair we found on an empty beach under the shade of a beautiful tree.  The chair was old, battered, AND laced together with fishing twine continuing to serve its purpose to any and all who pass by.  Similarly, things like alternators and starter motors are often torn down, rebuilt, and reimstalled rather than torn out, thrown away, and replaced.  The key to success here is a willingness to ask locals and look for the local specialist for whatever repair one needs.  Mexico is full of smart, resourceful, and talented people that make and fix things.  Understanding and speaking Spanish, and at the very least trying ones best, is a very important tool in ones toolbox when travelling in Mexico.

Spanish for Cruisers: at sea, in port, in the boatyard is a great resource for communicating with locals.


Pharmacies are well stocked and widely distributed in Mexico.  Many medicines that are controlled in the USA can be bought without prescription in Mexico.  Our first aid kit has been easily maintained and readily built up in Mexico.



Timing a passage for good wind and smooth seas is ideal

Some cruisers just go when and where the wind blows, some cruisers study historic weather patterns, ocean currents and pilot charts to loosely plan their season in advance to get from Point A to Point B in a given amount of time, and some cruisers look at the time they have, where they want to go in that time and create a schedule.  Many cruisers plan their voyages somewhere in between a mix of all these methods.

Recently, members of the Ocean Posse LineApp group had a discussion that highlights different variables and considerations when cruising, how to think ahead and be prepared to be flexible once a voyage begins.  Cruising is not just about where we go, but when as well.  Concepts discussed are the seasonality of historic weather patterns, probability of weather windows, prevailing winds, and the fun/comfort factor that a vessel and her crew are after.

This conversation was beneficial and highlights a Perk of the Ocean Posse: 🌊 Benefit from the latest information and prior experience participants

Member A (first season in Panama):

Cruising plans for next cruising season.
Go through the canal in early December.
Early January to Roatan then cruise from there to Rio Dulce and Belize until end of April.
Beginning of May back down to Panama and cruise San Blas to Cartagena for May and June.
Next summer in Cartagena.
Does this seem like a reasonable itinerary?
If so we’d love a buddy boat to cruise from Panama at least to Roatan. If anyone is even slightly interested in that please reach out to us. We are a power boat and cruise at 7-8 knots.

Member B (11th season cruising along Pacific Central American coast through to Caribbean Side of Panama):

Passage from Panama to Roatan can be pretty sporty in mid January. Plan to be sensitive to weather windows. The Christmas winds are usually full blown about then.

Member A :

If we get a window to get up there how will the cruising conditions be during those months?

Member B:

Have a look at the sources referenced in this article. Wave heights can be in the 8’ range near roatan mid January, which puts (our) fun meter pretty deep in the red. YMMV.

Getting out of Panama is hard in the months you mention (December-March), other than getting to Cartagena Colombia (which can be done with reasonable ease any time of year). So maybe a Bocas del toro/ san blas islands/ trip to Cartagena would suit the time frame you mention. Optionally returning to Panama if you like, or staging from Cartagena for next season.

Member A :

Thanks for the feedback. Doesn’t sound like the best itinerary.

The conversation went on with a few other members chiming in about their experiences (either their own or that of others they have know) cruising this stretch of coast previous seasons.  These added considerations led Member A to propose and alternate route/schedule for the upcoming season to which again Member B responded.

With a bit of back and forth everyone privy to the conversation had the opportunity to truly consider the importance of looking to the prevailing weather and the seasonality of cruising routes that have been used to the sailors advantage for centuries to plan for safety, comfort, and fun along the way.

SY AVANT 🇨🇦 Rob & Debra – Beneteau 43.5 & MY TIDINGS OF JOY 🇺🇸 Jeff & Joy - DeFever 52′ & SY MAISON DE SANTÉ 🇺🇸 Nicole & Keenan -  Cal 46'