marina sponsorship terms and conditions

marina sponsorship terms and conditions


YOUR MARINA  (“Marina”)
The Ocean Posse (“OP”)

Effective Date: [TODAY] Term: Annual, automatically renewed unless terminated as per this agreement.

  1. Sponsorship and Discounts

The Marina agrees to sponsor the Ocean Posse by offering courtesy discounts to active members of the Ocean Posse. The specific discount and sponsorship details are outlined in Exhibit A. These discounts are to be provided at the time of booking or upon request, subject to the Marina’s availability and terms.

  1. Term and Renewal

This agreement shall remain in effect for one (1) year from the Effective Date and will automatically renew for successive one-year periods unless either party provides written notice of termination at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the current term.

  1. Non-Circumvention

Both parties agree not to circumvent each other during the term of this agreement. Specifically, Marina agrees not to enter into agreements with Ocean Posse members that would bypass the Ocean Posse in providing discounts or benefits. Similarly, Ocean Posse agrees not to directly negotiate with individual Marina staff in a way that circumvents the established terms of this sponsorship. Existing Marina clients are exempt from discounts and discounts are not retro-active.

  1. Termination

Either party may terminate this agreement with thirty (30) days’ email notice to the other party.

  1. Exclusivity

This agreement does not restrict Marina from entering into similar sponsorship agreements with other entities, nor does it limit the Ocean Posse from engaging with other marinas or sponsors.

  1. Liability

Each party agrees to indemnify and hold the other harmless from any claims, liabilities, or damages arising out of their participation in this sponsorship agreement.

  1. Notices

All notices required or permitted under this agreement shall be in writing and delivered via email or certified mail to



[Marina Address] [Marina Email]

Ocean Posse LLC:
9811 W  Charleston Blvd 2262, Summerlin, LV, NV 89117, USA

  1. Miscellaneous
  • Amendments: This agreement may only be modified by a written amendment signed by both parties.
  • Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with intl. Maritime Law
  • Entire Agreement: This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties.

Signed:                                                                                            Signed:


For the Marina:                                                                               For the OP: Captain Dietmar Petutschnig
Date:       TODAY                                                                                         Date:   TODAY


Exhibit A

Discount for verified members on the official Ocean Posse roster

____- %  off daily slip fees                                              ____- %  off Off-Season  slip fees
____- %  off weekly slip fees                                           ____- %  off In-Season   slip fees
____- %  off monthly slip fees                                         ____- %  off Haul-out / Services

____ number of events and seminars  Ocean Posse EVENTS and Gatherings x year
Date and times to be confirmed by both MARINA and OCEAN POSSE

Ocean Posse will promote the Marina in all external communications
It will include the Marina in it’s Sponsorship Listings and Sponsorship Map and create a Marina landing page and link back to the official marina website.




Anexo A Descuento para miembros verificados en la lista oficial de Ocean Posse

____- % de descuento en tarifas de amarre diarias    ____- % de descuento en tarifas de amarre fuera de temporada ____- % de descuento en tarifas de amarre semanales ____- % de descuento en tarifas de amarre en temporada ____- % de descuento en tarifas de amarre mensuales ____- % de descuento en varada/servicios

____ número de eventos y seminarios EVENTOS y reuniones de Ocean Posse x año Fecha y hora a confirmar por MARINA y OCEAN POSSE


Ocean Posse promocionará la Marina en todas las comunicaciones externas Incluirá la Marina en sus Listados de Patrocinios y Mapa de Patrocinios y creará una página de inicio de la Marina y un enlace al sitio web oficial de la Marina.