1) Zihuatanejo, MX
We had a great time in Zihuatenejo but are itching to spend
time in Huatulco and Chiapas so chugging south.
Mid-cruise to Acapulco today with ETA of 17:30 and mooring with
Saw two humpbacks breach then we cruised along with them until
they took a deep dive.
Some porpoise too. 5k wind, dead calm sea, 29.5C, clear skies.

Eric & new Crew Kim

2) Acapulco, MX
Meet Vicente and his sons – our Panama Posse man in Acapulco –
Vicente Herrera, phone +52 (1) 744-439-8184.
Moorings near 16ยฐ 50.4735 N 99ยฐ 54.3468 W


3) Bahias de Huatulco National Park, MX
The national park of Oaxaca, Mexico ~ 30,000 acres.
There are 9,000 species of plants (about 50% of the species are
reported throughout Mexico) in the forest and mangroves on the
264 animals species, which includes armadillos and white-tailed
701 Bird species including hummingbirds, pelicans and hawks
470 reptile include the Black Iguana, salamanders and snakes

Dolphins, whales and turtles are sighted species off the coast
line, out of the identified 100 amphibian species.
Vegetation is dominated by the low forest growth with high trees.

Lot’s to discover – details for these anchorages in

As a side note for you movie buffs – Bahia
Cacaluta (15ยฐ43.3053′
N 096ยฐ 09.8316′ W)
was the filming location for the “secret” beach scenes from the
award-winning Mexican cult flick
“Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN” -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Qg6n7V3kO4

I think Vicente was very disappointed when we left for the
marina. He was very friendly and willing to take us ashore, but we
really did not want to have to call him every time we wanted to go
ashore. And we do not have toilet facilities on board which last
longer than a few days. We have a pro forma very small waste tank.
And I wanted to wash the boat. From capt Pats Guide you might get
the impression that Marina Performance really is the best to go.
But the slips are med mooring right on the street. Not a nice
environment, busy and air pollution. We tried to dock the dinghy
there and we could, but at a fee of MXN 190 per hour. In the Yacht
Club we waited endlessly for the harbormaster and then left.
Marina Acapulco, where we are now, is under construction and will
become nice. Much space. Toilet facilities are now in the cantina
for the personnel, clean, but 1 shower and toilet for men and 1
for women. Closed at night. Water not potable. Wifi is bad, you
have to be in the harbormasters office to be able to connect. But
it is directly on the main Avenue Aleman. Supermarket is across
the street, Superama, very good. Capt Pat speaks about swimming
pool and laundry in the marina, but no. Laundry is not very far
away and cheap, though. We are here for convenience and have a
nice place alongside, at the bay. Clamps on the pontoons are not
spaced very well, so when the wind picks up in the afternoon you
have quite a job to tie up well. Sometimes across the pontoon.
People are very friendly, relaxed atmosphere. For us, 42ft, it is
50 USD per night. Mentioned the Posse and showed him the burgee.
We left Zihua earlier then we planned. We never realized that
there are no dinghydocks in Mexico. We traveled quite a bit and
everywhere there was a dock, sometimes in bad shape, but it was
there. We have a hard bottom dinghy, so not very light. Good for
rough water. In Zihua we had to bring in on the beach, helped by
fishermen. I had back surgery a few months ago and Huib has
attacks of cardiac arrhythmias every now and then. Next day my
back was really hurting and Huib had an attack. So you can imagine
how reluctant we are for this kind of exercise. I will send you
pictures from the laptop. I think we will leave one of these days
and not be in Acapulco for Christmas. We have seen the sightings
and move on. Keep you informed,

Huibert & Maaike
(note on availability of dinghy docks – there are very
few dinghy docks in Nicaragua – Costa Rica and Panama due
to the increasing tidal range so be prepared to haul your dinghy
up and down the beaches as a quick fix you can use 2 wheel
barrel wheels and rig a temporary attachment to your dinghies
5) Panama Posse Safety Alert
Please, please, please always hoist your dinghy up and
lock it at night !
Always lock your dinghy – especially if you go on shore.
Tie it to a sturdy pole or tree and remove any valuables.
Thieves are opportunists may swim out to cut your dinghy’s
painter and
then use rocks on the beach to break off locks.
Please use a (pad) lock with a difficult point of attack and a heavy
or re-in-forced coated wire – see a sample lock below.

the Panama Posse Fleet is at 72 vessels and 8
Flag States

7) Isla Tigre, Honduras
We visited Isla Tigre, Amapala, in Honduras, in the Gulf of
We stayed a week and had a great time. Good food, safe, dinghy
security by Hector.
Free check in and out. ATM and Latin market style shopping. Highly
recommend this stop
Please note – no fuel, no services, little to no
repair options


View from the Check-in

Playa Grande

This is the ferry to the

Jim & Susy
8) Bahia del Sol – El Savador

Fish Vicious arrived from Chiapas yesterday. They will spend Christmas with Bill & Jean.

Doug & Nancy

and MORNING NET on MONDAY’S at 16:00 UTC via LINE
We have been testing a new “LINE” tool for weekly vessel check ins
and GROUP calls –
last years SSB check-ins had several draw backs due to propagation
-so we have done some testing and came up with something pretty
nifty …
It’s a new way of doing things – please download and install LINE
Works on Android / ios / Windows / MAC OS
– Register using your vessel name as the USERNAME ie SV
– Next search for panamaposse and befriend us –
– wait and accept your PANAMAPOSSE GROUP INVITE
Connect every Monday at 16:00 UTC and send us your position via
the message
system and listen to the vessel check ins (all free as long
you have IP connectivity
which we now know is pretty much all along the coast)
The LINE system allows for up to 200 live conference call
11) Panama Posse 2018-2019 Burgees are being hoisted –
thank you Chris from Seaglub and Michael Footloose for the latest

Panama Posse TAG @ ANY Restaurant in Zihuatenjo ( that’s BIG )
COQUETTE has the Burgee
MALAKAI has the Burgee !

Tappan Zee has the Burgee
Kathleen with the Burgee

TOP CIDER – about to hoist the Burgee

SIRENA has the Burgee

10) Please reply to this email with any
updates – holiday decorations –
contenders for picture of the week – your favorite song for our
list –
and we’ll include it in the next Fleet Update
Dietmar & Suzanne
SV Carinthia
Happy 30th pearl wedding anniversary to
my wife Suzanne – a true saint !

11) opt-out from the Fleet Updates simply reply
with “REMOVE“