- Panama Posse Kick of Week
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Making Satellite Charts for OpenCPN 5.0
- Picture of the Week
- Golfito, Cost Rica
- Clearing in and Out of Costa Rica
- Zihuatanejo / Ixtapa, Mexico
- Marina Chahue – Puerto Huatulco Update
- Longlines – what’s your plan ?
- LINE CALLS – stay connected stay informed 24/7
- Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua
- Official Panama Posse Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors
- Missing Head shots – Reply with updates
- Opt-out

1) THIS IS IT ! Marina Puerto de la Navidad
Panama Posse Kick of Week at Marina Puerto de la Navidad, MX
They have extended their discounts for the entire months of December or you can anchor out in the large Lagoon !
PLEASE RSVP by replying to this email if you plan to be there.
Thu Dec 5th, 2019 @13:00 Route planning & navigation
Fri Dec 6th, 2019 @13:00 Communications, Weather, Safety
Fri Dec 6th, 2019 Evening – the official Panama Posse Kick off Party & photo shoot
Sat Dec 7th, 2019 @ 13:00 Satellite Charts / OpenCPN / Good Nautical
Sat Dec 7th, 2019 Evening – the official Panama Posse Pot Luck dinner – with SHOOTING OFF SAFETY FLARES ! Sun Dec 8th, 2019 @13:00 Provisioning & What to see and do – Recap & Q&A

2) Happy Thanksgiving note from Marina Papagayo, Costa Rica

Best wishes and happy holiday, from Marina Papagayo.
Edier Torres
Concierge, Marina Papagayo t +5062690-3604e edier.torres@marinapapagayo.com

3) Making Satellite Charts for OpenCPN 5.0
Over the last few years we have been distributing satellite chartlets with the help from prior participants such as SV Liquid a.m.o.
This season Rob from Avant has outdone himself.
Here is a link to the detailed report on how to meet the specs and make SAT chartlets of the opencpn 5.0 .mbtiles (
sorry this works on windows only )
Alternatively here is the link to download the over 40+ Gigs of files created for you
On Saturday Dec 6th at this season’s technical geeky seminars we’ll go over this in detail
– hands on –so bring your computers and external hard drives and command lien skills

To get your GPS position onto a windows/mac laptop for less than $30 get this unit
GlobalSat BU-353-S4 USB GPS Receiver Amazon Link: http://a.co/d/8RJGxoK

To get your NMEA data into OPENCPN use
your systems NMEA out cable and connect it to a $ 60 NMEA 0183 out to USB cable

Rob DebraAVANT


Michael & Vicki

5) Golfito, COSTA RICA ( report from last season )
Knot Right left Marina Papagayo CR on Friday 12/21 after refueling, traveled a whole 5 nm to Bahia Hermosa. Anchored, and dinghy to shore for an early dinner with friends who are local in Cocos. With 4 people, dinghy wheels and only a 9.9 HP engine, we were a little slow. It also didn’t help that we choose the wrong wave. Yes we got wet, but didn’t loose the boat. We still had an enjoyable time.
We left the next afternoon to head for Isla Tortuga, After we rounded the corner, we had a beam reach until 10 PM, with the Jib only, we exceeded my theoretical top speed of 8.8, we actually hit 10 at one time. Later that night and the next morning we had a wind and current on the nose. The period was less that 5 seconds, so we did take a beating.
We arrived at Isla Tortuga at 9 AM and motored around to find a go spot to anchor. We wanted to stay away from the human onslaught from the mainland to the island. We found 20 ft at low tide at 9 46.7147n 84 53.8016w. Calm evening, but some rolling in the AM (I think the workers for the party goers are coming ashore and it felt like the wakes of their transports). Did some snorkeling, not very clear.

Heading to Golfito at 8 AM on 12/26.

Got to Golfito early, had to motor all the way. We went to Customs, Immigration and the bank (don’t push it though).
There is also a Super (not so big) Mega for some provisioning. The customs office is 1 KM to SE walking distance, but very humid. Have three copies of everything, but if not he might be helpful to copy some papers. I think there is a copying place across the street. The Immigration is in the other direction about 2 (total 3) KM. Take a cab from customs to Immigration (anywhere $2-4). Immigration and the National Bank (third stop) is the duty free shopping area. If you want to buy anything here, I believe you need to stand in line to purchase a prepaid card of some sort. Didn’t bother because we wanted to hustle out of here. We purchased our wine when we got our provisions at the Supermega half way between Fuel Dock and Customs. The last stop is the port captain, his Zarpe did not list the personnel, so I asked and he gave me a stamped copy of my crew list (not taking any chances). The fuel dock charges for water and trash, but Posse people pay about half of that charge. Heading out to Pedregal Panama tonight 27-Dec at 4 PM, need to get to the mouth of the river just before high tide tomorrow at 7.
Walt & Jeariene
KNOT RIGHT6) Clearing in and Out of Costa Rica (while time consuming and paperwork laden) has been documented with detailed steps and all exact Lat and long of all government offices inside of Good Nautical – just make sure that your exit zarpes from prior port(s) are exact.

CHECKING IN OR OUT AT Playas del Coco, Costa Rica

CHECKING IN OR OUT AT Golfito, Costa Rica http://www.goodnautical.com/costa-rica/port-of-entry/golfito

7) Zihuatanjeo / Ixtapa, Mexico
Belle Vie anchored in Zihuatanejo

We were stuck in the port captain’s office in Zihuatanejo for 2 hours there’s now a new system for checking in and out and the port captain told us that all of are other paperwork is no longer valid but not all port captain’s are following the new protocol. Please be advised.
Angelique stayed at Ixtapa and got the discount. We also got checked out on old style paper from the Ixtapa Marina.
Benjamin, Andrea & Emma
note: for anything delivered if you are at anchor @ Zihuatanejo
Call for anything on VHF 65 for Hilda and Ismael and they will help you get anything –
Purified Water – Ice – Laundry Service – Beer – Soft Drinks – Trash Pick up – watertaxi – you name it they will deliver

8) Marina Chahue – Puerto Huatulco Update (a.k.a. the Tehuantepec waiting room)

Chahue update. Marina is a Fonatur government marina. Took dink in. Docks in poor shape. Closed to transients. Dredging in progress. Slow due to debris in marina. Old tires. A motorcycle. Cables. Restaurant open. Some business open like dive shop. Hope to be fully open by January. Manager was sad and frustrated and friendly. Wait on the outside anchorage for a good Tehuantepec crossing window.

Dan & Angela
9) LONGLINES – what’s your plan ?
Picture of a Long Line @ 19° 04.435′ N, 104° 42.369 W

Belle Vie: says watch out for long lines in the middle of the gulf.
Hugging shore means no long lines.

Avant: follows a 30-50 sounding, zero long lines. ~30 extra miles though.
Carinthia: We hit longlines near shore, off shore, and mid shore – there is no rime or reason – just have a plan to not wrap them around your props and how to cut them if snagged –

a sharp kitchen knife
– expandable boat hooks 2 hose-clams
Easy: Jumped overboard whilst under sail in the middle of the night and cut the line then re-mended it and handed it back to the panga
Another option drifting free of it (in calm conditions)
In heavier seas – or with wind blowing you offshore
– heave to If you are in imminent danger of grounding or drifting ashore put an anchor out.
cut off (in calm conditions)

Pre- install line cutters
it’s not a question of if you’ll snag a line – it’s a question of when – what’s your plan ?

10) LINE CALLS – stay connected stay informed 24/7
15:45 UTC via LINE ( warm up )
16:00 UTC via LINE
16:30 UTC via LINE for the Counterposse
- get the app here ( https://line.me )
- please use your vessel name as your username
- next send a friend request to
- search for dietmarpetutschnig as a friend send a message with your vessel name
- wait for an invite to join the Panama Posse 2019-2020 group
11) Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua – just posted this on Good Nautical
The entrance, as mentioned on the “approach” page is a bit nerve-racking but the Navionics chart is spot-on, at least through the entrance. After that, you just follow the marked channel. At high tide, the lowest we saw was 12’-3”. Do not cut any corners, especially that first one. The marina didn’t answer any hails until we were at the marina. So either they were away from comms or their antenna is very low.
Fees are very reasonable. $20/boat & $12/person – Immigration, $25 – Port capt, $10 customs. You need exact change or give up the excess as they don’t take CC and have no change to give. Exit is $30-zarpe, $20-boat, $2/person.
Marina for Posse members is $1/ft for the first two days and $0.64/ft after that. Includes electric when it’s on (see below) and well water at the dock.
Electric is run off a generator. Unless they have hotel occupants, the power is only turned on 0700-1300 and 17or 1800-2200.
If the cruiser traffic were more, services might expand as well. The employees are very friendly and anxious to help. Juanita, the manager/receptionist has excellent English.
The fuel dock is available when the elect. is on. Just let them know. Coin-op laundry is available. – reception has coins.
Without running a water-maker, the only pure potable water available is via bottles that can be ordered a week ahead of time. No idea of cost. We ran a hose and nozzle into the head through the port-light and only using the tank water for cooking and drinking.
The nearest city, Chinandega, is about an hour bus ride away. There are two buses early in the morning and two returning buses in the afternoon.
The hotel can arrange a rental car. Small car with insurance runs $500/week. Minimum is 4 days. Taxi options are also available.
The place is VERY quiet. No blaring music playing. The pool has a shaded deck and the bar has food prepared in the hotel kitchen. Reasonable prices.
A fruit/veg truck comes around to the dock a couple times a week if the hotel reception is notified. No exp. yet – we’ll see them tomorrow. A couple restaurants and tienda are within walking distance.
We’ve been put in touch with a guy named Chinto who specializes in surf tours but who can customize tours based on desires. He’s on Facebook and Whatsapp. https://www.facebook.com/LocalSurfAdventuresNorthNica/ +505-7727-1305

12) As always we want to thank all of our
Official Panama Posse Sponsors, Partners and Ambassadors
- Marina Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta – Mexico
- Marina Puerto de La Navidad – Barra de Navidad – Mexico
- Marina Ixtapa, Ixtapa – Mexico
- La Marina Acapulco, Acapulco – Mexico
- Marina Chiapas – Mexico
- Marina Bahia del Sol – El Salvador
- La Palma Moorings – Bahia del Sol, El Salvador
- Marina Puesta del Sol – Nicaragua
- Marina Papagayo – Costa Rica
- Marina Pez Vela – Costa Rica
- Banana Bay Marina – Costa Rica
- Golfito Marina Village – Costa Rica *
- Vista Mar Marina – Panama
- Shelter Bay Marina – Panama
- Red Frog Marina – Panama
Official Panama Canal Agent
Official Panama Posse Ambassadors
- Jaime Figueroa Navarro – Panama
- Bill & Jean – El Salvador Rally, El Salvador
- Ralph Hewitt – Nicaragua
Panama Posse Partners
- Vicente’s Moorings – Acapulco – Mexico
- Luis Sanchez Tours – Chiapas – Mexico
- Discover Tours Chiapas – Mexico
- Park Avenue Villas – San Juan del Sur – Nicaragua
- Coconutz – Annual Papagayo Victory Party – Playa Cocos – Costa Rica
- Abernathy – Chandlery – Panama
- Advertising Partners – Las Vegas
- safe-esteem.com

Please reply to this email with them ( even if you have sent the before )
any updates – your vessel location –
contenders for picture of the week – your favorite song for our list –
and we’ll include it in the next Fleet Update
The Panama Posse transfer of knowledge and learning process operates under the gestalt theory
We will not tell you what to do, when or how – we want you to to figure that out. YOUR VESSEL YOUR CREW YOUR RESPONSIBILITY

Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia

14) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply with “REMOVE“
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