๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝย  MEXICO ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธย  USA
Age of criminal responsibility 6 6
Ranked 57th. The same as United States Ranked 58th.
Crime levels 57.18 55.84
Ranked 28th. 2% more than United States Ranked 30th.
Drugs > Annual cannabis use 1.20% 13.70%
Ranked 1st. Ranked 1st. 11 times more than Mexico
Drugs > Opiates use 0.10% 0.57%
Ranked 9th. Ranked 3rd. 6 times more than Mexico
Murder rate 15 5
Murders with firearms per million 24.42 32.57
Ranked 12th. Ranked 10th. 33% more than Mexico
Rape rate 13.2 27.3
Ranked 18th. Ranked 9th. 2 times more than Mexico
Total crimes 1.52 million 11.88 million
Ranked 12th. Ranked 1st. 8 times more than Mexico
Total crimes per 1000 14.21 41.29
Ranked 46th. Ranked 22nd. 3 times more than Mexico
Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents 15 88.8
Ranked 40th. Ranked 1st. 6 times more than Mexico
Violent crime > Intentional homicide rate 15 4.7
Ranked 1st. 3 times more than United States Ranked 7th.
Violent crime > Murder rate 25,757 12,996
Ranked 2nd. 98% more than United States Ranked 9th.
Violent crime > Murder rate per million people 218.49 42.01
Ranked 17th. 5 times more than United States Ranked 43th.
Violent crime > Rapes 14,993 84,767
Ranked 4th. Ranked 1st. 6 times more than Mexico
Violent crime > Rapes per million people 127.18 274.04
Ranked 18th. Ranked 9th. 2 times more than Mexico
Violent crime > Murders per million people 218.49 42.01
Ranked 17th. 5 times more than United States Ranked 43th.
Violent crime > Murders 25,757 12,996
Ranked 2nd. 98% more than United States Ranked 9th.
Burglaries 20.6 714.4
Ranked 46th. Ranked 9th. 35 times more than Mexico
Robberies 504.7 146.4
Ranked 4th. 3 times more than United States Ranked 10th.
Believes crime increasing in the past 3 years 70.68 65.22
Ranked 31st. 8% more than United States Ranked 44th.
Fear of crime > Violent hate crime 17.26 32.55
Ranked 78th. Ranked 31st. 89% more than Mexico
Fear of crime > Feels safe walking alone > At night 38.67 41.84
Ranked 66th. Ranked 60th. 8% more than Mexico
Murders > Per 100,000 people 11.3 5.9
Ranked 43th. 92% more than United States Ranked 63th.
Murders with firearms 2,606 9,369
Ranked 6th. Ranked 4th. 4 times more than Mexico
International Court of Justice > Current composition > Term End 2015 2015
Prisoners 172,888 prisoners 2.02 million prisoners
Ranked 9th. Ranked 1st. 12 times more than Mexico
Assaults 223.5 786.7
Ranked 20th. Ranked 1st. 4 times more than Mexico
Punishment > Maximum length of sentence 60 years (70 years if convicted of murder involving kidnapping) None
Auto theft 136.8 390.2
Ranked 22nd. Ranked 6th. 3 times more than Mexico
Perceived problems > Problem violent crimes including assault and armed robbery 54.87 75.54
Ranked 28th. Ranked 10th. 38% more than Mexico
Murders > WHO 10.9 5.6
Ranked 60th. 95% more than United States Ranked 88th.
Fear of crime > Feels safe walking alone > During the day 69.4 75.24
Ranked 68th. Ranked 57th. 8% more than Mexico
Drugs > Lifetime cannabis use 7.80% 51.60%
Ranked 2nd. Ranked 1st. 7 times more than Mexico
Prisoners > Per capita 169 per 100,000 people 715 per 100,000 people
Ranked 50th. Ranked 1st. 4 times more than Mexico
Punishment > Crimes possibly attracting life sentence No life imprisonment sentence Varies by state
Fear of crime > Worries about being attacked 43.55 42.08
Ranked 37th. 3% more than United States Ranked 43th.
Software piracy rate 61% 20%
Ranked 53th. 3 times more than United States Ranked 106th.
Perceived problems > Property crimes including vandalism and theft 60.19 57.93
Ranked 23th. 4% more than United States Ranked 28th.
Drug offences 23,588 per 100,000 people 560.1 per 100,000 people
Ranked 12th. 42 times more than United States Ranked 41st.
Perceived problems > Illegal drugs 54.1 61.82
Ranked 28th. Ranked 19th. 14% more than Mexico
Perceived problems > Problem corruption and bribery 78.32 42.45
Ranked 34th. 84% more than United States Ranked 69th.
Punishment > Minimum life sentence to serve before eligibility for requesting parole Varies, depending on sentence 15 years minimum to infinite, or never (depending on crime and state)
Fear of crime > Worries about being insulted 31.18 44.84
Ranked 67th. Ranked 33th. 44% more than Mexico
Fear of crime > Worries about being mugged or robbed 52.89 45.01
Ranked 32nd. 18% more than United States Ranked 47th.
Illicit drugs major drug-producing nation; cultivation of opium poppy in 2007 rose to 6,900 hectares yielding a potential production of 18 metric tons of pure heroin, or 50 metric tons of “black tar” heroin, the dominant form of Mexican heroin in the western United States; marijuana cultivation increased to 8,900 hectares in 2007 and yielded a potential production of 15,800 metric tons; government conducts the largest independent illicit-crop eradication program in the world; continues as the primary transshipment country for US-bound cocaine from South America, with an estimated 90% of annual cocaine movements toward the US stopping in Mexico; major drug syndicates control the majority of drug trafficking throughout the country; producer and distributor of ecstasy; significant money-laundering center; major supplier of heroin and largest foreign supplier of marijuana and methamphetamine to the US market world’s largest consumer of cocaine (shipped from Colombia through Mexico and the Caribbean), Colombian heroin, and Mexican heroin and marijuana; major consumer of ecstasy and Mexican methamphetamine; minor consumer of high-quality Southeast Asian heroin; illicit producer of cannabis, marijuana, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and methamphetamine; money-laundering center
Frauds 61,970 371,800
Ranked 9th. Ranked 2nd. 6 times more than Mexico
Gun ownership > Guns per 100 residents > 2007 15 88.8
Ranked 19th. Ranked 1st. 6 times more than Mexico
Serious assaults 160.4 281.6
Ranked 3rd. Ranked 1st. 76% more than Mexico
Prisoners per 1000 1.62 prisoners 7.02 prisoners
Ranked 53th. Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Mexico
Murders committed by youths 5,991 8,226
Ranked 5th. Ranked 3rd. 37% more than Mexico
Punishment > Crimes requiring mandatory sentence No life imprisonment sentence Varies by state
Judges 0.80% 10.80%
Ranked 13th. Ranked 3rd. 14 times more than Mexico
Fear of crime > Worries about home break and enter 51.46 48.52
Ranked 33th. 6% more than United States Ranked 39th.
Drugs > HIV testing amongst drug users 35.38% 46.80%
Ranked 31st. Ranked 12th. 32% more than Mexico
Prisoners > Female 4.40% 8.50%
Ranked 59th. Ranked 9th. 93% more than Mexico
Punishment > Life sentence under the age of 18 or 21 ?? Yes ( de jure )
Punishment > Has life imprisonment No (exception of Chihuahua) Yes
Car thefts 141,007 1.25 million
Ranked 6th. Ranked 1st. 9 times more than Mexico
Car thefts per 1000 1.32 4.33
Ranked 27th. Ranked 11th. 3 times more than Mexico
Murders committed by youths per million 58.55 29.48
Ranked 8th. 99% more than United States Ranked 16th.
Fear of crime > Worries about things from car being stolen 61.23 59.02
Ranked 30th. 4% more than United States Ranked 33th.
Punishment > Has indefinite sentence No Yes
Adults prosecuted 37,615 14.2 million
Ranked 27th. Ranked 1st. 378 times more than Mexico
Prosecutors 2.70% 8.80%
Ranked 36th. Ranked 1st. 3 times more than Mexico
Fear of crime > Worries about car being stolen 50.4 42.04
Ranked 31st. 20% more than United States Ranked 45th.
Jails 448 1,558
Ranked 10th. Ranked 6th. 3 times more than Mexico
Murders committed by youths per capita 15.3 11
Ranked 9th. 39% more than United States Ranked 14th.
Adults prosecuted per 1000 0.352 49.38
Ranked 42nd. Ranked 2nd. 140 times more than Mexico
Prisoners > Foreign prisoners 0.90% 0.50%
Ranked 70th. 80% more than United States Ranked 77th.
Prisoners > Share of prison capacity filled 123.60% 0
Ranked 56th. Ranked 126th.
Frauds per 1000 0.581 1.29
Ranked 34th. Ranked 24th. 2 times more than Mexico
Jails per million 4.2 5.42
Ranked 37th. Ranked 24th. 29% more than Mexico
Prisoners > Pre-trial detainees 4.60% 20%
Ranked 135th. Ranked 106th. 4 times more than Mexico

